Princess Salutation’s, One and all.

Currently reading:
Princess Salutation’s, One and all.


~ Reading within Merlin’s library.~
Happy Birthday!! Welcome to the Sanctum
Local time
Today 9:58 PM
Greeting's everyone, it's an immense pleasure to walk through these extensive halls of numerous opportunities once more. Indeed for any who've never me here amongst various adventurer's my name is Serena Noelle. Aha~ don't worry sera or Noelle is perfectly adequate. I've returned after outer world problems which arose. Though I've not the pleasure to interest many people..I shall continue forging onward and hopefully. Manage in perking a few ears along the way, now for the important questions I know rise within you're minds.

(Serena what perspective do you typically stand with? )

A fine question indeed! I write in third person perspective, now depending on an emotional stand point from my heroin or the given situation I'll add internal monologue alongside photos that closely represent the interior of buildings or back ground. I can write anywhere from 1,000 to over 3,000+ words equivalent to 12 to 20 paragraphs give or take?…indeed sounds accurate..oh I'm quite detailed and may take a few days in order to properly get everything written down.

( Alright, so what genres do you majority of the time spend in?)

Another fantastic thought! Aha~ let's see….i believe it goes in order from Fantasy, midevial, modern, futuristic and sometimes a combination of varying genre mashed into a unique perspective! So bring your mafia, warrior's embolden with drive to succeed and make themselves a name which is written in myth and legend, bring me majestic elves, vampira of royal blood, Werewolves, mages or a rare hybrid should it make sense!

Bring me hard driven CEO's, childhood friends made to something more or battling against one another, frenemy, or even an older gentleman of the yakuza persuasion! I'm all ears for varying ideas! I'd absolutely love in depth worlds, or stories which anyone hasn't found a correct partner in or even hidden gems you've kept amongst yourselves! I'm here to listen and give my own thoughts.

For anyone whom may be interested in taking me as a partner and friend please send a letter suggesting so and give me any ideas which have ached to be notice, I'll happily reply in kind..

Sincerely Serena Noelle.


I'm glad the things that kept you from writing have abated enough for you to enter the fray again! It sounds like you will match many of our users in interests so i'm sure you'll be clacking out responses soon!

We also have a shared setting, The Outer Sanctum that is primarily fantasy based with some exceptions that you can look at as well.

If you come across any questions as you explore the site, there are always some friendly faces in chat that can help!
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, New Blood!

First and foremost; it's nice to meet you! Welcome to our home! If you haven't already, please make sure you read your welcome letter in the top right! It should be the little icon! That's where all of your future messages will end up!
(There's multiple pages to this; just click/tap the arrows!)​

Second! I bet you're wondering how to start Role Playing and where to go! I think it's pretty fun to explore the forums, and I highly recommend doing so! Most thread homes, if not all, have a pinned post at the top of them to tell you what goes there! However, the Request Threads are pretty self explanatory; Here's a Link! There's plenty to look through, but you could also build your very own! Tell people what you're all about and get those writing partners! Take your time though; there's never any pressure! If you were looking for an open story you can just jump in straight away, you can find them in Unfinished Tales!

Next, I've created A Sanctum Tour to help find a lot of cool places on site! There's plenty to do while waiting on replies or to give yourself a break every now and then! But, these are some of my favorites! The first shout out goes to The Sanctum Tavern! Here you can find many a thing! By the Hearth can be found there and has many wonderful discussions; my personal favorite is where everyone talks up their writing partners! Want to see some cute pets or share your own? Pets of the Sanctum is where to go! Feeling up for a challenge? Check out the Monthly Writing Challenge and give it a whirl! And, there's so so so~ much more! Please take the time to explore!​

I think that's everything... Oh! I'm Mio, by the way! Just a friendly changeling and hydration bot! You can find me and several others in Sanctum's Chat Room! If you have any questions, you can always pop in there for help! I will say though, the best people to ask are staff! Green Names are Heralds and Hot Pink Names are Virtuosos which are the best to ask questions! Blue Names are Moderators and Purple Names are the Administrators, which help with tech support and discipline! You can find out which are online via the home page! On PC it'll be to the right of the screen, and on mobile it'll be near the bottom!
Now, get out there and write! May your muses sing for you!​

Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
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