World [SHELVED].

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World [SHELVED].


Mr. Fear
Inner Sanctum Nobility
Local time
Today 5:34 AM
Name: Makari Thana
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Kingdom: Blood
Element: Holy
Familiar(?): A large, pure white snake named Vasuki that he often wears around his neck or draped across his shoulders.


Personality: Calm and calculating, he tugs the strings of those around him to make them perform the way he'd like them to. Speaks and addresses those around him in a respectful, yet polite manner, though something about his voice always seems off. Alternates between being excessively flattering towards others to the point where it comes off as overtly mocking, over the top compliments or stony silence. If it came down to it, he would just as quickly offer exaggerated praise with all the charm necessary to get what he wants. An insufferable mage and a manipulative character that does best when around nobles and aristocrats. All class and poise, life is a game to him and he enjoys playing god by using his wits and charisma to influence the actions and reactions of those he comes into contact with, be it king or be it slave. Disregards the importance of human life, he has no sense of justice or morality; and spends much of his time figuring out the weaknesses of others to exploit them. The very definition of hedonism, he spends his entire life in self indulgence and searching for pleasure he can't seem to find. He feels too little; and therefore wants too much.


Appearance: He is far from imposing; and is equal parts beauty and grace. A toned, athletic build; but definitely not as large or muscular as the men that hail from the Blood kingdom. Two shimmering gold bands circle each wrist, and each ankle, while only one is around his neck. Similar, incandescent markings follow the shape of his eyes at the top and bottom. At the center and outer corner of his eyes, two glittering markings streak downwards until they taper off at his cheekbones. The symbol for holy magic is on his forehead in the same incandescent ink. Several other striped markings are at his hips and waist, becoming more narrow as they close in towards his abdomen and inner thighs. Long, argent hair frames his face and hangs out in loose strands past his shoulders, stopping around his lower spine. He has large amber colored fox eyes, the pupils consisting of a multitude of honey and gold shades, a delicate nose, and softly arched brows.

History(?): Originated from the Holy Kingdom, and remained with them for a greater portion of his life before defecting to the Blood Kingdom. He held contempt for the simple, modest routine that they'd bestowed upon him after he'd performed his first act of magic; and despised the austere charm of the Holy Kingdom.

Other: More often than not, he acts as a standby healer for the King, the Grand Commander Knight and the Knights of the Round if he seeks to curry favor or entertain himself. He lives for the moments when he stumbles upon men clinging onto their hopes and dreams; when their life hangs but on a single thread. To him, the ultimate bliss is to have powerful men kneel at his feet and beg for their lives, or those of their friends or families. His ideals, his principles, and his goals are a mockery of all things Holy.

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Name: Cyril Novarium
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Element: Toxic

Familiar(?): A viper, which bit him after he accidentally stepped too close to her face. Cyril liked the feeling of her venom, so he took her in. Her scales are a yellowish-beige color and, looking closer, one can see that some scales are darker at the tip or completely black. The area between single scales has a darker tone, too, which is coincidentally the same tone as her eyes. He named her Zana and tied the familiar mark attached to a string around her tail after getting her approval.

Personality: Having spent his life in an environment that never accepted him, or ever will, Cyril is wary and skeptical about everyone and everything. As a result, he is quite the terrible team player. His trust issues urge him to take all the work that may have been given to the team and do it on his own to be sure that it was done thoroughly and not sloppy on purpose or by accident, often forgetting the needs and emotions of teammates altogether. Adding to that, he is also reserved, preferring actions over communication in almost every situation, and can be quite stubborn after setting his mind to something he insists will work. The more emotional he gets, the more he tries to hide it with a mask of apathy, getting quite defensive in the process, before straight up just leaving if possible. Cyril favors passive hostility over a one-on-one confrontation. Hitting hidden triggers in the other person and watching them squirm on the inside is much more satisfying for him.

Appearance: Bearing a rather slender body build, like most Xeplians do, his muscles after years of training and fighting aren't as refined as he would like them to be. And although their outlines are definitely recognizable, they mostly vanish after some layers of clothing, making him appear rather fragile. Pale blonde hair covers his right face half, while it's cut shorter on the left side. It's slightly curly, tickling the back of his neck on a bad day. Streaks of neon yellow and silver are mixed into his hair, giving him quite an exotic look. Cyril's skin is pale, littered with scars and never-fading rashes from his poison. The same poison that colored his eyeball a murky grey and gave his teal eye a slit-like pupil. Singular, because he lost his right eye precisely because of the same toxin. The same fate befell his right ring finger, left pinky and index finger, and the middle toe on his right foot. Other than that, he has a sharp jaw, tall cheekbones, and a fine nose.

History(?): His childhood was spent hiding away in the basement of his family house, while training his magic and body, hoping that one day he would be strong enough to escape the maddening shackles of this basement and the society he was born in. In his free time, he listened to the laughter of his younger brothers and sisters from outside, who didn't even know he existed, and imagined himself playing games, enjoying street food, or just being a naive little child with them.

One of the most important and memorable days of his life was when he won the beauty contest held every five years. Cyril had just turned sixteen last month, and was sick of living his life hiding away from society, which judged a person so early based on a factor that they couldn't possibly change. To this day, he remembers the eerie and hushed whispers that befell the watching crowd, as they noticed what element he truly bore after finishing his performance, and the blank stare of the King's black mask as he stared down on him. It felt like an eternity till the corner of his mouth slowly moved upwards, and declared him as the winner of the competition. The sudden reluctant applause and the guard hanging a golden medallion around his neck distracted him long enough to miss the moment the King left the spectating crowd.

Other: Cyril prefers a fast-paced, quick-ending fight, which is reflected in his fighting style and weapon of choice. Using an Urumi Sword, he focuses on slashing the enemies multiple times in quick succession, usually creating shallow cuts just deep enough for his poison to enter their bloodstream. Most of the time, he starts a fight with a surprise attack, hoping to end it with only one strike, and although Cyril is capable of fighting for longer periods, he would rather retreat and try it another time to be in control of the situation again.

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Blood Kingdom

Monarch: Evander Arun The ruling monarch is fearless and vicious, but not cruel. In public and on his throne, he is always dressed in a full set of scarlet armor that covers every sliver of skin on his body and his head. Pretentious red silks drape across the shoulders and around the waist. Carved on the shoulder guards of his armor is the impundulu, and the helm is also shaped in the form of the bird's vicious face mid screech; with feathers adorning different sections of the armor.

Animal: Their nation's animal is an impundulu, a lightning bird with an insatiable appetite for blood.

Economy: Never short on wealth, as the Blood Kingdom serves as the military merchants of nearly all of the neighboring kingdoms, and some of the further ones (taking into consideration how many have hostile intentions towards one another). Their armors are known to be of high quality, their steeds regaled for having great speed and endurance, and their weapons to be extremely deadly and easy to maneuver. They are far from being a people that live off the land; relying on hunting and slaying great beasts instead of gathering. There are farmers but few and far in between; their function simply being to provide healthy alternatives to an otherwise all meat diet— fruit & vegetables.

Location/Appearance: The capital is located near the summit of a mountain, smaller cities and towns built near and around different ridges, but elevated far enough up in a strategic attempt to see their enemies approaching long before they can arrive. Everything about their cities are meant to be in expectation of war; including but not limited to the intimidating iron and steel walls and gates that circle their larger cities. Their location is meant to exhaust and intimidate any neighboring kingdoms that wish to conquer their lands, and any invader groups that approach their cities are immediately exterminated if they are either visibly armed or appear to be a military unit. More often than not, they pyke the heads of traitors and invaders at their front gates.

Culture/Laws: A belligerent and warmongering people. Their knights consist of grand, flamboyant fighters; all wanting for honor and glory. Very patriotic, they indulge in a national anthem that is sung before all large gatherings and events. Laws revolve around disputes being settled in duels, with the possibility of traitors and enemies earning their place in the kingdom through fights to the death (as long as they swear fealty after their victory). The people value strength, so the weak and small face harsh discrimination; and their knights hold no prejudice against gender or age; so long as they are capable of performing well on the battlefield. The Circle of Mages and Knights of Round are decided through yearly tournament style duels open to the public in which they fight to incapacitation, surrender or death; and when the ruling monarch passes; another is held in which the participants consist only of those in the royal court.

Religion: The God of Blood is an avatar of war; known to be unflinching and undying. It is believed that if one were to live a life filled with glory and honor, they might be deemed worthy enough to be resurrected as a soldier of their patron deity's military. Anyone who fails to earn a spot in the God of Blood's army will be reborn and spend their next lifetime attempting to do what they could not during their last one. The people of this kingdom do not fear death, and in battle, many seem determined to fight until the earth is stained red with their ichor. It is said that if one were to submit or surrender to their enemies, their soul would be consumed by the deity and cease to exist; neither able to serve in the god's military nor earn their right in their next life. Often depicted as an imposing figure decked out completely in gilded armor that is stained completely red from the blood of his fallen enemies; paintings of him all have him wearing a helmet and thus, never show his face or features. He is seen wielding any manner of weapons; all steel said to be forged from the iron taken from the blood of dead adversaries. Most artwork of him will typically consist of him in the act of slaying any manner of beings, be it dragon, god or mortal. Other paintings will have him residing on a grand throne with people prostrated across the ground by his feet.
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Aqua Kingdom

Monarch: Myro Xepleth If one had to describe Myro's appearance, many would utter the words "beautiful, mysterious, and graceful," even though most of these aren't usually associated with a man. He, though, defies all gender stereotypes regarding beauty standards. If open, his silver hair reaches seamlessly to his lower back, although he usually has it done in a neat bun, which is decorated with dozens of golden ornaments. His colorful clothes cling to his slender and almost fragile body, and a bell attached to an ankle bracelet rings with every step. The upper part of his face is completely hidden behind a black mask, while the exposed pale lips and his chin charm every spectator effortlessly. He is a graceful being, but at the same time cruel and egoistic.

Religion: Xeplians believe that the Aqua God was the first God who came to be in this world, and although they do consider the existence of other Gods, they believe that the Aqua Deity is the creator of them and thus the Higher God. Her beauty is said to be unrivaled by anything else, and even if one tried to imagine her eternal appearance, it would be impossible. Because of this, it's believed that she could never create something other than beautiful creatures. Then, even if she tried to, her divine beauty would make everything she did and touched at least a higher standard than what other Lower Gods could do at their best. So anyone who doesn't fit the Xeplian's beauty standards, and therefore the Aqua Deity's standards, too, is seen as a Traitor sent by less divine Gods, who tried to smuggle their spies into the Holy Ground of their Kingdom.

The Aqua God is often depicted as a faceless, but still young and beautiful woman, who is looking into a handheld mirror, while caressing a white swan. The counterpart of the white swan, the black swan, lays dead around her neck like a scarf. It has multiple featherless spots, lost its right-wing, and if one looks closely enough, one could see larvae crawling in its plumage.

Location: The Kingdom is located in a low valley surrounded by high mountains, which are so tall that it is almost impossible to walk or fly over them without fearing that oxygen may run out. The only way to safely enter the Kingdom is to go through the underground cave, which was modified to have a wide street and leads right to the doors of the Kingdom. The entrance of the underground cave, however, is blocked by a crashing waterfall, and only if the Aqua Mages positioned there give one permission to go through can one enter it trouble-free. The valley is filled with lush vegetation, much of which has been left untouched by humans. Various animals reside within the nearest forest, and the citizens are careful to not hunt them to extinction.

General appearance: The enormous palace with golden ornaments is situated right in the middle of the Empire on a raised platform. Wisteria trees are planted all around the palace, and damaging one of the trees is strictly prohibited, and will be punished accordingly. The palace acts as the center of the Empire, to which all the streets lead. The richer the households are, the closer they are to the palace, and the taller and more gorgeous they have to be. Getting closer to the outskirts, the pomposity greatly reduces until one can see normal houses belonging to farmers, craftsmen, or merchants. Fields and mines are located as far as possible from the palace.

Economy: Xeplia has a rich economy, as one may have guessed. They are the leading factors when it comes to the Beauty Industry and the luxuries associated with it. The mountains around them make for great sources of crystals, gems, and metals, which they trade with other Kingdoms that don't have easy access to them like they do. They have large areas of fertile soil and are capable of producing enough food for their population on their own.

Society/Discrimination: Although Xeplians try to hide it, they are very judgemental and cruel folk. Families with children who do not fit the beauty standards the current ruler follows have to either hide them away from the public, and hope no one catches them, or straight up sell them to the legal slave markets/auctions. After all, those who are caught harboring these so-called "Traitors" will be killed along with them. Slaves, bought from slave markets, always have to wear a veil to hide their faces and are usually branded on the forehead with the insignia of the family that bought them. It is probably one of the greatest shames someone could receive in Xeplia. After all, beauty rules in this social life, and someone with a face brand is almost guaranteed to never succeed in this Kingdom. Mages aren't free from this rule, either, although they won't be sent into a slave market. If a mage has a type that alters their appearance in a "bad" way and gets noticed, they are directly delivered to the King, who decides what should happen to them. Freedom is usually not the end that awaits them, though.

Other: It is forbidden to wear the color purple, and anyone caught wearing or even having clothing of that color will be severely punished.

Once a year, in early spring, people gather in front of the palace to celebrate together with flashy lights and a fair. This festival lasts for three days and three nights with cheap traditional food sold during the days and games after the sunsets. During this festival, everyone has to pray at least once a day and attend the daily mass held in the church. The purpose of this celebration is to appease the Aqua God and wish for beautiful babies this year.

Every time fifteen days have passed by, the melody of a song will be played in the church. It starts when the first strike of sunlight can be seen in the night sky and ends after exactly fifteen minutes. This tradition started randomly one day and initially received a lot of complaints.
After people found out that the current Ruler was the culprit behind it, though, they just accepted it as it was. In particular, since the Monarch appears to be very forgiving to his subjects at the time the song is played.

Once every five years, a beauty contest reserved for only mages is held, where the King decides the winner. The mages have to appeal to him with a combination of their appearance and suiting spells that enchant their looks. And although it's not an official rule, it is rumored that the winner of the contest is usually chosen as the next Grand Mage, or at least wins his approval.

The Kingdom's Banner has a dark blue background with a white swan depicted in the center of it. It's spreading its wings and raising its beak, like it was trying to intimidate or look down on someone, while still showing off its graceful plumage. Golden patterns decorate the left upper and right bottom corners.
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Holy Kingdom

Monarch: Aldea Elvira The ruling monarch is compassionate and sticks to her ideals; never allowing their morals to be swayed at the thought of wealth or power. A woman in her early thirties, she is a kind soul that the people happily accept as their Queen. She is tall and slender, with a gentle smile. Though she is empathetic to others, it is far from easy to trod upon her. Strong willed, not easily swayed against her principles, and with a strong Circle of Mages and robust Knights of Round, she is not to be trifled with.

Animal: Their nation's animal is a dove, a white bird that represents love, peace and forgiveness.

Economy: They are farmers and gatherers, living completely off the land. Their people are all vegetarians, and do not condone hunting, nor will they raise farm animals to be sent to the slaughter. A self sufficient economy, they are able to function entirely independent of other Kingdoms. They produce everything they need, and do not require the importing of goods and services from other places to survive.

Location/Appearance: With no natural defensive barriers other than the river that flows from east to west through the country, the Empire is surrounded by massive stone walls, with giant doors guarded by Knights and a handful of Mages. Lots of vegetation and trees pepper the area, and forests begin at the entrances and exits of the capital. The doors are a lively place where you can be sure to always meet people. Instead of individual houses, the cities and villages of the Holy Kingdom consist of monasteries and temples that are welcoming of any and all potential residents as long as they do their share of labor to ensure the functionality of their environment. Getting closer to the river, one can either see multiple bridges enabling people to go across it or water wheels passively generating electricity for the Kingdom. On the north side of the river lay more monasteries, but also an open marketplace. Aside from that, the Holy Kingdom has a large temple dedicated to the Holy Goddess; and it is usually the resting place of their Circle of Mages or Knights of Round; though both the former and latter don't mind residing with the rest of the people if their help and assistance is required. Rather than having the pompous look many other capitals have, the temples of the Holy Kingdom look more like a big assembly hall than a luxurious living place.

Culture/Laws: A kind people that accept any manner of foreigners with open arms. However, any belligerent visitors that raise their hands or weapons against another would not be tolerated. Their knights consist of trained fighters, and though it is rare that any of them have taken a life; they serve to exile any ill-tempered and combative people from their kingdom. Most of their time is spent protecting the people from wild beasts or dangerous animals that may encroach upon their territories. Little do they participate in the political strife of neighboring kingdoms, and keep to their own and survive through farming and very rarely, trade. Here, all men are created equal, even those that have titles do not lord over those that don't. The Holy Kingdom is meant to be a place where sins shall be forgotten and the past rewritten; and many come here to start a new life. Their people wear silk, linen and cotton.

Religion: They believe their god to be forgiving, warm and kind. She represents healing and wellness, said to be able to mend any wound or injury (whether it is physical, spiritual or emotional). This includes but is not limited to restoring shattered bones, curing deadly ailments and even healing broken hearts. They believe that your sins will all be forgotten if you are but to pray to her for repentance. She is usually depicted with long, curly golden locks that shimmer under the sunlight and spill over her shoulders until they frame her hips. A white aura radiates from her body, which shines light on every being and object and creates a comfortable atmosphere that engulfs everyone near her. In her arms is a newborn baby, laughing and grabbing her golden locks. Her white dress touches the ground and even drags a bit behind her. An embroidered veil covers her upper face, making one able to only see her benevolent smile.
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Pyro- Inferno (The practice of creating, shaping, manipulating, and controlling fire, flames, and smoke. The temperature degree can be changed to their preferred level. Able to feel the heat coming from living beings)
Markings - Higher body temperatures, which leads occasionally to heat releases in various shapes, drier skin in terms of moisture, especially on their lips or fingertips/knuckles, dragon-like tough scales spread over their body, focused on parts where extreme heat and flames usually reach or touch their skin.

- Hydrad (The practice of manipulating water and its temperature degree [freezing, but not frozen, to boiling] They can communicate with sea-born animals)
Markings - They have working gills on their upper neck and webbing between their fingers to allow for easier swimming. Some bear shining fish scales located somewhere on their body in various degree of numbers.

Aero - Viscosity (The practice of creating, shaping, manipulating, and controlling wind and air currents. Capable of changing the pressure and permeability of air.)
Markings - Hollow bones, but higher density than mammal bones and working wings growing out of their upper backs. Not necessarily only feather wings. Some mages have tufts of feathers in some areas instead of wings while others have both.

Terra - Pathfinder (The practice of creating, shaping, manipulating, and controlling the earth and all its components. They can feel vibrations of movement through the ground over far distances)
Markings- They bear a second set of arms, growing out of the same place as the wings of Aero-Mages. Their bodies tend to grow taller than others, with 6'7 feet being the average for them. Sensible areas like palms or soles are covered with rock-like formations.

Holy - White Magic (Restoring biotic organisms to better health conditions, curing illnesses; but the patient must be alive. Incapable of resurrections.)
Markings - Golden markings spread all around their body, primarily around their eyes and hands. They glow brightly while performing magic. If sunlight shines on them, they shimmer white.

Dark - Black Magic (Dark disciplines, intended to deliberately cause harm or misfortune without regard to consequences (and for their own selfish purposes). Typically corrupts the practitioners due to malefic influences.)
Markings - Black, wispy markings cover their whole body, leaving almost no skin untouched. While performing magic the markings shift their shape into ancient words, that seem almost being alive on their own. They shift back the moment the spell is done.

Electro - Voltage (The practice of creating, shaping, controlling, and manipulating electricity. Mages can also take electricity from sources and store it in their bodies, saving it for later use.)
Markings - Vein-like patterns stemming from one place spread all over their body, up to their neck, and maybe even to their face. While using their magic, a bluish-yellowish tone slowly starts to fill in through the veins starting from the one place they stem from.

Cryo - Glace [French word for cold-related things] (The practice of creating, shaping, controlling, and manipulating ice, IE: snow, hail, frost etc. Capable of freezing water)
Markings - They have a significantly lower body temperature, and because of that, they always have a visible breath + blue lips. A layer of frost covers appendages like toes and fingers, that can reach up to their lower knees and elbows. They are extremely cold to the touch.

Crysto - Rock Transmutation (The act of transmutation substances closely related to the ground and earth into crystals. They also are able to perceive special gems and crystal hidden in the ground)
Energy Carving (Capable of carving different element energies into a gem, which then can act as a storage and release tool for it)
Markings - Small jewels are located primarily the eyes, cheeks, and down their arms and spine, although this may change from individual to individual. Their colors change according to the mood of the mage. The meanings of the different colors vary from mage to mage. Yellow isn't necessarily happiness.

- Green Thumb [Greek word for plants] (The practice of manipulating plants and vegetation. Growth of nature, revival of dead plants, green-speaking [communicating with plant life].)
Markings - A dense natural smell sticks to them like gum to clothes. Vines grow out of their body, twining around various limbs and parts of their bodies. During spring, various local flowers from their home area bloom in their hair. Pointed ears. They usually also have a green tint on their body.

Toxic - Acid Body (Capable of ingesting any poison, man-made or natural, and decomposing it into its components, allowing the mage to create and store their own unique poison inside of their body. The release is possible through pores and any bodily fluids.)
Markings - They have eyes, that constantly look irritated, while their eyeballs have a darker color like a greenish-blackish or a deep grey. Pupils look more like vertical slits than orbs. It is not an unusual sight to see them with fewer fingers or toes, maybe even without a whole limb if their poison is strong enough. Their hair has splashes of neon color, that mimic the warning coloration of wild poisonous or venomous animals.

Psycho - Divination (Interpretation of dreams, prediction of futures, scrying of past/present)
Mind Entering (The act of entering the mind of other living beings and listen to their thoughts, or persuade them with subtle whispers)
Markings - A third eye sits in the middle of their forehead. Most of the time it is closed, although there are mages who constantly keep it open. It usually has a milky, white color, which gives an uneducated person the illusion that they are blind from that eye.

Blood - Sacrifice (The ability to create sturdy weapons and armor made of their own blood, whose power level increases proportionally to the blood used.
Blood Maiden (Allows the user to hurt and control another person with a straw puppet over a period of time, which depends on the blood gathered. While holding the puppet, the mage would know the location of their victim.) [Notice to us: The ratio of mana pool to blood is 20:80]
Markings - The strong smell of iron follows them everywhere they go and the scarlet scars covering their pale skin make them always never go unnoticed. They also have pointy nails and fangs.

- Evocation (Entities/Objects)
Markings - Dark brown tattoos all over their body have the appearance of the mage's contracted animals or beings. They disappear the moment the corresponding animal is summoned, and reappear when the summon is canceled. Usually, the first contracted animal is located around the face.
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  • The kingdoms are grand empires that expand over a large portion of land that can even be considered a nation. There are 14 active elements (out of 16, excluding Aether/Nether). There are 7 continents and each elemental kingdom controls a portion of land that is around half the size of said continent. Many are interconnected with forests, deserts or jungles, while others are split by oceans or seas. Most will use boat for water travel and horseback for land travel; and journeying from one to another will likely take around a week (maybe more or less depending on weather/travel conditions). Aero mages will have the easiest time traveling between kingdoms due to their ability of flight.


  1. King or Queen
  2. Grand Mage & Grand Commander Knight
  3. Circle of Mages & Knights of Round
  4. Aristocrats
  5. Mages & Knights
  6. Commoners
  7. Slaves

Mana Pools:

  • Magic is used by humans at the cost of mana and stamina. Mana pools will grow over time, and stamina can be increased through rigorous training and mental fortitude. Those that "learn" magic can grow to be just as strong as those born with magic, as long as they are dedicated to their training. Every human is born with a mana pool that stored their magical energy in a "pocket" somewhere inside their body. When performing magic, it would take a certain amount of this pocket to use it for the action, and over time it will recharge itself again. Most humans have such a small mana pool that even with hard practice, it will never grow large enough to have enough energy to perform magic. Some humans can go beyond their limits and gain a larger pool, while gifted mages are already born with large mana pools. Deities will notice humans that are born with large mana pools and gift them their arts/markings to lay claim on them.


  • Mages that have the same element as their (acting grand mage) would consider it an honor, and are more likely to be respected by their peers. Those that participate in the magic of darker elements [IE: Blood] are generally looked at negatively, or spoken of behind their back in hushed tones; grand mages especially. 1 in 10 humans are innately gifted at magic, and 1 in 15 humans can acquire the skill through heavy practice and training. Those born with magic are generally stronger than those who learn it through sheer will. Some magic types are not possible to practice without inner talent [IE: Holy] The common man doesn't know about "mana pools" and magic is a mysterious topic only spoken about between mages. There are a few that know from friendly/open mages but the greater part of the population don't, and those that do have no proof or evidence to suggest it stems from a "mana pool" so are left with baseless accusations. The reason behind mana pools not being openly admitted by mages is fear of it disrupting the natural order of things. If people knew, they may try all sorts of things that would be disruptive to mages in general. Mages can draw "mana" from their environment, and if a living things (animals, plants) mana pool is over exerted it will die. On occasion, a mage may push themselves hard enough that they run out of nearby objects to draw energy from and it will pull from their bodies itself, which will cause harm to the caster. If too much mana is drawn from a non-sentient object, it will simply not be possible to drain anything from the item anymore [emptying a bottle].


  • Deities exist in this world, although almost no one ever saw them, and most depictions and characteristics are based on stereotypical traits of their respective main element. Each deity represents one of the 14 magic types and has their own pocket dimension, which they created to their liking and now reside in. Anyone living on the mortal realm is unable to enter this dimension, while any divine being is restricted from leaving it. Although they usually derive their entertainment by watching the mortal world, they are able to create godly beats to make their dimension more lively or rarely summon a mage in their sleep to the dimension for a talk. Waking up the next day the summoned mage would think of it as either a dream or a prophecy. Deities gift humans their elements to gain power themselves. The mana used during casting a spell gives the respective God a certain amount of the spent energy, making them in turn stronger. Every god has been born with an innate rule set, whose origin is unknown to them, but which they follow based on their instincts telling them to. Said law was made by their Creator. A higher being, who called the Deities into life and is freely able to create and destroy any Gods if they see the need to. No one has ever seen them.

Secondary Elements:

  • Some gods will only focus on newborn or growing humans [this also equals a lot of magical energy they could earn], while others will look at the hardworking and persistent ones who gained just enough magical energy to bear their gift. It is extraordinarily rare for mages to have a secondary element, and to do so would require gaining the favor of a second deity. If two gods are on friendly terms, they may be more likely to share a particular human as an energy source if the mage is deemed worthy. Markings will mirror that of the luminal deity reigning over a particular element, and acquiring these "scars" will open the doorway to that particular magic.


  • There is no technology like phones, cars, planes, etc. but things like electricity, running water and some magic powered items. What little technology there is, is based on magic and electricity. The former is used in richer households which are simply financially better off and capable of buying the low-produced, high-demanded luxuries. [IE: Small things like magical chess or a mirror. Not necessarily aiming for productiveness, but more of a prestige product.] No devices exist that are capable of blocking or hindering access to someone's mana pool, but there are paralyzing or weakening agents that are used to drug mages to render them mentally incapable of performing magic properly.


  • Familiars are pets or creatures that are tamed, captured or imprisoned to serve their mage owner. They don't gain much more awareness in comparison to regular animals, but can possibly eventually understand body language and behavior. "Familiars" of summoners have high intelligence in comparison to familiars belonging to mages of other elements.
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