Adventurer Rowena Shattersword

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Adventurer Rowena Shattersword

Mikaela Corvid

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Inner Sanctum Nobility
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Rowena Shattersword

❝ Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody.❞

【 D O S S I E R 】
age: 24
gender: Female
ethnicity: Half elf
sexuality: Bisexual
occupation: Merchant, fighter

【 V I S A G E 】
height: 5' 9"
weight: 140lbs
skin: Fair
hair: Long, Unruly, Red
eyes: Green
voice: A rich tenor that resonates and lingers

【 P E R S O N A 】
archetype: Merchant adventurer
alignment: Selfish, but generally good
traits: Personable, and able to talk to complete strangers and strike up an easy conversation; easy to get a long with; confident and self assured, fierce and protective.
loves: Financial stability, helping others, building her part of the neighborhood up
hates: Liars, people who twist their words for their gain, greed, avarice

【 S K I L L S 】
Sword Skills // Rowena is skilled in sword play, being trained from the moment she could hold a sword. Her father believed a good warrior knew how to cut down their foes, both physical and metaphorical.
Public Speaking and dialogue/persuasion // Rowena trained to speak in front of crowds, as a way to have her voice heard. Her father, a merchant himself, believed that you can only be a merchant so long as people trust you. And what better way to trust a merchant than someone who ensures their customers are happy, treated well, and have access to good products for a good price. Rowena is able to talk to multiple people at one time and can find the heart fo their concerns.
Investigation // Rowena knows the ins and outs of every business. The money flow, the costs of operation and everything in between. Her eye for balancing the books, for looking for minute details was honed for many many years.

Rowena was raised in a happy home with a mother (Delore) and father (Armand), and grew as an only child that wanted for nothing. Despite her upbringing her father ensured she stayed humble and kind. She worked side by side with her father and mother, bringing left over foods to local needy families and soup kitchens, working with vendors to achieve the best prices and to ensure their ability to operate wasn't a detriment to the city of Tethis but a boon. Her father held a position on the Merchant guild, and had made plans to hand over his seat of power to his daughter, Rowana, but had turned up missing last year. In the aftermath of his disappearance, Rowana found herself emotionless. She attempted to keep her father's tennents in her mind but every drop off to the less fortunate, every greeting to her customers felt hollow. As much as the loss hurt, she did try her best, but she found herself deep in her cups by weeks' end much to her mother's disgust. With everything that had changed, Rowana moved out of her childhood home, closer to the store her father had insisted she buy, and makes her way in the world by selling locally sourced products. Rowana takes great care to continue practicing her sword play, and occassionally assists in the escort of a Vendors' goods to other cities in order to get out and about these days. Leaving her store to be manned by her assistant. These outings have assisted in Rowena's understanding of the world outside of her home, and continues to add to her knowledge of the workings of a city, and the Kingdom at large.
With all this said, there is a darkness in Rowena, that is begging for attention. Questions about her father's disappearance eat at her, the unfairness of life to take such a man away from his daughter.

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