River's Characters

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River's Characters

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For "Stranded in Skyrim"
Name: Quinn Xavier

Age: 18

Gender: female

Sexuality: lesbian

Personality: Quinn is fun-loving, adventurous, and athletic. She loves the outdoors, and hiking is one of her favorite activities. She has a positive outlook on life and can't tolerate pessimism; she believes that even though things might not turn out the way she wants them to every time, the world is filled with more good than bad, and people should be given the benefit of the doubt. Quinn is very extroverted and knows tons of people. She's never without something to do on a Saturday night and finds it easy to get along with a variety of people, though sometimes she finds herself lonely even in the midst of a crowd. Though she fits in with almost everyone and has a wide circle of acquaintances, Quinn doesn't have many close friends. Sometimes this doesn't bother her--she often enjoys solitary activities and takes frequent walks in the woods to get her thoughts in order--but often she feels lonely as a result. Though she's smart, she's not very bookish and would much rather be applying her knowledge to the real world rather than dealing with the theoretical. She had no patience for history and English classes in high school, but she loved science.

Appearance: Quinn is slightly above average in height, standing about 5'7". She's willowy in build. She has light skin, which necessitates the use of much sunscreen during her outdoor excursions, and lots and lots of freckles. She has a love-hate relationship with the freckles; sometimes she thinks they look cute, but oftentimes she wears makeup to try and cover them up. She has bright auburn hair; it's loosely wavy and falls just past her shoulders. She generally ties it back in two braids when she goes hiking or even just during a normal day; as a result, it's often really wavy from the braids when she takes them out, which is her other default style. She has brown eyes and a round face, which she hates because she thinks it makes her look much younger than she really is.

Bio: Quinn grew up in a tiny ski town until the age of thirteen, when she moved to a new town. She has two younger brothers (Tyler and Adam) and an older sister (Olivia) and has always lived with both her parents. Her family was always quite close, and she still talks to her sister even now that Olivia has moved out and attends a far-away college. She's never been quite sure what she wanted to do with her life, and focused on getting moderately good grades in high school; she might want to be a nurse, but she hasn't decided yet. She's been an out-and-proud lesbian since her sophomore year of high school; her family was accepting, but some of her peers were not, and she's learned to simply deal with the backlash and keep her head high.
Quinn has known Dani for about five years, after they met when she moved into the neighborhood at the age of thirteen. They bonded over their down-to-earth natures, which meant that Quinn dragged Dani on a lot of hikes and Dani made Quinn work (or more like watch her work) on a bunch of cars. Although they're quite different people, they've been inseparable throughout high school. Quinn has never had any interest in gaming, but she knows it's something Dani loves, so she's excited on her behalf.
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For "Revenge, Whatever the Cost"
Name: Charlotte Rivers

Age: 20

Gender: female

Personality: As a woman living in male-dominated California during the gold rush, Charlotte has had to become self-sufficient. She's always been good with numbers and prides herself on her attention to detail, which both come in handy in keeping her accounts. She is hardworking and determined but not very patient; she has a quick temper that can flare up in the slightest of situations and has no tolerance for people who she feels waste her time. Although she feels deeply, she tends to keep her emotions to herself; she has learned that to show any compassion or attachment is seen as a liability in the West, so she projects an image of herself as strong, independent, and ruthless.

Appearance: Charlotte has delicate features; her skin was formerly very pale, although she's put on a bit of a tan and has developed some freckles since she's now used to spending more time outdoors. She has blue eyes and long, straight brown hair with a slight auburn tint that she usually ties back in braids or a bun. Her clothes are dresses (as would be the norm for the time) that are typically very utilitarian, and she doesn't own a single nice dress since she doesn't care to dress up much. She's also sewn herself a pair of baggy trousers that she wears exclusively when she's home since they aren't generally acceptable for her to wear in front of anyone but her and her brother.

Bio: Charlotte grew up in a wealthy family on the East Coast along with older brother James, younger brother Marshall, and younger sister Elizabeth. Her parents were kind and doted on her and her siblings, but Charlotte always longed for a more adventurous life. Charlotte also had a secret--instead of being interested in the high society parties and blue-blood male suitors her parents threw at her, she'd instead fallen in love with a woman. Although she'd confided this fact to no one, she arranged to escape with her lover to the West, where social expectations would hold them back less and they could carry on their love affair far from the prying eyes of her family. Charlotte's brother, James, wanted his shot at the promised gold and made plans for him and Charlotte to join a caravan going West.
Charlotte was distraught when she found out that her lover could not join her on the caravan, and inconsolable when she received the news that in California that a caravan had been attacked and her love was presumed dead. She decided to trust James with her secret, but when she finally told him, he stormed out of their home and didn't return for three days. Believing her love for another woman to be a sin, he tried to convince Charlotte that it was simply a childish attachment and that she should give it up and accept the proposal of one of the young men in town.
Charlotte and James live together, and she makes her money by cooking at a local boardinghouse--a skill she had to acquire along the way, as she'd never had to do it for herself before. She's befriended many of the miners in the village, likely because she's a seemingly single young woman, and has had no shortage of offers for her hand, all of which she has turned down so far.
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