World [SHELVED].

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World [SHELVED].


Mr. Fear
Inner Sanctum Nobility
Local time
Today 5:20 AM
Name: Regis de Algerone
Age: 26
Gender: Male


Personality: He wants to gain more strength, more glory, more power. Regis is completely and absolutely loyal to Raxit, near thoughtlessly following orders from his superiors as a child, and mindlessly instructing soldiers in his adulthood to their death, if only for an opportune moment to conquer his enemies. Temperamental and cruel, he constantly seeks to draw the blood of those he blames for preventing the complete and utter subjugation of the world.


Appearance: Regis is tall and athletic, with long dark hair that is oftentimes tied back into a high ponytail. He has sharp brows, a slender nose, and a sharp jaw that all adds to the fact that he is of royal bloodline. He is nearly always dressed completely in black and gold armor (the colors of the Raxian Empire) and his headgear oftentimes includes an abundance of white feathers or furs that distinctly name him as General Regis de Algerone of Raxit. He has piercing eyes that simmer between a raging blue and a stormy gray, and his lips are usually pressed together into a thin line, one that warns any visitors that he is not here for amusement.

History/Other: Known as General Regis de Algerone of Raxit, he has earned the highest military title possible in the Raxian empire, and is the most distinguished member of the royal family with no claim to the throne. The cousin of the Heir Apparent, who is son of the ruling monarch of the Raxit Empire, Regis remains close to the royal bloodline, even if he has no right to the throne so long as his cousin lives. Born in a time of expansion for his people, he grew up studying all sorts of military strategy in order to bring justice and honor upon Raxit, his goal in life being to lead soldiers to war against the rest of the world. When Yoria was taken twenty years ago, he'd learned all there was about why Raxit needed to expand their territories. By the time Irilon was conquered fifteen years ago, he'd taken his first life. Once Eirini was claimed ten years past, Regis had already begun to climb in the ranks of the Raxian military. Since then, Raxit has had trouble expanding past the now annexed Yoria, Irilon, and Eirini; but the General will stop at nothing to push past the borders and subjugate Brivel, Auhira and Crenale to complete the Raxian Empire's goal of occupying all corners of the world.

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Doc Fredrick Anthony
|Age| 27
|Gender| Male
|Personality|Fredrick is a kind soul. Helps those in need, awkward in most social situations, enjoys animals, self sacrificial to a fault, has a hard time valuing himself, internalizes his problems, spiraling self doubt when making life choices, and enjoys being outside in the sun on long walks while talking to himself constantly.
|Appearance| Fredrick has short brown hair that always looks as if it has been tussled by the wind. He has light gray eyes, he stands around 6'00 even. Freddie has a thing for turtle necks, and most of his clothing is high collared or covers his neck due to the permanate scar that resides there. His frame is lean and solid.

|History|At a young age, Fredrick was drawn to the woods, he would walk them for hours, constantly getting scolded by his parents. One night, he had spent too long speaking to the woods as if they were a dear friend to listen to his troubles. He entered his home to find his family slaughtered. He was utterly alone.

They say time heals all wounds, but Fredrick didn't know who "they" were and could hardly wait for time to pass quick enough as every day hurt his being. He found that the best way to cope with loss was to throw himself into whatever work he was able to. It was physical labor at first, however he was soon accepted as an apprentice for the local cattle farmer. Life continued and the vet thought Freddie had potential to help their small village and then he was off to how to help people as well as animals.

He had lost his pain as he lost himself, drowned in work surrounded by constant streams of pleas for help. He didn't force payment, did all he could with what folks could spare. His soul was kind, pure, but irreparably damaged. Once he was home, settled in his work space, he watched the world shift around him. The world becoming more unkind by the day.

|Other|Terrified of spiders no matter the size, enjoys most soups, hot teas, and cold mornings
Raxit: The Raxian Empire spent the last twenty plus years sweeping through the land; having successfully conquered half of the large city states and countries located around the world. Their buildings, castles, cities and walls are all large and rigid, made completely of steel, iron or other metals. The Raxit people prioritize military might, and their militia is extremely strict, while their empire has a rigid hierarchy. They've managed to conquer half of the realm through superior technology including but not limited to heavy weaponry, steel plated armor created from hard to destroy ore, communication devices, and colossal airships made of black ore that carries their armies across the continent.

  1. Royalty:
    1. Emperor
    2. Heir
    3. Royal Family
  2. Military:
    1. General
    2. Officer
    3. Prefect
    4. Senior Commander
    5. Soldier
  3. Public Officials
    1. Elected Magistrate
    2. Financial Auditors
    3. Bodyguards of Public Officials
  4. General Populace
    1. Artisans
    2. Citizens
    3. Enslaved "Citizens" from Annexed Territories (Generally used for manual labor and are forced to pay heavy taxes to survive)

Annexed Territories:

Eirini (Eirinian): A country specialized in Wool/Fabric(s) conquered by Raxit 10 years ago.

Irilon (Irilian): A country specialized in Coal conquered by Raxit 15 years ago.

Yoria (Yorian): A country specialized in Ore conquered by Raxit 20 years ago.

Warring Territories:

Crenale (Crenalese): A country specialized in Lumber that Raxit is currently in war with.

Neutral Territories:

Auhira (Auhirese): A country specialized in Salt that Raxit has not yet sought to conquer.

Brivel (Brivelese): A country specialized in Soy/Rice that Raxit has not yet sought to conquer.
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