MxF Sailors in Galway(Long-term, Multi-para, Adventure/Romance)

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MxF Sailors in Galway(Long-term, Multi-para, Adventure/Romance)


Inner Sanctum Nobility
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Today 1:27 AM
Hi there,

I'm Reuel, and I've been writing for over a decade. I'll be quick summing myself up, but I've worked on my writing quite a bit to get it to a level of quality I really enjoy. I go for both quality and quantity and I'm hoping for a partner that has a similar writing style to myself. I write third person/past tense. 500 words is usually my minimum but depending on the scene it can vary quite a bit. I like solid writing but I'm not a stickler for perfect grammar and typos don't bother me. Gods know I make mistakes. As long as your writing isn't riddled with them and you've put good effort in, then I'm happy! I really just need a partner that pushes the story forward because I will definitely be pushing us in the direction we decide on together, I just don't want to be the only one moving the story along.

Expectations of you and myself/ Preferences
  • 500 word minimum
  • Third person/past tense
  • Communication (For both plotting and just general communication about wait times between posts)
  • Posts like once a week, more if possible of course, but this is a hobby and it should be fun. No pressure. Just let me know so I'm not constantly checking for updates.
  • 18+ themes like sex, drugs, violence, ect... I like detailed writing so things will get nitty gritty.
  • A solid story that also includes smut where it fits. I don't have a preferred ratio but I'm big on sexual tension and slow burns that sometimes erupt suddenly.
  • I'll be playing the Male character in this story


This story takes place on the Ocean, its ships, and its shores. The story is inspired by this song.

All her life she has dreamed of sailing across the sea, reading book after book of fantastic journeys and romantic voyages. She dreams of feeling the ocean spray on her face and seeing the world. But, each day she is dragged back down to reality. She lives in a seaside town that sees countless sailors come and go, bringing their business and often their merry making and ruckus. As a barmaid, she meets many sailors and often listens in on their stories. Sailing through storms, fighting pirates, exploring unknown islands... its enough to get her heart pounding! Her friends and family always ground her though, reminding her that women aren't sailors. It's far too dangerous for her to be out at sea. She needs to think of her future. They all look at her ramblings as just that, ramblings. She is educated, intelligent, often handling the tavern's books and keeping track of coins coming in and going out while also being a barmaid herself. She is smart... and yet she has these reckless dreams of running away to the sea. No matter how she tries, she can't seem to let it go. She dares to daydream of sailing the sea, but all those dreams come shattering down when her father begins to talk about getting her married.

All his life he has dreamed of gold and treasure. He was born on a ship, first walked upon its unsteady flooring, learned to shift his weight with the rocking sea before he learned to walk on steady ground. In his life, he has seen more water than he has ever seen land. As a child, his Father was a merchant that traveled almost constantly, so he brought his family along. It was dangerous work but paid well. It was a family business for generations that all came crumbling down in one swift strike. He was a teenager when their small fleet was attacked by a band of pirates. Their ships were destroyed and all were left to die at sea... well, almost all. Somehow, by some miracle, he was left adrift on some of the wreckage. It was then that he was scooped up by the pirates. Perhaps it was pity, or just the need for more men, but he was taken in by the very crew that killed his family. He was resentful, enraged at first, but as time passed he learned his situation and realized that if he wanted to live, he needed to be useful. Years passed and one day, he jumped ship. Literally and figuratively. He stole some gold and left to start his own crew. He used what he stole to buy a ship and a crew soon fallowed.

This is where their paths cross. In ports, they claim to be merchants, regular sailors, but the truth is that they're pirates. He cheats, steals, and pillages along with his crew, but sometimes they just need a port for a night to lay low. That is where they meet, in her family Tavern. They talk, maybe even flirt a bit, but she hears that he is an adventurer as well as a merchant. His stories draw her in and she finds herself bewitched. Amazing adventure and freedom. Perhaps it is the dizzying excitement, or the pints of ale she ends up sharing with him, but somehow she finds herself stumbling onto his ship when no one is looking. She just wants to see a real ship! To stand on it's deck and see below the deck for the first time! The ale catches up with her though, and she dozes off below deck.

The next day, she is shocked awake by loud voices above, then she notices the swaying. The ship left the port with her on it! And this is no regular ship, she soon learns, but a pirate ship.

So, that is the base idea. I have plans for her maybe hiding her gender/identity for a bit. Perhaps wearing clothes she finds below deck to try and hide that she is a woman. She dreamed of sailing the sea, but not with 'bloodthirsty' pirates. She's heard all the stories and fears the worst. He also has a price on his head not just from the Navy but from the pirate captain he betrayed and stole from. He and his crew are in the middle of a voyage, to find a long lost treasure (From a map he also stole from this other pirate captain). But, he can't read, and neither can any of his men. It's too risky to flash the map around in ports to get it read, so he's been trying to decipher it himself. She can read though, and maybe once she is discovered as a woman she offers to help read the map if he agrees to take her back home after, unharmed.

If you're interested then send me a message! I'd appreciate a writing sample and a little intro so I can feel if we vibe. This isn't a first come first serve, I'm looking for a solid partner for this story. She is the damsel, but at the same time she isn't. She is strong, driven, intelligent, and not to be taken lightly. To survive on a ship she'll have to have some back bone, but I imagine this journey will bring out sides of them that even they didn't realize they had.
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