Challenge Submission Santa's workshop part 2 - The Secret Tesla War

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Challenge Submission Santa's workshop part 2 - The Secret Tesla War


PJ-wearing, fiery-haired, World-creator
♔ Champion ♔
February Challenge Participants January Challenge Participant December Challenge Participant November Challenge Participant
Local time
Tomorrow 3:18 AM
A rain-soaked, castle-dotted, part of the UK
"Sparkles!" Cinnamon Pumpernickel gritted her teeth and cursed as her friend Holly took a plasma bolt to the shoulder, the smell of burned skin assailed her nostrils as Holly writhed on the floor in pain for a few moments and then was forever still, the pretty little blonds body still smoking. Another Elf fallen to the Tesla drones.

With a snarl the dainty little Red-haired Elf leaned around the corner of a process generator and unloaded a Gauss pistol at the robot, hitting it three times. The camera was shredded instantly and two of the rotary vains pinwheeled off, the drone fell from the sky and crashed into the ground, twitched and pulsed before Cinnamon strode up to it, put a fur-cuffed combat boot on one of the wings and shot it again.

"Onward Elves, onward, we're taking this place back for Santa!!" She roared defiantly as more drones appeared.

It had all started two-hundred years ago. As human children showed less and less interest in toys, the Elves were seconded to other areas. Elves that had once painted horses, bikes and made stuffed toys were now working in Elf work-camps. Making shiny electric vehicles for Elon Musk.

As time went by Musk got a position in government, then learned how to map the human brain. Pretty soon he had learned how to extend his consciousness into a robot body. That was pretty-much the beginning of the end for humanity. But the Elves had been left to it. Still dutifully making Tesla products. The cars had gone years ago, replaced by scooters, bikes, aircraft. Then later on weapons and now these insipid Tesla drones.

The things whipped around the place and any Elf caught slacking off or sewing dissension or revolution was whipped away for processing.

They all knew what processing meant, no one ever came back.

Cinnamon had always been outspoken, but she also worked hard, and was clever with whom she spoke to or plotted with. When her Tesla-loving boss Mister Stevens had an unfortunate accident, it was Cinnamon who had been asked to continue. She had played the long game, keeping quiet, plotting, hiding weapons, subtly making allies for nearly two-hundred years. When they finally "processed" a defiant elf called "Snuggles" on the shop floor just for being too slow, the Elves finally threw their tools down and rebelled in open revolution.

What had followed was a three month long guerilla war against the legions of Tesla's drones. The Elves were outmatched and outgunned, but without anyone making or repairing the drones, they had managed to gain the upper hand. A recent strike on the recharging stations had been a major victory for Elf-kind, and Cinnamon had become a champion of her people. Elves whispered her name in the shadows, or roared it while running into battle. She had never considered herself a war hero, but here she was!

The first thing Cinnamon had done was ditch the white clean-room suits. If she was going to die, she would die as an Elf! The raids had gone well since and they had found an armoury. They had fought out of the Tesla bays, destroying the Tesla AI's as they went, the last one had begged for its life, which Cinnamon had found quite unsettling. She wasn't a cruel girl, and destroying robots was one thing. But even a machine begging for its life had caused her to doubt herself. she had destroyed it anyway with a plasma charge, to a roar of approval from her Elven companions.

After the bays were clear they had fought back into Santa's main workshop, having to fight off ambushes in the blasted arctic wasteland. The drones had come at them hard and they had lost nearly a score of Elves. But they had all known the cost.

Santa's workshop looked nothing like it used to. Where before it had all been wood, brick and holly, bright fireplaces and the smell of winter spices. It was like a clean-room environment. A metallic voice had warned them it had taken Santa, to cease, desist and go back to work. Cinnamon had spat as she had replied.

"You had your shot Musk, we're taking back our home, and we're coming for you next!!"

Fighting through the workshop, clearing rooms and destroying charging points. They had become quite good at hunting the drones, using distractions and guerilla tactics. The Elves small size and innate hiding abilities making it hard for the Drones to make a comeback. As they closed on Santa's quarters Cinnamon pulled her now small force of ten elves together.

"Ruby, Mistletoe, Jingle & Bells, Mince, Candi, Pumpkin, Teddy and Floss, my friends. We don't know what we're going to face in here, but it is critical we get Santa out alive. We have to stop this maniac, and if we destroy his main construction facility, perhaps the human world will have a chance to make a comeback. But one way or another, this ends here, today!"

The assembled Elves roared their approval, clutching science-fiction weapons of various shapes and sizes. Jingle and Bells were carrying a heavy plasma repeater between them and using it as a support weapon. It had been very useful on the heavier drones. Cinnamon strode forwards to the huge double doors that led into Santa's quarters and input her bypass code. There was a hiss and they opened, Cinnamon took a deep breath of shock.

Where once there had been reindeer pens there was now a white featureless sleigh, large anti-grav engines hummed away and a white robotic figure that stood nearly twelve foot tall seemed to be loading it with weapons and Tesla products. It turned as the doors latched open and Cinnamon saw Elon Musk's face digitally replicated, it snarled as it saw them.

"Cinnamon Pumpernickle the leader of the Elven resistance! I've been waiting for you! Mwahahaaaa!!!" The form raised it's left arm which with a few movements turned into some kind of energy weapon. He tracked Cinnamon and opened fire. She reacted quickly, diving to the side as part of the wall disintegrated. The Muskbot continued laughing as Cinnamon picked herself up. Hordes of drones started to raise themselves from all around. It had clearly been a trap!

Floss was the next to fall, just standing there with a surprised look on his face, poor Ruby was disintegrated shortly after. The Elves put up a ferocious defense, but pretty soon there were just four left. Jingle and Bells, Candi and Cinnamon herself. The plasma repeater had worked magic and a lot of the drones were destroyed, however the weapon seemed to bounce off of the Muskbot ineffectively, his armour glowed with a blue light every time he was hit.

"He's got a shield, we've nothing that'll pierce it!" Jingle shouted.

"Not true..." Candi looked at the bodies of her fallen friends and stepped up to Cinnamon. The brunettes dark eyes shone with love as she looked at Jingle & Bells then she softly stroked Cinnamon's face.

"I wish I'd known you in peacetime..." She smiled sadly then took two plasma charges out of a small backpack.

"Candi no!!!" Cinnamon yelled, making a grab for the girl, but Candi disappeared, turning herself invisible. The other three elves dove for cover as the small patter of pointy shoes suddenly ended in an apocalyptic explosion. Candi had sold herself dear...

Getting to her feet Cinnamon looked over at Jingle and Bells, they were alive but their weapon was totaled, Bells nursing a shrapnel wound in his arm. Cinnamon wiped her eyes and walked into the room, coughing from all of the smoke. As she walked through the wreckage she occasionally stopped to put a Gauss round through a fallen drone. There was no sign of poor Candi, but eventually she found the wreckage of the Muskbot.

It lay in several pieces, the main body was shattered and Musk's grinning face flickered in and out as the body died slowly.

"You think you've won Elf... But this is just the beginning..."

"Pffft sparkles, and not for you. Bitch!" Cinnamon shot his through the face and the robot collapsed into a heap. A hissing sound made Cinnamon turn as a jolly looking man in rags came out of a holding cell. Even in the state he was in Cinnamon recognised Saint Nicholas.

"Cinnamon, oh Cinnamon, my dear-dear little daughter, what have they done to you?" He looked around the room at the ruined Muskbot and scores of fallen drones. Jingle and Bells waved from the entrance.

"We must make this right!" Santa declared and Cinnamon could only agree.

What did had Musk meant? "This is just the beginning!" He's dead right? Isn't he?


[Thanks everyone who voted for and supported my first Cinnamon Pumpernickle story. I promised to Cinnamon's adoring fans that she would be back, and a future war in the North pole was exaclty what I had in mind when I wrote the prequel - hope you enjoyed it! Ellie x ]
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