World [SHELVED].

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World [SHELVED].


Mr. Fear
Inner Sanctum Nobility
Local time
Today 5:32 AM
Name: Amias Ashmedai
Age: 26 (Appears around his mid to late twenties, though is far older)
Gender: Male

Amias is manipulative and self serving, but he is far from heartless. Though he is vicious and cruel, he is not devoid of compassion. He cared deeply for Ruaidhri before he passed, and now watches Eliezer, having spent a greater portion of his long life raising the late King and his heir. He is equal parts greedy and hungry for power, and there was a period of time where he would act irrationally to get the authority he desired, but it has been long since then. Nowadays, more often than not, he is far more patient in the long run, though still makes rash decisions in the heat of the moment.

He has long dark hair that is often tied back in a low ponytail, and light blue eyes that lean more towards an argent shade. Amias has a sharp jaw, slender nose and softly arched brows. Muscular and athletic, he is physically fit and covered in scars from decades of battle; one of his most noticeable ones being a sharp streak across the center of his forehead that runs across his left eyebrow, through his eye, and down his cheek. More often than not, he is dressed in fine silks and furs when taking care of private affairs within the royal court. Outside of the castle and in the public eye, Amias is always wearing a full set of heavy black armor enunciated with gold engravings and designs; opting instead to shield his face with a helmet. Pretentious silks decorate his attire, a red cape around the shoulders, blue at his waist, and flowing crimson fabrics that trail from the top of his helm towards his lower back.



A skilled knight that possesses the innate ability to perform magic. A trusted advisor to the current King as a general of the infantry that practices magic in the free time he has. Everything he knows about magic is self taught, not to mention unreliable and dangerous; his spells are pulled from books or texts he manages to get his hands on. Due to the fact he was never tutored by practiced mages, he knows little to nothing about the rules and regulations followed by most magic users. Though he always had a knack for sorcery as a child, he was never picked up by an academy due to the fact he never quite did any outstanding magic that would catch the eyes of a practiced mage.

Instead, he trained in heavy combat, focusing on rising in the ranks of the infantry of the kingdom he was born to. For a long time, he fought in battles for wars he didn't believe in, until one day Amias adopted a young boy named Ruaidhri that he found amidst the ravaged town. He deserted the army that had razed the village, and raised the boy into adolescence in a new kingdom far from their old one. By adulthood, Amias aided in turning the aristocrats against the King, while Ruaidhri collected an army that succeeded in usurping the monarch. Ruaidhri beheaded the King and all his relatives, before claiming the throne as his own and beginning his reign.

Amias became both a father and an advisor to King Ruaidhri Ashmedai, helping the monarch shape the kingdom into what both he, and ultimately, Ruaidhri desired. For eighty long years, Amias lived in the luxury of the royal castle, lingering in the shadows as a notable advisor of King Ruaidhri, Queen Sarai and Prince Eliezer as an abiding General that rules their infantry with an iron fist.

Prince Eliezer was inaugurated as King five years ago at the age of 27 when his father passed away, and has been the ruling monarch since. In recent weeks, rumors of a dark cult of mages have been swirling amidst the royal court, and Amias has since shifted his attention away from leading the infantry to instead figure out how to rid the kingdom of the mages before they become a bigger problem. Although he is self-taught in magic, he is far from skilled enough to dispel dark arts, and as such, has been seeking a mage to assist him in the process of "cleaning out" the cult.

His weapon of choice is a gilded sword, though he is just as capable at wielding great axes or other large weapons meant to maim and destroy. Despite the fact he can perform magic, Amias is only learned in Necromancy, and not able to use it exceptionally well unless he's had a good amount of time to prepare or practice the proper incantations.
Aodán Gallagher
(Pronounced Aiden)
Alias: Killian Tavir
Military Alias: Dóiteáin Scáthaigh (Shadow Fire)
Gender: Male
Species: "Human"
Age: Appears 25 (Around 150)
Hair: Silver/White
Eyes: Amber
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 165 lbs
Build: Lean/Muscular
Current Occupation: Blacksmith
Former Occupation: "Mage"/Infantry Member
Natural Alignment: Lawful Good
Fireside Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Aodan stands at a moderate 5'11". He has broad shoulders, a thin frame, and is relatively well-built. While he is lithe in nature, he can absolutely defend himself physically and has more strength than the average man. He is rather pale, mainly because he does very little in the sun and spends most of his time indoors. Strong features decorate his face; a pronounced jawline, thin and structured nose, high cheek bones— All framed by a mane of white/grey hair that goes to his mid-back. All of that combined with striking amber-orange eyes, Aodan appears to be something far more complex than the regular human; something far more supernatural. Often times he's seen wearing loose fitted tunic shirts, tight black leather pants and knee-high riding boots. When he is dressed for travel or combat, he is adorned in rather form-fitted gear. Silver armor decorates his shoulders down to his wrists, and his thighs down to his feet. Brown leather armor covers smaller sections to allow mobility, and leather belts cling to his waist/hips. On these belts are smaller pouches for elixirs and herbs he may need immediately, as well as the scabbard for his long sword. More leather belts decorate the non-armored sections of his body, mainly to connect the areas that are.

Aodan is a relatively nurturing entity. Ever since he overcame his anger as a child and learned how to control the darkness within, the shift in his personality was a large one. The time spent at the mage camp taught him patience, kindness, and mental strength. Over time, though, he has become quite jaded. The period spent alone for so long, a previous military training, and a dark past he can not escape the memories of-- has made this man calloused and depressed. What was a general care for humanity has grown into a hate for the political powers that control it. Joy is relatively hard to come by, considering everything seems temporary when you are immortal. So he remains alone, works as a blacksmith for Beshivia, and spends his days dreaming of a better future.

There is a darkness in us all. At times it is more palpable within some, than others. It manifests in different ways, and maybe that darkness can metaphorically glow brighter than any beacon on the continent. In the quaint countryside of Tellesh, a beacon was ignited out of any person's control. It came in the form of a baby. This baby was born to a nurturing grain farmer and his loving wife. There was nothing special about them, really— special in the mindset of their genus. They were human as could be, and not a fleck of 'otherworldly creature' tainted their DNA. This couple was pure-blooded human. So how could it be that their own child was one of the brightest beacons of darkness to ever exist? That is a question few can answer. How did Aodan come to be?

The darkness started at a young age. When he was 9, a fascination with fire developed. Anger. Fits of rage. The child grew uncontrolled and acted with a temper most would just chalk up to poor parenting. That was not the case, especially since the entire village knew his parents to be the prime example of perfect mother and fatherhood. These obsessions and outbursts did not deter his parents, mind you. They continued to try and help Aodan learn to control his anger. Sadly, these attempts would prove useless. On the young man's 16th birthday, he set a fire to the farm. It was a catastrophic event that nearly leveled a quarter of the village. In the middle of this unbelievable event, his parents professed claims that would tarnish Aodan's future forever. His mother screamed "I saw it in his eyes! The Darkness! He set fire to our home within seconds!" His father claimed, "The bastard is the conjuration of evil himself. He brought the fires of hell into our lives and he plans to destroy this entire village. Maybe the world!" So much for exceptional examples of parenthood. It was true, though. Aodan conjured fire with merely a glance of his burning eyes. In the middle of a family fight, his chaos was unleashed within moments.

After a failed attempt at killing the child in mass hysteria, the village had no idea what do with him. With a 'hanging tree' in embers and several destroyed jail cells, they were running out of options. It wasn't until a camp of mages were contacted in hopes that their knowledge in 'darkness' would rid the quaint countryside of this rather hot-headed monster. This was the first step in Aodan's journey. The time spent with these mages taught him how to harness his power; how to control it. They taught him how to curb his anger and settle his emotions. This was the only way the pyromancer could keep himself, and others, safe from the fire in his soul. Since Pyromancy was a form of magic deemed 'too dangerous,' he was a very special case. Never had any mage witnessed another being with such a powerful lean towards fire magic. Aodan was unlike anybody else. In this temple, he learned to do more than just appropriately use his abilities. Aodan learned how to play guitar, sing, render, and find inner peace. This part of his life was a true transformation.

Years passed, but this was only one stop on Aodan's journey. He was discovered by the royal guard of Beshivia, and this would guarantee him a position among the elite of the continent. Aodan uprooted his life within the mage camp and moved to the kingdom of Beshivia. Since every king needed an upper hand against the rest, he was taken in as a secret weapon. Weaponized and given military training, his position was to intimidate and apprehend their enemies under direct orders of King Callusis with his fire magic. During this time, Aodan fell in love with his commanding general. Unbeknownst to him, this was a strategical move on the general's part that would put many in jeopardy.

A truly traumatic event would leave the young man broken-hearted and with the blood of many on his hands. A city in embers would cause Aodan to flee, leaving his military position and existence as a whole behind; all caused by the man he fell in love with. Alone— he hid from the commanding forces that employed him (or whoever sought to harness his chaotic power.) With no real direction, he managed to evade King Callusis for nearly fifteen years. When Aodan was finally found he was taken back to Beshivia and forced to stand trial. To his surprise, he was given a pardon. King Callusis understood what kind of a problem Aodan could be and that he needed to be snuffed out under his own watch. Instead of killing him, he was given a place to live under surveillance. With a small stipend, the pyromancer would be able to start a new life under a new name. The only condition was that he could never use his magic ever again. Aodan accepted, and the pardon was made official. The complete decimation of that city was expunged from his royal record, and he could safely hide under King Callusis' protection.

Time would pass, and Aodan would grow weary. While he never used his magic again, Aodan was still immortal. He watched friends die. He watched children in this kingdom grow old. He witness a new king usurp, and behead, the very one that pardoned him. Time did not heal his wounds. They instead made new ones. What was originally his refuge became his prison. Alone, he works as a blacksmith in the more secluded part of the kingdom. With no real sense of purpose, he has slipped into a habitual life that is immensely unfulfilling. Aodan now yearns for a reason to live.

Aodan does not know exactly what he is. While he's effectively studied as a mage, there is something deep inside of him that sets him apart from them all. There is a unknown tether that ties him to something much darker, and a purpose that he is yet to understand.

Magick: The true grit of his magick comes from intention, hand motion and the reciting of incantations. This is how he conjures elements of healing, manipulating light and darkness, control of the elements, teleportation, telepathy, Oneirokinesis, glamor, and lastly Fire/Chaos. (List is likely to change/grow.)

Most of his enchantments are done with sigils; oftentimes drawn on surfaces for protection, containment, and control.

His education in magic also consists of botany, herbology, the study of monsters, the study of the 'black arts,' and demonology.

The Fire Inside: Aodáns chaotic power is a mix of Pyromancy and Pyrokinesis. Through the knowledge he was given of using magick to activate his abilities, it granted him the understanding to control it. When his chaos is activated, often times you'll see it in his eyes before anything else. They will shift in hue from golden amber to glowing yellow/white; almost as if there were actual kilns behind them. But with loss of control, comes sacrifice. If Aodan were to ever let the chaos envelop him completely, he would lose complete control over his consciousness. The sacrifice would be his soul.

Weaknesses: A mage familiar in pyromancy could easily subdue/control him. Freezing temperatures tend to weaken his abilities as well. Even with his immortality/longevity, he still can not regenerate or restore his health quickly. If he has a fatal wound, he will only be able to use magick in order to temporarily fix the problem or potentially speed up healing. He is not impenetrable.

Secondary Abilities: Physical immunity to heat and fire, Hand to Hand combat, Moderately skilled Swordsman, Effective survival skills.

Artistic abilities: Charcoal Rendering, Guitar and singing.
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