Either Needed Serial Killer's New Targets

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Either Needed Serial Killer's New Targets


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This is going to be a very dark roleplay. It's not fluff. It's not the kind of story to have a happy ending.

The premise is that MC, a new serial killer in New York, New York, has three victims in his grip. This will be about the torture and abuse he puts these three people through. I'm open to ideas for this, and will list some ideas for characters which I think are interesting. However I will only leave three slots open for this and its completely up to you how this story will go. This will contain sexual themes, gore, torture, and heavy cursing etc. Not for the faint-hearted.

Name: Marcus D. Allistair

Alias: The Gemini Killer

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Unclear

Status: Single

Victim count: 4

Career: College Student

Birthday: May 29

Zodiac: Gemini

Religion: Atheist

Height: 6'4

Signature: Carves the Gemini symbol into his victims' chest.

Mental Disorders: Borderline Personality Disorder, Bipolar 1 Disorder, Severe Paranoia, Antisocial Personality Disorder.

Personality: To the outside world, he blends in perfectly. He's all smiles, the perfect picture of a good-looking young man just working to get his college degree. However, when he lets the front drop, there is nothing left but a sick and empty human being. He feels little remorse, and has a severe sadistic streak. However, he has an absolute adoration for his dog Roxi, and is severely protective over her. Attachment to animals is uncommon in most Antisocial cases. He also has a tendency to be very territorial over things which he believe belong to him. Most surprisingly, he can perfectly control his anger when he need to. However, if given the chance, he will lash out in the most brutal ways imaginable.

Background: Someone isn't just born like this. Marc has an awful past which does not excuse what he does, but explains a lot of it. His father was a drunk and often beat his mother to the point of severe bleeding when he was hammered. The only child witnessed this from a very young age, and would often be at the receiving end of the belt as well. When he was ten, the pain became too much for his mother and she packed up and left. However, she failed to take her son, choosing to start a new life somewhere and abandoning him to his father's wrath. For the next several years he was severely abused, blamed for his mother's absence, and isolated from people his own age. He was home-schooled, luckily being smart enough to basically teach himself using textbooks. He grew to have a deep and passionate hate for his father, and when he was eighteen he immediately left their small apartment. His father mysteriously turned up dead a few moths later, the death labeled an accidental drowning in a river near the apartment. He wasn't a very liked man, so it was swept under the rug for the most part. Now having a taste for the kill, Marcus began to carefully select victims and would torture for them for up to several months before finally leaving them somewhere for the police to find. Being a very intelligent individual, he seemed to know how to cover his tracks completely. The only sign ever left, was the symbol in their chest. However, as his bloodlust grew, he began to plan a bigger event. Believing firmly in the powers of three, he set out over a week period to collect three new victims to be his new playthings. All at once.
Appearance: f0bde3037391ddb5035d7f56307a6ff3.jpg

Just Some Ideas for Characters:

Stockholm Syndrome: If you've ever seen Killing Stalking you know exactly what I mean. The victim falls in love with their kidnapper. Despite the abuse they're put through, they learn to love it and to become attached and fiercely loyal to their abuser.

The Escapee: The most determined in the group. Hatching plans for escape constantly.

The Fake Pleaser: Fakes submission to get on the abuser's good side. Earns their trust just to stab them in the back the moment they can escape.

The Beggar: Striking bargains to get their freedom. Offers money, anything to get themselves out of the mess.

Name: Rosalina Garcia Troy
Nickname: Rose
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: Very curious, asks allot of questions. Thinks allot to myself, and always making suggestions. I change depending on the other characters in the story.
Short bio: I live by myself in a small house a block away from my work on the outskirts of town. I often did visit my brother and aunt at her house in the city.
Oh I usually make my character as I go. So it'll develop and go with the story. But you're right I do need to add a few more things.
Name: Odette Amelie Davids

Face Claim:

Age: 18. Born August 2, 2002.

Occupation: Newly graduated from high school about to start college in the next semester.

Sexuality: Straight

Zodiac: Leo

Religion: Agnostic

Height: 5'5

Personality: Odette was born into a well off family. She is an only child and it shines through in her personality. She is self-centered and narcissistic. She has a smart mouth and an attitude problem. She can have a bad temper when she doesn't get what she wants and due to her looks and status, she is very good at manipulating people into getting what she wants.

Background: Odette grew up in a gated community. Her father and mother met when they were young and had their only baby girl in their twenties. However, her mother had been pregnant once before Odette but delivered a stillborn son. When the Davids had Odette she was kept sheltered and spoiled; perhaps Mrs. David could not get over the trauma of losing her first child and as a result, tended to helicopter parent her naive and young daughter. Odette was able to attend the most prestigious private schools in her area where she dominated the social scene; her good looks and manipulative personality made it easy for her to either wrap people around her little finger or crush them under malicious rumors and ostracisation. Odette was never very focused on school in her younger years but was able to pass with flying colors by flirting with the male staff at her schools. No one really knows her true self and she prefers it that way. With college coming in the Fall, Odette cannot wait to break out into the great big world and make her mark.
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