Closed Seeking Literate Female Partners for Longterm Roleplays

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Closed Seeking Literate Female Partners for Longterm Roleplays


Sa souvraya niende misain ye
Staff member
Inner Sanctum Nobility
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Local time
Today 3:21 AM
Toronto, Ontario
Please, for the sake of my sanity, inquire in PM only. If you comment, it fills the thread, makes you watch it and then every time I try bumping it, you get harassed by alerts.

Also—at the moment, while I open to new roleplays, I cannot promise frequent replies. I'm fairly full on them and with my school ending, my exact schedule in the near future is very much unknown.

Fair warning. This is going to be fairly long. Not all of it is applicable to everyone. Please read the first section. Ideas will be at the bottom. Sarcasm can be found throughout. I swear I'm not as picky as I seem—I just add to this things which create issues to preempt them with other partners.

What I need from a potential partner:

1. Unless I have actively posted an idea or you want to take up a dead Roleplay (See my signature), please don't PM me unless you actually have some idea what you want to do. General ideas, basic pairings and so on are fine. But if you have no ideas, I'm not bending over backwards to accommodate. I love brainstorming. I hate being the only one of a pair doing it.

2. No you are not "Good with anything". If I'm asking you for input, it's because I want input, not because I want a blank cheque to do whatever I want. I want COLLABORATIVE roleplay. Ideas should be a two way street and if I'm asking for your input on something I ACTUALLY WANT YOUR INPUT.

3. Ideas should be reasonable and sensible. If they include existing mythologies or worlds, they should be consistent with that canon. There is no universe where werewolfXvampire makes sense and demons aren't really misunderstood. If you want something evil, I'm basically without limits. Don't ask me to violate the premise of a character though. An evil bastard is going to stay an evil bastard unless we have agreed otherwise.

4. Absences are fine. Extended absences are also fine. What is not fine is vanishing off the face of the earth. I will take Literally any excuse, up to and including "I'm bored"—just keep me in the loop. A single sentance message is more than enough.

5. Write characters that were born in the story universe. A medieval princess should not be a modern feminist wearing a crown or a super ninja warrior. If your character doesn't fit the times, it is a lot harder to create a sensible plot.

That's out of the way. Now for the fun part:


1. Mixed roleplays. That is to say, I like elements of various types of roleplays integrated. Usually this means some sort of romance plot, a fantasy world and sexual elements, none of these the whole focus.

2. Magical abilities, magical worlds, I like things that aren't like the real world. Exactly how bizarre is negotiable... a realistic world with magic added or a world where magic is integral are equally acceptable

3. Domination: Like I said, I like sexual elements in the plot, usually with extensive build up. I especially like when this involves a dom/sub dynamic. It can be mild or extreme, depending on your limits. I can play a dom male, a domme/switch/sub female or both.

4. Multiple in depth characters, either played contextually (Whoever's turn it is gives that characters response) or with one of us taking full control of certain characters

5. Variable length. I like long paragraphs, but I don't like forced lengths. Responses as long or short as they need to be, with a slight preference for detail. For me, a short response is anything under one significant paragraph. If that is occasionally all you give, that's fine. If that's every single post—we might start having issues. I can't give substance unless I receive it in turn

6. I'm at least open to writing with two partners if the story can justify it

7. MasterXSlave or some variant. I'm basically always open to these if they can be given some substance.


1. Generic roleplays. I like to collaborate, world build and work out the details, create a roleplay that suits both of us, not give a scenario and go.

2. One sided plot development. I can be creative and clever with the plots, characters and so on—What I can't do is sustain that indefinitely without any help. In dom/sub roleplays, that means a prefereably detailed list of fetishes and kinks. It makes things a lot more interesting if I can act out things you enjoy that I might not have considered otherwise.

3. Continuity breaks. It's annoying when one minute your hands are tied and the next response you're grabbing with them. If I notice anything major, I'm going to mention it. Usually it's an honest mistake.

4. Poor grammar. I can get over a few quirks, but if I can't understand you or you use text speech, it isn't going to work. Likewise with run on sentences and constant abuse of verb tenses. Mistakes I can live with—if it's every single post, I just can't do it.

5. Roleplay in PM. We have a conversation for any OOC talk. All roleplay is done in threads, all meta conversation confined to one thread.

6. No bestiality or toilet play. Incest requires an absolutely amazing justification. I don't do MxMor MxMxF. I can write female characters and though I prefer my main character be male, I might do FxF, if you can accept the fact that I don't have the parts involved and thus my understanding is more academic than practical. I don't roleplay with men, even men playing women... sorry, the weirdness just spoils it for me.

7. Temper tantrums. I'm sorry, these absolutely do not work in roleplays. One character storming off or giving the silent treatment is impossible to write against—how am I supposed to respond to a refusal to answer a question or your character leaving the scene? Answer: I can't. Character drama should be spoken. If my character has to make a demand or ask a question twice or your character storms off without explanation, the roleplay is dead—I can't play the entire story myself.

8. Passive characters. As I have said, I love worldbuilding. That requires that characters be active and curious so I can expand on these concepts. If your character just says yes to everything and never asks questions, it becomes very difficult to introduce ideas important to the narrative. Same if they are utterly unwilling to dispute anything (Master/Slave excluded) you can disagree with me, I don't bite (often)

9. Breaking the established rules. Part of worldbuilding is keeping clear rules on how things work. If you want to clarify these rules, do it in meta discussion. Don't shoehorn in new ideas we've never discussed because it is basically godmoding and can seriously screw with Roleplay balance.

10. No pre-written characters. I have tried exceptions in the past. It just doesn't work. Every single time it leads to people rewriting the rules on their own to justify their character being a certain way. Characters should be designed as though they grew up in the universe. Their ideas, values and opinions should reflect that, as should their abilities.

Now for the actually 'Fun' Fun Part:


1. Look in my signature. I keep abandoned roleplays there that I am open to restarting or continuing.

2. MasterXMistressXSlave: Generic I know, but I can put a few interesting spins on it. Ideally, we would both play multiple characters. This idea is also open if anyone wants to do it in a group. Possible sub ideas with this are:
a. Kidnapping
b. Vampire (This would likely involve a lot more violence)
c. Pet Play (In the non-literal sense. If it has fur, my answer is no)

3. Low Fantasy Setting. Your character is a princess (and possible political enemy) of my character, a king of a different nation. A marriage is arranged and:

a. She is tormented, broken and humiliated, turned into a slave in all but name (requires a sub female)
b. She is corrupted, learning to revel in his treatment and inflict the same on others (requires a switch, possible group RP)

4. Sci-fi or Low fantasy setting. My character possesses the power to manipulate the sensations and emotions of those around him. He uses this to torment yours.

a. Master/Slave
b. Arranged Marriage
c. Captive
d. I'm open to suggestions

5. Vampire Roleplay. This is fairly self explanatory, but fair warning, I strongly dislike watered down vampires. No secret good guys, no redemption arc, no falling in love with their victim. If you do this, it's going to be bloody and NOT for the squeamish.

6. Post apocalyptic/Feudal society. People have gained the ability to alter the world around them by willpower alone. No full plot here yet, but I'm open to suggestions.

If you have any ideas or the basis for them, please feel free to PM me with those as well. All these plots are up for alternation, if you have something compelling to add to them.
I might be interested as well. PM me if you have any ideas—I'm a little tapped out on those for the moment.
I have a couple of ideas if you want to hear them. I read over your details and they sound pretty straight forwards.
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