Closed Random Succubus Craving

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Closed Random Succubus Craving

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Rules Check
  1. Confirmed
  1. Any (Pairings)
Preferred Genres
  1. Romance
  2. Erotic
  3. High Fantasy
  4. Low Fantasy
  5. Supernatural


The None, The Nonely
Challenge Champion 2500 Likes! December Challenge Participant 1000 Posts!
Local time
Tomorrow 10:48 AM
Down Under
she, her
(So I went and did it again, and mind-freaked myself into wanting to start another RP just off of a random exchange that happened in chat, what else is new?)

Hello all,

For those who don't know me, and even those who do, I'm Lydia Lovelace, and I have been rp'ing on this site since early 2022. I check in on a daily basis, and should be able to manage daily replies, or next-day replies if the schedule is a bit packed, but will be around for OOC convo even if we aren't posting every day.

This is a one-off craving for a higher-than-average smut-plot ratio (i.e. much smut) but still some plot, and I would be playing a succubus (love/sex-demon of the feminine persuasion, including futa as an option). No specific plot, but I just want a chance to play as a succubus for the first time in a while, and I have no preferences about who the pairing is with. F, M, Futa, Any, Other, etc, all welcome. Also don't have any preferences for who I am writing with, only that you are able to discuss things OOC, won't suddenly lose interest or ghost (if you let me know you need some time before a next post, or need to take a hiatus, that's fine, just leaving me on read without announcing anything is less preferable). Of course irl stuff happens, and if you come back and even just say 'things have been rough lately' that is more than enough, and we can pick back up from where we left off.

I write adv-lit, but for a smut-centric rp like this, my posting average may be lower than usual. Not nothing, but maybe closer to the 300-500 word-count post level than the ~700 average with 3k maximum that I output when plot-posting.

Don't need you to be an English professor or a NYT bestseller, as long as you are able to give me something to work with and don't skimp on details and moving the plot (such as it is) or scene along, our styles can be wildly different and our post-lengths can also differ. Quality over quantity, and even then I don't need you to match me.

PM me if you are actually interested in this idea.

Lydia out~~!
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