All Seeking A Rp Partner

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All Seeking A Rp Partner


Lord of Muse and Imagination
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Hi, first things first my name is EternalFlame but you can call me Eternal or Flame whatever you choose. I'm looking for someone to help me bring a story to life and I can't wait to share ideas with you. Please read over my personal preferences and my kinks, though if something you like is on my no list it doesn't mean it's off the table. If your interested in any of the plots I have listed please feel free to DM me and we can plot it out, or if you have a idea of your own I will be happy to hear it :).

1.I love to write out the smut and sexual experiences but I like to keep it 70% story and 30% smut. As fun as the romantic parts are the story is also important to me.

2.All characters are to be 18+

3. I like to write at least a paragraph per response and I try to be as detailed as possible. I just ask you try to give me the same back, but low muse is a thing and I understand as I have times like that too.

4.Please let me know if you aren't gonna be able to post for a bit, and we can pick up where we left off. I will always let you know if I will be absent for a bit.

5.If anything is not to your liking please reach out to me and let me know, I'm always ready to accommodate and I'm very understanding.

6.I typically like to play the female characters but I can play males as well. I'm ok with FxF, MxM, and FxF

-Ass/Anal play and sex
-Giving/Receiving oral
-Bondage/Dom and Sub
-Vaginal sex
-Shower sex
-Public intimacy (not so much in direct view but maybe in a publicish setting)
-Boob jobs
-Markings or light torture? Not sure what to call it(spanking, light bruises, hickeys)

-Taboo (depends on the plot)

-Extreme torture or sex (anything that could get anyone hurt badly)
-Feet (just depends honestly)

-My Hero Academia
-Tokyo Ghoul
-Attack on Titan
-Slice of life
Hazbin Hotel

Life is going pretty good so far, YC in college with your girlfriend (MC). You have been together for about 4 years now and all is good, though you have your ups and downs as most couples do but even after arguments you both love each other deeply. Until one day when it all changes, with tensions rising between nations it led to global war and the use of atomic bombs. What starts out as a normal day turns into a disaster as bombs begin to drop all over the US and one particularly hitting near the area, luckily enough YC and MC were far from the initial blast as you were both at a cabin for the a romantic weekend in the forest. But the shockwave that followed sent MC into a concrete wall and hitting their head hard knocking MC unconscious. YC manages to carry MC to the safety of the cellar of the cabin before anything else can happen. As YC checks and waits for MC to wake up, you can hear the sound of more explosions in the distance. MC soon wakes up but they're different, they're acting strange and not how they usually are. It's as if their entire personality has changed and their a completely different person, YC tries to converse with MC and YC says a specific word which causes MC to freeze for a second. MC unfreezes and to YC surprise MC is back to normal. It's only after a couple more of these strange instances that YC realizes that MC has developed multiple personality disorder most likely from the severe trauma to MC head and possibly the traumatic events before. Overtime YC notes that MC has developed 2 different personalities. Now YC and MC must survive the apocalypse while managing MC different personalities.

Name:Melody Quinzelle

Melody: Melody is typically a sweet and loving girl, she is very passionate about her hobbies and loves to experience news things. She's quite perky and is very understanding, even in stressful situations she keeps her cool and works through it. She has a love for cooking and will always be cooking up new dishes to try.

Camilla:This personality is very shy and cautious, typically afraid of almost everything. She freezes when in danger and is unable to defend herself, but she is extra sweet and kind while this personality is in control. Camilla likes the simple things and enjoys making things for people or just for fun, she likes to care for others and will always help where she can.

Vix: Vix is the most dangerous of Melodys personalities, as Vix is ruthless and violent which can certainly help in the apocalypse to an extent. But Vix has no concept of right and wrong and has no morals, Vix has a thirst for violence and will most likely attack anything she sees regardless of she has a reason besides her significant other unless provoked. She also seems to tolerate pain very well while this personality is in control as well. Vix is a survivor and a killer, she won't let anything get in her way even her significant other.

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MC is on the run from an overlord and I seek shelter at the Hazbin Hotel. Seeing my condition Charlie allows me in and puts Vaggie in charge of making sure I'm ok, overtime Vaggie slowly falls in love with MC. But before any confession is made MC is kidnapped by the overlord chasing MC

MC is a villain and YC is a pro hero, and they form a forbidden romance

MC is a recently turned ghoul and is struggling to survive and adapt. One night MC is struggling to fight their hunger off and YC comes across MC and offers to help MC adapt and live as a ghoul.

MC and YC are part of the survey corps and are aiding in getting Eren to Shiganshina, only to find out during a battle that one of us is also a Titan shifter.

MC and YC are social media influencers, you post all about your lives and live together in a nice house. The fan base ships MC and YC hard but little do they know that MC has a big crush on YC

MC and YC attend the same college, MC is constantly harassing YC. But MC has two secrets, MC has a crush on you and instead of telling MC bullies you out of fear and MC other secret is that MC is a futanari. With the constant bullying YC gets fed up and decides to exact revenge by pulling an elaborate prank on MC, YC invites MC on a trip as part of their plan. But during the plane flight there's a malfunction and the plane crash lands in the middle of a dense forest miles from any town, luckily YC and MC survive but have no way of calling for help. Now they must set aside their differences and work together to survive and possibly more will occur between them

MC is a femboy who is down on his luck and desperate for money, so against his better judgement he began to whore himself out for money thinking it would just be for a little bit until he can find himself another job. But he finds that he likes this lifestyle more than he thought he would, he ends up making it his main income source despite the dangers associated with it. He comes under the employment of a pimp and soon is making decent money every night, one night YC spots MC on the street and feeling bad after a breakup YC decides to just go for it even if it'll cost you a decent amount of money. After that night YC finds themselves thinking about MC a lot and decides to find him again and maybe dish out the money for another night, overtime YC becomes a regular for MC. But one night it all changes when YC shows up at MC usual spot to not find MC there, you think nothing of it as maybe MC is taking a day off. After multiple nights of not seeing MC, YC gets worried until a knock is heard on your door. As YC opens the door to see MC there except they're all bruised up and injured, asking you to let them in and to help them. Turns out the past couple days their pimp has been sexually and physically abusing them for disrespecting them and breaking rules. Now their asking for your help but don't want to involve the police.
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