Both Needed Social Season

Currently reading:
Both Needed Social Season


Fairy Quadmother
Inner Sanctum Nobility
Local time
Tomorrow 4:23 AM

A soft, pleasant calmness fills the room an older lady sits in, her eyes roaming the open window to her right, enjoying the outdoor view of a nearby lake-side; until a knock at the door echoes. Swiftly, her head perks up upon the soft knocking. "Come in," She insists, eyeing her head maid Florence wearily as the woman steps in. "Has she-—what has she written?" She coaxes in paranoia as Florence rigidly hands her the papers. The woman flips it open, her eyes reading each syllable as quick as she ever has in her life.
Her jaw drops.

"Oh, she didn't."


The exciting time of the season has arrived; where families (mostly the nagging mothers) come to show off their finest daughters and sons of age to coax them to court, or gain experience!

As you would've guessed, this is a Bridgerton inspired roleplay. Myself and @rosie are in search of like-minded individuals who would be interested in joining. If you have a passion for romance, aristocracy and drama, this thread is for you!
Due to the fact that this is myself and @rosie 's proper first time starting up a group roleplay, spaces will be limited up to six people, however, as time goes on in the roleplay (timeskipscough) and progression happens, there may be openings for more people to join, so don't be disheartened! I will also eventually have a character sheet set up for you to give a good insight of your lovely character! (Unless you have your own thread for that, which is even better).

I look forward to this!

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