Character(s) Ruin's Various Characters for Various Things

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Character(s) Ruin's Various Characters for Various Things


The Apocalyptic End
Inner Sanctum Nobility
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Today 5:28 AM
ATTN: @Stormee (RP Yet to be Named)
~A rough concept for now. More elaboration to come!

Name: Skylar

Level: 1

EXP: 0 / 100

Race: Human

Class: Spellsword


Average adult humans can be expected to have a score of 10 in each attribute. Each point in an attribute equates to roughly 10% of the capabilities of the average human, so a Strength score of 11 means that the player is 10% stronger than the average human. Characters may distribute 3 Attribute Points as they choose upon leveling up.

Str: 10

Dex: 11

Agi: 10

Con: 9

Sta: 11

Mag: 12

Will: 9

Cha: 8


Each skill has skill experience (S. Exp) which increases with use of said skill. Whenever a player levels up he/she may increase a skill he/she knows by one level. New skills can be learned through trial-and-error or from a person who knows the skill.

----Weapon Skill: Swords (Level 1)

--S. Exp: 0 / 100

----Magic Skill: Fire (Level 1)

--S. Exp: 0 / 100

----Magic Skill: Force (Level 1)

--S. Exp: 0 / 100


Abilities and spells are techniques that consume a player's Magic (Spells) or Stamina (Abilities) when used. Combat focused skills such as Weapon Skills or Magic Skills award one spell/ability for each level obtained. Otherwise, abilities can be learned through trial-and-error or from someone who knows the ability.

----Power Attack (Weapon Skill: Swords)

--Power Attack adds 2 Str to the player's attribute upon his/her next strike.

----Fire Dart (Magic Skill: Fire)

--The player launches a dart made of liquid flame from his/her hand. This spell does exponentially more damage when it scores a critical hit, otherwise it does little damage, but has a chance of inflicting the Burning status.

----Push (Magic Skill: Force)

--This spell doesn't do any damage, but it allows the player to apply his Mag score (calculated in the same way as Str would be) to a cone-shaped telekinetic push from his/her hand. The spell has a range of 5 feet.



From a young age, Skylar loved video games. As he grew older his fascination only grew. At the age of 22, Skylar was a beta tester at HiFyve Games while he worked on his Computer Science degree at Yale. He only had a year left until he graduated, but fate had other designs for the young man. While crossing N. Appleton Street on his way to class one morning, Skylar was hit by an elderly woman who had no business driving at the age of ninety-seven. She drove an old tan Buick with a frame and body three times heavier than most modern sedans. Skylar never had a chance of surviving the accident.

Skylar was always quiet and reserved during social encounters, but when he was at home alone playing video games, he donned his $300 headset and came out of his shell. In his games, Skylar wasn't just some awkward nerd shunned by society. He was an adventurer, and adventurers were bold and daring, and so Skylar's personality shifted to one of bravado and authority.



ATTN: @Nytely (RP Yet to be Named)
~Again, another rough concept.

Name: Jaxon
Alias(es): Jax
Race: Dragonkin
Class: Yet to Be Determined
Level: 10
EXP: 0 / 1000



The most well-balanced character at Level 10 (the average level of common adults) will have 6 Attribute Scores rated at "6" and 2 Attribute Scores rated at "7" before Racial & Class Bonuses are applied. Each character gains 5 Attribute Points to distribute per level. Otherwise, Attribute Points may rarely be awarded for exercising those Attributes excessively, or certain classes may award additional Attribute Points, called Class Bonuses, per level to one or more Attributes.

Str: 7
Con: 7 (+1 Racial Bonus)
Dex: 6
Agi: 6
Sta: 7 (+1 Racial Bonus)
Mag: 6
Will: 6
Cha: 7



Each skill has skill experience (S. Exp) which increases with use of said skill. Whenever a player levels up he/she may increase a skill he/she knows by one level. New skills can be learned through trial-and-error or from a person who knows the skill. Their are four Skill Types: Combat, Magic, Support, and General.

Combat Skill: Karate - Level 1
S. Exp:
0 / 100

General Skill: Woodland Survival - Level 2
S. Exp:
0 / 100


Spells & Abilities

Abilities and spells are techniques that consume a player's Magic (Spells) or Stamina (Abilities) when used. Spells and Abilities are awarded to character's when they level up Combat (Ability), Magic (Spell), or Support (Abilities) Skills. Abilities cannot be awarded by leveling up General Skills. New spells and abilities may also be awarded through trial-and-error or instruction.

Drain Punch(Combat Skill: Karate)
The character siphons away 1 Sta from his/her target for a duration of 10 seconds if his/her next punch hits. This ability consumes an above average amount of stamina to perform.




Jax's new Dragonkin body is very similar to a typical human appearance aside from red scales that form an intricate swirling knotting pattern on his arms, similar to Celtic knot tattoos Jaxon is familiar with on Earth; lengthened incisors (about 1 cm longer than average human incisors); small, sharp black horns that curve up slightly; hardened, glossy black fingernails that end in dull points; and deep red eyes. His body is well muscled yet lean. His hair is short, black and unkempt. Jaxon's jaw is more powerful-looking than when he was a human, and black stubble is growing on his cheeks in a look that is rugged but not unflattering. He stands at about 6'5" tall, and weighs roughly around 200 lbs.



Racial Bonuses are granted to most races, though they differ between races. Racial Bonuses will add either 1 or 2 Attribute Points distributed across one or two Attributes. Dragonkin receive +1 Cons and +1 Sta.

Class Bonuses are granted to by certain special classes. Class Bonuses are cumulative, meaning that the Class Bonus is applied at each level earned after receiving the class.

Attributes Defined (For Both of the Above Characters)
Str - Determines the force the players' bodies can physically apply to the world. Higher Str scores allow players to lift more, carry more, and strike harder (increase damage with melee weapons).

Dex- Determine's the players' precision and the speed at which their hands and the speed of that they can move in melee (attack speed). Higher Dex scores increase accuracy with ranged weapons and the precision of melee weapons (critical hit %).

Agi - Determines the players' movement speed, capability of dodging, jumping capabilities, balance, and their ability to move over rough terrain. High Agi scores allow the players to successfully dodge attacks in melee and from ranged weapons.

Con - Determines the players' health. Higher Con scores allow players to take more damage before being mortally wounded and also affects how likely players are to contract diseases.

Sta - Determines the players' capability to continue strenuous activity without pause. Sta also acts as the energy pool which abilities draw their power from.

Mag - Acts as an energy pool from which players draw power from to fuel their spells.

Will - Determines the players' resistance to high Cha scores and magical effects.

Cha - Determines the players' ability to coerce others into doing what they want. Higher Cha scores will result in others naturally trusting the player. Once a player breaks trust with a person that person will treat the player as if he/she only had 0-75% of his/her Cha score depending on the severity of the player's actions.

ATTN: @Kotayle (RP Yet to be Named)
~Also super basic. It's a theme, I know.
Rob fel Settra
Full Name: Robyn fel Settra
Common Alias: Rob
Social Class: Minor Nobility
Age: 23


Play-By: Ian Somerhalder

Rob is from a minor noble house that is infamous for being descendants of Settra, a powerful warlock who once sought to rule the continent. Unfortunately, after Settra's death, his descendants were unable to maintain power and influence. Without Settra's mighty magic, House Settra was incapable of maintaining the warlock's empire.

He has ambitions to achieve the mastery over magic that his ancestor once claimed. In doing so, he believes he will be able to elevate the status of his disgraced House to that of their former glory. Rob might not know much magic yet, but he has a vast thirst for all knowledge of the arcane.

Darian Lostuv
Full Name: Darian Lostuv
Common Alias: Darian
Social Class: Commoner
Age: 27


Play-By: Jamie Dornan

Darian grew up in the slums of Halleberg. His parents were dirt poor and had little to offer their twelve children. Darian survived by stealing food from the marketplace and cutting purses. When he was seventeen, Darian was apprehended for theft. He summarily sentenced to five years in prison.

While incarcerated, he learned a few simple spells from a long-time inmate named Merlin. Merlin professed that Darian had exceptional arcane talent, but the wards around the prison prevented him from teaching Darian all but the most basic of spells.

After serving his sentence, Darian started his life anew. Instead of resorting to thievery, he did odd jobs and the occasional magic to support himself. Yearning to know about magic, he has recently enrolled in the university, using all of his meager savings to pay for his semester of tuition.

Samael fel Kael
Full Name: Samael fel Kael
Common Alias: Sam
Social Class: Minor Nobility
Age: 21


The black sheep of House Kael, Sam has been forcibly enrolled in the university by his father. Instead of showing interest in politics or managing the properties of House Kael, Sam showed interest in alcohol and women. At first, Sam's father thought it was a typical phase that most young men go through, but Sam's drunken antics continuously caused House Kael embarrassment and a decline in status among the other noble houses. Sam was presented with an ultimatum, he could be exiled from House Kael--cut off from the House's properties and finances--or he could join the university--still cut off from the House properties and finances, but at least he wouldn't have to live with peasants.
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