Closed So no one told you life was gonna be this wayyyy

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Closed So no one told you life was gonna be this wayyyy

Friends was....?

  • Overrated

    Votes: 6 54.5%
  • Underhyped

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • I'm an uncultured egg and don't know what you're talking about >_>

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • U w U

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Just some rando
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Today 10:00 AM




1. the treatment of mental or psychological disorders by psychological means.
"They all attend therapy. Shocking."



1. a number of people or things that are located close together or are considered or classed together.
"Group therapy? Good luck with that."


1. complete disorder and confusion.
"The group was at fault for causing an immense amount of chaos during their excursion."



Listen, we all have our ups & downs. It's what life's all about. But when your life is just one constant downward slope of, well, shit ? ... Let's just say that things aren't always as easy as pie. But what better way than to persevere through it all with the constructive help of others? Alongside a strong & highly dysfuunctional support system? Welcome to group therapy ladies & gents. A place where you can find like-minded individuals and compelling backstories. A place where you can laugh, cry and be crackheads until your heart's content. But most of all, it's a place where you can learn to grow and cope all together. Welcome to group therapy.


Now that we have that little blurb out of the way, lemme introduce myself. The name's Robert, Robbie for short & Empress Robbitha Aldridge for long. Buuuttt mostly I like to go by Zaddy Bob. In the end it doesn't really matter what you call me. No, what matters is that you understand this amazing, slightly offensive plot idea. So, let's begin, shall we? Well, for starters, this rp is primarily going to resemble the ambiance of a light-hearted sitcom (if you couldn't already tell by the title). A plot in which people of varying backgrounds, with varying mental/behavioral disorders come together in order to cope with any problems they may have and/or have had. Through the hilarity of banter & crazy experiences shared with one another, of course. It is important to note that this is not meant to glorify or joke about the darkness of mental health, but, more so, it is to shed light on stigmatism + stereotyping and much more in mainly pg-friendly ways. This rp is not for you if you are sensitive towards such topics.



1. Please run characters by me. You will have to do so in order to post in the character thread anyhow, I just want to make sure that all characters are unique and are reader-friendly.

2. Please KNOW how a chosen mental/emotional/behavioral disorder effects your character. Whether it's something like OCD, anxiety or even a phobia, please, please, plEASE ~ I cannot stress this enough ~ but PLEASE do not be ignorant and judge your character off of simple stereotypes. Know how it effects relationships, behavior, emotion, just know how to portray your character appropriately.

3. Know the basics of group work and common sense. Play nice with the other kids, unless the other kids wanna fight- then kick the other kids' butt. But seriously, this is a team effort, please pitch in or ask me any questions when needed.

4. Please keep backstories and bio's as realistic as possible. I mean, I get it. It's fun being all soap-opera sob story, but remember, you don't need to have a whole lot happen to you in order to have something that's genetic. There will, however, be a breaking point in which each character must seek therapy, you may go into that breaking point as you please.

5. NO LONE-WOLFING. Periodt.


Aaaaannnnddd that's it I suppose! Unless I come up with something else of course, but that's probably gonna happen wayyyy after this thread has been posted. :'(. Lyfe sux. But anyway, remember to PM your characters!

Adios amigos!
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I am really interested in this. As creative writing is something that helps me cope with my own issues, this would definitely be something fun to explore with.
I am really interested in this. As creative writing is something that helps me cope with my own issues, this would definitely be something fun to explore with.
I'm so happy to hear that! Tbh, I was lowkey scared that no one would like it, but we don't talk about that. PM any ideas you might have on your character~
Yeah gonna get thinking on something soon. I assume we would be using RL pics for appearances?
Yeah gonna get thinking on something soon. I assume we would be using RL pics for appearances?
For sure. I've yet to make the character skeleton for the rp thread yet, so for now I'm just accepting ideas~
** Here's some background information to consider before making your characters:

  • The roleplay will be held in Seattle, Washington in modern times
  • The therapy sessions themselves will be held in a rec center, to show how awfully underfunded things are
  • Each player is allowed 2 character max
  • Each character should be 21 and over
  • I will be playing the therapist to mediate from character to character**
Character skeleton



D.o.B {please have all characters be over the age of 21}:

Gender identity:

Sexual identity:

Disorder {If it's uncommon, please supply a brief explanation}:

Appearance {Realistic visuals, por favor}:


Bio {Either supply the basics as in when their symptoms began to show, how or why and/or the breaking point.}:

Quote{s} (a catch phrase or something your character is likely to say often.):

Theme song {can be anything}:

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Name: Ellis Kang
Nickname(s): El, Ellie
D.o.B: 6th of April, 1995 (24)
Gender identity: Female
Sexual identity: Pansexual

Schizophrenia is a mental illness characterized by abnormal behavior, strange speech, and a decreased ability to understand reality. Other symptoms may include false beliefs, unclear or confused thinking, hearing voices that do not exist, reduced social engagement and emotional expression, and lack of motivation. People with schizophrenia often have additional mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, or substance-use disorders. Symptoms typically come on gradually, begin in young adulthood, and, in many cases, never resolve.


Height: 5'6
Weight: 104 lbs
Often is seen wearing very casual styles of clothing or streetwear. She is most comfortable when she is wearing something in which she can hide herself a bit such as oversized hoodies, or baggy pants.

Personality: Ellis is someone who is what most would call rather secluded. Despite this though, it doesn't mean she wants to be alone all the time or avoids those around her, she just feels like she functions better on her own at times. This is why she spends a lot of her time at home, where can be cozy and on her own.

She does not turn down company of others however, actually enjoying it if someone wants to hang out with her to cook, go on walks, or watch some movies. Around those she feels safe, she is actually quite open. However, she is often very unresponsive emotionally, and shows little to no emotions, sometimes even faking them if she doesn't show them for a split second.

When she finds herself in an unfamiliar situation, she can become quite paranoid, often thinking everything has some kind of underlying meaning to it. For example, if someone were just being nice to her, in her mind she would think they were planning to use her or harm her with things she would tell them.

Despite all this, she can be a bit jokey about her disorder, trying to see some bright side to it whenever she can.

Bio: Her symptoms began first showing around the age of 17, when she began experiecing a lot of problems regarding halucinations and delusions. They would often make her feel paranoid and unsafe and they were beginning to be problematic to the point she almost had to drop out of school and was almost kicked out by her parents. When she turned 18, she was finally able to get a diagnosis and get prescriptions for medicine for her disorder, finally being able to lead a calmer life rather than having to be scared every day of having something happen. It was when she was around 23, close to turning 24, that she moved to Seattle to hopefully find something to light a fire inside of her to find something to do with her life.

Quote(s): "Schizophrenia beats dining alone."
"Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm schizophrenic, and so am I."

Theme song:
Name: Casper Lyn


32, {12/01/1987}

Gender identity:

Sexual identity:

Cassie, although relatively typical, has very recently begun showing signs of a general anxiety disorder. Anxiety is characterized by a looming sense of fear and worry- even though there may not be any causes, these symptoms remain pretty stagnant. Helplessness and confusion are key elements, along side panic episodes, tension in the throat, heart and lungs and nervous perspiration. Those who have been diagnosed with anxiety may encounter such symptoms.



Straightforward and consistently professional, Casper prefers to keep majority of her relationships in just the same light. Due to her reserved nature however, the brunette can appear as anti-social or rather, closed off entirely. Though she very much intends to, as she finds that the less people know, fewer troubles may occur. And as such, the woman permeates a sense of mystique wherever she goes. Though relatively secluded, Casper is highly thoughtful of others- even though she doesn't show it very well. Her perceptiveness allows her to truly understand another through an unbiased lens- therefore excelling at her job as a therapist. Due to her professional nature, Cassie finds it hard to detach herself from her job- seeming dull or unable to wind down majority of the time. However, once she feels that it is no longer necessary to act professionally- to be prim & well behaved 24/7, she can surprise others with an unexpected face of immaturity & fun.

Casper has lived a somewhat normal life, she has faced all of the mile stones, all of the problems that most women her age have gotten passed. But this- but this one was like no other. Why, her husband of four years, and sweetheart since college had been caught in bed with another woman. At first, a sense of shock had overcome her, but then came the inevitable fury, the grief having followed soon after. And despite the tears, despite the overwhelming sadness, she had demanded that he left their apartment, left their marriage and left her life. For the first couple of weeks things had been fine, though a bit lonely. That is, until she had come across an album of their once shared memories. All of the sudden, it felt as if her entire world had began crumbling down- leaving her in the midst of the turbulent chaos. It felt as if she had lost control of her once perfect life, as if her entire identity had been strewn all over the place. Things had been fine until her unstable emotions had begun to reflect in her work. Casper had had an episode right in the middle of her one of her sessions, the poor regular having been wide-eyed and shocked. And as a result, the former therapist has now been demoted to group counselling of all areas, in which she will be mediating until her supervisor permits her otherwise.


Tell me, was that supposed to be funny?"

" We're all doomed."

Theme song:


Johnathan Mathers


31 {5/12/1987}

Gender identity:

Sexual identity:

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, better known as OCD is a common, chronic, and long-lasting disorder in which a person experiences uncontrollable, reoccurring thoughts (similar to obsessions) and/or behaviors (actions) that he or she feels the urge to repeat over and over again. This means consistent analyzations of environment, arranging and re-arranging objects, excessive cleaning (as Germaphobia plays a particularly large role.) and aggression. Symptoms such as depression, anxiety and intrusive thoughts may affect relationships and/or behavior as the host is on constant look out, seeking hints or clues that their potential friend/lover may not be compatible or to their tastes.



Johnny is what old people would call, "the class clown." With an undying urge to amuse his counterparts, he can come off as a bit distracting. But to him, distracting's good, since with the diversions, no one can see that he's not not normal. You see, the media has a funny way of portraying those with disorders such as OCD as some sort of crazed lunatic jerking off to cleaning supplies. And so, with the awful and borderline offensive characters, he's very much afraid to be associated with those who aren't of the typical mindset. And so, he does whatever he can to persuade others otherwise. Whether it's by exaggerating his messiness (it kills him every time.) or by stifling his anxious reactions/body movements, all is well when no one knows.

Johnny had had a happy childhood- though severely strict thanks to his OCD-ridden mother. I mean, is it really home if it doesn't smell like throat agitating Febreeze and lemon scented Lysol wipes? Despite their interfering symptoms however, the two understand each other better than anyone else could- and that's not even the worst part. In fact, Johnny loves his mother so much that she's the only person he can actually live with. It's true, his roommate of 2 years had kicked him out for, and I quote "being a nitpicky asshole." It wasn't the first time that his OCD had created conflicts. Nevertheless, think about it- a grown man, living with his mother. The patheticness of the entire living situation hadn't dawned on him until the very moment in which he was gracefully invited (more like forced) to attend the old woman's knitting club. It had changed everything. And now- well now, he really wants out, whether that means actually taking his medication or even seeking counselling, Johnathan craves the bachelor lifestyle.


"I dunno what you're talking about, there's nothing wrong with me."

"Call me old-fashion, but I believe that the only way to a woman's heart is through chocolates, flowers and rearranging her furniture."

Theme song:

Name: Willow Defray

Nickname{s}: Willa

D.o.B : 1992/06/14 (27)

Gender identity: Female

Sexual identity: Hetero

Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, is a mental illness that brings severe high and low moods and changes in sleep, energy, thinking, and behavior. ... You can think of the highs and the lows as two "poles" of mood, which is why it's called "bipolar" disorder.

Appearance: willa 2.jpg

Personality: Willa is very strong willed, no mess around kind of attitude. She's lived a tough life and it shows in her personality.

Bio : Willow was born in Canada, Vancouver to be exact where her twin brother still lives. She was raised along side her brother by her late mother Elizabeth who died when Willa was only 9 years old. Her and her brother were given to her mothers boyfriend since her father was unknown. Said boyfriend did the best he could under the circumstances, not only did he suddenly have the responsibility of two children but, one with a mental health disorder. Her brother is was and still is the golden boy. Perfect in every way. They had always been a ying and yang so to speak, Willa being the dark half Oscar being the light. Her ma died of an overdose, you would think that would turn her away from the ugly. It did not.
When Willa hit high school the drugs hit her. She got mixed in with wrong crowds, got introduced to the wrong things. Here she is now battling her ever long fluctuations in moods, drugs and men.
Willa will be the first to say her disorder doesn't effect her life but it does. She never has a handle on her emotions and pushes away anyone who breaks any of her very tall walls down. Problem is Willow trusts no one. She tries to keep her nose clean but just falls back down every time. This time she's trying a new angle Group Therapy, rehab never did it so maybe other people like herself can.

"Have you ever had so much to say that your mouth closed up tight struggling to harness the nuclear force coalescing within your words? Have you ever had so many thoughts churning inside you that you didn't dare let them escape in case they blew you wide open? Have you ever been so angry that you couldn't look in the mirror for fear of finding the face of evil glaring back at you?"

Theme song: Three days grace Animal I have Become
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