Rusty's Junkyard [Editing]

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Rusty's Junkyard [Editing]


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Hello Inner Sanctum,

It looks like you've found your way into my hoard, welcome to the junkyard. Here you'll find scraps of; worlds, characters, and lore. While I don't have many recurring characters nor do I really plan to in the future, there are pieces of stories and concepts I would like to further explore and put in a place where people can appreciate and maybe find something of value to take away from. Moreover, in the course of a story, there's a lot of lore build-up and small details that, as of recently I have gotten tired of having to flip through the entire message(s) logs to find; and need a convenient organized place where I can put that it all.

So there you have it, this; the messy thread it'll no doubt turn into (assuming it hasn't already!) is a workshop-graveyard. If you ever see something you like, a bit of lore or perhaps a location be that a store, town, or country please by all means use it in your own stories. Anything here (characters aside) is up for grabs to the public, lest it has a (*) in its name. That being said, do take a look; and if I perk your interest tickle that awful parasite we've all got but pretend is a muse; do seek me out, sending me a message.

(On-Going Edits.)

Dossier 1 - Test
Content 1
Dossier 2 - Test2
Content 2
Last edited:
Case File - This Awkward Thing Of Ours
Partner(s) - EvangelineEverheart
Notes - Attached below are all of the relevant lore for the story.

Forum - Torture Chamber
Prefix - Knife
Northspur, Maine; December 1942

It's been twelve months since the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, and America is caught in the throes of the second world war. Having brought retaliation against Japan in the Doolittle raid in April, and having deployed troops to Europe in January. However, the triumph of D-Day and the true horrors of the war are yet to reveal themselves.

Back at home, things aren't much better the country is still reeling from the great depression; and while the war has awoken the sleeping giant of American industry. It's brought with it other problems, rationing and in some of the moral rural parts of the country outright food shortages. The Atlantic Coast from New York to Portland go dark every night in fear of German aviators seeking across the sea. And there are lasting effects of prohibition, gangs bolstered by the sale of illegal alcohol have grown into formidable organizations across the country.

Worst still, with the war on and the fear of Axis infiltrators running rampant; it's been decided that at least for the moment. There are bigger concerns than local criminals, even as powerful as they are. It doesn't help many of the organizations are either; ran by, comprised of, or employe supernaturals. Werewolves and Vampires, always having been stigmatized for their respective conditions, have a difficult time in regular society. Often turning to crime to make ends meet, it's here where we find three, particularly nasty organizations facing off against each other.

In the city of Nortspur, there are three ruling families. The Baliey (Vampires), Dunne (Werewolves), and Colton (Werewolves) families have been active in the city since almost the revolution. Violence occasionally boiling over. But, with the war on it seems like the lucrative opportunities have brought on all-out war. With each family trying to tear each other apart the hapless city caught in the middle. It's gotten so bad that there's a constant FBI and BSR (Bureau of Supernatural Relations) presence in the city trying to calm the situation down.

The Races

Purebloods' have access to two different forms. A normal human one, albeit with larger canines and incisors (teeth). Purebloods are those born Lycan. They mostly look human, the only real difference being their teeth. Their Lycan form is large, between 8'-10' and they can easily take on three-four humans and two-three vampires. Conventional weapons are effective against them, however, small-arms (pistols, revolvers, knives) aren't recommended. Letting a werewolf close the distance is an efficient method of dispatching them but isn't recommended (rifles, shotguns, and swords) are the most effective defense.
Manges are those who've been turned, either through a bite or scratch. Widely considered by purebloods as a mistake. They are the dredge of Lycan society, often clanless. They suffer from a deformed appearance, more than human yet less than lycan. They're characterized by large canine ears, sharp almond shaped eyes, and broken up patches of fur across their bodies. Lacking the ability to shift, a Mange is as they appear. Considerably weaker than their pureblood counterparts, they're susceptible to small-arms fire. Though they boast the increased speed and strength of lycanthropy. Slightly taller than the average human their height ranges from 5'8''-7'2''.
Often cast as the villains in both cinema and radio, vampires have long stalked the nights. Preying on the unsuspecting and ignorant. Their feud with the Lycans goes back almost to the beginning of history. For the most part, spotting a vampire is difficult, they like werewolves possess longer canines than humans.

Otherwise, their appearance is unremarkable unless they are going through blood-withdrawl. Which'll drastically alter their appearance, eyes undergoing a type of heterochromia and turning a sharp red. Hair losing its color and turning stark white, and finally slipping into a feral state until their cravings are sated. Vampires aren't as strong as Lycans, or even Manges. Conventional weaponry has proven effective. Though they are extremely fast, even faster than their werewolf counterparts. And their weakness to sunlight has created an entirely different world in this new age. Splitting the world into two halves, those who cater to normal humans, and those that are open all night. It isn't as if they'll burst into flames in the sun. However, they find the experience unpleasant enough that most avoid direct contact with the sun. Either through heavy clothing, sunglasses, or an umbrella.
As Lycanthropy produced Manges, Vampirism gave birth to the Ghouls. Wretched beings born from when a vampire drinks from an unwilling participant. There's little more to their existence than clinging desperately to the vampire that sired them. Doing their bidding and occasionally partaking in their masters' blood. They don't inherit any of their betters abilities, and become extremely vulnerable to the sun. Their only benefit from their cursed existence is so long as they drink their masters' blood they'll live on. But everything dies, and every ghoul knows someday their master will perish; and so in turn will they.


Werewolves - Humans
Lycans and Humans largely tend to get along. Mostly because Werewolves can hunt other creatures to sustain themselves. Werewolves, even purebloods still see themselves as human albeit ones afflicted with a disease. Though the overall stance on humanity, and in turn on Werewolves is more complicated than that; at least officially there's peace between the two races.
Vampires - Humans
Relations between humans and vampires are always, tense. The vampiric need to feed on human blood to sustain themselves is a matter of contention. There are those amongst humanity that feel an obligation to feed those afflicted with vampirism. The condition largely being seen as a disease. However, throughout history, vampires have been hunted for the danger they pose. And in some countries still are.
Werewolves - Vampires

Unsurprisingly the two sub-races of humanity despise each other. Werewolves seeing vampires as prowling monsters' that destroy families and kill innocent people. And vampires seeing werewolves as unrefined animals, being less than human.
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