Lost One
- Local time
- Today 6:44 PM
- Messages
- 13
- Age
- 31
- Pronouns
- She/Her
Name: Aesira of Redania
Appearance: It is difficult to surmise this young woman's age. She appears young, with bright and round honey colored eyes, but she moves with the confidence of someone years deep in a chosen trade. Her hair is long, usually braided at the side when she is working, and it resembles the color of reddish maple leaves during autumn. Freckles dot both cheeks and run slightly across her nose, and her lips are full despite a tendency to chew on them during times of stress. She stands a mere 5'4" and due to recent events, she is a bit thinner than she normally would be, but nonetheless is blessed with feminine curves. On her back is an intricate, runic and arcane tattoo, which she rarely remembers is even there due to having no mirrors to gaze upon the brand.
Usual Attire: Some simple but protective leather chest armor that looks like it's seen better days, but is well kept by the owner as much as possible. Underneath is a long white tunic with some golden embroidery on the edges that goes near to the knees, and warm dark leggings underneath. Both the boots and bracers she wears match each other, but not the chest piece, and thrown over her shoulders is a warm looking teal cloak. Around her waist is some semblance of a utility belt, with all manner of bottles, tools, and perhaps strange looking items to the eyes of a common peasant. In one of these leather slots is a strange looking sickle, which is the only weapon she seems to carry.
Born to a beautiful mother, and an unknown father, Aesira was raised in the wilderness both pure and dangerous. She was taught from an early age to be somewhat self-reliant and very resourceful, though her mother could never get the girl to properly train in combat. It was clear that Aesira had little desire to harm others, and so her knowledge and interest in healing was cultivated instead. Her uncle then taught her how to utilize any dead beast she came upon, and hoped that such an invaluable skill would see her to safety and success within a school or mercenary group. He also taught her how to persuade, read body language, and how to strike deals that would help ensure her safety when traveling with sell-swords.
Aesira never questioned why she was being taught all these things, and since her world was so small, all she ever wanted was to make her family proud. Her ignorance of the world and naivety would nearly be her demise multiple times, though she has never told a single soul where she came from or what became of treasured loved ones. For as long as she has been away from her childhood home, Aesira has simply wandered from town to town, aiding the sick and trying to find her own way of living.
Face Claim:
Appearance: It is difficult to surmise this young woman's age. She appears young, with bright and round honey colored eyes, but she moves with the confidence of someone years deep in a chosen trade. Her hair is long, usually braided at the side when she is working, and it resembles the color of reddish maple leaves during autumn. Freckles dot both cheeks and run slightly across her nose, and her lips are full despite a tendency to chew on them during times of stress. She stands a mere 5'4" and due to recent events, she is a bit thinner than she normally would be, but nonetheless is blessed with feminine curves. On her back is an intricate, runic and arcane tattoo, which she rarely remembers is even there due to having no mirrors to gaze upon the brand.
Usual Attire: Some simple but protective leather chest armor that looks like it's seen better days, but is well kept by the owner as much as possible. Underneath is a long white tunic with some golden embroidery on the edges that goes near to the knees, and warm dark leggings underneath. Both the boots and bracers she wears match each other, but not the chest piece, and thrown over her shoulders is a warm looking teal cloak. Around her waist is some semblance of a utility belt, with all manner of bottles, tools, and perhaps strange looking items to the eyes of a common peasant. In one of these leather slots is a strange looking sickle, which is the only weapon she seems to carry.
- Alchemy
- Herbalism
- Poisoning
- Medicine
- Creature Harvesting
- Mercantile (Especially with those who buy monster bits)
- Animal Husbandry/Handling
- Nature Knowledge
Born to a beautiful mother, and an unknown father, Aesira was raised in the wilderness both pure and dangerous. She was taught from an early age to be somewhat self-reliant and very resourceful, though her mother could never get the girl to properly train in combat. It was clear that Aesira had little desire to harm others, and so her knowledge and interest in healing was cultivated instead. Her uncle then taught her how to utilize any dead beast she came upon, and hoped that such an invaluable skill would see her to safety and success within a school or mercenary group. He also taught her how to persuade, read body language, and how to strike deals that would help ensure her safety when traveling with sell-swords.
Aesira never questioned why she was being taught all these things, and since her world was so small, all she ever wanted was to make her family proud. Her ignorance of the world and naivety would nearly be her demise multiple times, though she has never told a single soul where she came from or what became of treasured loved ones. For as long as she has been away from her childhood home, Aesira has simply wandered from town to town, aiding the sick and trying to find her own way of living.
Face Claim: