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MxM Seeking Literate Partners for New RP


All that glitters...
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  • Welcome to my shiny new nest!
    I have a simple introduction HERE if you want to peek. Most of my RPs have been via Discord and Skype, so I'm really excited to have more formatting options! I'm pretty much your garden variety, mostly literate bird. I fly from fancy to fancy so it's best to strike while the iron is hot with me. I'm really looking forward to meeting all of you and maybe collaborating on some plots.​
    I've been writing since grade school and RPing for just as long. I started out with anime themed RPs but developed a taste for original plots over time. I will still do an anime RP here and there, but I'm much more interested in web and western comics these days.​
    I never forget a story, no matter how long it takes me to post, and I always try and bring my A-game. I've always written for fun, but it's always nice to look back on your 'babies' and be like, damn, I'm proud of that. I hope you can relate.​

    Some tips and guidelines for writing with a magpie:

    How I Write
    I'm a talker. When it comes to writing, discussions and engagement is key to me and if I got something to look forward to, I'll keep writing. I also use conversation to break though writer's block, so bare that in mind. Good brain=happy Magpie. Pass it on.​
    Quality Standards
    Not gonna lie, I proofread my posts now. Bad grammar and crap spelling can really reduce the quality of an RP for me, so I'm putting my best foot forward. All I ask is that you keep it classy and try to do the same. Break up the block paragraphs. Clean up those run-ons. And if you really want to keep me going all night – Proper. Punctuation. Just to show me you care.​
    Reply Lengths
    Okay, everyone. I don't know about you, but for me – SIZE MATTERS.​
    Give me something to work with because I can't do one-liners or stubs. It physically pains me when I see short responses and barely-there starters. I'm not asking for a dissertation. Just write what fits and try to match my enthusiasm. My favorite partners usually wrote anywhere between 250–750-word replies, and it was glorious.​
    If you don't think that's your bag, no problem. I just think we would be better off as friends.​
    I almost exclusively post on the Fridays and weekends because of my schedule and my preference for detailed replies. It's not unheard of for me to hop online and bang out a reply on my lunch break, but sometimes I need a day or two.​
    Story vs Smut
    I like an even mix of story and smut depending on the plot. Sex scenes are fun to write, but I like them best when they don't disrupt the flow of the story. I am partial to kinky themes and Omegaverse though.​
  • Getting to know know each other!

    I love writing this part <3 ~~ This is the section where friends are made. Nothing brings people together quite like kink sharing. If we match up and vibe – Yah! If we don't and this isn't your cup of tea – still yah! Diversity is important too. Just don't be an ass about it. Potential Triggers ahead:
    Likes and Kinks
    I like stories how I like my coffee: As dark as my mood at the time. I like my fluffy moments and wholesome slice-of-lives… but sometimes, I want to write a hardcore thriller with a deranged pyscho hot on the tail of a new victim. Or a heart wrenching drama that push an already unlikely couple to brink. Variety is the spice of life, and sometimes I need a little kink kick. Here are a list of my list of approved kinks and themes:​
    Polyamory || BDSM || OmegaVerse (<- Fav) || Enemies-to-lovers || Crime/Criminal Activities || Forced Marriage
    Kidnapping || Impact Play || Cuckholding/Affairs || Corsetry || Techno philia|| Bara men || Crossdressing/Feminization

    The below are kinks/themes I'm willing to negotiate with serious stipulations.​
    Abuse || Gaslighting || Non Con || Incest (by marriage only, no blood relations) || Age difference (ONLY within the parameters of the site rules) || Blood/Knife Play

    My Safe word is Star Wars. Not kidding by the way. I'm open to a lot of themes and ideas, but like everyone, I do have my share of "squicks" and "hell no's". It's nothing personal, I just like what I like and don't what I don't. If you have something you want to try, ask. The worst I'll ever say is no. I'm not here to shame or berate anyone. This is just me being straight forward. Here is the list of the usual suspects I watch out for:​
    Bathroom stuff || Vore || Body horror || Dismemberment || Mindless violence || Age Play
    Overly bland, submissive characters (they are a bitch to write) || Mind-break

  • Favors of the Month
    We all need a place to start right? Here are some of the current themes and plots I'm interested in. This is a work in progress so if you don't see something on the list, just ask​


    91 Days
    Nero/Avilio || Barbero/Corteo || Ronaldo/Frate || Vanno/Frate || Vincent/Testa


    DC Universe

    (Including: RHatO, NightWing, Young Justice, Titans, etc)
    Bruce/Clark || Bruce/Hal || Dick/Jason (<-- BIG FAV) || Roy/Jackson
    Adult!Damien/Tim || Tim/Conner || Gordon/Alfred


    Count of Monte Cristo,
    By Alexandre Dumas
    The Silent Patient, By Alex Michaelides
    Bully, By Penelope Douglas
    The Wheel of Time (Series), By Robert Jordan
    A Song of Ice and Fire, By George R. R. Martin

    Greek/Roman (e.g. Ancient and Imperial)
    Chinese (e.g. Imperial [Ming, Qing, or Han], Lore)
    Japanese (e.g. Meiji, Warring States, Lore)
    Victorian Era ('Nuff said)

    Original Plots

    God Save the King:
    Notes: Loosely based on the Villainess turns the Hourglass, on TappyToons (Read it, the story slaps)​
    Trigger Warning: Death (Brief), Drug use (intentional and unintentional)​
    "Character A" was considered to be the most loyal man in the empire and trusted advisor to the valiant Emperor, "Character B". That is until "Character B" slowly became a corrupt tyrant, ignoring the pleas of his people and drowning himself in vice. "Character A" tried to reason with "Character B", but the people profiting from the emperor's distraction started to plant rumors of "Character A" forming a rebellion to stage a coup. "Character B", paranoid and angry at "Character A"s harsh criticisms orders his new 'confidants' to watch "Character A".
    One day, the emperor is poisoned and despite his best efforts, "Character A" can't avoid being framed and convicted of treason. The night before he and his family are to be executed, the "BIG BAD" (the other advisor and Character A's best friend) comes to his cell and tells the truth: that over the course of years, they forced the emperor to become addicted to a poison and turned him against "Character A" so he couldn't interfere. They thank the beloved "Character A" for being a martyr to his cause, because once he is dead, the heartbroken "Character B" will be too weak to fight them anymore. The "BIG BAD" will be the one to finally take down the "tyrant" and rule the land as a hero.​
    "Character A" is bitter and incensed at the betrayal. He prays to God that his and the "BIG BAD"'s heads be reversed, as he walks towards the guillotine. He repeats the demand over and over, right up until the blade strikes his neck.​
    He still feels the bite of steel on his neck when he wakes up in his younger body. It is the day before "Character B's" coronation. He doesn't know what to make of the situation until he finds a strange pocket watch, broken in his sheets. God answered his prayer. In the past, his foolish loyalty and gullible nature was his downfall. For the sake of his house and honor, he will get revenge on those who betrayed him in the past.​
    Someone I Used to Know:
    Notes: Just me being in a mood...​
    Trigger Warnings: Omegaverse, trauma​
    "Character A", an omega born to a wealthy Baron, lives a lonely life in the countryside. With no memory of his life before the "accident" five years ago that claimed his fertility, he lives the solitary life of a spinster, caring for his frightened and ailing mother. Without an income, or servants, "Character A" does what he can for his mother, but eventually must appeal to his paternal cousin, a great doctor who seems to despise him without reason. To his surprise, his cousin does show up to treat the declining Baroness. His manners are cold and aloof at first, but the longer he interacts with meek, softspoken "Character A", the more puzzled he seems to be. So much so that he is genuinely saddened when he informs "Character A" that his mother is terminal and there is little he can do save for make her comfortable. When "Character A", responds with trying to give him payment despite his situation, the cousin/doctor has enough. "Who are you, because you cannot be [INSERT NAME HERE]!" The cousin exclaims, storming from the house, refusing the money.​
    When the cousin returns, it's for the small funeral being held for "Character A"'s mother, along with the family lawyer. He informs "Character A" that since he is unmarried, all the asset's go to the oldest alpha or male beta in the family – in this case, his cousin. His cousin tries to be kind and lets "Character A" stay at the manor, but his wife shows Character A" no such mercy, insisting that "Character A" be thrown out of the manor or married off post haste. He overhears the couple one night and hears his cousin, strangely enough, argues that "Character A" has changed and that they should give him a chance.​
    "Character A", not wanting to cause his cousin's family anymore trouble, requests that his cousin help find him a match. That he doesn't mind if his new husband is gray, or prone to silence. All he asks is that his husband be kind and be in no need of heirs. The cousin searches high and low for a fair match for "Character A", only to be met with disappointment. That is until one mysterious suitor appears out of nowhere.​
    "Character B", seems to be a well to do merchant, with only a little gray in his hair and no need for children, as he would like his nephew to inherit this company. The cousin has a terrible feeling, but in the absence of evidence, he knows he needs to give him a fair try. When he passes his tests, "Character B" only has one request before he sign the marriage contract. That he be allowed to meet his partner and asks their permission to wed first. He seems too good to be true. When they meet, "Character A and B" are wedded by contract, and "Character A" moves to the capital with his husband. But his relief soon turns to dread.​
    "Character B" brings his bride to the threshold of a home far too lavish to be a mere merchant. Before "Character A" can begin to form a question, "Character B" starts to remove his disguise, no longer the kind, aging merchant he claimed to be, but a man only slightly older than "Character A" with cold eyes and cruel lips.​
    "Welcome back, Lorde [INSERT LAST NAME HERE]," He, fixing his hair and putting on a pair of gold rimmed glasses. "Don't tell me you've forgotten me too."​
    "Character B" is a duke that "Character A" humiliated before the "accident", so the Duke takes him as a wife as revenge...​
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