Shadow Demons

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Shadow Demons


Shadow Demon
Inner Sanctum Nobility
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Today 7:27 AM
What is a Shadow Demon?
A Shadow demon is a Demon that is capable of using the Shadows to do his/or her bidding. Shadow Demons link their own Shadow's energy to the shadows nearby. Even if not linked to a Shadow, a Demon can still command it to perform actions. Doing so without a link can have undesired affects. Shadows are natural chaotic creatures, if given the power to do so can cause much chaos. Shadow Demons are the most social out of the other Families of Demons. They strive for attention, no matter if its positive or negative. They prefer to avoid direct fights by using words and evasion. If threatened, they have no issue with fighting. A Shadow Demon has the highest Energy capacity than any other Breed, making them the Strongest Energy Based Demon. Physically they are weaker, having thin tall bodies making it easier to avoids attacks, but taking hits leaves them more fatigued than other Breeds. There Endurance is very high, capable of long hours of abuse before succumbing to wounds. This is possible because a Shadow Demon is linked to his Shadow, making them one. If a Demon takes a hit, he can either send the pain to his Shadow or the physical damage (Most prefer to send the physical damage so not to harm their bodies) At the end of a long fight a Shadow Demon will appear tired and sore with no markings, but his shadow will look damaged.

What Powers do They Have?
Shadow Demons can do much with the Shadows around them. Most common powers are teleporting from a single Shadow to another. When a Demon enters a Shadow they can see all other shadows as possible doorways. Shadow control gives a shadow a Physical Body, making it capable of fighting, defending, or performing other task. Harnessing the Raw Energy of the Shadows around them can create a physical energy attack capable of deadly accuracy in the form of a thin beam or to a full destructive wave. Every Shadow has their own Personal Trademark Power that makes them Unique.

Is a Shadow Demon Weak to Light?
This is a common misconception when one thinks of a Shadow Demon. Many believe they can stop or damage a Shadow using light. In truth the light does not 'Hurt' a shadow, just messes with it's energy making it unstable. What many forget is that with every light, a Shadow is cast. This will cause the disrupted shadow to quickly seek out a new form. So yes a Shadow can be disrupted by Light, but it does not hurt it.
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