Closed Shuttin' down

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Closed Shuttin' down

Well, let me know if one jumps out at you--in the meantime, if you can't decide, I can propose a list of three or four that I've been wanting to try...?
Far, far too many of your settings sound absolutely stunning. I cannot be expected to choose just one. The fact that L is your profile pic is the cherry atop a mound of frosting. What I'm trying to say is: I'd love to RP with you. I am happy to play male, female, a bit of both or something entirely other, I don't mind. From your extensive list, I would be especially interested in:
Rat's Nest
Fae Creature x Human (Darker, Pan's Labyrinth type feel)
Android x Android
Android x Human
Human x Android
Cyborg x Human
Hacker x Cop
AI x Programmer (This one especially)
CEO/Millionaire x 'Designer Person'
Horror. Lots and lots of horror. Horror for everyone!
You have so so many great ideas! I'd be interested in these couple:
Amnesiac x former significant other (Or former platonic friend, becomes significant other? O.O)
Asylum Inmate x Other Inmate

Angel x Human

3. Cold Light. Modern day. Two vampires meet in modern/near future Europe and try to decide how to proceed--retreat, scare off the competition, or join forces...and possibly fall in love.

Fresh Start-The only way they really know each other is through a mutual acquaintance. She was her best friend, he was her boyfriend. The couple came to the Fresh Start coffee shop every day, where her best friend worked. But one day, he went to her house and found her dead, apparently having committed suicide. After that, everything changed.
Now there's only the two of them, and they only have each other. The unexpected suicide of such a vibrant and wonderful human being has shaken them both. What will they do to stay on their feet?

-A Change of Perspective: A man and his girlfriend/female friend/wife decide to sign up for a drug study that will net them a couple thousand dollars. All they need to do is take an injection and go home, be themselves for the night, and return in the morning to do a short survey. Of course, the study is on an experimental empathy drug, and something goes they wake up the next morning in the wrong bodies. Again, nudity yes, sex no--though a fade-to-black wouldn't be inappropriate.
I'd like to start up a Dark Fantasy/Cosmic Horror RP, if you don't mind. I'd like it to be group based, and I'll run the game, I just need some help starting it up. It's call The Obsidian Age, and it takes place in a world oppressed by 5 Cosmic Horrors, each with a different style of horror to them (Oppressive Tyrannical Utopia, Forever War, The Shadows and Loss, Disease and Insanity, and Damnation). It was a game I tried to start here, but I didn't have any solid plans and organization for it, other than wanting to build a world where other players can build their own cultures and characters to play inside of it. Would you mind helping me build something up like this?
Sounds complicated. But what I would do in your position is start up your own request thread and describe your idea in more detail--people who are interested will sign up and maybe they can help you as well. I'd be happy to help you build it, though I don't think it's my personal cup of tea to play.
I made an interest thread, but took it down because I needed to put more thought into the setting, especially when it came to setting up sheets for different factions and regions. I may attempt to appeal to the mods for my own sub-forum, once I've built up enough of a good reputation to run a game.
A personal sub-forum? Hate to burst your bubble, but I don't think that's gonna happen. Start up another interest thread and keep it up until you have some people interested and they can help you build it.
Now, I didn't want to say it this pointedly, but...My request thread isn't the place to pitch your ideas.
Okay, sorry, that was unintentional advertising. Would you like me to remove it, or just leave it be? On topic, I'd be interested in running a Cthulhu RP with you, if you don't mind. I'm male, so no romance, unfortunately. In Lost Carcosa interests me especially, so to the Yellow King's involvement in it.
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It's all right. Didn't mean to come down on you hard. I was a little out of sorts last night. :p You can leave it, it's fine.
I would be delighted to do a Cthulhu RP with you, and no romance doesn't bother me--the Cthulhu plots are probably the least prone of all my plots to incorporate romance. I'll shoot you a pm. :D
I think you should start a simple thread in the Unfinished tales section, stating what you had in mind and start the story straight away. People will join and you can form the storyline as you are writing it with the others.
I meant it for Salsacookies, sorry.
I was keeping an eye for his story but it has not started yet. I think it is because of the lack of a starting thread or post; we were just discussing the possibilities and the setting.
Of course, I know he wants it to be a thorough system with a well-detailed universe and something like that needs time. Unfortunately, during the discussion people lost interest or are still waiting.
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