MxM Seeking Literate Writing Partners.

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MxM Seeking Literate Writing Partners.


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  • °•*⁀➷ Updated 06 / 22 / 22

    ╰─────►Hello! I'm Mav and I'm currently seeking active, literate writing partners who I vibe with; this does mean I won't be accepting everyone who comes rolling into my inbox, I really do want to keep only a few threads going for my own sanity, so if you're curious as to what I'm looking for specifically before moving forward to my Guidelines tab check out the little list below for some guidance / to get an idea whether or not we might vibe.

    →I am currently only seeking partners for M X M threads, as that's what I'm fancying right now creatively wise; if you don't write M X M then this thread isn't for you ( which I'm assuming that's already been established. )

    →I am looking for a literate ( semi - advanced to advanced ) partner who can write over 500 + words per reply, but reaches for the stars and can bang out 1000 or more if it comes down to it. If you can't meet this requirement it's nothing personal, I just don't want to overwhelm you because I can be pretty wordy!

    → I need a writing partner who isn't afraid to explore darker themes both platonically and sexually; a lot of my characters come from dark backgrounds. If that's not up your alley, then unfortunately we won't be much of a match :(

    Please talk to me OOC!! I love to connect with my partners through messaging, sharing memes, music, art and more to bond over our characters. Without this type of dynamic I get bored very fast. If you check off all these boxes then we'll definitely work as writing partners! Please read my Guidelines before private messaging me ( and hopefully you at least skim my other tabs for a little bit more info regarding what I like to write / what my cravings are! )
  • °•*⁀➷ I have a three strike rule for my guidelines, meaning two warnings and if a third is broken after those warnings I reserve the right to stop writing with you. Please respect my boundaries, they're important to me.

    ( 001 ) REPLY LENGTH / QUALITY I am a literate roleplayer and I can write up to and past 1000+ words per reply, this won't be a regular occurance but I do expect the same fervor in return when writing with someone. I've had too many partners in the past reply with a paragraph or two to my four, and it's disheartening. With that being said, this rule = match my energy, not my length. I'm not an asshole, and if you can't bang out five plus paragraphs but the quality of writing is there I see you, and appreciate you. I can be a bit of stickler for bad grammer or horrendous spelling, and though I know english isn't everyone's first language I can tell the difference between genuine effort and half-assing things.

    ( 002 ) REPLY SPEED / MIA'S I can do rapid replies if we're both online at the same time, but other days I might reply once a day to once every two days depending on the intensity of my schedule. Please be kind and don't pressure me for replies if I'm taking longer than usual, otherwise I will warn you because I don't like being guilted into doing things I don't currently have time for. As for going MIA, I will always warn you before hand and I don't expect you to stick around / want to continue if I'm gone for extended periods of time. This doesn't happen often, but I have a real life outside this website and it must be tended to unfortunately.

    ( 003 ) CHARACTER DETAILS I have a wide array of characters, most are plucked from a pre-existing roster but at times I will create a brand new character for a specific roleplay; one thing that I try to establish beforehand is please for the love of god do not try to force my character into a bottom / submissive role. None of my characters can be even classified as a 'switch' as it all depends on their opposite character in the roleplay, their history, what type of roleplay I'm using them in and so forth; my characters are not self inserts and I will not treat them as ragdolls for other people's amusement. If you need pre-established roles like dom / sub, top / bottom please find someone else to write with.

    ( 004 ) SMUT / PLOT I don't do precentages because I'm fine with plot heavy rps and I'm also fine with smut heavy rps, whatever snags my fancy and whatever the context of the rp is; I'll do both, or I'll do an even amount or what have you. I don't care. What I do care about are my hard no's, however. I don't have green light's when it comes to smut because once again this all is based on which character I'm using, but as the person writing said character there are certain things I refuse to write. These are: Scat, Vore, Mpreg, pedophilia, zoophilia, furries / anthros. You get the idea.

    ( 005 ) CONTENT WARNING I do write dark content, and under this guideline is a list of dark content I will write / explore. I like to be transparent so people who have specific triggers can avoid me, and those with similar writing interests can find me. Drug addiction, suicidal ideation, toxic relationships, kidnapping, dub-con, polyamory, enslavement, gore, character death, and so forth.

    ( 006 ) CONTACTING ME When you send me an IM please add a small excerpt of your writing so I can gauge whether or not we might fit as writing partners, I will also send one back; and please offer up an idea no matter how vague so we can work off it! It can be something in my cravings list, or something of your own that you were craving; but please don't message me empty handed and expect me to do all the heavy lifting.
  • Tier One = Softer, less dark plot ideas.
    Tier Two = Gets a little darker / spicier.
    Tier Three = Expect a lot of dark themes.


    plot 001:

    ( Character A ) is the youngest, irresponsible, black - sheep son of an influential man in the pharma industry, while ( Character B ) is the eldest heir to his parents' old money dynasty that once represented said pharma head honcho in courts for decades. Due to multiple lawsuits being filed, and a falling out ( B's ) father faces multiple life sentences if ( A's ) father takes the stand to petition against them. As a result, ( B ) has been tasked to stop that from happening at any cost without taking the man's life. So, he kidnaps his youngest most easily attainable child as ransom. The only problem?? This youngest son is a certified psycho and at this point ( B ) isn't so sure this hassle of a kid is worth his father's freedom. Yet ... there really is something about him.

    plot 002:

    ( Character A ) is the golden boy of college campus, always has the attention of the girls, attractive, an incredible volleyball player and a straight A student; not a single person has anything bad to say about them ... save for the fact that he's a bit of an asshole, a bully, the reason why many people call home to their parents crying about why college sucks so much. ( Character B ) is the new kid in town, a transfer to the local community college. He has a bad boy rep that follows him to this new town, but a sweet disposition nonetheless; and if there's one thing he can't stand it's bullies. Even if they're really, really cute.


    Plot 003:

    ( Character A ) has lived his life outside the wall ever since he could remember, a scavenger just barely surviving off the earth destroyed by wars from decades prior. He's flighty, the type to hide away before anyone could even get a glimpse of him; especially when the infected are near. ( Character B ) is an officer inside the walls, having vowed his life to protecting the people within from the infection running rampant outside; but he's suddenly tasked by his superiors, along with others, to venture out into the outside world to find and extract an uninflicted. A human with the immunity against the infected no matter how many times their blood comes into contact with them, a hoax ( B ) had thought his whole life. But when he finds ( A ) tucked away in an abandoned, dilapitated home he soon comes to realize that there's a lot he just doesn't know.

    Plot 004:

    ( Character A ) is a hybrid of sorts, a science experiment, one of many born to humans with spliced DNA with animals. He was born with an instinc unlike any humans, advanced hearing, eyesight, scent and ... ears of a serval. He s spent his whole life tucked away as a lab experiment, considering there's very few like him, born with animalistic features that sets them apart from the rest. But as he's gotten older, he's grown more angry, more rebellious. ( Character B ) is the pscyhologist brought in to quells ( A's ) outbursts of anger, but they soon form a bond that has them both questioning their true purpose.


    Plot 005:

    ( Character A ) is a werewolf enslaved by vampires, though he hasn't always been; once he was a proud heir of a pack that ran their community smoothly for many years. But after their slaughter, he was taken into captivity and used as a blood bank. It's funny, in these times where monsters have emerged from their shadows to reveal themselves to the humans, that many think vampires prefer their blood. But they've always just been easy prey, and ( A ) knows the blood of a werewolf is like nectar to a vampire. ( Character B's ) family is ( A's ) first buyer, and ( A ) is dead set on showing them just how bad a decision it was to purchase him.

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