Silver Oldie

Currently reading:
Silver Oldie

Local time
Today 8:26 PM
Greetings and felicitations! I must honestly admit that I have no idea how all this works, and I have a feeling also that most (if not all) the folks here are young 'uns. Am I correct in that assumption, or am I totally off-base? I am an ancient practitioner of the magic arts, tho have only a few crow's feet in the corners of my blue-green eyes. I have waist-length silver hair and am partial to midnight blue maxi dresses and silver bracelets. Contrary to popular belief witches are not repelled by silver!)

If anyone has a part for a fairly youthful-looking crone, I'm available! Blessed be.
Welcome to the Sanctum!!

If you mean young as under 30 than yes, majority are in their 20s. We have a few active members 30+ though.

Hope you enjoy your time here and if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask any staff member.
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