All Skeletons, Hidden in the Thread

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All Skeletons, Hidden in the Thread


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Today 12:22 AM
Hello, and welcome to my request thread!

I'll keep it short and simple here - please be communicative, drive scenes forward, and have good grammar. I don't expect flawless writing (I certainly can't do that myself), but as long as you give me something readable that I can go off of for my reply, we'll get along nicely. As for kinks, I like just about everything except bathroom play and being cuckolded. I can run the gamut from very vanilla romance, to stories centering on noncon and torture, or anything in between - my only other hard restriction is that I will only be a dom/top in MxM stories. As for settings, I like just about everything. My favorite is historical/fantasy, but nothing is off the table.

With that out of the way, let's go onto the fun stuff! These plots are all skeletons, and quickly written out. They can be changed to fit your preferences and ideas, and I promise my actual prose is better than these brief little sketches!

This plot is loosely based off of the story of the Roman Emperor Valerian, setting is very open to change, but we can stick with Rome if you want. While I have the story roughly sketched out, we can definitely change much of it. It's meant to give a sort of feel to the dynamic more than anything.

MC is the Emperor of the most powerful nation on the planet, undefeated in battle, the scourge of his enemies. Multiple times, he's campaigned in the lands of the only other rival empire to hold a candle to his own nation; victorious each time, his name becomes a household curse among its people. This is especially true for YC, the reigning Queen of the nation. Ascending to the throne after her father was killed in battle against MC, her hold on power is tenuous at best, with only the bickering of different court factions staying a coup attempt. When word comes of another incursion by MC, deep into the few fertile farming lands of YC's nation, she sees the writing on the wall. If She cannot stop MC here, and in a fashion that wins the loyalty of the military, at least temporarily, she will be out of a throne and less a head. Despite not being a warrior herself, she takes to the field with her army, meeting MC's own. By luck, fortune, or help from the divine, YC manages to deal a crushing blow to MC's army - and after the rout, she receives an even sweeter gift. MC, brought to her at spearpoint. With a wolfish grin, she has her guards bring him to his hands and knees, and as her troops cheer their queen on, she uses him as a footstool to mount her horse.
Bringing the once hated enemy back with her to the capital, she notes that despite whatever humiliation she subjects him to, MC never loses a determined and fiery expression. It piques her curiosity, and once back at her court, she takes him as a slave. Over conversations, she discovers that he earned his reputation as a brilliant strategic mind, as he becomes a valuable advisor. Over time, he gains her trust, and to her horror, no small amount of adoration. He executes every task flawlessly and loyally, even when given command of soldiers; he helps her navigate the tumulous waters of her court; and becomes a favorite partner for private discussion. It doesn't hurt, she hates to admit, that he is quite handsome. one night, with far too much wine in her blood, their talking ends with a caress of her hand across his chest. The next morning, they wake, wrapped in each other's naked embrace. Even more horrifying than that, to YC, is that she finds herself wishing it didn't have to end.

To be clear, this is not really meant as any sort of hard femdom story - it can be, if you want, but I imagine YC being more assertive and seductive than domineering.

YC is a housewife living a happy life, if boring. She loves her husband, and misses him dreadfully when he goes on his frequent business trips. When he returns from his latest, though, he's off. He seems afraid of something, to the point of paranoia. YC tries to set him at ease, and after a few months, it seems he's finally calming down and back to normal. He was right to be afraid, though. MC, a criminal who YCs husband has racked up a serious debt, finally comes to collect. YC finds herself kneeling next to her husband, at gunpoint. The husband desperately begs for more time, not having the money available - MC accepts, with a caveat. As long as the debt and its interest remain unpaid, YC belongs to him. YC's husband, the coward he is, quickly agrees; and YC, ever the faithful wife, sobs as she is taken by her new owner for the first time, still in sight of her husband.
Quickly though, she finds herself torn. MC is not what she expected. He forces himself on her, but also takes her out to experience the high life, dressing her in beautiful dresses, lavishing her with delicious food, giving her expensive gifts - and she finds herself enjoying some of it despite herself. Even the sex, after she got over her trepidation at first, is intoxicatingly interesting. To her shame, YC discovers an affinity for ropes, exhibitionism, whips, and everything in between.

Our characters are roommates in college - friends to a degree, but not especially close. MC is outgoing, popular, and athletic; YC is thin, shy, and a bit nerdy to say the least - he also harbors a secret fondness for crossdressing. This, of course, is unknown to MC. At least until he drunkenly stumbles home one night, after being dumped by his girlfriend, only to walk in on YC completely dressed up.

From there, it can go two different ways. YC could also be harboring a secret crush on MC, and seeing an opportunity, 'comforts' him. In the morning, MC is regretful and embarrassed; but he finds he can't stop himself from indulging in YC again that night, and the next, and the next after that.
Alternatively, it can be non-con, with MC forcing himself on YC, and continuing to do so with threat of blackmail and violence going forward.

Very rough skeleton of a plot - A civilized nation is at war with a group of barbarians. One nation sacks a large city of the other, and YC is taken as a prisoner and slave by MC. YC is forced to adjust to life, not just as a slave, but as one in a completely different world than the one they're used to.

Straight forward, very little plot, complete smutfest. YC is an aviator, shot down over enemy territory. Wounded, YC believes themselves to be rescued, as they pass out, when pulled from the burning wreck of their plane. Expecting to be taken prisoner and delivered to a POW camp, YC is in for a rude awakening when they come to. Naked, bent over a table, manacled - and feeling the terrible sensation of a whip cracking across their back. YC has been taken prisoner, but their captor(s) have no intention of playing by the Geneva convention. YC will be violated and tortured. There are no happy endings here.

Star Wars, and more specifically KOTOR based. MC is a Sith, with a special enmity towards a particular Jedi. YC is the padawan of that Jedi. For years, they accompany their master, often contending against MC directly. Eventually, in a stroke of bad luck or fate, YC is captured by MC. Finding killing YC to be a waste, MC decides that the ultimate piece of spite towards his archenemy is to corrupt their padawan - both physically and mentally.

Expect heavy physical punishment and mind games.

Well, that's about it for now. If you like any of the ideas, or have your own that you think I may also like, feel free to send me a message!
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