World [SHELVED].

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World [SHELVED].


Mr. Fear
Inner Sanctum Nobility
Local time
Today 1:35 AM
Name: Keres Nerezza
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Kingdom: Blood
Element: Blood
Familiar(?): He normally has a stallion on hand; though he goes through them quickly. Simply put, he has them by his side for convenience of traveling, as well as to slay at a moment's notice to perform his magic (due to how much blood an average horse carries in its body).


"Ahh...war. To wield power, to make men kneel before you. There is no better feeling."
Personality: Strong, stubborn and resilient. He is guided by practicality, typically finding the most direct route towards his goals, ignorant of whether or not it is morally just or the right one. He demands respect and admiration from those that he deems below him; this would include everyone except for a select few individuals that he considers worthy of his respect. Volatile emotions, he is known to be extremely temperamental; one moment aloof and the next furious beyond measure. An arrogant narcissist with an overinflated ego, he reeks of nauseating confidence, harsh poise and strong posture. Equal parts entitled, delusional and vain; and fails to hold himself together often, his mask of composure cracks often to reveal the foul sadomasochist beneath his skin. A sick mind that fails to take responsibility for his actions, regardless of how obvious it was that the negative results were caused by his own faults. He would never surrender or back down from a fight; and would sooner harm or kill himself than to forfeit or admit defeat.

Appearance: He has piercing eyes, with large pupils that glimmer scarlet in the morning light, and almost seem to glow in the blanket of dusk. Muscular and fit, he is every bit as capable of being a warrior as he is of being a mage. His hair is long and dark, with shorter strands framing his face and the rest falling past his shoulders to end a little below his chest. He has the typical beast claws that blood mages are known to have, the long fingernails sharp enough to tear through skin. His body is covered in a plethora of scars that smolder in shades of crimson, some he gained from battle when he was younger, and others far more fresh. All that, coupled with the pair of razor fangs peeking out from behind his soft lips makes him look every bit as vicious as he is.


History(?): Born and raised in the Kingdom of Blood, he sought power, glory, and an honorable death as a child. He trained with the rest of the young men and women that desired recognition, and at the age of 18, became a knight. His dream was to rise up to the ranks until he earned a seat at the Knights of Round, before then achieving his goal of becoming the Grand Commander Knight. Due to unforeseen circumstances during the grand tournament he was a competitor in at age 21, Keres became the first ever Knight of Round known to be a "duel wielder" — able to both wield handheld weapons with terrifying skill and cast powerful spells if desired.

Other: Takes his pick of prisoners to perform spells, and is a regular of the kingdom's fights to the death; frequently seen lingering in the stands to take pleasure in the spill of blood. Has foolishly overexerted his mana pool several times in the past, and seems equal parts reckless and passionate when it comes to powerful magic. An outstanding fighter trained in all manner of handheld weapons, he is able to wield blades with frightening accuracy. He's also mastered archery, but what sets him apart from any of the other warriors in his nation is his ability for sorcery. His magic and his weapon mastery is nearly interchangeable, oftentimes he is seen crafting new crystalline equipment with Sacrifice.
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Blood Kingdom


"Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars."

Monarch: Evander Arun The ruling monarch is fearless and vicious, but not cruel. In public and on his throne, he is always dressed in a full set of black and red armor that covers every sliver of skin on his body and his head. Pretentious crimson silks drape across his shoulders and frame around the waist, and carved on the shoulder guards of his armor is the impundulu. The helm is also shaped in the form of the bird's vicious face mid screech; with feathers adorning different sections of the armor.


Animal: Their nation's animal is an impundulu, a lightning bird with an insatiable appetite for blood.


Economy: Never short on wealth, as the Blood Kingdom serves as the military merchants of nearly all of the neighboring kingdoms, and some of the further ones (taking into consideration how many have hostile intentions towards one another). Their armors are known to be of high quality, their steeds regaled for having great speed and endurance, and their weapons to be extremely deadly and easy to maneuver. They are far from being a people that live off the land; relying on hunting and slaying great beasts instead of gathering. There are farmers but few and far in between; their function simply being to provide healthy alternatives to an otherwise all meat diet— fruit & vegetables.

Location/Appearance: The capital is located near the summit of a mountain, smaller cities and towns built near and around different ridges, but elevated far enough up in a strategic attempt to see their enemies approaching long before they can arrive. Everything about their cities are meant to be in expectation of war; including but not limited to the intimidating iron and steel walls and gates that circle their larger cities. Their location is meant to exhaust and intimidate any neighboring kingdoms that wish to conquer their lands, and any invader groups that approach their cities are immediately exterminated if they are either visibly armed or appear to be a military unit. More often than not, they pyke the heads of traitors and invaders at their front gates.

Culture/Laws: A belligerent and warmongering people. Their knights consist of grand, flamboyant fighters; all wanting for honor and glory. Very patriotic, they indulge in a national anthem that is sung before all large gatherings and events. Laws revolve around disputes being settled in duels, with the possibility of traitors and enemies earning their place in the kingdom through fights to the death (as long as they swear fealty after their victory). The people value strength, so the weak and small face harsh discrimination; and their knights hold no prejudice against gender or age; so long as they are capable of performing well on the battlefield. The Circle of Mages (12 members) and Knights of Round (12 members) are decided through yearly tournament style duels open to current knights or mages; in which they fight to incapacitation, surrender or death; and when the ruling monarch passes; another is held in which the participants consist only of those in the royal court.

At the beginning of every year; anyone age 18 and up can apply to be a Knight (if they can pass the rigorous testing process in which they are pit against a fellow applicant) or a Mage (since there are significantly less magic users in existence, the testing process simply consists of being able to hold their ground against a caster from the Circle of Mages for ten minutes).

At the end of every two years, a tournament style duel otherwise known as the "Bloodbath" will take place, and this one particular day is set aside in which all current knights can duel for a seat on the Knights of Round, while current mages can do the same for a spot in the Circle of Mages. Half of the time, it is a gladiator's fight to the death, considering that the Blood Kingdom's culture values death over surrender. The other half, the losers are left permanently disabled, paralyzed or incapacitated; though only a lucky few experience the last option. The victors of the Bloodbath (one Knight and one Mage) will then draw a lot to face against a random Knights of Round and Circle of Mages; and if able to win a duel against their drawn opponent, will be able to take their seat at the table or their spot in the circle.

Religion: The God of Blood is an avatar of war; known to be unflinching and undying. It is believed that if one were to live a life filled with glory and honor, they might be deemed worthy enough to be resurrected as a soldier of their patron deity's military. Anyone who fails to earn a spot in the God of Blood's army will be reborn and spend their next lifetime attempting to do what they could not during their last one. The people of this kingdom do not fear death, and in battle, many seem determined to fight until the earth is stained red with their ichor. It is said that if one were to submit or surrender to their enemies, their soul would be consumed by the deity and cease to exist; neither able to serve in the god's military nor earn their right in their next life. Often depicted as an imposing figure decked out completely in gilded armor that is stained completely red from the blood of his fallen enemies; paintings of him all have him wearing a helmet and thus, never show his face or features. He is seen wielding any manner of weapons; all steel said to be forged from the iron taken from the blood of dead adversaries. Most artwork of him will typically consist of him in the act of slaying any manner of beings, be it dragon, god or mortal. Other paintings will have him residing on a grand throne with people prostrated across the ground by his feet.

Blood Knights of Round:


Blood Circle of Mages:

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Terra Kingdom


Monarch: Baudrish Mai. The ruler of the Terra kingdom is hearty and joyous. He is a real king of the people and involves himself in the middle of anything whether it be petty disputes or a celebratory feast. He is large, with a strong jaw line, broad face and shoulders, and bronze skin. He is rarely in any uniform, more comfortable in breathable clothing against the harsh temperatures and sun.

Animal: Big Horned Sheep


Economy: As the Terra Kingdom is dead centered in the middle of trading routes between a few neighboring kingdoms, it has done quite well in terms of regulating trade and commerce. Most of the kingdom's wealth is accumulated through bartering and trading with the caravans that travel through their great cities, while others make their living as hired help to guide weary travelers through their rough terrain along the canyon sides.

The kingdom is mostly consistent of freshwater fishermen, barterers and those who are willing to guide caravans who travel by foot, leading them along the rocky terrain. Dude to the vast, large river, vegetation and fresh water fish are in abundance, but outside of their kingdom stretches a large, desert wasteland.

Location/Appearance: Centered in the middle of a deep canyon side which stretches for miles along a vast deserted land, the kingdom settled and grew along the banks of a river, shaping their homes inside of the canyons rocky terrain. The structure of the city descends from the common folk living at the top of the canyon sides down to the kingdom's highest individuals which stretches along the banks of the canyons.

Despite their abilities to move into the earth and build societies inside of the canyons, there is still a lot of danger to face in their own kingdom. The shifting of tectonic plates, or flooding of river banks are dangers to the citizens send them back several months of labor and while they usually thrive with little trouble, the people are always wary of the dangers that lie ahead.

Culture/Laws: People in the Terra Kingdom are rich in personality, careless to throw fists as quick as jokes. They drink heavy, laugh often, and settle disputes about as dignified as a drunken toddler on a tight rope, but once things are settled, they are blown off and forgotten.

They believe in honor can be found through the progression of their own society. They band together to work hard on keeping their structures safe and sound as well as advancing their society and expanding along the riverbanks.

The defenses of the kingdom are abundant and soldiers live in barracks just around the outer ledges of the canyon sides so that the are close to their posts. While they are not trained for years to fight on the battlefield, they are well versed in defending their own homeland. Knights and soldiers are trained to maneuver their own homeland and use the elements of the desert against outsider attacks.

Religion: The god of Terra is often depicted as an androgynous figure with a muscular torso, a feminine face and large hands and feet. They have an extra set of arms and are often clothed in long robes that fend off the intensity of the sun light. The statues built in their honor often have them flexing their arms or holding up large boulders or a great axe pick. Animals which burrow in the earth are often huddled at their feet, show casing the strength yet gentle nature of their being. One of the most famous statues is of the God riding on the back of a Ram along the canyon side entrance which is used as almost a destination spot for tourists

They have built a grand temple inside the canyon cliffside and down underneath the earth that also serves as a shelter for the weary, or refugees. Inside of the temple, the god's four arms are stretched out and down with open palms in acceptance of all who need them.

Name: Gioryn Hostrouss (Gee-Oh-Ren Hoss-Trouse)
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Kingdom: Terra
Element: Summoner
Familiar(?): He wasn't trusted with a familiar but believes his summons to be familiars in their place

Picture to come...if I ever find one

Personality: He is headstrong and a bit stubborn, albeit a complete airhead. Growing up living in a loving family, he does not see the bad in people right away. This makes him seem naïve, which isn't far from reality as he will choose to believe there is good in others before outright dismissing them. Though always kind at first, he tries to be weary of strangers, often finding himself getting into more trouble if he doesn't at least try to keep up his guard. He is rather quick to make friends and laugh with his fellow neighbors, but there is something else inside of him that stirs every now and then. A darkness that crept inside of his head that he tries to keep at bay. Voices inside his head that feed into negative thoughts and leave him rather scattered brained.

Appearance: One would label him on the plain side as he isn't much to look at with the first glance. He keeps his reddish brown hair at shoulder length and often ties it up in a ponytail with a ribbon gifted to him by his grandmother before she passed. His skin is pale from a lack of sun but covered in freckles. His jade green eyes are round, big and bright, often dazzled with excitement (and showing any emotion really.) He has markings on his face that came from his first summon. A brown oval mark from his forehead down his nose, blackish brown markings around his eyes and a little around his nose. While he isn't very built, he is by no means scrawny. Most of his body is toned from years of living and climbing along the canyon sides. He dresses in breathable fitting clothing which is normally a black half tank and forest green pants that are loose around his legs. He doesn't love shoes, often going barefoot in the summer so he spends extra time taking care of his feet when he needs to. His right arm is covered with a long vulture feather, the brown ink stretching down his shoulder and stopping just at his elbow.

History: He spent his childhood in the Terra kingdom under his grandmother's watchful eye as he was a bit of a trouble maker. While it wasn't always by choice, trouble seemed to follow the young boy where ever he seemed to roam. Whether it was a crumbling canyon, an unfortunate sink hole, or even something as simple as a broken glass, it seemed as though the boy was riddled with a stream of rotten luck.

Still, no one was prepared the first time he accidentally cast his first spell bringing forth a sugar glider which he was unable to control. The tiny creature stirred quite the commotion and due to an over crowded audience and the stress of his own anxiety, it accidentally offset the little creature into jumping from his hands into an open window for a place to hide. In chasing after the little guy, the boy accidentally broke a table, ripped a perfectly good tapestry, knocked over a mount of knickknacks and spilled a very expensive tea. His grandmother, while proud of his ability to cast magic, was less elated and believed that only she would be the best teacher for her grandson - despite the efforts of his neighbors in pleading with him to move far, far, faar away to receive special training and be out of their hair.

She shaped and molded his abilities with the assistance of reading material alone, tirelessly finding ways to balance his mana pool and magical abilities while he did everything he could to avoid another calamity. With her guidance and trust in him, he was able to perform summons at will, gaining the trust of his little sugar glider companion as well as the trust of a white headed vulture, feathers of gold and tree bark and a beak and talons as sharp as razors. He trusts the both of them with his life, knowing that while they are not large or mighty powerful, they are companions who have entrusted themselves upon him as well.

Other: When he begins to feel stressed or overly frightened, his thoughts begin to meddle together. The voices in his head seem to speak in hushed whispers, and while none of them sound like his own, all seem unionized by the things he believes himself to be. He is not entirely convinced that the sounds of these voices are connected with his magic somehow, as they seem to dissipate when he is using magic even in high stress situations.


His Summons:
-His first summon. She is overly cautious and hesitant, often assisting him in ways to maneuver through intense situations instead of powering through them. Her markings appear around his face.

-Clear headed and ever watchful, she is most useful when patience and thought is required. Her markings reside around his right arm.
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Summon Kingdom:


"And go in search my dear brothers and sisters of that which can make your inner beauty shine true. Remember that all life is worthy of celebration, no matter how small."

Monarch: Rhaven Croteur (Rah-Vin Crow-Tour) A rather young king sheltered by his own fortress that sits atop the hilly plains of his kingdom. He rules over the some of the largest untouched land but the smallest population by far, stretching only a few hundred miles across the hill top plains and set his focus in arts and beauty rather than war. His population is that of half of more than any other population in terms of land to citizen ratio.

Animal: A griffin

Economy: While there isn't much in the way of outsider trading, the kingdom takes what they need (and only what they need) from the land. They thrive with their circumstances alone, living in lush greenery, wide opened spaces, and soil so rich and soft it can be cultivated with bare hands alone. Trade happens usually between the hands of those in their own kingdom or just inside the cities markets to passing travelers.

Most of the valuable trades are in artisans, craftsmen and those who value arts. The kingdom values beauty and tranquility, using their gorgeous landscapes as inspiration to guide their muses. The cities hold music festivals where people dance in the streets, taste the sweetest wines and show off their elegant craftsmen ship.

Location/Appearance: The Summon kingdom stretches vastly across the great plains of the continent, starting at the edges of the forests of one kingdom and ending all the way to the cliffsides of another. Their terrain is smooth, grassy hills which they have cultivated for almost a century now, turning it into farmland, orchards and small villages consisting of only a few homes at a time.

While most of the kingdoms people have stretched out as far as they can so they do not have to see neighbors for miles, there is a city that stretches around the palace for the aristocrats and high class mages. Houses are built only two to three feet apart to occupy as little of the land as possible.

Though they have plenty of animals living on their lands, they really only kill when absolutely necessary and mostly feasts on the foods cultivated by the earth rather than the animals they live harmoniously beside.

Culture/Laws: Their laws are pretty flexible. As long as people are honoring each other and not causing great issues that will get back to the guards and knights of the kingdom, people can relatively do whatever they want. They do not believe in owning land, for it belongs to the animals. One only has to wander the land and find a far enough spot for them to make their home. It must be spacious enough to allow animals and people to pass freely and you cannot put up walls.

Religion: The God of summoning does not have a direct appearance and much of the summon kingdom has been squabbling about their beliefs of how their god should look, possibly all of their lives. For many, the god has an elongated form, long spindly arms covered in tattoos with a wide torso, a long neck, and dainty feet. Many show the god having three heads, that of a bull, that of a bear, and that of an elk, but over the course of centuries, the heads seem to change shape, sizes, and species.

There are a few scattered across the land who just show him as a large animal. Either way, there aren't many of those who are in agreement.

What all those who worship the Summoning god can agree on is their god, much like the beasts on their lands, is neither benevolent nor malevolent. He chooses to live along side his creations and they believe that their god is spirited in every living being.
Dark Kingdom



"The depth of darkness to which you can descend and still live is an exact measure of the height to which you can aspire to reach."

Monarch: Arabella Kakarauri The ruling monarch of the Dark Kingdom is rumored to be extremely persuasive, able to easily wrap weak willed men and women around her pinky finger. She plays Devil's Advocate when placed in royal court with other monarchs, and is capable of puppeteering officials with elegant movements and silken words. Those that have seen her in action have a difficult time warning others of her behavior— so often are they already enamored by her beauty and grace. She has platinum blonde hair that ends around her hips, the long strands easily framing her small waist. The left side of her face is always covered in a masquerade mask adorned with glittering jewels, while the right side consists of a singular arched brow, long lashes draped over gray eyes, a sculpted nose and full lips.

Animal: The Dark Kingdom's symbolic animal is a wyvern, a two legged wyrm with wings attached to their frontal limbs. They are known to be swift and fierce creatures, incapable of breathing fire but equipped with barbed or stinger-like tails that pollute the ground they walk on. It is said that their tails carry enough venom that just brushing against them would be enough to kill a full grown man.


Economy: They are known to be "fixers" of the land, able to make any arrangements for their employers regardless of how devious or illegal they may be. Most if not all of their currency is acquired through organized crime that includes but is not limited to the smuggling of migrants from one kingdom to another (most of the time these would consist of Blood prisoners to neighboring areas), money laundering, counterfeit inventory, or the trafficking of stolen goods. Anything a buyer could want, the residents of the Dark Kingdom can provide; so long as they are paid the right price.


Location/Appearance: Theirs is a grand nation expanding across abandoned villages and cities that once belonged to the ruined Aether and Nether Kingdoms. Though their people shelter within the glorious walls of the Dark Kingdom, stone temples are erected across the war torn wastelands that had once been the surrounding Aether and Nether provinces. If the stacks of rotten corpses to the East aren't enough to turn away visitors, the stench of death and decay permeating from the West would surely be enough. The Dark Kingdom is built on and from the remains of cities conquered through political espionage, wars won without a single drop of blood shed by their people.

Culture/Laws: They are a far removed people; stereotypically known to be highly manipulative smooth talkers with ulterior motives. Extremely secretive about their dealings, foreigners know little about their tenebrous culture. Despite all this, they are devoted to their own people, known to trust strangers of their native land as easily as if they'd known them all their lives— treating all inhabitants of their kingdom as if they were family. Loyalty is valued more than anything else in the Dark Kingdom, more so than even coin; and once a promise has been made, it is meant to be kept.

Religion: They worship the Dark God, though outsiders know him better as the avatar of death; a hooded figure holding a scythe between rotted hands possessing exposed bone beneath peeling skin. He is a faceless deity, though one could only imagine what sort of features the deity of dark disciples could have. His worshippers believe that upon taking their last breath, their bodies no longer belong to the world of the living, and the Dark Kingdom is known to leave the corpses of their dead stacked outside the deity's temples in sacrifice; leaving their deceased loved ones to the elements. It is said that the Reaper collects the souls of the injured and dying, and him appearing in your dreams is an omen of death— usually your own.

Dark Knights of Round:


Dark Circle of Mages:

The Aqua Kingdom:

"Let our ships sail upon the unknown seas with the god's winds and waves to guide them home. Hear our songs and know that where ever you travel, with the waters you are home."

Monarch: Kivesh'ra Kovel (Kuh-Vesh-Rah Koh-Vel). She was always a ruler who defined her people. Tough, sturdy and able to brace the impact of any storms dared face her. However, the recent loss of her husband sent her spiraling into a rage of grief and survivors guilt that she did not die with him. She refuses to take leave for recovery, holds her head the highest and shoulders the weight of ruling alone.

Animal: Giant Sea Turtle covered in gems.

Economy: The ever growing prosperity of the Underwater kingdom has become amassed in fortunes of a treasurers wildest dreams. As they are able to route nearly all of the water way trading routes, peddlers are sent out to travel in vast, long stretches across the world to expand their wealth and bring it home. They have been flourishing for several years, relying off fish, tropical fruits, and traded meats for their dietary needs. The one thing they do not have is fresh milk and dairy products, of which have been recently introduced into their society. They will pay a pretty penny for dairy.

Location/Appearance: To the untrained eye, the Sea Kingdom appears to be one of the smallest kingdoms in the world. Upon first glance, the palace and kingdom sits alone along a crescent shaped island with it's large palace built high up on the top of the hills, and smaller homes trickling down the base towards the shore. The shores are aligned with a long docking port for ships to pass through and get out freely. The island itself is covered in forests that are regularly cut down and replanted to make wood for ships and repairs as they specialize in the best vessels known to mage and man alike. They have recently expanded to closer islands stretching a few miles from their main port.

There is more to the kingdom, should one only look just underneath the surface. The underwater kingdom's multi-layered kingdoms have found patches of air pockets and caverns under the islands which lead to spacious, wide beach fronts where they built their homes.

Those who have gills often inhabit the islands or underwater caves while those who are gifted in magic like to make their homes have even made homes in the remnants of the ocean's victims - half broken ships and ruins of an ancient society lost to man.

Culture/Laws: They are a people of calamity and choose to settle into whatever the ocean provides. Many who can breathe under the water are tasked to retrieve wood and metal from ships who have wrecked so that they may work it back into their homes and lay waste to nothing.

They may seem like a harsh people, but they've prided themselves on excellence in the finest. Some of the most talent craftsmen hail from this kingdom, as they truly believe that to lay stagnant in their own progress is to admit defeat.

Through trades and travel, they are quick to adapt to their surroundings and make excellent peddlers. Often the tradesmen who come from this land have a keen eye on real treasures.

They believe in collaboration and sharing ideas of innovative discovery. Their ships are their pride and joy and those on the islands dream of nothing more than a full day of honest work and a nice hot meal sitting beside their loved ones.

Religion: The Aqua God is a Short Scale-covered man with a lot of body fat, and a turtle shell across his back. In some of the arts depicting his appearance, the shell is growing out of his skin, while others have it wrapped around him with a long belt attached to keep it held. His face is more fish like with his eyes slightly off skew and fins running out from where human ears should be. But his thick hair is said to flow as endless as seaweeds, catching pearls and trinkets the ocean had blessed upon him.

Gills align his ribcage despite Aqua citizen's gills on their upper necks, and his hands and feet have his signature webbing and in both of his hands he holds the "first" threaded fishing nets which are still the best methods of fishing to date.

Worshippers of the Aqua God believe in a freelance style of worship, only coming to temples of their god during special celebration. For even as the God of the sea chose not to tame it's reckless waters, the kingdom of the Aqua Nation acts as it's element - crashing through anything in their path and giving little warning of the dangers beneath their surface.
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