Character(s) [Reboot] DBP: Character Sheets

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Character(s) [Reboot] DBP: Character Sheets


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Roleplay || OOC || Lore

The Four Clans

Black Rose (East)
Leader - Taken (happydeath)
Second-In-Command - Taken (Vytra)
Members - Unlimited

Bloody Moon (North)
Leader - Faelora
Second-In-Command - Open
Members - Unlimited

Ravinca (West)
Leader - Saiga
Second-In-Command - Desdemon Rox
Members - Unlimited

Serpent's Kiss (South)
Leader - Taken (Ai-in Ayan)
Second-In-Command - Open
Members - Unlimited
Ai-in Ayan

Ash Wolves (Humans)
Leader - Open
Second-In-Command - Chaos_Sphere
Operatives - (Unlimited)



Feel Free to use any sort of coding you wish for your Character Sheet.

{Appearance. Picture or Description is acceptable. Demon characters also provide a picture of demon form.}


Age: (Demons; add your normal appearance age. Your demonic age is to multiply your normal age by 100. Meaning if your character is 15, their demonic age will be 1500.)


Race: (Human or Demon. No hybrids please, if you wish to be any other kind of mythical creature. You must let me know in PM.)

Clan: (Only for demons.)

Rank: (Leader, Second in command, Member/Operator)

Role: (For humans and demons who are new to Haven; Huntsmen, Explorer, etc.)

Weapons: (THREE for humans. ONE for demons.)

Passive Abilities: (Passive abilities such as Super Strength, Speed, Endurance, etc. Are not considered an ability and are allowed as many as you wish as long as they are manageable.)

Active Abilities: (Only for demons. FOUR MAX. Note: Clan leaders must have one ability that is a 'clan ability' that fits the name of their respective clan. Clan ability for Leaders are not considered ONE of your FOUR abilities, it is simply because you will not be using it often. ASK if you need help. Ash Wolves who have demonic 'enhancements' may have ONE ability. Every ability must have a weakness that fits with it as well.)





Extra: (Demon characters, add where your brand of which clan you are is on. Also anything else you might want to add. Humans add whatever other information you wish to add here.)

Theme (Optional. What music best describes your character?)​
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Demon Form
Avaddon De'Angulis



Abyssal Demon

Black Rose


A large scythe that is imbued with his father's energy that allows it to split into two seperate sickles. It is also capable of being called forth or summoned at the hands of Avaddon.

Passive Abilities
Demonic Attributes<
Just like other demons, Avaddon's strength, endurance, and speed are greatly enhanced compared to that of a human's. Although similar to other demons, he can also control just how much strength he uses as well as when he uses it.

Adaptive Fighting
No matter how dangerous the situation might be due to the environment or how powerful his opponent might be. While Avaddon fights, he will mentally and physically adapt to his opponents' fighting style as well as his surroundings to allow him to fight more fluidly.

Eagle's Vision
As long as the sky is clear whether it be night or day, if Avaddon closes a single eye he is capable of seeing the entire city at a bird's eye view in real time. However if a cloud were to cover up the Moon or Sun, he is unable to see anything until it passes over.

Active Abilities
Plant Generation<
As long as he stands on solid ground and not elevated due to being on another floor in a building. Avaddon is able to grow stems, trees, or any kind of plant depending on how fertile the ground is; out of the ground. These plants, depending on how large he wishes to grow them can bend and twist in any direction to coil around or strangle his opponents. No matter what plant he may be able to grow in the end, they are still ordinary plants that can be cut, burned, torn to shreds just like any other.

Vibration Manipulation
Requiring him to make full physical contact with an object or person, he can send vibration waves through the target and depending on how much he sends through their body or the object it can cause the entire skeleton or structure of the building to collapse in itself. If he were to do so to the ground it would cause an earthquake. Depending on how much vibration he may send through an object or person, the vibration will end up returning also to the arm that originally sent it in the end; causing severe amounts of pain that will make it feel as though his entire arm will explode.

Thermal Control
Whether it be to increase the temperature to the point that nearly anything is set ablaze or lower the temperature till things begin to freeze over; Avaddon is able to control the flames as well as ice to his own will however he is unable to control anything that is between those two types of elements such as the water, or steam. Although he is able to raise or lower the temperature and control the ice of flame, he is still vulnerable to those two elements as well; too cold or in contact with the ice will also end up freezing him as well in the process or touching the flame directly will also burn him.

Kinetic Energy Manipulation
Able to super charge any object, person or limb to high speeds causing the object, person or limb to move at dangerous speeds or slightly faster depending on how much kinetic energy is built up. Continued charge of the object, person or limb can also lead to it causing an uncontrolled explosion that cannot be determined how large the explosion will be. Avaddon must have direct physical contact with whatever he wishes to charge and continued contact to charge it further. When charging himself however, if he charges his arm or body too much he is at risk of blowing his limb off or moving too fast and once colliding with any solid object will cause severe injury. If for some reason whatever he charges is stopped midway before making actual contact with a solid object, the kinetic force will be sent back through his arm nearly incapacitating him for several minutes.

Clan Ability -- Eden's Fall
Avaddon's true power that keeps him the rank of Leader over the entire Black Rose clan is known as Eden's Fall. Capable of summoning giant trees and plants all throughout the city that would cover nearly half of the city till all the buildings would be ruins leaving everything to appear as though it were a giant forest. While the trees and all plants within the forest are abnormally large in size compared to any other plant or tree on the planet, Avaddon has complete control of every plant in the forest as though they are him. However damage to the plants or trees within the forest takes strain upon his body and if he is unable to keep the ability going, all the plants and trees die out before fading away.

✓ Tea
✓ Haven
✓ Peace
✓ Meditation
✓ Cooking
✓ Sparring

✗ Bitter Food
✗ Excessive Blood
✗ Senseless Fighting
✗ Liars
✗ Wasting Time
✗ Arrogance
✗ Cockiness

Avaddon is very friendly while also stern at the sametime. He enjoys making sure people are happy around him and comfortable when they are new to Haven. Though when it comes to a serious matter, he will not hold back on what needs to be said and only speaks about what is best for all the people of Haven as well as the entire city. When it comes to those who commit crimes, he shows no remorse when it comes to punishing them for their crimes.

Avaddon was born into the De'Angulis family also known to be the family of the Founders of the Black Rose clan. During his time within the family, he was constantly and strictly taught day and night on how to defend himself with the use of his powers as well as learning to use one weapon after another till he finally found the weapon that best suited him.

Of course, due to his young age Avaddon showed no care for what he had to do and only did it because it was expected of him by his parents. Also, because he was young he never really understood the whole thing about how the Founders had to constantly meet one another and even when he went to the meeting with his family one day, it was still confusing to him about everything they spoke of.

Most days or nights when his family had to go to their meetings, he would constantly sneak his way into the Neutral Zone and make his way into the restricted areas of the Neutral Zone just to see how feral demons acted. Although he knew it was dangerous, Avaddon enjoyed the thrill and would either run or hide when he knew he was at risk at getting caught by the creatures. It wasn't until one day that he made a wrong decision on where he decided to hide that he was caught by a large group of feral demons. Right before they could tear him apart, he was quickly rescued by his father who came crashing down upon the ferals just to take Avaddon away from the area and return home.

There, he was scolded by both his parents about his recklessness and was no longer allowed to leave the manor without proper escort aside from when he was doing further training.

Centuries passed as the fateful day came to pass as an unknown figure came to Haven demanding to see the Founders. Calling out upon the Founders, Avaddon could only watch from the safety of his home on the television as news reporters and camera crews filmed everything since it was a random stranger who called for the Founders out in the open while calling the city a useless piece of trash along with the Founders being weak.
Even when the stranger was told to leave without any avail, it wasn't until the sight of the monstrous creature arriving did the entire city shake and Avaddon became terrified.

All he could remember was passing out and absolute darkness over all of the city and his home for several hours before a rescue team had arrived from the Black Rose clan to help him out from the rubble of what was the remains of the Black Rose manor. Finding out that his family was dead along with the other Founders as well, it took him several years to adjust to the fact his only family had now perished. With this knowledge, soon enough Avaddon began to put much more effort into his training and eventually found himself with the Oathbreaker his father and mother had planned to give him since they knew his best weapon was the Scythe after-all.

Finally, years passed and he was selected to become the new Leader of the Black Rose clan and to this day, he has made sure never to fail again on letting anyone else suffer a fate as the Founders did.

Avaddon's Black Rose symbol resides on his right shoulder.
He wears a necklace that has a ruby on it that he has never seen without that was given to him as a gift by his family.
He drives a motorcycle when he is not walking from place to place.
When not taking care of his duties as a Leader, Avaddon disguises himself and goes by the name Axel while working for a cafe.

Lauren Aquilina - King

Z'ress A'Daragon

Age: 2800 (28)

Race: Drow

Former Clan:
The white Cobras

Clan, she is now in:

Second In Command

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Unknown (everyone thinks she is an asexual)


Heat vision:
-> sight sensitive to heat
-> she can "read" the patterns
{Cold objects = grey, during heat =
ascending order of intensity, like blue,
purple, red, and warm yellow}
-> learned to discern the meaning of the
various patterns
Faerie Fire:
-> create a glowing field that grew wider with the strength of the caster
-> used to distract the victim
->does not burn anything
->likewise, it is an illusion
-> with long, slender fingers and a keen tactile sense, to the point of being able to read subtle markings on stone (Like Braille)
-> used to leave secret messages
->can cast Darkness
-> area impenetrable to normal light
->ranged spell: allows the caster a chance to blind a creature by successfully casting the spell
->like globe around her and the opponent, thanks to her vision she can still see her victim and attack from the unknown

Weakness: Daylight spells, fire or other light resources that are not natural light (depending on the range it either vanishes entirely or only the spot where the owner of the light stands is illuminated)
-if one hears her moving, it wouldn't be a surprise when she attacks
-can't cast it too often in a day (max. 2 times)
Stone Sense:
->intuitive understanding of how fortifications or waterworks are constructed and how to circumvent and control them
->cut or worn gem can identify it
Material Arts:
-can cast a ranged weapon (her rapier)
-can also create other things but only with a lot of focus and energy

Weakness: It is time-ranged; she can't hold it forever. It is complicated to cast her rapier when she activated Darkness, for example
She can cast max. 4 things-> depends on her strength

•it is made out of her brother's blood due to a spell she used
•can be summoned by her material arts
Z'ress shoulders a reputation of cruelty, although this came with her ancestors being Drows. All in all, this night elf is known as an arrogant, treacherous hedonist. Some even see her ambitious side- whatever this one is positive or negative. Her unyielding violence is yet to fade, and some tend to test her limits; some tend to lose an ear or two by that. Though, Z'ress patiently waits for a propitious time strike often.
She can't afford to show any emotions like compassion or love, never did, and never will. From a young age on, this Drow was taught to be a distrustful sadist- as she realized that it was far beyond too late to change any of her habits. However, while others of her race enjoy the psychological damage, she fancies the physical one.

Z'ress fears only a few things, like frogs- and the potential punishment of superiors or the loss of loyalty of underlings. Since alliances had been her only treasure and misery at the same time, and she was taught never to put faith in anyone, no matter what race. Though those fears are what keeps her in line in the society, she decided to live in. Z'ress dislikes that anyone could ever know of her paranoia.

Being the second oldest daughter out of six siblings was not always easy. Being the second oldest out of six siblings and living outside of Haven was not more comfortable.
Yet, Z'ress managed that life (ignoring the fact she fought with the oldest all the time). With her parents having the reputation of a powerful, lethal force, the Drow never worried about anything. No one would have laid any finger on them! At least that was what she thought.
The A'Daragons were a dynamic and all despotic clan amongst those who tried to survive outside of Havens Walls.

One midnight, her parents bellowed through the whole house, woken the children up, and told them to leave immediately. Not knowing what her parents got all scared about, she felt a slight panic dashing through her veins.
Even the oldest, bravest sibling was frozen. It was Z'ress who interpreted the hollow shouts outside as an attack. And it was Z'ress who collected all of the other four children in the house and escaped through the backdoor.
Back then, she was only 1500 years alive.

Fleeing into the forest, she looked the first time for her older sister. She was not behind her. Neither had any of the Siblings taken weapons in all the mess.
While the shouts increased, Z'ress tried to figure out what her next steps were. Was it an alley turning on them? Perhaps the A'Daragon's alliances put up a fight. Yet again, her parents sent them away…
As she noted the hysteria in the cluster of two twins and the middle children, Z'ress decided to lead them deeper into the forest.

Arriving at a spot she used to play at, she left them there to check on the other half of her family. Her limps couldn't have moved quickly enough as she stormed back.
In the cover of the night, in the layers of the darkness, it was like a picnic to slink forward to her old household. The shouts bled into the late hours as the Drow scouted every corner. As she reached the front door, she creaked it open, and for a moment, her whole life halted.
The heads of her family were spiked as if it was nothing. A scent laid in the air, something she began to hate and hunt since that night- human.
Leaving her house behind, she tried to get to her other siblings in time.

The time she arrived, the last head of the youngest was stuck to another spike. Z'ress felt nothing but her sheer ferocity. Without another thought, she summoned her rapier and chopped off the heads of those humans in her span. None had survived.

Wandering around, homeless, allianceless, and familyless, the drow decided to push her luck in Haven. It was not the easiest to enter. Eventually, Z'ress managed to get inside. The Territory she was in had the title Ravinca. Having no idea of how these things in Haven went, she soon arrived at a City. There, no one could handle her. Paying for something she wanted- that was one of the smaller problems.
After a few weeks in Ravinca, Z'ress was convinced that living as an outsider might have been a blessing compared to life on the streets. That was until she stumbled over Fuctner Von Dyle, the next Leader of this whole clan. Of course, she had not known this as she accompanied the stranger. She found this person strange, primarily because of the unmatching voice to the looks.

And somehow, both ended up in some infested hotel room. Z'ress never knew how to talk, nor take care of someone else outside of her family. Yet, she managed to keep this stranger safe from falling outside the window or hitting the head on something.
The following morn, Dyle had asked way too many questions. However, Z'ress gave an answer to each of them. Later the feminine male invited her to come along. After so long, the Drow enjoyed the company again. And somehow, it was almost unmanageable even to think backstabbing Fuctner Von Dyle.

With the growing, perhaps weird, bond, it was not a massive surprise that Z'ress ended up being the Second In Command the day Dyle took over the Clan.

➸Tequila Oro
➸actually enjoys cooking
➸has a soft spot for children that are not annoying or noisy
➸tyrannizing new members
➸her piece and quite is all she needs
➸arguments as long as she wins them
➸her arrogance
... and herself

‣pure water
‣panics when sees the color green (freezes or shreds the thing to pieces) therefore she always carries a blindfold around
‣massive cluster of people is to be avoided
‣help from others (since she is not used to it)
‣if someone corrects her
‣losing (but can handle it)

•her initial of the Clan is on her right shoulder
•like other elves, she does not require sleep—> falls rather in a mediation-mode and can watch her surroundings
•she hates frogs
•she is actually pretty good with kids
•hard shell, soft heart (sometimes)
•full of surprises


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(Tall, muscular. Brown eyes. Shaven head. Long eyelashes. A thin scar extending from the top of her lower lip to her chin. She has a spider abdomen extension on her lower back that is the size of a basket ball)

Name: TresVia Phosa

Age: 2,210

Gender: Ter'Wom Male

Race: Tertra TaraTan Phemos Demon-ess

Clan: Ravinca

Rank: Leader of Ravinca, and upcoming bearer of 240th generation of the Phosa nest.

A long bow that stands at the height of an average human, the bow is difficult to draw when Tress is on her human form, but it isn't impossible to draw the heavy thread made from her own silks, and fire fast arrows at slow intervals. In her demon form. the bow is held with both of her left hands, as her right hands work constantly as one retrieves an arrow from her quiver while the other fires, and so on making it possible to have a constant stream of arrows firing at her opponents.
When she runs out of arrows, the bow makes for a good swinging weapon with its long reach.

Passive Abilities:
Positive +
  • Peaked Speed = Sacrificing strength, Tress can run/crawl at incredible speeds
  • Acrobatic Agility = Almost perfect balance, and airborne maneuvering
  • Flexibility = Twisting, and bending
  • Setule fingers, and toes = She can climb along walls, and on the ceiling
  • Silent steps
Negative -
  • Low strength
  • Slow healing
  • Fragile physique
Active Abilities:
Scarab Shield | Clan Ablility
  • Tres is able to summon the scarab shield once held by the original leader of Ravinca. She can have 1 - 100 of these shields rotating about her at a time. With each shield summoned, their size shrinks to both allow another shield to take space while also protecting Tres. They change position to adapt to her surroundings (If she's suspended in the air, they'll move to completely surround her. This temporarily leaves an opening in her shields)
Fabricated Silks
  • Tress can conjure spider silks from his fingers. With them, he can craft just about whatever he pleases if he has the knowledge to do so. He can create a hanging hammock from his threads, but he cannot make a live size car replica since he's never taken the time so study how to do that. He can make the threads sticky, soft, silky, or sharp to suit his needs.
Venomous Fangs
  • Tress has potent, acidic venom that she most uses to paralyze, and liquify the insides of her prey. She can also coat the tips of her arrows with her saliva to add damage, or lick the tips of her fingers to coat her threads in the acid when she conjures them. Depending on her motives, she can make her prey's death painful, numb, or pleasurable.
Quad Arms
  • Tress can grow a second pair of arms beneath her usual set. They can be retracted with ease.
  • Sunbathing
  • Shopping (A common pass time activity)
  • Bubble bath (a long soak after a day of work will top anything)
  • Food (she's eats alot)
  • Music
  • Jewels (mm shiny)
  • Precious gems
  • Exotic animals (snakes are fine.. just not enough arms..)
  • Yoga (gotta warm those glutes)
  • Swimming
  • Babies
  • Bed company (just someone to sleep beside. Preferably a living person)
  • Cold Weather (even though the outfits are cute)
  • Rain (Well- the sound is nice.. and it's pretty.. but a wet Tress is not a happy Tress.. er.. ughh)
  • Sandstorms (Common in Ravinca during the Autumn season)
  • Working
  • Public speaking
  • Crop tops (The hell is the point?!)
  • Cheap wine
  • Meetings
  • Isolation
  • Cheap food
  • Sour candy

Personality: TresVia is an open, loud, and social person, which is somewhat acceptable for a leader in a public sense, but this makes her seek attention, and approval from others. No matter the situation, atmosphere, or place, she wants to be the center of attention, or at least part of the conversation. She's very needy, to the point of breeding a subspecies of Syra Sitte Hova that are attracted to Tertra TaraTan Phemos Queens, and basically live to compliment, please them at any time.
She's addicted to food, an jewels, often setting aside important tasks to indulge in either. With Ravinca being the central network of precious jewel, and mineral mining, she finds plenty of time to run her fingers through freshly chipped diamonds or rubies. To find food, she usually communes to the other territories in Haven depending on her cravings.
During the Spring months, her mind in focused on eating, and breeding as she produces eggs to build, and extend her clan.

As the current leader of Ravinca, and the Queen of the Phosa Clan in the Western lands, TresVia's main goal in life is to build the perfect clan for her future sons, and daughters. It was how her mother lived, as did her mother, and so on.

TresVia's life was simple from birth, as she was the first to emerge from the nest of squirming eggs. Her first task was to eat her siblings so that she would be the only one to have the attention of her mother. With her life planned for her, all she had to do was eat, train, and sleep with some socializing in between. It was an easy, and comfortable life.

When she got older, she became adventurous , and curious of the city of Ravinca, She didn't know much from what she read in her manuals of leadership, but she wanted to see for herself. Of course, her mother would not allow her only child outside in a city that was infamous for all sorts of crimes. So her final answer was no, and it stayed that way until TresVia's 2100 birthday, when she was certain her daughter was ready to experience the world on her own.

It was morning when TresVia left with a wallet full of money, and by sunset, she was broke, and about to be stabbed by a bar patron who was unaware of her status. The drunken TresVia was unable to defend herself, but luckily for her, a lone drow , Z'ress A'Daragon, was just around the corner, and easily handled the man, sending him back into the store.

"Daaaaaaamn," TresVia groaned, looking at the violet-skinned woman. "I juss got savvved by a fucking grape jelly hobo.."
With not much to offer, TresVia kicked up her dress, and fetched them the cheapest room available in the city.
The two spent the night sitting on the cleanest spot on the floor, and asking each other questions, with most TresVia hammering Z'ress her about her life, and the drow answering in simple sentences.
By morning, the two were hauled back to the palace with Z'ress being held as the apparent kidnapper of Tres. Tres was quick to speak on her behave, telling them how she had saved her with no obvious reward in sight, or without knowing that Tres was the heir to Ravinca, and Phosa.

Z'ress was released, and offered a place in the Ravinca guard. It didn't take long for her status to change to personal guard of Tres, and even less time for an offered of a home in the Phosa clan to be handed to her.
By the time TresVIa had taken her place on the Ravinva throne, Z'ress was already a Second in Command, with no competion.

  • The Ravinca symbol sits at the center of Tres's chest.
  • During the change of the seasons, Tres's spider abdoment swells to the size of a yoga ball as she prepares to settle down for a week of mating, and egg-laying
  • No matter how many eggs she lays, none of the offspring survive
  • Even though she has female pronounces, TresVia is mostly male besides her female reproductive organs. Without the latter, it is immediately assumed that she is an average male. The life of a Ter'Womb male.
(Reference "abdomen" to view the appearance of the lower half of the body. Dark skin, four arms)

Theme: Watch Me
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Name: Snowdrop Garnethe

Meaning of the Name:

  • Snowdrop – it is said that it is the first flower to bloom after the winter season. It symbolizes purity, innocence, and sympathy; an ironic name for the character. In Victorian England, if you sighted a snowdrop it was a sign of death and back luck.
  • Garnethe – word play for the gem Garnet. Garnet is known for its utilization of creative energy.
Age: 3303

Gender: Male

Race: Demon; Summoner/ Spell Caster

Clan: Serpent's Kiss

Rank: Officer/ Intelligence Unit

91f0d403582e6c784166e2f212c54ba7.jpg In demon form, Snowdrop relies on his instincts to kill and destroy those around him. He would summon the dead as he flies over the bodies and use them to cause chaos as much as possible. He could not summon, he could not use spells except for reanimating the dead.

He is faster and stronger in this form, though. And knows how to utilize every body part.

Weapons: Books of Xi'an

[Both books held in the picture]
Stolen from the crumbling city he was part of before entering Haven. The Books of Xi'an are a collection of spells from the times of old. The locks around the said book indicates the categories on how dangerous the spells are. Lockpicking might work in opening the said lock but what is written are a mix of demon dialects and human languages.

Passive Abilities:

  • Magic Sensitivity – he knows when magic is being used, especially elemental magic [magic manipulated outside the body]. He could sense the shift of aura around a person,
  • Lie Detection – goes hand in hand with his sensitivity to magic. He is observant when it comes to meetings and interviews. He will listen to the slightest raise of voice, the movement of each body part, and the shift of energy. He could deduce from all that if the person is hiding something or not.
  • Adoptive fighting – trained by the founder of Serpent's Kiss himself, he quickly adopts a style to counter his enemy. This also includes the mastery of weapons [favorite weapon is a pair of chakrams]. He was never seen in public to actually wield a weapon.
  • Heightened Senses except for sight– self explanatory.
Active Abilities:
Chants and creates the necessary sigils in the air for any of his spells to work.

Could only use his magic when his weapon, the Books of Xi'an are opened. He could never memorize the spells to save his life so he relies heavily on the books with him.
Opening the book and chanting what is written would have the creature materializing. Usually, the summons crawl out of the book itself. When Snowdrop summons a creature larger than the said book, they appear below him, destroying the ground

Takes a whole chunk of energy and magic from the caster. The summons he creates are weaker than him. Summoning a creature that has a greater power than himself would mean he has to sacrifice his life to bring the said creature to life. With every minute of the summoned creature in the battlefield, Snowdrop's magic would be drained. When he is in a verge of collapse, he escapes the battlefield. Could only summon three creatures as a given amount of time. Resting [never using his magic whatsoever] for a minimum of half an hour and he could once again use his summons.
  • Reanimation - Bringing back the dead's body and use their abilities for Snowdrop's advantage. Downside of this is that the reanimated bodies relies on the mind of the caster for them to be of any use. They are like puppets in which they need the caster to pull the strings for them to move. Requires the caster to know where the body is to actually summon
  • Spirit Calling - In a field where the dead is littered and could not be pinpointed, once must call to a specific name to avoid waking those around it. Unlike body reanimation, spirit calling damages the mind instead of draining magic. One has to mentally wrestle with the ideas and mentality of the dead and subdue them to make them talk. This is why necromancers of modern times do not talk to the dead. They think their mental stability could easily be penetrated by the dead's. One must use a barrier to protect the people around and make sure the apparition does not possess those present.
After using this technique, Snowdrop would be exhausted in two fronts; mental, and magical.
Able to create protection and sealing barriers.

Could only create one barrier at a time. To do so, he has to etch/draw the spell around his target. This is nearly impossible to achieve if the target is always moving and has detected his plans.

As per protection barrier, same rules apply. To be protected, one has to stand inside the barrier. Limitations of this is that he could only protect from physical damages such as punches, weapons, and elemental damage.


  • Spell Creation/ Discovery
  • Recording of spells
  • Watching everyone, aside for a select few, get hurt
  • Nonsensical conversation. Information about a person is usually found here.
  • Categorizing and prioritizations
  • Blood and Gore. He is wearing an outfit of white. Cleaning would be a bitch and a half.
  • Ash and Fire. Same as above
  • Someone not willing to die for their leader
  • Black Rose's Leader. No deep reason. He just dislikes him.
  • Black Cross. They almost killed Glumisun when they came to invade Haven. He would not hesitate to kill anyone who holds the symbols of the organization.
  • People not following orders because of a shallow reason.

Being under the wing of the founder himself, Snowdrop had a hard time adjusting to the changes the current leader did. Since he was somehow trained to give his life to the leader, he would follow his leader all around the city [even joining her in the rest room] like a shadow.

He is rather flirtatious and is always teasing. That teasing would turn into insults without him knowing. When provoked, those comments and insults would go below the belt. He will try and make you react violently with words alone.

Note really caring of the ranks of the city. If one was to demand respect from him, one must earn it through actions.

Though he is seen as one of the coldest officers of the Serpents, he is quite a shipper. If he thinks that two people look good with each other, he will use available resources to just get his ships together. He could go as far as drugging his targets and just trapping them in a room until they "do the do".

The city of Xi'an was once a city of trade, military might, and learning for both the demons and humans. With the place lying on fertile soil and is an actual crucial point for trade, the city has been ransacked, pillaged, and invaded in a regular basis. With each new invasion and destruction, a group of demons thought to record every spell casted and learned. The Book of Xi'an was then created.

Snowdrop had the privilege to be born into that group of demons. He has been trained in the arts of combat while recording everything that was happening. At about age 13, the city he called his home finally met its end. Snowdrop, knowing this, grabbed the Book and escaped. For a hundred years, he has travelled far and witnessed the death of many civilization because of greed. Out in the mountains, he encountered a group of demons by the river. Observing how they are hard on the youngest, he was about to intervene but was stopped by a red-haired man. Castor Mammon was the person's name. One look at Snowdrop and he knew what type of demon the teen was.

Taking Snowdrop under his wing, the teen was trained in the ways of spellcasting, combat, and the culture of Haven. Castor was shaping Snowdrop to become the next leader of the Serpents. This had Snowdrop confused since Castor had a child. It was only logical to have the same blood as the founder to be the next leader. Castor then confessed that he wants that, too, but he also wants Glumisun to be free to choose. At that point, Snowdrop went and observed the girl, befriending her when she was under the temples and saw potential in her. Snowdrop became her unofficial older brother from then.

When the founder died, Snowdrop witnessed as the council forced all responsibilities to the young Glumisun. He was in the shadows and made sure Glumisun escaped the territory and Haven safely. He then made a promise to Glumisun that once the girl turns 1800, he was going to look for her. The girl nodded and from then, they temporarily parted ways.

The temporary leader for the Serpents has almost plunged the territory into total anarchy. Snowdrop just endured the 600 years of the tyranny. During which, he just got into the shadows and started establishing the information network that would be used in the present.

When Glumisun was returned to the territory, he was already by her side and made sure she had an iron hold on the people of the territory. He watched the territory prosper and gain different cultures from the original. He was proud of the female leader and promised not to abandon her. His allegiance was towards the female alone and not the clan that took care of him.


  • The mark of Serpent's Kiss is on his tongue.
  • Works as an undertaker when times of peace but has a whole temple under his command.
  • Usually found in the Serpent's morgue. If not there, Neutral Zone's Cemetery is another place to look for him.
  • As an officer, he is in charge of reports from each faction of the territory. This faction includes the Thieves Guild in which he uses as an underground intel network.
  • As much as possible, he spares Glumisun of the paper works and the more difficult roles of a leader. Snowdrop will not hesitate to commit genocide just so he could give his leader a few minutes of relaxation.
  • Though he is reclusive, he revels on watching others suffer.
  • Would rather type or write his statement than to talk to someone directly. If he does talk, it only means it's urgent and requires full attention.
  • His outfit might not be fit for battle but he does not care. For as long as he looks good.
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She's back from the OG DBP, with some minor tweaks

Syalain Iviras
"You must immerse yourself in your work. You have to fall in love with your work. You must dedicate your life to mastering your skill. Even if you aren't the leader, you must be the leader of your own abilities and choices. That's the secret of my success. And that is how I stand in this position today."

Commission_silver_haired_girl_by_forevermedhok.jpg vezonia-lithium-elemental-goddess-of-earth-2000x3000-hc.jpg
(Not exact but close enough)


Of course Pansexual

Demon (Psuedo-seraph1​)

Black Rose

Second In Command

"Silver Ichor: Photo and Thorn"
A set of two black silk hand fans, the edge of each fan lined in razor-sharp silver. Both have the power to send gusts of cool wind, tinged by the scent of roses. Using both in unison is much stronger than their separate counterparts, although it is rather slow. They could be attached to each other into one large fan: "Silver Ichor".
The back of the fan is coated in a reflective material. When opened swiftly, it releases a flash of blinding light; which can stun enemies as a diversion and the light is known to accelerate plant growth. The brightness and duration of the light is dependent on how fast it is flung open; slower for a duller, but longer lasting light, and quicker for a brighter, shorter light.
Each of the eight spokes on the fan itself is a thin, silver blade, useful for slashing and stabbing. The blades can be shot from the fan in a flinging motion and fly with accurate precision. However, the blades themselves must grow back like thorns on their own and cannot be replaced manually.
(Insert picture of Syalain furiously opening and closing her other fan to make the blades grow back faster)

Passive Abilties:
Being "lucky" in having two sets of wings, a large and small pair. She has great maneuverability for most occasions. The smaller wings are for small movements, such as needing to jump to a higher point, or hovering. The larger wings are for broad distances and gliding. Using them both at the same time does absolutely nothing, as the smaller ones are easily overpowered by the larger ones; at most they can be used interchangeably to adjust herself mid flight.

By keeping still for an extended period of time, at least 5 minutes, she could be able to hear the slightest of sounds. Same goes for identifying weak points and minute details. The longer she stays still, the more acute the senses are. This also helps her remember anything as long as she consciously puts it to memory; anything else can be easily forgotten.

Adaptive Resistance:
If subjected to an injury, such as slicing her hand on a blade, her skin will scale up within minutes, similar to the texture of her wings, creating a sort of bandage. This condition goes down after no other trauma has affected the area for at least an hour. She is resistant to temperatures between 10-110°F after 10 minutes of exposure.

Active Abilities:

Lets Syalain walk and travel quietly and quickly so long as there is a shadow to step into. She can step from one shadow to another as long as she can see it. However, she cannot move this way if there is a solid object that's in the way. (Iron gate between two shadows=yes, sheet of clear glass=no)
A healing-like ability that removes poisons and stitches up wounds if they have been introduced into the body in the past 24 hours. Being healed from this ability feels similar to trying to pull a vine covered in thorns from your veins.
A group of crows can be summoned, such as for a diversion. They can be commanded to attack, scout, or gather things. The crows can either be called from the surrounding area, or be created from shadow. Birds created from shadow disappear in daylight.
Has moderate skill at manipulating wind. Examples such as creating breezes, making small puffs of wind to knock things over, and making sounds with the wind. This skill is refined and more powerful with the use of her weapon; in their separated form for precise uses and combined form for power. She can manipulate wind without her weapon, it's just not as accurate

-Acrobatics/Yoga; extremely flexible, not terribly strong as in heavy lifting
-Sweets, particularly white chocolate and caramel
-Warm blankets
-Tactics, in every sense of the word

-Dark Academia/Gothic styles
-Wandering with no destination
-Subtly showing off her skills and smarts; flat-out bragging is just tacky to her

-Dark Chocolate
-Coffee, especially the smell
-Laying on her back (small wings get in the way)
-Gatherings of more than 20 people

-People who can't seem to grasp the simple basics of etiquette

Syalain is very much a "if you need something done, do it yourself" type of girl; more in the sense of she's always the one to get the job done. When it comes to her work, she's to the point, not wanting to do anything but take the most effective action, unless she is told otherwise by her higher up. She takes her work very seriously, so she can have more time to herself later. Even when she's not working, however, she strives to be graceful in nearly everything she does. A perfectionist of the purest form. Don't get her started on manners; everyone she interacts with in her work deserves some form of respect. Unless the other party has proved to be undeserving of such. Luckily, no one has pushed her that far to see what happens. Maybe it was due to her patience, or no one has had the gall to wake the sleeping dragon inside.

If by some miracle she didn't have any work to do or think about, she'd go off on walk, with a stop at a nice cafe or a shop to treat herself along the way. In fact, she hardly has the chance to treat herself, so she takes the opportunity to do so whenever she could, as long as it doesn't interfere with her duties. While this form of self-indulgence could mean shopping for neat thrifts or a new book, it primarily means bettering her own abilities. She could be considered proper and almost elegant in almost all of her actions. Unfortunately, it has a tendency to leave her hypercritical of herself and others. Not only that, but she tends to be her most favorite person, even to the point where she's in her true demon form as much as possible.

Her birth itself was uneventful. No sudden event, no prophecy, just a child with both a mother and father.

The moment of interest was when her wings started growing in. Both of her parents were winged, and it was expected that their only child would be too. They grew in fast, being quite large from a young age. However, when the second set started to grow in, that's when things proceeded to become different. Her parents were ecstatic at such a feat, thinking she was destined for greatness despite the young demon often being teased for it outside of home by others. But to her parents, it was no laughing matter. In hopes of their daughter becoming something great, they let her pick up a bunch of different hobbies, just to see what stuck and to let her grow unrestricted, fostering success any way possible.

Eventually, after many, many different things, she stumbled across a pair of old fans in their home. Her mother was knowledgeable in fans as an art form, so she decided to teach Syalain. However, as time went on, she found other uses for this interest, and that was to combine the grace and precision of fan dancing with the strength of practiced combat. From there, her skills began to flourish more, her powers following suit.

"Silver Ichor" was less of a coincidence, but more of a lifetime investment for Syalain. It originally came in the form of a rumor; a mere string of gossip that went around as nothing more than a story. Turns out it did in fact exist, but it was already in possession of someone else; a trader in fact. Desperate to have such an item, she showed the holder that she had the skill to be worthy of the weapon. However, the trader had intended to trade it for a large sum of money; if she wanted it, she'd have to work for it, or for him, in particular. So she did, years and years of her life working odd jobs for him, ranging from errands to other dubious services.

She would have had more than a decade left of work if it wasn't for Haven being attacked. When everyone was being attacked, her and her family hid away for days, but in the end all making it out alive. Her "boss" wasn't so lucky. In his death, she unapologetically took what she thought was rightfully hers; the dead didn't need money anyway. At the very least, she didn't pocket it. Instead, she gave it to her parents in hopes of them moving somewhere safer, where she decided she would be the one not only to protect them, but the rest of the city.

She never intended to be the "Second in Command". It just sort of happened. Ever since the incident, she realized that she needed to use her skills for those of her clan. She offered her strength, growing in skill and power, to not just better herself, but the rest of the people. Soon after, she began going up the ranks, proving herself more and more by the day, and becoming more in tune with her blades. When she was chosen to take the position of "Second in Command" years later, she was honored, yet a bit surprised, but took the position without hesitation.

Nowadays, she works by the side of the leader of the clan, eager to be of use. She still keeps in touch with her parents, but rarely due to wanting to keep them safe and away from her troubles.
TL,DR: Uneventful birth, double-paired wings being an omen of greatness (according to her parents), learned to use fans as both an art and combative form, got her weapons from a scummy trader, and finally worked her way up the ranks.

-Brand is on the back of her right hand, usually hides it with lace gloves that match her fans.
-Truesight/hearing is uncontrollable, to the point where she has to pace sometimes to avoid sitting still. She has to sleep in a quiet room to avoid another sleepless night from her overactive ability.
-For some reason, when going into human form, there is a chance for her small wings to not disappear. It either takes her a few tries or she wears a hoodie for the day. She has no problems with her larger set.
-Despite the hassle they give her, she enjoys both pair of wings, even if finding suitable attire for them is a chore.
-She volunteers at the library in her human form (by the name of Cynthia Arrberin) to get away from stress sometimes. On breaks, she goes to the local cafe to people watch, ordering hot chocolate since she doesn't like caffeine.
-1: Seraphim are high-ranking angels with at least 2 pairs of wings. Psudeo-seraphim are basically a false version of them, being demonic beings instead of angelic; with the extra wings being more of a mutation, rather than an actual subrace. The rarity of this condition is unknown, but she hasn't had the ability to meet someone like her.

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c416a4c5fc45f1ba22647a265a22764f.jpg Name: Glumisun Palma Cristi

Meaning of Name:

Glumisun [pronounced as 'gloomy sun'] is a wordplay based from the song Gloomy Sunday. It is also known as the Hungarian Suicide Song. It is said that those who listen to the song would actually commit suicide.
Palma Christi, also known as the Castor plant, is known to be the most poisonous plant according to Guinness World Records. This plant also has the ability to heal.
Physical Aspects:
  • The insignia of her clan was placed on her crotch. This was done to make sure she would feel pain if someone weaker than her have coitus with her.
  • Scars have littered her body. Sharing this on the living canvas are black marks created from using Chaos' Song for an extended period of time. The only part that has no scar is her face.
  • Has a birthmark on her nape that when poked or bitten, gives her immense pleasure.
  • Her eyes turn from stormy gray to glowing violet when casting spells. This is why she oftentimes closes her eyes.
  • Always seen wearing long-sleeves and gloves to cover up the scars and marks. Even when disguising herself, she will wear clothes that will cover most of her body.
Age: 2669

Gender: Female

Race: Sirenical Demon

Clan: Serpent's Kiss

Rank: Leader

Weapon: Chaos' Song

image-asset.png Chaos' Song is a cursed weapon that poisons the body as well as the mind. To start off, the instrument needs the blood of a powerful being for its full potential to be unlocked.
To activate Chaos' Song, one has to slide their palm across the strings. Here on out, two tendrils would puncture the nape; one extracts magic as well as blood while the other temporarily numbs the brain of emotions except for the thirst for violence. The longer it is played, the more mana is consumed.
Advantage of this instrument is that her spells could be combined in one single song instead of simultaneously playing different pieces. It could also amplify the magic range of the user; maximum of it would be the size of a clan territory. Her music could also affect the balance of people within a certain area.
If an enemy close in, Glumisun could use the spikes and the sharpened part of the instrument and turn it into a battle ax. This feature is only used as a means of self defense. Once the damage had been inflicted, she usually tried to get distance and finish them off with her spells or that she flees from the battle.

Passive Abilities:

- all of the members born to the clan has this ability. How much they actually 'secrete' depends on how willing the demon is or how much they are affected by their emotions. Pheromones are like an invisible miasma where the demon creates a distinct smell that triggers a social response to those around them. The closer one is to the demon, the more interested they are to the said demon. Glumisun uses this to her advantage by secretly secreting it inside the room in the middle of meetings.
- Basing from her strong emotions, she would bring forth natural destruction from water. Examples would be rain, hail, fog, snow, freezing of an area.
- though she lacks strength and speed than other demons, she makes it up with her agility and fast reactions. She has sensitive hearing and a sharp sight. Her sight on land is the same as her sight under water.
- Whatever she notices, that information would remain in her head for the entirety of her life.
- This is somehow of a puzzle to everyone. She could feel the effect of the poisons, even showing the symptoms but this will not lead to her dying. Depending on the lethality of the poison, Glumisun could just go about with her activities even with a high fever or she would be incapable of moving and would sometimes be in a coma for days.

Active Abilities:

Poison of the Sirens - Clan Ability

The ability brings forth a rain of poisoned ice needles. Upon hitting a target, it quickly turns to poisoned mist. Either injected, ingested, or inhaled, the poison would immediately take its effects. Disadvantage of the poison is that it does not damage any of the vital organs [that is, if the needle actually went through the body, that's a different story]. What it affects is the brain. Everyone, regardless of how strong one's poison resistance is, could feel the affects. This includes the caster.
  • First minute - the sensation where the needles pierced the victim will feel as if the skin underneath was splashed with something cold. Inhaling it feels as if one just took a deep breath from the freezer. Same for ingestion.
  • First hour - the cold is then changed into heat. The skin starts to itch and prickling sensation occurs. Lungs starts to hurt from breathing.
  • Second hour - Chest convulses. The act of breathing is hard because it feels like gulping in very hot air. Blood feels like it is boiling
  • Third hour - Hallucination occurs. Every touch or the kiss of the wind feels like the skin is being scalded. Movement feels as if every bone in the body is being snapped in half. Victims will beg for death at this point. Lasts for three hours.
  • Final hour - poison loses its effects almost immediately. It shuts down the body but not the mind. Victim still thinks they are in agony.
Note: This is all in the mind. The only symptom when another examines the victim is the increase of heartbeat and the fast movement of the eye. Victim will also try to fight off those who are there to help, thinking that they will only inflict more pain than to actually heal them. The ability will not stop until the caster is unconscious or depleted of mana/ magic. In the case of Glumisun, she would most likely lose consciousness.
As for Glumisun, she went and developed the technique into something more lethal. She could control the poisonous gas and transform it back to poisoned water and use it as a weapon.
Glumisun, like the people born in the clan, are masters of the waters.
They need to do gestures, create sigils, or chant spells for them to bend water to their will. They cannot just manipulate water with the power of their mind
They do not create water. They need a source whether it be in any of the three states; solid, liquid, or vapor.
Could only manipulate water, not liquid. For example, they could play around with mud but could do nothing with magma and lava.
The most dangerous thing that they can control is blood. They will not control the body; however, they will force the red liquid out of the body.
Temperatures range from Absolute Zero to boiling point of water.
Glumisun relies on her music to create spells. She is faster this way than chanting or creating the symbols on the air.
For her spells to work [calming spells, healing spells, paralyzing spells], the target must be within earshot and must hear the music to be affected. Exception for the rule above is her manipulation of water and barrier creation.
Using the instrument could have her manipulate larger amounts of water than her using only her hands.
If she does use her cursed instrument to cause damage via sound, she, too, is affected. For example, if she so wishes for the opponent to bleed through their ears, she creates a noise strong enough to rapture an eardrum. Being the source of the sound, her own eardrums will also burst.
Creates illusions in fine details that it can be mistaken as real. Her illusions would often cause a type of Placebo effect on a person. With her mastery of water manipulation and spell casting, she could combine them with her illusions to confuse the enemy.
Her illusions aren't real. Only affects the sense of sight. To make it more realistic, she has to come up with plans for that.
Only a handful knows of her illusionary abilities. And all of them are from Serpent's Kiss.
Infuses whatever liquid she touches with either healing attributes or destructive ones.
An advantage, or disadvantage, depending on what she did, would be that she is unaffected by the infused liquid.
It takes about a minute for the spell to be cast.
At maximum, she could infuse an Olympic sized swimming pool. After that, she is out.

  • Music
  • Sweet black nectar of the spirits [coffee]
  • Research
  • Spell creation
  • Sweets [Though she dislikes anything coffee-flavored]
  • Red Mallows
  • The cold season
  • Rain. You will find her playing in the streets.
  • Leaf Water [Tea]
  • Sudden loud noises
  • Her own status in Haven
  • Her demon form
  • Turning to training when frustrated. [Also does this]
  • Long- handled weapons
  • Formalities

Born as a member of the sirenical demons, Glumisun's flirtatious nature had been embedded into her very core. Adopting to the person's reactions and luring them to see her side has been second nature to her. She is a demon who manipulates her companions unconsciously. When she realizes what she has been doing, she will constantly ask for consent and forgiveness.
With her training conflicting with the ways of the temple she grew up to, she had to switch from her childish and cheerful character to a cold and calculating leader. This could be noticed when she closes her eyes when talking or when she starts to relax during meetings.
She constantly apologizes and would hide whatever she really feeling in fear of upsetting the person she is talking to. She also has this trait that she blames herself for the failure of others. That guilt would take days inside her heart before she had to accept that she could not do anything about it.
Has the wonderment of a child and the curiosity as well though the way she parses those are that of a professional.
One would most likely think of her as a student lost in the city than that of one of the respected leaders based from her greetings and mannerisms.
She is also a hypocrite.


From traditions taken before the founding of the city, it is the male's rights to name the newborn. Knowing that giving his daughter his last name would attract unwanted dangers beyond his control, Castor Mammon changed the babe's surname. Glumisun Palma Cristi [Castor's Glumisun] opened her eyes for the first time.

Her earliest memory was being escorted to the institutes and was forced to study spell casting and water manipulation. She was not given any time to play or enjoy her early life. Her schedule only consisted of training, learning, food, rest, and sleep. This took for years until Castor decided to check on her progress. When he noticed Glumisun would not even show a speck of emotion except for pain and tiredness, he felt anger boil his blood. He had the instructors killed by that time. Apologizing to his child, he sent her to one of the most popular temples in the clan. She was merely nine then.
Her life in the temple was laxer. She was taught the way of peace and healing. She eventually discovered what emotions are. Two hundred years in the temple and Castor came collecting his child once again.
It was laughable that Castor once again ignored his child to train up a new face. Snowdrop was the name of the person being trained to become the next leader. Glumisun did not feel any remorse for the older male. No, instead, she befriended Snowdrop and the two became close friends. Glumisun even considered the male as someone to cherish, an older brother of sorts.
So, when the destruction of the city came in the form of a giant beast, it was Snowdrop who hid the girl. Both then watched in growing horror as the founders got taken out. She had witnessed how her biological father gave his life to save the city. True that she felt emotions of loss but not for a blood relative. She just felt the ache of loosing their leader and not a father.

After the Death of the Founder:
Placed into a situation where her young brain could not comprehend, Glumisun ran. At the dead of the night, when everyone was still resting and recovering, she got out through the window. Knowing she will be easily hunted down inside the city, she got out.
One of the officers, Snowdrop, was there to help her out. She was confused and thankful at this. She nodded once the white-haired demon told her to come back in a few years.
Alone in a world she never set foot upon, she explored what she can and learned a few things along the way. One of this was the rise of the Black Cross and other demon hunters. She learned that her kind was not welcome to the world. She witnessed as cities where demons peacefully were razed and destroyed. She was hunted down by people she did not know and was forced to fend for herself for years. At this times, she has developed her magic and was could even cast illusions for her to hide in.
Thinking it was better to just hide, she got to the mountains and joined the few remaining demons there. They built a temple where anyone, regardless of specie, were welcomed.
Meeting the Tutor:
Thrash, a demon of old, was given a mission to take in some information of how the other planes were fairing. The demon, nothing better to do, shrugged and accepted. He was then fascinated by how the demons here and the humans, and everything existing there, have co-existed in this plane. For the first few months in that said world, he made an effort in trying to fit in. When he witnessed the 'destruction' of one city named Haven, he thought it better to just move away from that place.
Living outside for many years, he came upon a temple that housed his kind. Who greeted him then was a red-haired girl that looked awfully familiar. In his stay in that temple, he has learned of the girl's name as Glumisun.
One day, out in the forest looking for herbs, Glumisun stumbled on Thrash playing a peculiar instrument. Curios and fascinated, she requested to be taught how to play. Thrash was surprised, to say the least. He gave a shrug and actually taught her. Years go by and Glumisun was taught the power of the magic of music. Under her tutor's wings, she has created a way to convert spells into notes and use them to the advantage of the temple. And like her father, Thrash felt that the young demoness had more potential that just helping the people. During their time together, he would teach her destructive spells and trained her in combat. He forced Glumisun in situations that a girl her age should never be in.
With him pushing her to her limits each day, Thrash soon discovered the bloodline of the girl. It was one of his psychological trainings did Glumisun finally snapped and brought forth a technique he had seen only four times. Rain of Poisons. This child, no more than eighteen hundred, had casted the spell without even fully knowing how to control it. Thrash, with little knowledge of poisons or the very technique, tried to talk to her in cancelling the spell. Understanding that it was impossible, he just tried to empty her mana pool by instructing her how to manipulate the poisons. Glumisun learned from the spot before finally collapsing from exertion and exhaustion.
When Glumisun woke, she found that her tutor vanished without a trace. What he left for her was the cursed instrument and a note.
"Music is powerful, dear. It is the only thing that takes both heart and soul without permission. Be careful on how you will be using it for it is both a salve and a poison."

Taking Back the Seat

Glumisun came back to the territory as promised. With a knowledge and experience gained from outside the city, she took the title of leader after a few bouts with the current one. The people was on her side back then and has overthrown the current leader.
What she took from the previous leader was something she could not imagine. The person who took the seat was more ruthless than her father and have plunged the territory into darkness. The clan was on a verge of collapsing when she took the seat.
The first hundred years of her being a leader had her constantly breaking down. She had to rewrite most of the constitution and reprogram the others from their original vicious culture. She was somehow thankful that the Serpents, no matter how they hated their leader, would still listen to commands.
She was also sent to the Black Roses territory just so she could further her trainings. The first time she met up with the next leader of the clan, she was intimidated. At those times, when Avaddon talk or move towards her, she would flinch and freeze in her place. It a while for her to relax around the older demon.
When everything was established, the clan prospered through magic, tourism, and medicine.

"If you want me to be the leader, I ask of you to guide me then."

  • The insignia of her clan is located on her crotch. This was done so that Glumisun will be traumatized to have sex.
  • If one is to look for her, she is usually found mingling with the scholars and anyone who would give her time.
  • Glumisun tries to wear clothes that covers as much skin as possible, hiding all the scars and marks that will never be completely healed.
  • Though she could not fight as good as the other warriors, Glumisun is a master in the art of running away.
  • Usually disappears three days per the turning of the moon. She disguises herself as a plain civilian and just visits other parts of Haven or just to explore the outside of the city.
  • She tends to develop crushes on random people. Recently, she has been heads over heels on a café worker named Axel.
  • Rarely drinks but is a heavy weight.
  • She tends to mix up her native dialect and the common language used by Haven.
  • Every three months, her pheromone secretion would not be controlled. During this period, she locks herself inside a room and stays there until she can control her body again. It takes at most, seven days for her to completely control her pheromones.
  • Though she is in the path of peace, if push comes to shove, she can wield a weapon rather effectively.
  • Has a pet named Strawberry. Snowdrop calls it Pink Lettuce.
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(A short man. He comes up to Tress' thigh with her towering 7ft stature. His elbows, and knees are sectioned like the joints of insects, with below his elbows, and past his knees turning to hard, dark yellow exoskeleton that end with jointed fingers, and toes. Connected to his back are a pair of fly-like wings he keeps flattened until he needs to fly. He is more-often-then-not wearing his Sitte uniform, dark slacks, shined shoes, and white gloves.)

Name: Peh
Peh simply means "1" in the Phosa language. The rest of Peh's identical siblings are also named according to their birthing. Sa(2), Del(3), Ter(4)..

Age: 110 years. (That's quite old for a Sitte Hova, as the non-domesticated species only live for 50 years)

Gender: Male

Race: Domesticated/Breeded Syra Sitte Hova

Clan: Ravinca

Rank: Servant/ Self-titled Advisor

Weapons: Stingers
After decades of breeding, Tres' Tamiers finally created the Sitte Hova branch, with Peh being the first to hatch. His first task to defend Tres from the "threat" of a Vas Vennpo, a natural predator to the Hovas. With the hormones of an actual wild Hova Queen infused into Tres, Peh instantly saw her as a potential mate, and was quick to protect her, and quickly took down the predator on his own. He was rewarded with a custom pair of daggers made from the bejeweled bones, and stingers of other Vennpos, and a personal place by Tres' side.​
Passive Abilities:
  • Flight/Hover
  • Speed
  • Lotta speed
  • He's fast ok?
  • When he's going fast, he tends to crash into things
  • TresVia Phosa
  • Kissing Queen Phosa's hand
  • Tasting Queen Phosa's skin
  • Watching Queen Phosa sleep
  • Sniffing Queen Phosa's bed sheets when she's away
  • Watching Queen Phosa shower/bathe
  • Watching Queen Phosa listen to music
  • Watching Queen Phosa eat
  • Tasting Queen Phosa's eating utensils after she has finished her meal
  • Watching Queen Phosa brush her teeth
  • Watching Queen Phosa apply her make-up
  • Watching Queen get dressed
  • Sniffing Queen Phosa's clothes
  • Watching Queen Phosa dance
  • Dreaming of dancing with Queen Phosa
  • Watching Queen Phosa touch herself
  • Smelling Queen Phosa's lust
  • Tasting Queen Phosa when she is asleep
  • Listening to Queen Phosa's moans
  • Thinking about Queen Phosa
  • Relieving his own stress after thinking about Queen Phosa
  • Queen Phosa holding him
  • Queen Phosa touching him
  • Queen Phosa allowing him to touch her as he pleases
  • Reading
  • Talking with his siblings
  • Flying through Ravinca
  • Planning events
  • Shopping with Queen Phosa
  • Savoury foods
  • Staying home
  • Tending to Queen Phosa's every need
  • Queen Phosa acknowledging him
  • Queen Phosa yelling at him
  • Queen Phosa hitting him
  • Queen Phosa's entirety, and everyhting that is, and will be QUEEN PHOSA~

  1. Anyone that isn't him touching Queen Phosa
  2. Queen Phosa watching porn ("It isn't healthy! You must experience the real thing to feel true pleasure!")
  3. "That damned drow."
  4. Queen Phosa getting hurt
  5. Queen Phosa crying
  6. Sad Queen Phosa
  7. Queen Phosa having intercourse with anyone, but him
  8. Anyone one who isn't him being in the presence of Queen Phosa
  9. The Drow speaking to Queen Phosa
  10. Filth

Personality: Peh's sole purpose in life is to please TresVia Phosa any way he can, and to overrall just be in her presense, and he strives to do just that.
He's a friendly little man who goes out of his way to help others if it is in his power. Even if he is kind, and helpful, he's quite timid, and jittery, often studdering, and hovering in place unconsiously.
When it comes to his Queen, he is a serious, and careful man who tiptoes around angering her, and only strives to please her in any way possible whether it be verbal or physical pleasure. When alone, he's a quiet, and lustful man who keeps the thoughts of his Queen as the perfect company.

Bio: "I was born, and rasied to serve the Queen of the Phosa Clan. The leader of Ravinca has no place in my heart, as that tilte comes, and goes, but a Phosa Queen, shall rule til death."

  • Peh, and his siblings look identical, but they can be told apart by the vertical tally marks on their necks. On the front center of Peh's neck, he has a black line marking his first birth, his second brother has to strikes, his third brother has three, and so on with the later siblings having black bared collars tattooed on them.
  • Peh's clan mark is beneath his chin as Tres' order. If he is foolish enough to show his mark to anyone lacking Tres' respect, his throat is to be slit.
  • Peh is the only of his siblings to have proper military, and combat training. The rest only trained in caring for Tres', and the Phosa estate.
  • Peh is unable to cry physcial tears

Theme Under Your Spell
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Name: Percival Reeves

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Faction: Ash Wolves

Rank: Second-in-Command

A pale man with an average build standing at 5'11". He has short black hair and brown eyes, and he has a smooth but slightly angular head shape.

When not donning his combat attire, he wears a white dress shirt under a black coat, which he pairs with black slacks and leather shoes. He also wears a dark-grey fedora with a black band and a pair of black fingerless studded gloves.

+ Reaper Suit - A full-body suit that provides a reliable means of protection against most conventional human military weapons (in this setting's standards), whether it be of material or energy-based in nature, while also providing comfort against certain degrees of unpleasant heat and cold. Its visor can also switch into various forms of sights (ex. X-ray, UV, magnified, zoomed) that allows its wearer to adjust to various situations.

What makes it stand out from other suits is its ability to teleport its user to a set mental coordinate upon activation, given that this coordinate is within 10 feet from its user. Although it is possible to constantly use this future in a row, doing so is extremely disorientin and opens the risk of a 'fatal teleportation error'. What the latter actually means should remain confidential for now.

+ Tachyon Blade - A light but deadly weapon whose blade is solely made of compacted tachyons. The amount of force required to keep the blade stable alone is just enough energy to easily cut through very thick armors while also being durable enough to dull opposing blades of material nature. Although it can be 'retracted' when unused to prevent unnecessary injury, reactivating it from its neutral state would take up several seconds (as opposed to the near-instantaneous activation of plasma and light sabres).

+ Tactical Quantum Gun - A large-barreled rifle that serves as Percival's most versatile weapon in his inventory. It is designed to replicate and fire material and energy shots of various elements and natures, with varying effects on each.
+ Incendiary Rounds
+ Flamethrower
+ Explosive Rounds
+ Plasma Shot
+ Plasma Beam
+ Acid Shot
+ Poison Barb Shot
+ Gas Grenades
+ Cryogenic Rounds
+ Electric Ball
+ Lightning Bolt
+ Latching Rounds
+ Invasive Pierce Rounds
+ Spread Shot
+ Drill Rounds
+ Sticky Mine
+ Homing Rounds
+ Magnet Rounds
+ Rubber Rounds

Passive Abilities:
+ Combat Skill - As a soldier, he is an experienced fighter, specializing in armed combat. If necessary, he would even play dirty to defeat an opponent.
+ Enhanced Mobility and Reflexes - Training has improved his ability to swiftly react to surprise attacks and outmaneuver various kinds of targets. He is also a good sprinter.
+ Enhanced Peripheral Senses- From years of being attacked from the corners of his eye and from behind, he began to develop a wider and clearer peripheral vision and the enhanced ability to feel someone's gaze. (As useful as it may be in combat, there are times that it provokes unnecessarily hostile reactions in more benign situations).
+ Ash Wolf Authority - As the Second-in-Command of the Ash Wolves, he has the financial and authoritative power needed to help advance their cause. Only those in higher positions than him can control his actions.

Active Abilities:
+ Umbrakinesis - Percival can manipulate darkness, primarily by turning them into forms specifically designed to cause harm. He can also command the darkness as a temporary means of transportation and/or protection. This ability primarily relies on how dark the place is, thus can only reach its full potential in complete darkness. How he obtained this power from a demon is confidential.

+ Sparring / Combat
+ Cats
+ Chocolates and ice cream
+ Handling weapons and replicas of them.
+ Video games (especially FPS)

+ Eating vegetables
+ Feral dogs
+ Shallow people
+ Cowards and traitors
+ Dealing with sudden strangers

An introverted man who does not seek the company if others, but does not mind having someone by his side every now and then. He holds strong confidence towards himself and his own capabilities, but he also strives to continue in bettering himself.

As second-in-command, he possesses a very powerful sense of loyalty towards the Ash Wolves, not hesitating to harm or even kill any members strongly proven to be an impediment or threat to their cause unless stopped by a higher up.

As for demons, he does not care about what would happen to them, but this does not mean that he hates them. Afterall, the reason he kills demons is strictly due to it being his duty.

He holds little trust towards strangers, and will often doubt their words unless proven trustworthy. Regardless of who he faces in actual combat, he would try his best not to hold back until it is clear to him that he will not stand a chance. He seeks for the death of whoever is responsible for the beasts.

He lived a completely ordinary life during his times as a child and as a teenager. By adulthood, he volunteered to join the army to fight for his people and to protect his loved

One day, reports about behemoth monstrosities appearing out of no where reached his base, allegedly an attack unleashed by a cloaked man who claimed that the demons have 'broken the promise'. He took part in fighting off one of the beasts, which is found rampaging in his hometown. Despite him and his squad taking down the massive opponent without any severe casualties, his family and neighbors were among those brutally killed while others have either disappeared from the place or have returned from their jobs just to see the whole place in ruins.

After this incident, he became wary of strangers, living his life holding others around him in suspicion as he bore a sheltered hatred towards the beasts and whoever may be behind it. Eventually, the Ash Wolves recruited him for his skills in the military.

+ He may or may not have attempted to shoot any of his comrades after mistaking them as foes.
+ He is currently researching on how to integrate more powerful and complex ammunition for his quanum gun.
+ He constantly customizes his own suit and weapons, especially his guns. The purpose of each customization always varies. (Yes, there are events where he deliberately does this just to spite someone.)
+ He owns a cellphone, which he primarily uses for business (but a good portion of its memory is also dedicated for playing games).
(Below average height | Graying, dark hair | Muscular | Many scars along his face, and body)

Name: Chuck Leroy Baggard

Age: 45

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Race: Human

Rank: Operative/Engineer

Weapons: (THREE for humans. ONE for demons.)

Passive Abilities:
  • Heightened Strength = After losing his leg, he focused majority of his training into his upper body, so he wouldn't feel vulnerable in a fight.
  • G-Force Tolerance = When he first began tweaking with his upgraded prosthetic leg, it was common to see him being spun at high speeds. He eventually got used to it.
  • Toxic Gas Tolerance = He has had plenty of gas leaks in his shed. At this point, he's broken his CO detector as been disable by his own hands.
  • Pain Tolerance = He's gotten many bumps, bruises, cuts, and broken bones in his life, and line of engineering. A broken arm now feels like pin prick.
  • Heat Tolerance = He's trained himself to withstand high heats.

  • He's slow on his feet.
  • Even with his G-Force tolerance, multiple spins of his mechanic boot, or holding a spin for too long could result in him losing consciousness.
  • With long exposure to gases, he's lost his sense of smell, and has weak lungs which sets him back on running even further. His smoking habits do not help this matter.
  • He's commonly sent to the hospital for infections that have sit in injuries he's had for days because of his lack of awareness, and high tolerance for pain.
  • Just because he can stand the heat, doesn't mean he won't die from the flames. His pain tolerance can also tie in with this.

  • Smoking when stressed
  • Smoke when relaxed
  • Smoking after a meal
  • Smoking before bed
  • Drinking
  • Hanging with his co-workers
  • Writing down new ideas, and devices
  • Testing new gear
  • Fixing things from a leaking pipe to an off-roader buggy
  • Cleaning his gun
  • Skinny dipping
  • Checking out a good view ("Be it the mountin' side or yer ass. Doen't matter.")
  • Late nights

  • Missing work
  • Bubble gum ("It ain't fewd! Why do ya haf' 't chew it if it ain't fewd or tobacca?!")
  • Sleeping in
  • Demons
  • Peas
  • dEmoNs
  • Unfinished projects
  • Fire

Personality: Chuck is a rough individual who seems to have lost his touch with human interaction as he's gotten older. Still, this doesn't keep him from trying to talk to just about anyone he comes across if they seem to not be in the company of someone else. He's bad with personal space as he seeks conversation to get away from his own thoughts, and he often steals the light of the conversation if he is allowed to drone about his projects or upcoming jobs. He's a straight-forward, and blunt man who isn't afraid to give his thoughts be it a compliment, or an insult. He can be quite lewd if he sees someone that he finds to be eye candy, and follow them about handing them what he deems to be compliments. He's working on himself.

Bio: Chuck was born in a micro-town just miles away from Haven. The people there worked either as farmers, or huntsmen to sell with shops within the city. He worked with his dad on the farm while his mother stayed home with his sisters, and cooked, and clean with the other women for other men in the town. Life was simple, and just about as easy as it could while he was working on the farm. On occasion, he would travel inside Haven, and assist with his grandfather in his mechanic shop.

Life was fine, until one day, when Chuck was in his early teens. One day, his parents told him he could no longer go inside Haven to help his grandfather. They never gave him a reason, nor did they allow him to assist with anymore sells whenever they would go inside Haven. Soon, they even stopped taking trips inside the walls, and stuck to having trucks come pick up the stocks, and their money be deliver soon after. He was never allowed to question the change, only accept it.
It was until months later, that their connection with Haven was cut off entirely. No matter what they did, their town could not get any money from their shipped stocks. Without their income or connections, bills skyrocketed, crops piled, machines broke down, animals died, and people of the town left to find better life else where. Chuck, and is family stayed in the town, however. They couldn't leave, not without word from the grandparents. So they waited.
They weren't left to wait long.
It happened in his sleep. Chuck had awoken coughing, and his eyes were stinging, and tearing up. His room was dark. Even with his flashlight on he couldn't see a thing. The smoke was too thick to see through, and he was choking on the dead air. He fumbled through the darkness for his door handle, but to no avail. It was too dark for him to get a hold of his surroundings, but he could see a light flickering into view from a distance. It didn't take him long to realize that the light was from the flame that was consuming his home. He panicked, and cried for help. He was met with a cry back. He continued to cry, following the echoing sound as he trudged his way through the embers of his ruined home, and past the roaring flames that bit, and clawed at his skin.

With a final push he fell onto the damp grass that surrounded his home. With tears in his eyes, he gave one final cry, and the echoed cried back, but it didn't stop. Regaining his vision, the young Chuck was met with the burning, screaming bodies of his family. His father, and sisters were long dead, but his mother, her body mounted on a stake, cried out for him, begging for him to run to safety. Chuck could see them behind her, the twisted bodies of the demons that attacked his home. There was no way he could fight them, so he ran.

He ran away from his home, away from Haven, and into the dark forests on the horizon. He didn't stop to sleep, to eat, or to look back. The only time he had sopped running, was to sloppily bandage a broken leg that he acquired from a bad fall. Reduced to limping, he continued to head into a straight line until he found a road that led to he new home, Lost Bastion.



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