Either Needed Resident Evil Roleplay (OOC/Recruitment)

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Either Needed Resident Evil Roleplay (OOC/Recruitment)

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  2. Political
  3. Modern

The 4th Survivor

Human. Unit. Never. Killed.
Inner Sanctum Nobility
Inner Sanctum Nobility Welcome to the Sanctum
Local time
Today 12:39 PM
(Starting this off with an overview of the plot, and basic "the world as it is" situation. Perhaps a bit niche for a fan-based thing, but had fun planning it!)

Nothing was the same after Raccoon City.

An entire city was plunged into a nightmare straight out of the darkest recesses of the human psyche. Unbeknownst and undiagnosed properly by the available doctors, a virus had been spreading through the entire city, a veritable plague that once it began in full swing devoured everything in its path. Those infected did not simply die either. No, they rose up again. In the darkness of Raccoon Cities flickering lights those who had died let out chilling moans, and shambled their blood soaked bodies in search of flesh. The hospital filled to bursting with infected patients early on became a slaughterhouse. Anarchy had fully taken effect upon by the city by September 23rd, 1998.


It later came to light that this virus was manufactured, created in a lab by the very company that had been such staunch providers for the city itself. Umbrella Pharmaceuticals.


The multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical juggernaut had long been involved in bioweapons research and development. Their slogan proudly stated "Umbrella, our business is life itself." However, the weapons manufacturing was something kept out of the public eye. Yet when their own internal issues caused their T-Virus to be released to the public from their underground labs beneath the city...chaos reigned. In a desperate attempt to hold back the overwhelming numbers of the living dead swarming the streets the national guard were mustered. Umbrella, desperate to maintain the air that they were "helping" then even sent in their UBCS (Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service) soldiers under the pretense that they were trying to contain the infection. Several units of National Guard in the area were even deployed quickly fully armed and with standing orders to regain stability. Raccoon City even valiantly rallied its law enforcement together in a desperate attempt to hold back the zombies and mutations tearing through their streets. Three days into the epidemic these united groups set up blockades and set forth to reclaim their city from the ever growing horde of cannibalistic infected. In the burning streets they made their stand.


They failed.

Unprepared and in the dark about how to face this ravenous virus and the creatures it created those forces sent in were slaughtered in the streets one by one until emergency workers and military were restricted from even entering by the government. Raccoon City was eventually deemed too much of a risk by the United States Government, and efforts to quarantine through normal means were deemed far too risky. The government began to urge anyone capable of rational and coherent thought to evacuated the city if possible as containment and reclamation was no longer an option. Seven days after the initial start of the outbreak, the US decided the city was too far gone, and a bomb was detonated upon the remnants of Raccoon City, ending over 100,000 lives, both infected and non-infected. The president expressed their deepest regrets that it had to reach this point.

This occurred on October 1st, with the entire world watching. With that detonation and the sea of footage flooding in to the rest of the world one thing became clear...a world of nightmares had just been opened up for all of humanity.

The year is now 2010.

With the truth exposed as to just how complicit the company was in everything that occurred in Raccoon city, and their labs existence beneath the city revealed Umbrella as it was eventually fell shortly after the destruction of that midwestern territory. Their financial assets were frozen, and of those still alive several were arrested. Mysteriously though many higher ups, as well as a startling amount of their scientific personnel were found killed within their homes long before authorities would have caught them. Yet with the company gone, the world is not yet safe from the Pandora's box that was opened by them and their dealings on the black market of bio-organic weapons. Years later the world is now plagued with the horrors that have stemmed from the ruins of the super company. Before the authorities could intervene in many cases precious data was stolen from their labs. Vials of potent viruses sold off to the highest bidder...and worst...the means to make and refine more biological weapons by many of their competitors being used to further their own aims. So it is that new terrors seem ready to spring forth at any moment.

Most recently in Africa there was the "Kijuju Autonomous Zone Incident". A mixture of a virus and a parasite used to infect the populace who then became enraged, violent, and incredibly deadly mobs of roaming bands that threatened to tear the very heart out of the continent the more they spread the infection. They even performed public executions of those who tried to oppose them, or more precisely those who were uninfected. Though not as numerous or quick to infect as their zombified brethren in Raccoon City, their pack mentality and terrifying ability to use weapons made them a true threat, the perfect sort of way to destabilize an entire populace, and that was before any of their more terrifying mutation variants were discovered. History seemed determined to repeat itself.


Thankfully the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance (BSAA) responded as best they could and quelled the spread but there are still rumors of some of these infected roaming the darkest corners of Africa. Sadly the casualties suffered by the West Africa Branch of the BSAA following the incident has them struggling as best as they can under such circumstances, but other branches have been asked to donate personnel to the cause. The organization and it's many branches are still new, and even with funding from the United Nations their numbers are stretched thin. This is not an ideal situation in the slightest, as it seems for every new recruit the BSAA gains new incidents cut deep into their numbers enough to make it negligible. So desperate is the situation that even the United Nations has sanctioned a unique alliance...with Umbrella Co.


This group is born out of what is left of that ill-fated company, and have been given a sizeable amount of their seized finances back now that they are under new management. Forming a private military company that now acts specifically to undo the world state that the original Umbrella's work has led to they are led by a group that sees the rise of bioterrorism as a threat that MUST be quelled at all costs. This has led some to believe that the "Blue Umbrella" as they are nicknamed, while having a positive track record, are not above using the old records and connections of the previous company to pursue their quarry and bring it to ground. They are also rumored to not be above hiring the very same personnel who once enacted Umbrella's own work in the field to now hunt down the remnants of their previous employers. Blue Umbrella has also been accused in some circles of "executing" terrorists on site. Though their personnel are at an even lower number than the BSAA currently, the resources, connections, and finely trained field operatives that Blue Umbrella offers is too tempting for the BSAA to turn down help from at this moment...and not a moment too soon.

A terrorist group calling themselves "Her Blessed Children" has somehow managed to get ahold of a new prototype virus. One that by all rights an organization as small as them should NOT have been capable of purchasing or obtaining under any means. Largely a radical religious extremist group once called "The Raptured" that mostly aims for car bombings or the occasional riot inciting, this is not exactly something in their usual way of doing things, especially with them having been largely declining over the years. Yet sources have indicated they intend to make use of it, and have obtained enough to engulf entire cities in bloodshed and chaos the likes of which could make Raccoon City look small in comparison. The fact this group HAS such a virus in their possession heavily indicates something disturbing, and it is something Blue Umbrella has brought before the BSAA in secret. Some other much larger entity appears to be supplying "Her Blessed Children" with resources, and quite a bit of it. A sobering thought. Worse, it is possible that this group may have already been testing the virus elsewhere, seeing what mutations may spawn. Time is of the essence, and every new day brings the chance that this group might unleash something that will shroud another undefended populace in a torrent of bloodshed and horror beyond reckoning. Yet not all is lost...as a tip off from an underground source has yielded a possible location for the groups leaders, the ones most likely to be carrying the bulk of the virus on hand. It stands to reason they would also be able to tell just how they managed to come across such resources in such a short amount of time.

This is the situation. Yet such a large entity that has managed to stay off of the radar for so long might very well have spies in the several governments. Connections that keep one informed if a large force is mobilized against them. Thus is stands that a small group, one that can move in and strike quickly stands a far better chance, and Blue Umbrella has been asked to help form such a group from the available rosters of both organizations. A group that will plunge headfirst into the depths of darkness that ache to devour the world above. To show their support in this effort Blue Umbrella has placed their highest ranking armed forces officer in charge of preparing the mission. One with a practiced history of successful operations in such situations, and some key knowledge about what is required to see it done. They have already begun searching for those whose skills would be invaluable for the journey ahead. Rumors about this figure have arisen as well, stories that they are one of the very personnel who used to work for Umbrella, and that they prize the missions completion above all other things. That they have studied the various mutations and horrors that have been born from Umbrella's actions closely to seek out all weaknesses possible. Some even say they were involved in the very first incident that started all of this...


Regardless, this is the mission before you. Should you be chosen, and choose to accept it.

A descent into the depths where survival and horror intermingle.

All to ensure that what you may discover does not see the light of day and consume the world of of the living outside.

Welcome to the world of Resident Evil.

Okay so that is the overview for the yet to be titled Resident evil themed idea. It aims to have a focus on horror with monstrous enemies being faced by a hail of desperately fired bullets. It takes place in 2010, with the premise that you the players will be either original characters, or characters so slim in terms of lore that they might as well be blank slates. Some good examples of this are the USS Delta Team from Operation Raccoon city if you want, (minus Four Eyes, she is claimed by someone already). While a canon character will be organizing this and leading the team, they are once again ones who only had one outing, but can help provide guidance and work well with original characters. It's why I wrote this the way i did.

What you have seen here is pretty much all you need to know about the Resident Evil world to join up. This is because the individuals sought out to join in this fight will more easily be people from the "outside" of the main cast. They won't need to know the characters in the game on a personal level, and in all honesty they'd know most of them in passing the same way you know of a celebrity in real life. Sure you know their name, but you don't know the in-depth minutia of their everyday life.

The two main incidents that warrant a look if you really want to do some research would be:

- The "Kijuju Autonomous Zone Incident"

- The "Raccoon City Incident"

Now why the vagueness? It's because I am interested in original characters, and making it easy for people who have never played a Resident Evil game but still like the idea of a dangerous mission directly into the blood drenched maws of mutations and zombies for an rp. Plus it fits with the premise of the story. Your characters will be operatives specifically chosen to undertake this mission from all walks of life and origins, and as a result wouldn't really know all the details. They'd know of these things from a "I watched the news on it as it was unfolding" or "I was told by a superior officer what went down" sort of point of view. Now what sort of skills would be required? Well quite simply:

The characters must either have training and experience in Law Enforcement OR Military. Weapons WILL be needed here, and the vibe is to keep with that. This can range from any country as well. Whether they are a skilled SWAT team member from the United States, United Kingdoms Special Forces, French Foreign Legion, Navy Seal, Spetsnaz, etc etc. Blue Umbrella has quite a reach and little qualms about ending Bioterrorism, so it is even possible they recruited straight from prison. Maybe instead of being taken out to a firing squad for crimes you didn't commit, or the fact you rebelled against your tyrannical government, you are instead taken to a dark room where someone is waiting with a Blue Umbrella contract and the keys to your cuffs? Maybe you were law enforcement who got the job done, but were practically choked in the red tape every time you made progress, and the BSAA saw that determination and put you to work investigating for them on a much bigger scale? Maybe you were in fact an original member of Umbrella Security Services, and now find yourself using those skills to hunt down the dark legacy of the company you once aided?

Blue Umbrella is more likely to recruit people with questionable morals so long as they can keep them on a leash in the name of getting the job done, whereas the BSAA wants to make sure to keep things at least mostly above board.

The point is the world in this setting is gripped with sheer terror at the rise of Bio Organic Weapons (BOWS). They are seeing horrific monstrosities being brought to life from the living dead, or they are seeing body altering mutations that make their blood run cold being unleashed on innocent civilians. Everyone from a local militia to the highest seats of power have a vested interest in BOW's, and the sheer amount of damage and chaos they can wreak on the world at large. This can't be allowed. Whether you were recruited or joined up simply because you couldn't stand the idea of this crap happening in your backyard, both Umbrella Corp (Blue Umbrella) and the BSAA are the major forces standing against such ludicrously dangerous things being released into existence. Now with a radical group of zealots packing the means to make the horror of Raccoon City on a bigger scale out there, the time to strike is now no matter what dark places it may take you.

If interested, please send me a message before posting! Shoot me some ideas! I'll be posting up a character sheet that will introduce the players to the team leader, but will also serve as an example character sheet for others to post up! Why a character sheet? Well because it just feels nice for people to be able to see who they will be working with! A big thank you to those who took the time to read all this! Thank you for your time!
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(Here is the example character sheet! Something I hope that is simple, yet has enough meat to it so others can enjoy looking at their teammates. Mine is a bit longer than the norm for sure, but do not take that as me expecting you to write the same amount on this! One paragraph or two for the overview is more than enough trust me. The key things that will be looked for once a character has been approved is 1. Name, 2. Affiliations such as military/law enforcement/mercenary background, 3. Why they are involved in the fight. )


Code Name: HUNK.
Real Name: Unknown.

Notable Affiliations: Commander Of Umbrella ("Blue Umbrella") Armed Forces. Formerly Captain Of Umbrella Pharmaceuticals USS forces (Classified Information).

Occupation: Mercenary, currently under contract for Umbrella Co. Predominantly deals in recruitment, specialized training, and monitoring of new personnel for Umbrella Corps armed forces.

Personality Analysis: Business like would be an understatement. While not a complete ice king, HUNK has been noted to seem to be more "soldier" than man at times. His focused intent on completing the mission at all costs is something that has sometimes unnerved those around him. Even during his time in the USS, a psychological report was failed by a doctor that stated he feels that the human side of the man has all but vanished. Only a brief moment where the Doctor invoked the name "Bella" seemed to gain any response from the man, but as soon as it was there it vanished from his body language before he exited the examination room. HUNK may have changed since his time away from Umbrella slightly but for all intents and purposes he still acts similarly to his times from before.

Overview: Doctor Death. The Grim Reaper. These obscene nicknames were given to the operative known only as HUNK by his fellow Umbrella Security comrades. Despite their name they were far more than that. Meant to be an even deadlier paramilitary organization than their UBCS counterparts, Umbrella Pharmaceuticals used the USS (Umbrella Security Service) to carry out their most dangerous missions in the most dangerous of environments. Whether it was eliminating agents of rival organizations on the black market, descending into territory riddled with Bio Organic test subjects or infected, or even shadowing the very men and women who worked in the organization itself the USS acted without hesitation to fulfill the corporations work. The vast majority of their operations though are stricken from the record, and they rarely left behind enough evidence to tie them to any action they took. To ensure that they were wholeheartedly prepared for what would lay ahead new recruits were taken to Rockfort Island for intensive training organized and tested by various paid former military. Nicknames were common among the men and women who were trained there. Vector. Four-Eyes. Spectre. Lupo. Beltway. Perhaps it was simply their way of trying to gain notoriety among their piers, or some simply enjoyed the practice, who knew? One name soon rose to prominence though. A name given to the figure who would sit atop the ranks of the USS. HUNK...a nickname that became a code name utilized by his superiors. The meaning behind the word?


Umbrella Pharmaceuticals treated morals as...quaint during their time in power. Because of this it was not uncommon for them especially nearing the end of their time to send even their elite operatives into suicide level missions. Missions that even their elite operatives were ill prepared for it. Yet from such missions HUNK always found a way to return, and with the mission completed. Drenched in blood. Relaying the missions completion through that filtered voice through his mask. Apparently such results not to his liking, and Umbrella's growing lack of care for the lives of even those who fought for them was coldly noted by the man. To even one who seemed to be more soldier than man, such an arrangement was not suitable in the slightest. One could not simply sit back and watch soldiers they had mentored themselves be sent to the meat grinder and not feel SOME need for retribution. Soon after the company went bankrupt as the bulk of its assets were lost or frozen, he disappeared into the ether so as not to fall along with his employers. Yet some years after their fall rumors persisted of a masked mercenary taking dangerous work all over the world especially in areas ravaged by the violent and flesh devouring infected...until a new company bearing an old name came calling to him. The newly reformed Umbrella Corp, nicknamed "Blue Umbrella" formed in 2007. Their goal? To bear the name of the ill fated company as a reminder of what they sought to clean up after. This group did not intend to make the mistakes the previous company did either. In a world being ravaged by the horrors of Bio Organic weapons and horrors beyond imagining they saw fit to seek out those who had experience in that area. So it was that HUNK was found and recruited with a contact that had plenty of zero's upon it. Yet they did not just want the mans fighting skills. They wanted his mind, and contracted him to seek out and find those he considered the best fit for this new Umbrella Corps vision. When asked how he felt he could help first, HUNK simply stated:

"You need more soldiers."

So HUNK set to work immediately, using contacts the rather large financial backing of this company could provide to seek out people. People with skills and abilities that put them a cut above the rest and more important...skills that would aid the companies work to try and deal a heavy blow to not just terrorists wielding these new viruses and plagues, but to the shadowed and wealthy groups that funded them. It is not uncommon for him to watch from behind glass as new hires are brought in to interview, or even observe them displaying their training. At times it seems HUNK is not above taking ruthless moves to further the job he was paid for. Waging his efforts against Bio Organic Weapons and their backers with the same single-minded focus that he once put to work for the very people who could rightly be blamed for this new world state of fear. So when it comes to those he seeks out...

If you were chosen by HUNK, it means you are good.

Not just good, exceptional.

You stand above your peers.

It means that you possess something that is sorely needed in this world.

A world that finds itself in the grips of a war against viruses that can turn entire cities into rivers of blood.
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File: #5678438 ANNA ISHIDA


Code Name: FOUR

Real Name: Anna Ishida

Notable Affiliations: Researcher for Doctors without Borders, working specifically on epidemic research in Africa. Private research companies in the south of Germany.

Occupation: Mercenary. Virologist.

Personality Analysis: Anna Ishida has notable personality traits that would benefit Umbrella Co. ("Blue Umbrella") Armed Forces. Though her main motivation is that of her paycheck, she had been noted to showcase a particular set of skills that is both useful on the field and within the research laboratories. She has displayed a strong and unparalleled focus on completing her mission or task at hand; this trait has been noted by previous employers are a strong and positive reason for hiring. While she would be considered a 'by the book field agent', she has been noted to showcase acclimatization to certain situations that have contained previous Umbrella Co.'s B.O.W.s or documentation. Though her attached resume has not shown any interactions with the previous Umbrella Co.; perhaps, it is through her previous mercenary work that she had encountered unique individuals who had been under the employment of the previous Umbrella Co. or had dealt with B.O.W.s situations under previous employers.

Overview: Anna Ishida while is fit for duty and is considered beyond skilled for our current needs, she will be monitored for unusual behaviour. Her specific understanding of the previous Umbrella Co.'s operations and international situations gives certain recruiters in this current Department of Virology unease.

Notes: Ignore previous monitoring and statements. Please refer to File: #447653 ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■



Code Name: FOUR EYES

Real Name: Christine Yamata (presumably)

Alias(es): Anna Ishida, Lianne Barre, Erma Roth

Notable Affiliations: Virologist Of Umbrella ("Blue Umbrella") Armed Forces. Formerly, field scientist and virologist for Umbrella Pharmaceuticals USS forces (Classified Information).

Occupation: Mercenary, currently under contract for Umbrella Co.. Duties for Umbrella include: field scientist for Umbrella Co.'s ground missions, dealing with security of virus management, and virus relatable research.

Personality Analysis: Christine Yamata is a known sociopath as per her assessment reports that had been done by the previous Umbrella Co.. This was noted to be a large reason for her acceptance into the USS forces outside of her singular devotion to virology. She has a strong motivation for getting things done efficiently and to her standard; once things are done, she can always focus on the things she loves to do. She has very little care for those around her due to her sociopath tendencies; she often views humans as a purpose for continuing her scientific goals. Yamata has been known to show a sense of loyalty to those who does payroll and on the rarest of occasions to those she is on the field with.

Overview: Christine Yamata served the original Umbrella Co. with an unwavering commitment. It was often said that she had commitment to those who held the keys to the laboratory, to those who allowed for her to go on field missions and collect samples. Those who interfered with her goals and desires to study and use the cutting edge viral breakthroughs available to her through Umbrella Co. were beneath dirt; she would not care to complete the missions by their standards. She would do all that she wanted regardless of the outcomes and Umbrella Co. would turn a blind eye away from her indiscretions as long she made progress.

Yamata was prolific within the Umbrella Security Services (USS) and her skills had set her apart from others within the branch. Serving within the USS allowed her to be on ground-zero for various outbreaks, allowing her to experiment and document on living humans. She preferred field work over working within a laboratory, those speculation on why is most likely due to her lack of ethics and morals. Nicknames of old friends puts the faintest of smiles on an emotionless face... Lupo. Beltway. Vector. HUNK. Spectre. Names that have meaning, have reputations attached to them all register to Yamata, though whether she looks upon them positively or negatively is unknown.

Though the missions and exact work Yamata has done under the original Umbrella Co. has been stricken from various reports and information. It is unlikely she would give such information freely. Though what she had accomplished after the fall of Umbrella Co. she spoke freely of. There is a tone of anger when talking about the original Umbrella Co.; that there was something that had soured her time before the fall. While she does not speak of exactly what it was that had occurred, it has been noted that she did not care for lack of results and prefer to remind interviewers that her time is valuable, if one cannot deliver results and standards then she will seek employment elsewhere.

Her private work on the continued study of virology and the epidemic outbreak of known Umbrella Co. viruses; she has spent ample time as a mercenary funding her own research as well as getting close to various ground-zero locations. She has, since her time at Umbrella Co., developed new methods of obtaining what she wants and how far she is willing to go to get it. Aliases, monetary bribes, murder, etc, are often found behind her names; behind a well put together image and appearance lies a wealth of knowledge and skills in the field of virology.​
Absolutely love and adore it Cen you really went all out! Love the second part displaying the photos in that "someone was trying to keep tabs on me style" of it all. Really hammers home the idea of a "we're probably hiring some shady types to do this job" vibe. Looking forward to seeing Yamata in action against the horrific terrors hiding in the night along with some people that have just as low morals as her former employers, a real "villain vs villain" aura about it. Also to help answer some questions I got about the thread, there are some canon characters that are allowed to join in this because of the fact they only got limited appearances, thus meaning there is plenty to work with and wiggle room for folks who don't want to have to wade through lore and just like something with an easy entry point. While these characters are cool, their lack of presence in more than one game pretty much makes them easy as hell to work with. What is their background, personality, what food do they love, why do they do what they do. Hell what's their orientation? All this can be explored by you. On top of that I made this because some were wondering what I meant so hopefully this helps locate people who want canon's to work with. Notable examples are:

-Rebecca Chambers (Former elite trained member of STARS from Raccoon City)

-Billy Coen (Former Marine who was framed, then found himself fighting the undead on a train. Not even remotely joking that's the plot, and yes it was fun.)

-Carlos Oliveira (Yes I'm biased, Carlos is cool as hell come on.)

-Delta Team (operation raccoon city)

-Barry Burton (He can drive the chopper.)

-Ashley Graham (whose to say she didn't take her traumatic experience and undergo training so she'd never be a victim again? This does take place years after her capture.)

-Brad...joking. I'm sorry Brad you're super dead even my malleable imagination can't bring you back. You even died harder in the remake.

-Jessica Sherawat (Elite BSAA operative turned traitor. Imagine the situation when she ends up being one of the few hopes the organization she betrayed now has to rely on. But listen okay? You...you don't have to use the leg armor design she had. Don't even need to explain it just...you don't have to. Capcom made Revelations a good game but WOW they really fan serviced the hell out of that.)

Also I must reiterate despite how much I wrote here, I am not expecting you guys to do the same in posts. Two to three paragraphs is honestly all I am expecting, you don't have to overdo it with me I just tend to write like this when setting something up that's all. It's my brain screaming "did you explain this well enough?" Anyways back to working and fine tuning! Love this Cen!
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Appearance: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e7/c1/bf/e7c1bfe38aeaa0e82119725b6376cceb.jpg

Code Name: Ivanabitch

Real Name: Unknown

Known Aliases: Kateryna Valentynivna Kolisnyk, Nina Ihorivna Ihnatenko, Ivanna Leonidivna Loboda

Notable Affiliations: Russian Army, Spetsnaz GRU, Umbrella Security Service, mercenary contracted to TerraSave and Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance, Umbrella ("Blue Umbrella") Armed Forces

Occupation: Employee of Blue Umbrella's Armed Forces

Personality Analysis:

Ivanabitch is most commonly typed as ISTJ (Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging). This suggests Ivanabitch is Taking responsibility seriously, Attentive to details, Driven by clear goals and Dependable. As an ISTJ, Ivanabitch likely relies on cognitive functions like Introverted Sensing (Si) and Extraverted Thinking (Te). This unique combination of cognitive functions influences how Ivanabitch processes information, makes decisions, and interacts with the world. These traits might manifest in Ivanabitch's approach to problem-solving, communication style, and personal relationships.

Ivanabitch is most commonly typed as 6w5 (The Loyalist, The Skeptic) in the Enneagram system. This suggests Ivanabitch is loyal, responsible, and hard-working, and is often anxious and seek security and support. These traits shape Ivanabitch's worldview and behavioral patterns, influencing how they navigate challenges, connect with others, and pursue their goals. Understanding these traits provides insight into Ivanabitch's motivations, strengths, and potential growth areas.

The Basic Fear of Ivanabitch is being without support or guidance, which drives them to avoid certain situations or behaviors that trigger this fear. Conversely, their Core Desire is to have inner security and support, guiding their aspirations and actions in pursuit of fulfillment. This dynamic between fear and desire often shapes Ivanabitch's life choices and personal development journey.

Overview: As a teenager, Ivanabitch joined the Russian army and eventually joined the Spetsnaz GRU. At some point before the Racoon City incident, Umbrella poached her for their Security Service division. She was assigned to the Phi Team. Phi was sent to Racoon City to extricate or assassinate several high-value targets and research.

During Racoon City numerous high-value targets refused to leave without their family. Phi was given very specific orders the target only, no family. Any target who refused to leave was drugged and before the drugs fully kicked in had to watch their families being executed. Their final target was the only one they were assigned to execute. He was already bitten, he desperately tried to save himself. By the time Phi team found him he was just beginning to transform into a monstrosity. Phi exhausted everything they had, their team leader and Ivanabitch were the only ones left alive. Phi's leader revealed he was fatally wounded, and he had one last grenade. He allowed himself to be taken and just as he was swallowed whole he pulled the pin and blew the monster up from the inside.

Ivanabitch continued to serve as an operator in Umbrella's Security Service until the company went out of business. After that, she sold her services to the highest bidder. Most of her work came from TerraSave and Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance helping them with various BOW incidents around the globe.

When Hunk eventually tracked her down she joined Blue Umbrella's Armed Forces division, not as a mercenary but as an employee.

Advanced Tactical Bodysuit (think Alice's outfit from Retribution)
Gas mask which reveals the top half of her face which utilizes a blue filter
Gun holster on each thigh
Shoulder holster
Ammo pouches on her torso
Sheaths on her back for her combat axe

Twin KRISS Vectors
Twin Yugoslav Model 61 Škorpions
Combat Axe
Appearance: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e7/c1/bf/e7c1bfe38aeaa0e82119725b6376cceb.jpg

Code Name: Ivanabitch

Real Name: Unknown

Known Aliases: Kateryna Valentynivna Kolisnyk, Nina Ihorivna Ihnatenko, Ivanna Leonidivna Loboda

Notable Affiliations: Russian Army, Spetsnaz GRU, Umbrella Security Service, mercenary contracted to TerraSave and Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance, Umbrella ("Blue Umbrella") Armed Forces

Occupation: Employee of Blue Umbrella's Armed Forces

Personality Analysis:

Ivanabitch is most commonly typed as ISTJ (Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging). This suggests Ivanabitch is Taking responsibility seriously, Attentive to details, Driven by clear goals and Dependable. As an ISTJ, Ivanabitch likely relies on cognitive functions like Introverted Sensing (Si) and Extraverted Thinking (Te). This unique combination of cognitive functions influences how Ivanabitch processes information, makes decisions, and interacts with the world. These traits might manifest in Ivanabitch's approach to problem-solving, communication style, and personal relationships.

Ivanabitch is most commonly typed as 6w5 (The Loyalist, The Skeptic) in the Enneagram system. This suggests Ivanabitch is loyal, responsible, and hard-working, and is often anxious and seek security and support. These traits shape Ivanabitch's worldview and behavioral patterns, influencing how they navigate challenges, connect with others, and pursue their goals. Understanding these traits provides insight into Ivanabitch's motivations, strengths, and potential growth areas.

The Basic Fear of Ivanabitch is being without support or guidance, which drives them to avoid certain situations or behaviors that trigger this fear. Conversely, their Core Desire is to have inner security and support, guiding their aspirations and actions in pursuit of fulfillment. This dynamic between fear and desire often shapes Ivanabitch's life choices and personal development journey.

Overview: As a teenager, Ivanabitch joined the Russian army and eventually joined the Spetsnaz GRU. At some point before the Racoon City incident, Umbrella poached her for their Security Service division. She was assigned to the Phi Team. Phi was sent to Racoon City to extricate or assassinate several high-value targets and research.

During Racoon City numerous high-value targets refused to leave without their family. Phi was given very specific orders the target only, no family. Any target who refused to leave was drugged and before the drugs fully kicked in had to watch their families being executed. Their final target was the only one they were assigned to execute. He was already bitten, he desperately tried to save himself. By the time Phi team found him he was just beginning to transform into a monstrosity. Phi exhausted everything they had, their team leader and Ivanabitch were the only ones left alive. Phi's leader revealed he was fatally wounded, and he had one last grenade. He allowed himself to be taken and just as he was swallowed whole he pulled the pin and blew the monster up from the inside.

Ivanabitch continued to serve as an operator in Umbrella's Security Service until the company went out of business. After that, she sold her services to the highest bidder. Most of her work came from TerraSave and Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance helping them with various BOW incidents around the globe.

When Hunk eventually tracked her down she joined Blue Umbrella's Armed Forces division, not as a mercenary but as an employee.

Advanced Tactical Bodysuit (think Alice's outfit from Retribution)
Gas mask which reveals the top half of her face which utilizes a blue filter
Gun holster on each thigh
Shoulder holster
Ammo pouches on her torso
Sheaths on her back for her combat axe

Twin KRISS Vectors
Twin Yugoslav Model 61 Škorpions
Combat Axe

Well done, and this operative is looking forward to unleashing Ivanabitch into combat. The skills of the team are very extensive and loving the different contrasts already. The different skillsets and origins are honestly interesting to see. Love the description of Ivana's equipment to, as well as the dip into her personal psyche. Spot on work Vasara! HUNK will most definitely be comfortable using former USS on the task force, but we may very well find ourselves working with BSAA or groups hailing from other military groups or law enforcement as well. Most likely looking for two to three more members to join with the team since the mission calls for a small but elite group to be dropped into a descent of horror and cruelty.

This means for those wishing to join, I will still be hearing any other ideas or approaches. Totally open and excited to hear any other character ideas to join the group! I won't be posting up the main thread just yet so plenty of time for more discussions! Both the BSAA and "Blue Umbrella" are always on the lookout. After all as HUNK said...in this fight...


"...we need more soldiers."
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