MxM Rps with multiple personalities

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MxM Rps with multiple personalities


Please boop my snoot!
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Today 8:06 PM
Hello there. You can call me Oddball or just Odd if you'd like. As my name suggests, this is probably going to be an odd post and I'm not quite sure if it will work with the site rules but I guess we'll see.

First off, a little bit about me, or should I say us? So, oddly enough, I have multiple personalities, or something similar. Yes it deals with medical stuff and yes, we can talk to each other. If you are curious about this or you also have something similar please pm me. It's an interesting topic.

Anyway, onto the point. There are a few of us who are interested in rping and I'm going to try to figure out a way to separate this thread so each of us has a list of what we like and so on. Also if anyone is an expert and bbcodes and all that fun stuff I could probably use some assistance.


Now that that's out of the way let's do some introduction. There are four of us who like to rp. Odd (me = head honcho) Ace, Donte, and Rosy. I suppose we can give a slight summery of what we're like. Dunno if it'll be very interesting but maybe it could break the ice.

So, there's me, Odd. I'm kinda the boss I guess. I make sure everyone is taken care of as well as taking care of the important stuff such as work and other things. So if you don't have someone specific you'd like to talk to then you'll probably be talking to me until we figure out what we'd like to rp. Uh, more about me...I'm very honest and straight forward and I don't know what else to say about me.

Onto Ace. Ace is bouncy, excitable, high energy drago. Yeah, a dragon. He's a very happy noodle dragon (think the chinese long dragons) and his favorite thing in the world is snoot boops so if you would be so kind please drop by and give him snoot boops. It makes his day. Ace loves to rp and will probably be the one who wants to rp the most. Please for the love of all things sane play with him! He drives us nuts when he's bored!

Donte is very indifferent and doesn't really like to talk to people so he's probably the least likely to want to rp. Still he likes more serious subjects and will very rarely seek out rp.

And finally Rosy. Rosy is the sweetest of all of us but also the shyest. He doesn't normally interact with others but would love to try some light hearted, chill kind of rps.


I'm going to go ahead and talk about our limits here since they're basicaly all the same.

Big no no's:
Potty play

And some Rules before we kick it off.
1: No one liners please
2: We only do MxM rps and we all prefer the submissive/bottom/whatever you want to call it role when it comes to sexual stuff. That's just our preferance.
3: Please keep the rp going, if you get stick we can always brainstorm but please don't expect us to do all the work.


This next part is going to be a bit difficult since I don't know how to do spoilers or whatever. I suppose the easiest way to tell you what kind of topics and plot ideas we like would be to list who all would like the idea at the beginning...Yeah this might take a bit to work out.

So here's how that's going to go. O = Odd, A = Ace, D = Donte, and R = Rosy

Going to start with some kinks and stand along topics:

Forced (O,D,R)
Incest (O,R)
Furry (O,A)
Bondage (O,D,R)
BDSM (O, maybe D,R)
mpreg (O,A,R)
I'll probably add more to this list.

Now some interests and plots:
* = Will be the role we wish to play
College rp (O,A,D,R)
Asylum rp (O,D,R)
Demon x Angel (O,D R would like to play angel)
Kidnapper x Kidnappee* (O,R)
Scientist x Experiment* (O,A,D,R)
Dragon x Dragon (O,A)
Farming rp? (O,A,R)
Supernatural x Hunter (O,A,D,R)


Now we're going to try to do some more in dept topics:
The person who wants to rp the plot will be named after the name of the plot

The small things
This idea is based off of the video games Little Nightmares or Grounded. If you haven't played those it's basically the idea where our characters are tiny and have to survive in a world where grass is as big as trees or in a world where large creatures have taken over. Our characters have to survive in this large world, figuring out how to stay safe and where to find shelter. We can discuss more specifics if you are interested.

Little Demons
The idea for this plot is that there is a church or some kind of holy place, where people come to shed their sins. The church is very successful and has been running for hundreds of years. It turns out that the reason why the church is so successful is because they have a demon held captive. The demon feeds off the bad energies that attach themselves to the people. The people come to the church, the demon secretly eats the bad energies, people leave the church feeling light and happy. We would prefer to play the demon in this rp and your character playing the priest's son who is now tasked to take care of the demon.

The Dragon's Mage
Basic Idea: In a world where humans nd dragons are at war there is a mage who can speak to and/or control dragons. This mage could also be the son of the queen who is heading the war with the dragons. The humans want this mage to control the dragons so they can kill them all but the mage wants to try to find peace between the two. Our character would be the mage in the rp and your character can either be a knight charged with protecting the mage (aka making sure he doesn't run way) or perhaps a dragon or if you have another idea I'd love to hear it.


Now we're going to try some characters. Just like the last two sections, the person who wants to rp this character will be listened by the character's name.

Name: Steel (Players being Ace)
Species: Snow Leopard (Full furry or neko)
Eyes: Light Blue
Hair: Darker towards the roots with white tips
Features: Thin, slim muscled, has spots on face that looks like freckles, long long fluffy fluffy tail
Likes: Books, climbing anything, chasing and catching tail, cheeeeeeeeese
Dislikes: Getting wet, bullies, wasting anything

If you have any ideas that you think Steel would work well in Ace would love to hear it.


Robin: (Could be played by Odd but Rosy would really like this character)
Race: Human
Age: 19-22
Gender: Male
Height: 5'5"
Personality: Caring, shy, skittish.
Likes: Food, books, kids, animals
Dislikes: Storms, bullies, being hungry or cold
Background: At the age of 15, Robin ran away from his home when he discovered his father slaughtering his mother and baby sister. His older brother told him to run and hide and that's exactly what he did. Robin's older brother was also killed by his father who then took his own life. Robin lived on the street ever since, fearing that his father would find and kill him if he ever told anyone what happened. At the age of 19 Robin found himself in front of an apartment caught on fire. Before help had arrived Robin ran into the building to help a pregnant woman off the third floor. While inside the building the floor collapsed. Robin was able to help the woman jump to freedom but the floor fell out from under him, trapping his right arm and keeping him from escaping. Robin eventually passed out due to the smoke. When he came to in the hospital he discovered that his right arm had to be amputated half way between his shoulder and elbow. He still has burns covering his body.


Name: Lexian or Lexy for short (Played by Odd)
Creature: Incubus
Age: Around 23
Preferance: Guys
Likes: Money, sweets, sexy time, flirting
Dislikes: Being cold, Karens, storms (Unless he's curled up by a fire)
Profession: Cafe server while working on his license to be a hair dresser.
Lexy has potential in a lot of different kinds of rps. If you have any ideas you'd like to try please feel free to pm me.


Ok! If you've made it this far then great! Please pm me if you have any ideas or if you see anything you like here. Or if you would just like to chat or something. Oh! And please boop Ace's snoot. It has been too long since he got his snoot boops.
hey! you still on?
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