Character(s) [SHELVED].

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Character(s) [SHELVED].


Mr. Fear
Inner Sanctum Nobility
Local time
Today 5:26 AM
Name: Samael Karalis
Age: 26
Gender: Male

Personality: He carries himself with nauseating perfection in the form of unnatural poise and strong posture. Samael is arrogant, and compares himself to nothing short of excellence when referencing any manner of his art. He believes to be part of a theater of his own creation, flawlessly puppeteering those around him to sing his song and dance his dance. Extremely intelligent and manipulative, the world's his stage and he the star. Samael is a highly professional perfectionist who suppresses all ethics and morals for the sake of realizing his visions. Sardonic, he will oftentimes laugh at his own jokes as he makes them, entertaining himself even if not others. He is cultured in all things art, regardless of the form or style.


Appearance: Handsome with attractive features, he is easy on the eyes and gathers more than enough attention with his charming smile. Tall (6') and muscular enough to look that way to a wandering eye(broad shoulders, defined chest, toned abs), he partakes in routine workouts to maintain his athletic body. He has black hair that is a bit on the shorter side, though he has a few mid length strands either framing his forehead, sweeping across it, or brushed back against his head. Samael has neat, slightly arched brows, a sharp jawline and a slender nose. His eyes are a dull muted azure, so lightly shaded that they often pass as more gray or silver in color than blue. Normally wears clothing that fits perfectly against his form, which gives him a sharp, clean cut appearance.

"I do not paint dreams or nightmares. I paint my own reality."

History/Other: A distinguished painter renowned for his abstract expressionism in his works of art. His most celebrated paintings [1][2] are surrealist or abstract in nature, a collection of paintings that depict reality (streets, rooms, homes, etc.) in an eerie, supernatural way (large eyes, vaguely humanoid figures, etc.) that is as unsettling as it is aesthetic. However, his style has taken/will take on a darker tone, although he has given/will only give a vague explanation as to why his newest works [3][4] are more macabre which is that he "has gotten new inspiration from an [unknown] source." Samael's latest paintings are more harrowing (splotches of red, fragmented shapes in broken settings, etc.) than his old ones, and have a hair raising effect on viewers. Little do the collectors of his art know that he derives his creativity from the stalking of his victims, oftentimes incorporating scenes from inside their homes into his works. He obsessively watches individuals to capture their lives into his paintings, believing him to be The Artist that will assist them to their "ascension" to immortality, locking them out of time with reality to be remembered, all because of his talent.




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Name: Kaede Auguste Callisto
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Personality: Being from a poor almost middle class family he had to learn the ways of the world very quickly. His parents taught him the ability to be cunning and very calculating in getting what he wanted. He has a very strong worth ethic and let's nothing get in this way, he's very determined and once he sets his eye on something it is his. The humble, loving and protective nature of his parents passed on to him especially when it comes to those who he deeply cares about. Animals always have been a soft spot for him. He has sympathy and the need to help those who are clearly struggling just to get ends to meet. Don't get it twisted as he does have a very mean and cold streak to him and he can built up mental walls faster than a construction worker.
His Looks
His burns (all over his hands and halfway up his forearm)
History/Other: His parents were both immigrants from Japan and Germany. They came to America to have a better life but instead were given the cold shoulder and had to do whatever it took to survive. His parents were able to build some kind of lives for themselves and had him soon after. He had a great childhood and we're in the ups and downs of life, only to have the two people very important to him taken away via housefire. This house fire was not by accident, it was a direct attack from the wealth districts. They saw his mother craft business as a threat and decided to send a person to kill the off since no one would miss them. His parents died in the fire and he left with severe burns on his hands and feet. This fire caused his fingertips to be burned to the point that it disintegrated his fingerprints and nuked the nerve ending in his fingertips, it's simply smooth skin now. This fire also created a burn for revenge and anger in his heart as he vowed to kill the people who caused his parents death.
He may be an expert in all thing crafting, excellent management especially being a club owner and an expert in weaponry but he isn't perfect. The burn scars on his hands and arms are always a sore spot to even discuss, hence why he always wears silk gloves to cover them up. He may be the sharpest tool in the shed but he has moments where he zones out and let's reality fizzle away as he sits in his own darkness. He hates not being 20 steps ahead from anyone else and will often become fussy when he is the 'victim' instead of the predator that he is. Kaede not having any feeling in his hands or feet, makes those areas very vulnerable as anyone who knows that can easily take advantage if he left them out in the open.
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