Any Rp ideas

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Any Rp ideas

Neko Nikki

New here looking for rps to dive into
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Today 5:48 PM
I'm new to this site so please feel free to give me advise and post any rps you would like to do with me. I've been on another rp site for about 10 years.

Male needed:
Waring kingdoms- there is a vampire and human/cyborg kingdoms that have been at war for centuries. I will be playing the vampire princess and her female knight/bestfriend. I'm looking for someone to play a human/cyborg who is part of a party invading the kingdom and possibly if you want a male aristocrat

Open to anyone/multiple people:
I'm interested in doing a truth or dare to that focuses around the 7 deadly sins (not the anime). Basically some of the characters would have earned their titles by being the most protested of their son, such as lust would be the most sexual player. And the titles would be up for grabs every 3 years if someone wanted to challenge the players.

Truth or Dare was a taboo game. People died playing. Pick truth and you were banned for five days. Don't complete a dare, you die. Simple regulations but difficult tasks. Only six players per room.
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