MxM Rps With Friends (Currently wanting to do Mancers plot)

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MxM Rps With Friends (Currently wanting to do Mancers plot)


Please boop my snoot!
Local time
Today 6:10 PM
Hello! I am friendly drago Ace here with my friends!

First off, a little about us! We have something called multiple personalities, or something similar to it, I guess. We've decided to make a thread with all of our interests and ideas! First off we're going to each give a little introduction for everyone who likes to rp so you can get to know us all better.

Oh, and if you also have multiple personalities or are curious about the whole thing feel free to pm me and give me snoot boops! It's an interesting topic and I love snoot boopins!

Let's start off introductions with me, Ace! I am a super awesome bouncy drago who loves snoot boopins! Please boop my snoot! Apparently, Odd thinks I'm really annoying and hyper but that's ok because he still loves me cuz I'm totally awesome!

Next on the list is Odd. He's kinda the boss I guess. He make sure everyone is taken care of as well as taking care of the important stuff such as work and other things. He's pretty honest and straight forward and he absolutely loooooooves me!

After Odd is Donte. He's a big birdy who doesn't talk much and is probably least likely to want to rp but there are certain topics and ideas he likes.

Up next is Rosy. Rosy's the sweetest out of everyone except me! (Ace) but he's also shy. He likes light hearted and chill kinds of rps.

Last but not least is Marcello! Marcello's new here and has never rped before but I think he would like it if he got the right partner/subject. He's sweet like Rosy but also a little awkward like Donte and I love him so much! I know he would like snoot boopins too and I'm more than happy to share with him!

Now we're going to go onto our limits and rules since those are important! And they're all basically the same for everyone here.

Big no no's!:

Potty play


Cock and Ball torture.

Please don't kill our characters, we love them.

And some rules!

1: No one liners please

2: We only do MxM rps and we all prefer the submissive/bottom/whatever you want to call it role when it comes to sexual stuff. That's just our preference.

3: Please keep the rp going, if you get stuck we can always brainstorm but please don't expect us to do all the work.

This next part is going to be a little tricky since I dunno how to do spoilers and all that other cool stuff. I think the easiest way to tell you what kind of topics and plot ideas we like would be to list who all would like the idea at the beginning...We'll figure it out!

We'll try it like this. A = Awesome Ace! O = Oddly Oddball! D = Dangerous Donte! R = Radical Rosy! M = Marvelous Marcello!

(O: Did you really have to do it like that?

A: Shuddup it's cool!)

Anyway, onto the kicks and some stand alone topics!


Forced (O,D,R)

Incest (O,R)

Furry (O,A,M)

Bondage (O,D,R)

BDSM (O, maybe D,R)

Donte might try power bottoming but might need some lessons first.

I'll probably add more to this list.

Now some interests and plots:

* = Will be the role we wish to play

College rp (O,A,D,R,M)

Asylum rp (O,D,R)

Demon x Angel (O,D)(R and M would like to play angel)

Kidnapper x Kidnappee* (O,R)

Scientist x Experiment* (O,A,D,R)

Dragon x Dragon (O,A)

Farming rp? (O,A,R,M)

Supernatural x Hunter (O,A,D,R)

Now we're going to try to do some more in depth topics:

The person who wants to rp the plot will be named after the name of the plot

Mancers (Currently Odd <--- He really wants to do this one!!!)

The rp is set in the horse and buggy age and the characters can either be full human or furry/neko/anthro (I get confused on which is which.)
The base of the story is that everyone is normal except a rare few who are seen as "witches" or Mancers. Mancers are revered, feared, and shunned. Still, sometimes the common folk need a mancers help whether it's a potion to cure an illness, a spell of fire to survive the winter, and so on.

There are 5 mancer types
Terramancer - earth powers
Aquamancers- water
Pyromancer- fire
Aquamancers (if you can think of a better word let me know) - power over the air
And blood mancers who can control people. Blood mancers are very rare and are kill- on-sight. Be careful if you choose a blood mancer.

Odd's character is a fox terramancer who has a small cottage on the other side of the forest that is on the outside of the village. The villagers are afraid of the mancer and warns the children that the mancer snatches and eats naughty younglings for lunch. Still the mancer has a powerful control over the earth and plants around them and will often be asked to cure the sick or help the crops grow, though the mancer doesn't always agree.

The small things


This idea is based off of the video games Little Nightmares or Grounded. If you haven't played those it's basically the idea where our characters are tiny and have to survive in a world where grass is as big as trees or in a world where large creatures have taken over. Our characters have to survive in this large world, figuring out how to stay safe and where to find shelter. We can discuss more specifics if you are interested.

Little Demons


The idea for this plot is that there is a church or some kind of holy place, where people come to shed their sins. The church is very successful and has been running for hundreds of years. It turns out that the reason why the church is so successful is because they have a demon held captive. The demon feeds off the bad energies that attach themselves to the people. The people come to the church, the demon secretly eats the bad energies, people leave the church feeling light and happy. We would prefer to play the demon in this rp and your character playing the priest's son who is now tasked to take care of the demon.

The Dragon's Mage


Basic Idea: In a world where humans nd dragons are at war there is a mage who can speak to and/or control dragons. This mage could also be the son of the queen who is heading the war with the dragons. The humans want this mage to control the dragons so they can kill them all but the mage wants to try to find peace between the two. Our character would be the mage in the rp and your character can either be a knight charged with protecting the mage (aka making sure he doesn't run way) or perhaps a dragon or if you have another idea I'd love to hear it.

Two Worlds


This rp is set around a world where class is everything. It starts off with two boys who don't know each other. Your character is a boy from a high class family. Being in the higher class your character is set up at a good school with a good future job set up and a good future ahead. Our character is a boy from the bad neighborhood with abusive parents. One night our character runs away and prepares to sleep in the streets. Your character sees ours and invites them into their room for the night. The two stay friends from then on in secret, their feelings for each other slowly growing. As the two grow up they go on with their different lives, meeting in secret. The current rp will take place when they are grown, yc leading the good live while ours struggles.

New Kid on the Block


This rp takes place on a busy city block (think New York ish, but probably not so busy) where our character has moved into an apartment building in the neighborhood. Our character has taken up a job as a dog walker and frequently walks the store front street with the dogs. Your character can be whoever you want, shop owner, neighbor, you decide. They'll meet up and start a little romance. Cute and fluffy! With lots of pooches and smooches!

(R: Pooches and smooches?

A: SHUSH it's cute!)

Now we're moving on to characters. Just like the last two sections, the person who wants to rp this character will be listed by the character's name. These are just some characters that we use more frequently or are already very thought out.

Name: Steel (Players being Ace)

Species: Snow Leopard (Full furry or neko)

Eyes: Light Blue

Hair: Darker towards the roots with white tips

Features: Thin, slim muscled, has spots on face that looks like freckles, long long fluffy fluffy tail

Likes: Books, climbing anything, chasing and catching tail, cheeeeeeeeese

Dislikes: Getting wet, bullies, wasting anything

If you have any ideas that you think Steel would work well in Ace would love to hear it.


Robin: (Could be played by Odd but Rosy or Marcello would really like this character)

Race: Human

Age: 19-22

Gender: Male

Height: 5'5"

Personality: Caring, shy, skittish.

Likes: Food, books, kids, animals

Dislikes: Storms, bullies, being hungry or cold

Background: At the age of 15, Robin ran away from his home when he discovered his father slaughtering his mother and baby sister. His older brother told him to run and hide and that's exactly what he did. Robin's older brother was also killed by his father who then took his own life. Robin lived on the street ever since, fearing that his father would find and kill him if he ever told anyone what happened. At the age of 19 Robin found himself in front of an apartment caught on fire. Before help had arrived Robin ran into the building to help a pregnant woman off the third floor. While inside the building the floor collapsed. Robin was able to help the woman jump to freedom but the floor fell out from under him, trapping his right arm and keeping him from escaping. Robin eventually passed out due to the smoke. When he came to in the hospital he discovered that his right arm had to be amputated half way between his shoulder and elbow. He still has burns covering his body.


Name: Lexian or Lexy for short (Played by Odd)

Creature: Incubus

Age: Around 23

Preference: Guys

Likes: Money, sweets, sexy time, flirting

Dislikes: Being cold, Karens, storms (Unless he's curled up by a fire)

Profession: Cafe server while working on his license to be a hair dresser.

Lexy has potential in a lot of different kinds of rps. If you have any ideas you'd like to try please feel free to pm me.


Ok so that's it from us right now! Hope you were able to follow along! Please pm us if you have any ideas or if you see something you like here! Or if you just want to chat or give me snoot boopins feel free to drop us a pm. Please give me snoot boops!
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