MxM Seeking Lit Partners :) - UPDATED: June 1st 2024

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MxM Seeking Lit Partners :) - UPDATED: June 1st 2024


Mr. Fear
Inner Sanctum Nobility
Local time
Today 1:39 AM
Hey all! 😄

I'm looking for a long term lit RP partner (MxM only) that enjoys world building and character development as much as I do. I love darker themes and I do everything from violence & murder to heart wrenching betrayals, so if that's your thing than we'd be a great match.

In regard to my characters, I usually tailor them to fit the roleplay in particular, but I find that they are usually charming, cold-hearted antiheroes with dark pasts that make them the type of person they are, or ruggedly handsome antagonists/anti-villains with behavior problems that stem from the way the world has shaped them.

I like my roleplays to be centered around plot(85%), with a bit of smut(15%) but it isn't important to me. I write in third person POV & am only looking for partners that do the same. My replies average at about 1,500 words and I am currently only looking for partners who can frequently write 1,000 or more words per response.

I like to be able to message my partner, even if it is just OOC. It's important for me to maintain communication with my partner, and I like doing things like sharing music/art or consistently world building/plotting. If you disappear for weeks+ at a time without letting me know, I'm not going to want to RP with you. If you're busy, please just tell me. I'm patient and completely okay with delayed responses (even if it's one every month or two), as long as you keep me informed.

At the moment, I can reply to the RP once every three days (possibly even more), and I am normally available for OOC all throughout my day even if I can't respond to the RP itself. 🤝

I don't do:
  • Pregnancy
  • Potty Play
  • Omegaverse
  • Incest

Genres I'm interested in:
  • Cyberpunk or Steampunk
  • Dystopian
  • Tyrranical Governments
  • Prejudice Between Social Classes due to Superpowers and/or Technology
  • Large Countries at War
  • Superhero Fiction
  • Post-Apocalyptic
  • Fantasy or Dark Fantasy
  • Mafia/Gangster/Crime
  • Supernatural
  • Horror/Psychological Thriller

Themes I'm interested in:
  • Angst (Heartbreak, Betrayal, Power/Corruption)
  • Codependency/Manipulation
  • Tragedy
  • Unhealthy/Toxic Relationship(s)
  • Good vs Evil
  • Romance (Slow Burn, Enemies as Lovers, Love/Hate, Enemies to Lovers)
  • Obsession/Unrequited Love

  • Psychological Thriller/Horror: Stalker x Serial Killer, Murderer x Detective, Serial Killer x Therapist, Serial Killer x Serial Killer
  • Medieval Fantasy Fiction: King x Enemy King, Mage x Enemy Mage, Demon x Sorcerer, Mage x King
  • Steampunk/Cyberpunk: Crime Boss x Sheriff, Wealthy Elite x Commoner, Rebel x Enforcer
  • Cyberpunk: Mafia Boss x Enemy Mafia Boss, Police Chief x Mafia Boss
  • Superhero Fiction: Superhero x Supervillain
  • Dystopian: Patriot x Rebel, Aristocrat x Commoner, General x Rebel Commander, Soldier x Commoner, Soldier x Enemy Soldier

  • Science Experiment x Scientist/Researcher
  • Demon x Priest
  • Exiled God x Human
  • Demon x Summoner
  • Guard x Person in Power
  • God x Human Sacrifice
  • Angel x Demon
  • Spy x Person in Power
  • Assassin x Assassin [Targeting each other]
  • Vampire Hunter x Vampire [Elder or Newly Turned]

Sample of my writing:

"I didn't kill anyone." He responded, lying through his teeth so easily that it sounded closer to a greeting than anything else. His face remained unwavering, his stance solid, eyes unblinking as he looked towards Axel. Underneath his firm tone though, was the beating heart of a guilty man, the organ pounding in his rib cage, betraying him even if his outer shell did not. Kol crossed his arms against his chest to muffle the sound, almost as if worried that Axel could uncover the sins hidden beneath his skin, as if the other man had not bared witness to it firsthand. The crisp material of his uniform wrinkled for a moment as he held Axel's emerald gaze with his own scarlet one, the dullness in the orbs reflecting exhaustion back at him as he looked. Even when the other laughed, Kol remained stoic, his brows not moving a centimeter, lips pressed together in a stiff line, and head unmoving.

Then, he smiled.

It lifted up his lips in a way he hadn't experienced in what felt like forever, and then it evolved into a wide grin, exposing the whites of his teeth as his own laugh began to form in the pits of his stomach— one that felt desperate and overdone, but much needed. His body shook from the amusement, his smile so large, so desperate, that even the cutting edge teeth poking out from his gums could be seen. Then, his laughter halted suddenly, tapering off to a breathless wheeze from the strain from the muzzle on his face, and Kol shut his mouth suddenly, though it only seemed to make it worse, the fact that he physically couldn't laugh making it all the more difficult not to.

Maybe he'd lost his mind, because when Axel leaned in to taunt him, Kol felt not rage, as he had for the past month, but something akin to endearment. No longer did he have the energy to be angry with the other man, much less furious as he usually was when around the redhead. It felt so good to feel an emotion other than grief, fear or wrath that he stared at Axel, still except for the slight tilt of his head as he listened to the mocking words that left the other man's mouth. An odd sense of calm filled him, a strange serenity caressing his relaxed posture, far from the rigid, predatory oppressiveness his body used to carry.

And for once, Kol was happy to let Axel get away with his jeers, thinking to himself that perhaps his predicament was tolerable if at least someone could derive a bit of pleasure from it.

As he followed Axel, he quickened his pace so that he was only trailing a little behind the other man, not quite sure where the two of them were heading but allowing himself to be towed along regardless. His eyes drifted around him, the ruby orbs flitting from one thing to another as he travelled— a quick glance to the brush that lined the sidewalks, the flowers wilting in preparation for the coming winter, a subtle peek towards the towering marble statue of a phoenix in the center of the city square. Things were beginning to feel normal again, now that he had a job to do, or a routine to follow that distracted him from the dark thoughts that plagued him when he was alone. Even Axel's teasing was a blessing, another diversion from…


"Huh?" Kol halted suddenly, only just realizing that Axel had begun speaking again, and it took him a second to realize what the other had said. "Yeah." He agreed amiably as he began walking again, quickening his pace to catch up on the distance that had opened between the two of them when he'd faltered. "I'm sure you would love to see that." Kol retorted, but it held no fire, the words dropping in an unusually dry manner. "If you wanted to see me in a collar and leash that badly, you'd have to get me drunk and alone." He added, the ghost of a sneer appearing on his face as he situated himself by Axel's side, way closer than necessary as he lowered his voice to a subdued mumble.

Kol was beginning to think that this was all the confirmation he needed that he had been alone for far too long.

A long exhale left his parted lips, and he averted his gaze towards the floor, before lifting them to watch as a group of soldiers passed him and Axel, heading in the opposite direction the pair were going. Kol could feel wandering eyes on him, even long after he stopped before the fence that guarded the holding cells. For a brief moment, he didn't have to think of the rumors that he already knew were circulating around the inner ring, and he allowed himself a quick reprieve, thinking instead of the day he expected to have.

"No problem." Kol mumbled, but he couldn't hide the breathy sigh that left his mouth as the gates swung open; this place having become a second home to him in the past decade. He followed the path towards the concrete building, choosing to ignore the second half of Axel's words as he stopped by the entrance. It was harder to disregard gossip when he was staring it in the eye, and he held the gaze of the two soldiers guarding the doors, unflinching even as he felt their judgmental gazes falling on the muzzle on his face; humiliating and degrading, but at least it also served as a subtle warning. It was even harder to overlook the hearsay after he entered the building, his heightened senses picking up the quiet whispers that were loud to his ears. Even if no one said anything to his face, the rumors lingering behind his back felt far worse, because although soldiers were aware that Kol would no longer be able to use his bite, he could still use his strength. Surely the red eyed soldier would get executed for killing another, but was it worth risking their own lives to get one or two jabs in?

Kol ran his fingers along the cool stone wall, and the first time in weeks, there was a light in his eyes, birthed by the enthusiasm he had for finally being able to do what he was good at— breaking, torturing, killing, hurting. He allowed Axel to take the lead, and he lagged slightly behind, straining to hear the sounds that echoed from the basement floor. Noises that provided him a cold comfort over the not so subtle side eyes from passing soldiers, or the low chuckles that entered his ears as they reached the end of a long corridor.

As they made their way down the stone staircase that led to the basement, the muffled shouting came to a head, echoing off the musty walls stained red and brown from all the fluids that splashed across them throughout the years. It was dim, the entire cell block lit only by the light of flickering candles, leftover wax sticking to the moist stone floor from ages of neglect. Kol felt the tension in his body leave when he stepped off the last step of the staircase, finally grateful to feel some semblance of control. He teetered forwards dangerously towards the first cell he saw, reaching forward to clutch an angry hand against the solid bars, his fingers closing tightly around the metal as he looked in to gaze upon a trembling man, curled up in the corner of the cell, bruised skin tight against broken bones. The soldier clenched his fist, and the sound of creaking steel bounced off the stone walls, and he leered forwards, bathing in the warmth that grew in his stomach at the sight of the prisoner cowering back.

But... It didn't feel good.

Instead, as the soldier watched the captive shrink away, he felt like he was suffocating. Guilt made its home deep in the pits of his stomach, and a wretched throbbing began in his heart, refusing to cease even as he projected these feelings on a broken man, too used, too hungry, too injured to fight back the way Kol wanted him to.

"You don't wanna play with me?" He jeered, his voice so angry that it pierced the air like a knife through butter, cracking at the end as he released his hold on the steel bar. He banged his palm against the barrier, a cell that had once trapped the prisoner, but was now a safe haven from the beast that stalked outside. Kol gathered his strength, then gripped the bars again, this time one in each hand as he twisted the reinforced metal, the loud shrieking of steel being bent forming a discordant, eerie song in the air. For a long time he continued trying to break into the cell, stopping only when sweat dripped from his brow and began gathering on his skin.

What was he doing?

Kol stepped away from the cell, and turned towards Axel, reaching up to rub his face with his hands, a hollow exhale leaving his mouth, and a hoarse laugh following shortly after. He was tired when he spoke.


"Why are we here Axel?"

If you've made it this far and are still interested, feel free to send me a PM ! 🥳

Some more in-depth plot ideas are listed in the following post, but I am open to exploring your concepts as well. 😄
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Plot Ideas

War RP

[NAME]: The [] Empire spent the last twenty plus years sweeping through the land; having successfully conquered half of the large city states and countries located around the world. Their buildings, castles, cities and walls are all large and rigid, made completely of steel, iron or other metals. The [] people prioritize military might, and their militia is extremely strict, while their empire has a rigid hierarchy. They've managed to conquer half of the realm through superior technology including but not limited to heavy weaponry, steel plated armor created from hard to destroy ore, communication devices, and colossal airships made of black ore that carries their armies across the continent.

1. Emperor
2. Heir
3. Royal Family
1. General
2. Officer
3. Prefect
4. Senior Commander
5. Soldier
Public Officials:
1. Elected Magistrate
2. Financial Auditors
3. Bodyguards of Public Officials
General Populace:
1. Artisans
2. Citizens
3. Enslaved "Citizens" from Annexed Territories (Generally used for manual labor and are forced to pay heavy taxes to survive)

Annexed Territories:

1 (): A country specialized in Wool/Fabric(s) conquered by [Name] 10 years ago.
2 (): A country specialized in Coal conquered by [Name] 15 years ago.
3 (): A country specialized in Ore conquered by [Name] 20 years ago.

Warring Territories:

1 (): A country specialized in Lumber that [Name] is currently in war with.

Neutral Territories:

1 (): A country specialized in Salt that [Name] has not yet sought to conquer.
2 (): A country specialized in Soy/Rice that [Name] has not yet sought to conquer.

Possible Pairings: General x Rebel Commander, Soldier x Commoner, Soldier x Enemy Soldier

Extraterrestrial Invasion RP

A post-apocalyptic / dystopian setting where the world is being invaded by monstrous creatures that are slaughtering or eating humans. People hole up in fortified cities or hide in secrecy to avoid certain death at the hands of these extraterrestrial beings.

There are also rare cases of vigilante hunters, and unlike regular humans, they seem to have gained extraordinary "powers" that seem not so different from ones that the aliens themselves have. These people are looked at with distrust from society as a whole, and the greater populace has no clue where these abilities come from— While those that have realized the source, have come to the conclusion that consuming alien flesh (which these people might have done accidentally, or on purpose in order to survive) will give them abilities similar to the ones that aliens have. Not many survive the process, which consists of a rigorous handful of days of illness.

Possible Pairings: Hunter x Human, Hunter x Hunter, Alien x Human, Alien x Hunter

Celestial Beings RP

A war-torn dystopian setting where the world is divided into two different allied forces scattered around the globe. One worships angels and one worships demons, while both are trying to wipe out the other party entirety in the name of religion. Humans follow the will of their respective divinities and try to destroy their designated enemy. Occasions of celestial representatives like demons or angels will occasionally walk amongst mortals as spokespersons or to help fight the raging battles.

Possible Pairings: Angel x Demon, Angel Worshipper x Demon Worshipper, Demon/Angel x Demon/Angel Worshipper

Supernatural RP:

A dystopian / post-apocalyptic world in which humans live in walled cities to hide from the creatures of the night. There's a rigid hierarchal government system where the aristocrats / wealthy elite consist of families of vampire hunters with a history for hunting monsters.

Possible Pairings: Vampire x Hunter, Vampire x Vampire, Hunter x Hunter, Vampire x Human

Lab Experiment RP:

A modern / dystopian world in which the government is experimenting on humans for (unknown) reason— Any assortment of mutations or special abilities. Subjected to inhuman tests and procedures, sometimes it just takes one moment to change everything.

Possible Pairings: Scientist x Experiment, Escaped Experiment x Normal Citizen (Hiding the Experiment), Bounty Hunter x Escaped Experiment

Dystopian RP:

An oppressive dystopian government that caters to the ruling elite which consists of the Apex (selectively bred down centuries of bloodlines to have special abilities). The ruling elite live in luxurious cities in beautiful homes with increased access to technology, wearing lavish golds and silvers. In sharp contrast, "regular" humans live in dirty towns in the outskirts of the city, working hard labor, paying unfair amounts of tax, having to cater to any of the elite that decide to travel to these areas.

The elite look down to the working class with disdain, most having a unfair bias towards them taught through the government's propaganda. The working class despise the elite, perhaps more than the elite despise them. Living in terrible conditions, spending every single hour of the day working just to barely get enough coin to keep food on the table. The rebels are seeking change, living in secrecy or in areas hidden away from both the working class and the ruling elite, fighting to overthrow the government. Tensions are continuing to rise as animosity grows.

Possible Pairings: Aristocrat x Commoner, Aristocrat x Aristocrat, Commoner x Commoner, Aristocrat x Rebel

Superhero Fiction RP:

Two characters that are constantly at odds, with an occasional team up to face a common adversary. In this world, both heroes and villains will die. Villains will sometimes win at the cost of something valuable to them, while heroes win as well, but sometimes at a hefty price. Not everything is black & white, but instead lot gray morality or black & gray. Villains can/have been killed by heroes in the past, or are thrown in maximum security prisons where they're treated as less than human for their crimes against humanity. Heroes can be self serving, or turn to the dark side. Potential for Enemies to Lovers or Enemies as Lovers pairings.

Possible Pairings: Superhero x Supervillain, Regular Person x Superhero, Regular Person x Supervillain, Supervillain x Supervillain, Superhero x Superhero

Medieval Fantasy RP:

A medieval fantasy story is based off of elements that align with individual deities [each with different powers] that are each worshipped by a kingdom spread across the world. Each kingdom has an acting grand mage [that we would each be playing] to represent our various kingdoms that we each prefer. We can discuss further what sort of plot we'd like to pursue once we make our characters.

Possible Pairings: Mage x Enemy Mage
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