Closed Scream of the Crop Two: The Electric Boogaloo | WIP DNI

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Closed Scream of the Crop Two: The Electric Boogaloo | WIP DNI

Strawberry Scream

I bite
Inner Sanctum Nobility
Local time
Today 6:44 PM
About yours truly.
★ I've been roleplaying online for sixteen+ years.

★ Minimum 500-word post length, although it can easily exceed 2,000 if I write with the right partner. My introduction posts tend to be the longest. Don't worry about matching them!

★ I'm a full-time student and part-time graveyard shift worker. I can swing between giving multiple replies in one day and giving you one every two to three days. I appreciate a little leniency on posting times.

★ I'm in no rush. Take your time to post. However, if I'm only getting one or two posts a month, I may lose interest. Sorry.

★ I like to chatter OOC sometimes, and Discord makes that easy. If you don't want to give me your DIscord, that's perfectly fine; I can make do on-site. RPing stays on-site.

★ I like writing multiple characters. I don't demand or expect the same from you, so don't worry too much about it.

★ I love to double up! Let's talk about adjusting the plots to suit our doubling needs!

★ Extreme gore is not welcome. Smut is very much welcome.
My writing partner preferences.
★ I prefer a post a week or more, but I understand that like gives out lemons like fucking candy these days, so there's really no rush. Take your time.

★ Please match my efforts to move the story forward. I don't care if I give 3,000 words and you give me 300 as long as it moves the story forward.

★ I prefer to write as and against characters twenty-one+. I don't write teenagers at all unless they are side and/or support characters, and they will never, ever be placed in inappropriate situations. Yes, even if they're eighteen or nineteen.

★ Come to me with ideas, thoughts, and concerns. I don't just prefer this; I require this. Open communication is important to enjoying a story together.

★ Deal with my bad puns.

★ I am, unfortunately, not a therapist. Please don't put me in the position of acting like one. Complaining and venting is perfectly fine, but I really feel awful when someone divulges all of their trauma, and I can't do anything about it.
My hard passes.
★ One-line or one-paragraph posts. I know I said, "as long as it moves the story forward," but I really don't think 100 words will do much.

★ Requesting or expecting personal information. If we become friends, that's one thing, but please don't expect me to release my anonymity without reaching that level of trust. And even then, you likely won't get much more than my nickname.

★ Extreme gore. Some is fine, but going into vivid detail makes me feel queasy.
I will love you forever and ever.
★ Dragons + dragon riders

★ Omegaverse/ABO

★ High fantasy

★ Low / urban fantasy

★ Sci-fi / futuristic / anything -punk

★ Worldbuilding (or using one of my pre-established worlds! I would love that.)

★ DnD-esque adventures and species/races

★ Classic monsters (vampires, werewolves, witches, etc.)

★ Witch covens (I have a whole world revolving around this concept!)

★ Character growth arcs

★ Multiple characters

★ Dark themes (drug use, abuse, etc.)

★ Mental illness/eating disorders (when written respectfully)

★ Story > smut

★ Fantasy religions

★ Male pregnancy / breeding / family building (I know, I know. Leave me alone. It's not necessary in our RP, just a guilty pleasure!)
Of course we can!
★ Enemies to lovers

★ Story ≈ smut

★ Main character/s death

★ Loss and grief

★ Royalty and socialites

★ Dystopian themes

★ Cults

★ Mythological themes (Greek / Egyptian gods, etc.)

★ Sex work

★ Religious trauma
I mean... Sure.
★ Fantasy slice-of-life

★ Low / urban fantasy slice-of-life

★ Dramatic / messy slice-of-life

★ Hyper-feminine characters

★ University/College

★ "And they were roommates!"

★ Fightless / flimsy characters

★ Glorifying organized religion

★ Detailed birth scenes
Nope. Nope. Nope.
★ Law enforcement (Brief mentions okay)

★ Incest (even "step-incest")

★ Furries

★ Bathroom business

★ Extreme gore

★ All smut, no plot whatsoever

★ Lack of communication about RP

★ Massive, massive age gaps (ex: 21 + 60)

★ Flat characters

High Fantasy Plots
Married Off: (Meant to be high fantasy) YC is a very powerful, very feared King seeking to take over a majority of the lands. His army easily wipes out any who gets in their way. However, there is one kingdom that fears him the most. To try and bribe YC into letting their people live, they not only submit to his rule but also offer up one of their sons to marry him, MC. At first, YC had half a mind to deny them, until he meets MC in person. Fascinated by MC's unique magical skills and talents, YC decides to accept the proposal. After all, they would only be engaged for a short time while he breaks MCs spirit - right?

Dangerous Paths: YC is a prince who must cross a dangerous, unmanned territory filled with magic and mayhem to complete a quest. The only person who can lead him is MC, a scrappy rogue without ties to any living kingdom. YC is first offended when MC treats them like anyone else crossing unmapped, magical territory, but soon realizes that MC is the only way they could survive the long journey across a land where everything wants to eat them.

Aye, Captain: MC is the captain of an infamous pirate ship in a fantasy land, known for merciless pillaging and bloodshed. YC is lost on an island for a long time, only to be found by a crew that's stopped to gather and hunt. YC is a skill that's needed on the ship and is invited onto the ship - only to discover that the crew is on an impossible quest.

The Army Witch: In a medieval world, MC is an extremely powerful witch. However, YC is the prince and captain of an army who is about to face another army three times as big and as powerful as their own. The King/Queen of the land implores the help of MC - against YC's wishes, who is strictly anti-magic. They are forced to work together where, to YC's annoyance and reluctant acceptance, MC thrives in the war planning room and on the battlefield. Slowly, as the war carries on, YC and MC start getting along (and maybe a little too well?). But the war ends, YC is crowned the ruler of the kingdom, and it's time for MC to leave and carry on their quest. Will YC ask for MC to stay, or is it time to let go?

Faerie Rings: (DnD inspired, but no knowledge is necessary.) MC is a human who stumbles into a faerie ring out in the forest. When he's taken to the feywilds, there waiting for him is a faerie of relative importance to the court (either Seelie or Unseelie; it's up to you). He keeps MC as a sort of "pet," feeding him faerie food so he's entirely (and unwillingly) dependent on YC. Kept as a servant, MC is forced to entertain YC and other faeries - until, perhaps, YC starts getting jealous when other faeries look at MC for too long (but that's optional). (For those who know little about faerie lore, don't fret! We can make up our own.)
Low / Urban Fantasy Plots
Blood Market: Ye olde traditional, good ol' blood market story. MC is being sold as a walking blood bank for any vampire who buys him. YC is a vampire looking for a portable meal. You do the math.

Sleeping with Sirens: MC is the only siren who's a regular performer and sex worker at a jazz bar run by a well-organized Mafia. He's expected to charm and sleep with higher-ups, and he has to pretend everything is alright. YC can be just about anything you're interested in them being, as long as it gets them interactive with a good story! Would be kind of fun if YC was assigned to be MCs unwilling bodyguard.

Angel Aura: Angels have been proven to be real, walking with everyone like no big deal. There are a few kinds: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Celestial, all with a glow around them called an angel aura - AKA, their halos. However, there is a fifth kind of angel: a Fallen. They are rare but seen as difficult targets for Angel Hunters since they can hide their weakened angel auras. Hunters are exactly as they sound, hunting down angels for their very valuable feathers and wings. Some even kill angels for their wings. MC is a fallen angel. However, YC has a special gift - he can see hidden auras, which makes it easy for him to tell MC is a fallen angel. To get close enough to MC to be presented with an opportunity to take his wings, YC pretends to be his friend - or maybe even something more. (I have a ton of cool lore for angels for this!)

Magics: In a world similar to ours, those with magic are considered to be criminals. YC is a famous WhateverYou'dLike and is involved in a horrifying accident that should result in certain death. However, MC emerges from the shadows and forces a potion down their throat, and runs away again. YC is healed immediately and goes home only to see their savior shopping at the store the next day and insists on helping hide MC from authorities.
Modern Plots
Protective Custody: YC is a powerful mafia member or leader, and MC is a normal day-to-day citizen. The two have had a casual friendship at a coffee shop in the mornings sometimes, mostly just chitchatting over breakfast. It turns out that the shop is a cover for something, and the cops start to crack down on MC, who is too innocent for their own good. A rival mafia then targets MC and YC steps up to keep them under protection.

Guest Room: YC and MC have a long history together. Previously in what had been an exclusive and serious relationship, YC cheated on MC. However, years have passed, and YC is filled with regret and guilt, but is unsure how to contact MC to show those feelings and ask for forgiveness. MC has become a popular music artist in a genre YC is not familiar with, and YC applies for a position with their record label. When hired, YC and MC find each other required to work closely with one another, and due to contracts, are unable to change paths. YC realizes that MC's success started off with one song that went viral about betrayal and heartache, and tries to do everything to win forgiveness.

Wild Style: YC is a famous entertainer (or model, artist, etc.) who is known for his great style and fashion sense. However, the true mastermind is MC, his stylist. From hair to clothes to stage makeup, MC is a top-tier fashionista. However, he prefers to stay out of the spotlight. Drama and chaos unfold.
Omegaverse / ABO Plots
Omega of Mine: MC is a collared omega sex worker on heat suppressants. YC is an alpha looking for an omega and desiring to start a family. He has an instant attraction, almost an obsession, with MC and agrees to his offered services. Except YC doesn't want MC to leave - ever. MC freaks out and tries to escape, but YC is too clever. However, YC didn't realize that the collar he took off of MC had a tracking device, and his previous alpha knew exactly where he was.

Omega Home: (I have further details on this idea, so please reach out to me for more!) In a hierarchy where alphas are at the top and omegas are at the bottom, omegas are kept in 'Omega Homes' once they hit adulthood until they're sold to alphas who choose them. They have very little freedom and it's expected of them to submit and serve. There is a rebellion forming to try and overthrow the hierarchy of alphas, betas, and omegas, so that Omegas can have the freedom they deserve. MC is an omega in an Omega Home who is violent and unpredictable due to a traumatic past with his last alpha. YC is an alpha who chooses to adopt MC to attempt to train him to behave. It... doesn't go great, and the more YC learns about MC's history, the more YC starts to understand the rebellion.

Camping Out: Omegas are valuable and fiercely overprotected to the point of their entire lives being controlled. Used as bartering tokens with other packs or breeding stock, omegas are often kept under lock and key in packs in order to 'protect' them. MC is a rogue omega using heat suppressants to make sure hes not seen as an omega. However, one day, there's none left with his dealer. Panicking, MC takes to an empty, ratty old camping site in his camping trailer and plans on staying there until his heat rides out. YC is an alpha of a powerful pack who hasn't claimed an omega and and doesn't really plan on it. Unfortunately, the campsite is just barely out of YC's territory, and it doesn't take long for YC to find MC while patrolling the edges of their territory. When they inevitably end up face-to-face, MC is forcibly taken into YC's pack.
Sci-Fi / Punk Plots
Clouds of Wealth: In the far, far future, things have gotten worse. The wealthiest of the wealthy, less than 0.01% of the population, live in the literal clouds in mansions and manors with all kinds of luxury. They are far above the smog of the polluted cities, and a layer of fluffy clouds allows them to see none of it except the very tops of the tallest buildings. YC is a member of one of those families, never exposed to life below the clouds. However, they have taken a shine to one of the family's many, many pretty servants and household employees: MC. MC is understandably not a fan, despite YC raining expensive gifts and lavish favors upon them. One day, YC gets a little too curious, and ends up following MC home below the clouds. This can go a few different ways so feel free to brainstorm with me!

VRISM Prison: MC is a sex worker through Virtual Reality Imaginative-Submersion Machines, which are machines that allow you to act, see, feel, and do anything you wish online. MC's pimp allows paying customers to brutalize MC virtually. Since MC is a "high-class" virtual escort, he puts YC as his guard - and babysitter to help break MC's horrible habits that he developed due to the trauma of his work. Unfortunately for YC, MC has no desire to break these habits.
Vague Ideas
Firefly Vibes: YC is the captain of a tight-knit spaceship crew (I can play the crew if you want to focus on the captain), and MC is the new, mysterious doctor with a secret to hide.

Ownership: YC is an alpha who forcibly claims MC, an omega. MC tries to escape before he goes into heat.
★ Omegaverse / ABO
★ Witch covens
★ High fantasy
★ Historical fantasy
★ Cyberpunk / -punk cities
★ Spaceships / space cowboys
Bolded = My preferred role

★ Anti-magic prince x Witch
★ Royalty x Rogue
★ Feared King x Forcibly betrothed prince
★ Socialite x Rogue
★ Alpha x Omega
★ Placeholder
★ Placeholder
★ Placeholder
★ Placeholder
★ Placeholder
★ Placeholder
Kuethadore, Land of Trinity Coven (WIP)
★ Placeholder
★ Placeholder
Magic Systems
★ Placeholder
★ Placeholder
★ Placeholder
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