All Seeking More Agents! Request thread (CLOSED)

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All Seeking More Agents! Request thread (CLOSED)

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Agent Moonie reporting for duty
Local time
Today 1:12 PM
Hello! I'm Moonie! I've been writing for a long time now. All started in 5th grade in notebooks! I expanded to the internet as a senior in high school. And it's now been the only place I rp for years. I also write personal things on the side. I don't plan on posting them ever as they are self-inserts. I'm into fantasy, horror, mystery, romance, some sci-fi, as far as I know anything but historical. Unless it's magical historical. Anything with magic and the super natural is cool with me. I do also love romance, but it doesn't have to be a thing in every rp. Platonic things are just as great.

Now as for what I rp. I only rp as my Ocs. They're typically female, but I do have some males scattered in there. I just need to update the Character thread. I've never felt comfortable trying to be an already established character. Gives me anxiety. You can look at my current characters here, only 2 of them are completed. I add more info every so often. I do have ideas to add more characters in due time.

As for how I write.
-I try and be descrpitve, but I can get stuck in my head on how long it should be or how I word things. I write 1 to 3 parahraphs depending on much detail and how much I can think of. I expect the same of my writing partners.
-I hate one liners, and I prefer to write in 3rd person.
-Schedule wise. I'm currently off of work for the summer. So I have a lot of time on my hands. I could reply back after a few minutes, or a couple of days. Once school starts up it might be once a day. Well seen when that happens. I do try and reply at least once a day, that is my goal. I don't expect the same from my partners though. I would like a reply once every few days, to keep the hype up and keep me interested.
-If you are gone for around a week I will send a PM as a reminder. I will wait then for another week to send one more . But once 3 weeks pass with no warning or if you ghost me I will move our rp to paused or ended. Then seek other partners.
-I like communication! Ooc chatting is perfectly ok! We can talk plots and other ideas we have that we could rp together. Let's be friends!
-Please no Godmodding. If you know something that doesn't mean your character can magically know that too.

Onto the topic of what I will and won't write.
- All characters must be 21 or older!
-I can write gore and violence. How much depends on the scene. I've writen intense gore scenes before, so I'm comfy with it. A good action scene is always fun!
-Doubling up. I can, but I'm trying to get my muse for writing back atm. I should only handle 1 Oc, but I can play side characters if need be!
-Smut. I've done many, just for sex, rps and I'm not really into it much anymore. I'd say my ratio of story/smut is 80/20 at most. It needs to be earned. Feel like it's supposed to be there! Let it grow with the characters!
-I'm not telling my kinks. If sex does happen more than likely it'll be fade to black. As I said before, I've done a lot of sex rps and I'm pretty over it.

My personal Setting
Your personal setting
High & Low Fantasy
A different planet!
Demon Slayer
Soul Eater
Dungeons and Dragons
College setting
Slice if Life Setting

If you have an idea ask plz!

Pairings/Plot Ideas:
Enemies x Lovers
Forbbien Romance
Rivals x Lovers
Royal x Commoner

Finding a lost soulmate in reincarnation
Secret Agent missions between 2 agents.
Secret Agent mission and somehow a civilian gets roped in
Some kind of Mystery that needs solving

I'm not the best at coming up with ideas so feel free to run ideas by me! I'm very open to ideas! Whether they be fluffy or tramatizing (for our characters) I'm willing to listen.

Please PM me if you're interested! I'd like to keep this thread clean and open to my updates only.
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