MxF Roleplayer looking for a partner to share in an adventure

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MxF Roleplayer looking for a partner to share in an adventure


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Today 12:23 PM
Greetings! Welcome to my RT!

First a little bit about myself: I'm a pretty experienced roleplayer and I tend to be pretty active, able to reply every day, and sometimes several times per day, and when I can't I try to let my partners know. This doesn't always work due to a busy life, but I welcome any pings and pokes if I don't reply in 24 hours. Sometimes things just get lost in notifications. Because of this I also try to dedicate myself to a smaller number of roleplay partners that I feel my writing style meshes with. I live in the GMT+1 time zone, but I am usually awake until late night hours. I work a full-time job (usually from home), so sometimes I'll have less-active days when I have a business trip or something the like.

Now for the serious/boring bits:

A bit about myself:
- I'm an experienced roleplayer who loves worldbuilding and deep characters. I'm not afraid of roleplaying side characters and even enjoy making them and interesting scenarios for our characters to be in.
  • I love to make friendly chatter, and I'd like to think I'm a pretty approachable and honest person!
  • I roleplay in third person. I don't mind if my roleplay partners roleplay in either first or third but I do prefer the latter.
  • I don't care about the length of replies so long as you give me enough to work with. Long replies will usually take me a bit longer to reply to. Ideally I write between 2 to 5 paragraphs, depending on what the scene actually is.
  • I don't mind smut at all. I quite like it to be honest. Depending on the plot I can do more or less of it.
  • I always try to warn my partners if I need to take a leave- or if I don't think we're compatible. It happens. Sometimes notifications get buried, so I welcome pings and pokes if I ever don't reply for a day or two.
  • I'm always open to ideas. If you have any interesting ideas you'd like to try, I love to always try new things too!

What I am looking for in a potential partner:
- Someone who is active. I understand we all have lives but only one reply per week or less without any warning will make me think you've lost interest in the roleplay, or that I got buried in notifications, and I myself will have a bit of trouble following a plot at that pace.
  • Someone who will communicate with me what they like or don't like about the roleplay so we can improve it.
  • Someone who plays characters that have active roles in the story and doesn't just passively react to everything. Really, it sucks if I'm the only one driving the story forward or have nothing to really reply to. Nothing kills the roleplay faster for me.

If you'd like to roleplay with me, please send me a PM, it's a lot more visible for me than a reply to this thread.

Now that that is out of the way, now for the fun part: the stories:

Long Term Plots

Blue = Stories that are mostly focused around a plot. Smut / Romance will likely still exist but not be the main focus.
Red = Stories that are mostly focused around the Smut / Romance. A plot still exists but the main focus is the characters.
Purple = Stories that are either a mix of both or can go eitherway.
Special Craving :
- Right now I am really craving this idea where there's a core team of 2 to 5 characters who can all play off one another to create some drama and romance, all the while some saucy action and/or exploration is going down in the background. Think something like the core cast of any adventure show, a sci fi show like The Expanse, or a DND party.
Yes, I know that is terribly vague, but this is because I'm really open to switching things around in this plot:
  • Variations: I can go for either Sci Fi , Fantasy or Supernatural. The team themselves could be anything from a criminal gang, to a special operations task force, to a standard DND party.
  • As for the characters, I would love for them to be two lovey-dovey dorks on the team. A nerd and a high-energy girl, two love-sick childhood friends who rediscovered one another, two engaged folks who are finding a spark in one another. We can discuss details, but a main duo that will serve as a main source of romance and as "main characters" if we decide to make others into more secondary characters. The rest of the team, anywhere from 2 to 4 other characters, can be (or start) as their own archtype. A strong leader type, a roguish type, a nerdish type. Whatever compliments the story best. I don't expect you to play all these other characters, its up to you how many you want. You can keep to just that 1 main one, or to 2 or 3.
  • As for the story. It needs to be strong enough to carry intrigue and action. I don't expect Dan Brown here, but enough that it gives the characters a clear motive to push onwards.
TLDR: I want a juicy character drama with enough of a story to keep me intrigued.
If this intrigues you at all, please PM me, even if any of the plots below don't speak to you.

Hellraisers: - Action, romance, drama.
Denizens of hell/the abyss are usually not permitted to leave the underworld, but this group found a way. Their goal? To escape their hellish punishment, live among the living, and use their supernatural abilities to hide and make a living. Of course, this is hard when you have plenty of organizations who are put off by your very existence.
In their midst counts a lovey and surprisingly wholesome (if deadly) impish couple, a magician who can open portals between the underworld and the surface, a charming incubus/succubus, and a true demon.

The Quiet Forest: - Mystery, suspense, exploration, psychological horror.
- Two characters (MC and YC) venture the Quiet Forest, a dangerous forest that has been growing more and more in recent years, invading land and sea. Plenty of rumors, urban legends and other strange whispers have been heard about it: namely, that no birds chirp within, no animals make a noise. Recently, an important clue to solving this mystery and stopping the rampant growth of this forest was found. An expedition sent out several letters detailing a strange spot within the forest, yet before the mystery was uncovered, the expedition vanished without trace. It is up to the two characters to figure out what is happening here.
The characters can just have stumbled upon the mystery too and simple be a camping duo, or an adventurous or thieving duo looking for a thrill or some coin.

Serial Experiments: - Action, suspense.
- MC and YC are experiments of the government (or some other entity), assigned numbers since birth and used in all manners of tests. This is all they've known since they were young- this is their life. With their cells being besides one another, they are each other's only friends since a young age, and now that they have reached maturity, a new test is being developed. The two are to be placed together- in the same cell, in the same tests, and their budding relationship is to be monitored. Why? Maybe they'll soon find out~
The main idea here is characters who were really just experiments and are very naive and innocent to the rest of the world. We can have them be able to escape together instead, or one of them being a part of the institute and help the other escape.

Intrepid Explorations: - Action, Sci-Fi romance, exploration, drama.
- A small group is venturing the cosmos on a scrapped ship. They're either low-budget operatives (for now) or a rogue mercenary group executing contracts and scraping by. This is essentially a pretty simple Sci-fi exploration story with plenty of romance and character drama. Ideally I'd play 2 or 3 main character: a leader or charismatic type, bit of a womanizer but with a good heart, if pretty mysterious about his past and true emotions, and a nerdier character to be their tech wizard and smart cookie. I can additionally play a 3rd character we can discuss. Ideally you'd play between 1 to 3 characters, with one character pairing up with the nerdy guy as a sort of lovey-dovey couple, and the other 1 or 2 possibly pairing with the leader (or with the third character I can make).
As an example, here's a pitch:
Leader (MC#1) founded this group to capitalize on the growing market of illegal exports between two plants. The empire has grown across this sector of the universe, but their resources are spread thin. To aid him in his explorations, he hired YC#1 as an explosives expert and her lover (MC#2) who used to work engineering jobs on these parts. As the roleplay starts, they come across a classified location where secrets were being kept. It is here that they find a mutant girl capable of moving things with her mind (YC#2) and an old soldier who they decide not to kill due to him promising to work for them and having no respect left for the empire (MC#3). They leave the facility for the next job... but unknown to them, this little stunt will pursue them.

Lost in VR: - Romance, Variable
- In a world where VR has been so developed that people can experience anything in there that they can in real life, relationships outside have become more and more difficult. People retreat into their fantasy worlds. This can either be a romance of two people falling in lover in a digital world (maybe even believing the other is an NPC initially) or be a gripping dystopian sci fi tale of people who find themselves realizing humanity's slipping grasp on reality.

Semi-Retired (These are plots I'm less interested in right now but will still do them if someone has an interesting idea for them)
A Gift like no Other: - Romance, Variable
- In a world where slavery exists and is very much legal, MC has been gifted exactly that: a slave girl (YC) which became his either as some sort of birthday gift or because he won some prize at a lottery. MC was not expecting this, and while most would use their slave just like an object, MC finds himself slowly falling for this girl.
This is a simple story I'd like to try to roleplay. A slave and a master slowly falling in love (or quickly, depends on the plot). This could be seen as a negative thing in the eyes of the world, or it could be just a feels' good sort of plot with plenty of master-slave roleplay. I'm open to plenty of different versions of this.

Do As My Command: - Romance, Mystery, Some dub-con themes
- MC is a hypnotist (or enchantment mage if you prefer a fantasy setting) with an eye for YC, he has scouted her out for a while and, for some reason, gains an infatuation with her. On one fateful dinner, he laces a strong hypnosis (or charm) upon her, having her do his bidding, and molding her to like him as well.
This can go in plenty of directions and start in a plethora of different ways. He can be a rich lord, or a travelling man or salesman. The idea is that he should be intriguing and possibly that she, at one point, will be able to uncover that her feelings might not be exactly hers- now what she does with that info.... its anyone's guess ;)

Yet another Isekai Adventure: - Comedy, adventure, fantasy
- MC and YC were simple people who lived casual lives in the real world. By fate, chance or some crazy coincidence, the two ended up perishing at the same time, and yet were reincarnated into a fantasy world with RPG like elements. The catch is that this world is a parody of itself, with the inhabitants being aware of the strange system that rules their world, and with our two protagonists: instead of being amazing badasses, turn out to be underpowered folk who must climb this terrible capitalistic adventurous chain to get to the top.
The main idea here is the comedy and the rpg-like elements. I am open to many variations of this including the characters actually being OP or having strange powers, to the characters knowing one another or having no idea who each other are.

Short Term Plots

The Long Night:
- Mystery, Suspense, Horror
- One of our characters is simply minding their own business, alone at home in a particularly harsh, windy and stormy night when suddenly there comes a knock at their door. Outside, the storm rages on, with torrential rains and winds and a night dark as black. Who the hell is knocking? It turns out to be our other character, but what were they doing outside? What do they want? Why are they here?

A Potion's Kiss: - Pure Romance
- One of our characters manages to get ahold of a love-potion they bought from a witch/scientist and, after long-long last, they will be sure that their crush likes them. There's only one problem. This potion is a bit stronger than they originally thought due to the fact their feelings were already returned. For the duration of the potion now they have to put up with the incredible clingyness and needyness of the other- for better or worse~

The New Roommate: - Comedy, Action
In a prestigious university (could be magical or not if the setting is fantastical or modern), rooms usually separate genders, but in the case of our characters they, unfortunately, did not. Being an odd number of boys and girls this year, and with only one room remaining, they are stuck sharing it- but maybe this turns out better than expected~.

The Creation: - Romance, Drama
A genius scientist lost his lover to some strange sickness. But their genius allowed them to replicate their likeness into a life-like android with human features. So much so they have skin, warmth... and more... They are a machine creation with the aspect of their lover, but without memory or personality. They love their master and do not know about their robotic nature. Where will this strange relationship go?

I don't usually enjoy roleplaying established worlds, something about it feels wrong to me, but these are my exceptions:
  • The Walking Dead
  • D&D
  • Darkest Dungeon
  • The Expanse
  • Sunless Seas/Skies
  • Firefly

PM me if anything above spiked your interest or want anything clarified.~
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Id like to propose an idea that im interested in, perhaps we can rp together doing a unique blend of Serial Experiments and The quiet forest. Id like to dub it as the quiet forest of serial experiments.

Let me know of your thoughts on this.
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