Silly bean here

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Silly bean here


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Hey there, my beautiful folks. I'm finally popping by here like the silly bean I am, having written a couple request threads, done some roleplaying on this site... and then I suddenly realized that I never got around to introducing myself here. Oops.

You may recognize my username from elsewhere on this site - that would be because I'm still on a look-out for that yin to my yang (or vice versa) when it comes to writing a story together. Someone who can join me in my quest to bring a wonderful story to life, a vibrant tale of two wandering souls who finally come together in this vast world and find solace with each other.

I have seen countless roleplays shrivel up and die from lack of passion to keep it going. They hardly even manage to take off from the ground before plummeting down into the abyss of despair. It saddens me every time I have to let go of yet another story that could have blossomed but... didn't.

I want to share a delightful dream with someone, to smile, laugh and perhaps even cry over the words on the screen out of heartfelt empathy for our characters, as if they aren't merely figments of our imagination but living, breathing people with feelings that can be just as real as ours can be. Sure, they may exist in a world separate from ours, but they should feel like so much more than simple words on a page.

After all, that is why we invent these tales, is it not? So we can dream ourselves away to another world where we can tell the tales of people other than ourselves. To transcend the boundaries of reality and walk a mile (or more) in someone else's shoes. To construct a world that could almost be real, to lovingly weave the threads together into a stunning tapestry to hang up somewhere on the forum for everyone to see, whether it's a daring adventure out in the wide world or under the sheets.

- Just don't ask me to roll into the erotica section with you. Smut-based roleplays aren't my cup of tea. Usually. Sometimes. Depends. ><''


Anyway, that's enough of my flouncy words. You'll have to PM me if you want to hear more of them. For now, here's something a little more down-to-earth:

What I'm particularly passionate about in a roleplay:
  • Sweet, sweet romance with kisses, cuddles and all that~
  • Strong male characters (generally MC) - I wouldn't be so hasty to label this as "dominant" because that isn't quite what I mean, at least not with my definition of the word.
  • Smart, witty women (generally YC, I no longer play females)
  • Fantasy, just about any variation of it
  • Supernatural creatures, especially if they're from Japanese mythology!
  • A few sprinkles of comedy - I just love seeing my character squirm from time to time because I'm that kind of weirdo
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