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Inner Sanctum Nobility
Inner Sanctum Nobility
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100 Posts!
I'm looking for someone, preferably a female but doesn't have to be. I was looking to do my own take on Himura Kenshin or even make a new character to take his place. I do have a few conditions, however, but they are comparatively minor ones:
- Spelling and Grammar are a must: I'll be frank and say this isn't entirely my choice. I'm autistic and OCD--a grammar Nazi as some would say. But, it also serves the purpose of being able to fully comprehend the effort you put forth. If, for example, you use 'to' instead of too--or even two I won't get a clear-cut image of what you may be trying to accomplish. Mistakes happen, they do. I'm not saying if you don't spell perfectly the first time you'll be barred. That isn't it. Like I said, mistakes can and do happen.
- Know the Lore: This is one I can't stress enough. Know. Your. Stuff. If you come into this unaware what Rurouni Kenshin is about, I'm gonna have to decline you. It's different if you remember pieces and just haven't seen it in a long time. So know the lore before diving head first or you may just hit the bottom of the pool as it were rather than enjoying a nice dunk. If you do know your stuff, then come on in! :D
- Two Paragraphs minimum: Ten sentences, that's all I ask. Ten full-bodied and descriptive paragraphs. That's two paragraphs. I write, like a LOT. So there is no reason, no excuse to give me that you can't take anything from my post and apply it to your character's point-of-view. There's just not. I don't like one-liners or skimpy posts that lack creativity and enthusiasm.
- Characters cannot be extremely overpowered: Look, I get it, we're dealing with unique fighting styles; Kenshin Himura's sword technique puts him at Mach levels due to it being an ultra-sonic sword fighting style. Sojiro's sword style you can't even see him. And yes, there is bound to be some crazy over the top action involved, but try not to be to carried away. This may be an anime we're doing here, nonetheless, some things are just going be out over the top but should never reach out of control proportions.
These are my four cardinal rules, I hope you can follow them and we can make one hell of a story. All names that may be used in this including but not limited to characters, techniques, and styles are all accredited to Nobuhiro Watsuki.