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Tucson, Arizona
Hello fellow writers,

My name is Chris, and I have been writing stories my whole life. It has been around 15 years since I have done play-by-post writing, but I am looking forward to get back into it, now that I have managed to finish the gruesome task of completing my first novel, a 125k word space opera. Sadly, it is impossible to find a publisher so it remains on my hard drive for now. Or maybe it's just bad writing ;) at any rate, it was a blast to finish, and I hope I can follow up with more next year.

I am comfortable with both short and long replies depending on the partner, but generally, I am interested in high fantasy, space opera science-fiction and historical fiction. This means the posts contain a good amount of world- and character building and thus, should be on the longer side.
I have a busy life, but can always find time in the week to reply. In general, the writing should be mature with good grammar (as a second-language speaker I obviously don't expect perfection, but I would like the writing to match the content).

About Gore, Sex and Violence:
I enjoy stories that focus on adventure on the one hand, and on character development on the other. Gore and violence is fine and expected, as long as it is not for the sake of gore alone. Blood can and will splatter in battles; throats will be cut, and people will commit all sorts of atrocities in war, so all of this is acceptable. When it comes to sexual content, a personal preference would be to keep details out, simply because it detracts from the story, not because I am prude, haha. Characters can and will sex, but I don't need to hear the how it all went down. Speaking of...

I am a big fan of romance sub-plots, however. A fast-paced adventure story with two love interests fighting for a grander goal is just my thing. It certainly isn't a requirement but I enjoy when the two main characters fall in love while in crisis. And just to make sure, I write male characters and would like female love interests if we decide to do a romance plotline. If not, then of course, it doesn't matter what the writing partners gender is.

Fandom Interests: Mass Effect (Original Trilogy), Star Wars. If anyone would be interested in fighting as mercenaries, soldiers or bounty hunters in these universes, we can geek out. I haven't come up with a plot yet, but will update the thread once I have though of a good starting point.

Other setting ideas/interests:
  • Historic Fiction:
    • A plot taking place in the time between Roman occupation of Europe and the decline of Rome (ca. 100 - 800 CE). German or Viking warrior tribes fight for dominance within the crumbling Roman empire.
    • A plot taking place in the Roman empire in general would be interesting. I am thinking about the rise of a young legatus and the intrigue and backstabbing that will take place as political powers clash.
    • Of course, I am open for suggestions. However, I would like to keep it as accurate as possible without becoming sticklers ;)
  • Swashbuckling:
    • Pirate plots, Musketeers in 17th century France, or over the top made up highjinks would make for an amazing adventure story.
  • General Sci-Fi:
    • Apocalyptic settings (Zombie, Nuclear War etc. are all great)
    • Non fandom Sci-Fi/Space Opera: If anyone has interest in creating a unique universe together, or already has an idea for one, I'd love to jump in.
  • Fantasy:
    • Lord of the Rings and generic high fantasy; battles of good v evil
I hope that is a broad enough introduction for the moment. As I delve more into the forum, I am surely going to update this as interesting plots and characters become apparent. Thanks for reading! :)
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