MxM Some grimy vampire-pirate story o'hoy. [open]

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MxM Some grimy vampire-pirate story o'hoy. [open]


does your god have as many teeth as me?
Inner Sanctum Nobility
Local time
Today 10:33 PM
Hello hello!
Currently finding quite a lot of time on my hands and an insatiable need to write lmao so trying my hands on a little search.
If the below-depicted plot strikes your fancy, please hit me with a DM! I'll be open to tweak and mold it to both our liking,
it's merely been presented as has for my (and hopefully also your) simplicity.

So here's to my story proposal:

vampire/pirates - 21+ - 4+ paragraphs - multiple trigger warnings

. . . before I whip out the whole plot and other more fun stuff . . .
. I need you, my partner, to be 21+ years of age. Preferably 23/24+ but if we click and all that jazz, then above 21 will cut it. Main reason is that I'm 26. I'm certain those younger on here write phenomenally,​
but for my own comfort do I want to write against an adult who've been an adult for some time lmao.​
. I want this rp to be gritty and dark, down to earth and quite raw. There'll be uncomfortable elements, lack of own autonomy, violence, gore, foul language and so on and so forth. While (Of course) we'll​
talk things over beforehand for both our comfort, do I need you to be prepared for this and willing to push for it.​
. You don't need to push for 20+ paragraphs per reply, flow and fun before all. You do however need to keep it 4/5+ paragraphs as well as knowing how to come up in such lengths without just lathering on​
details and facts for the sake of it: bring in thoughts, external objects and people, the environment, flashbacks. I want to feel the dimensions of your characters and how they perceive the world.​
. NSFW elements will be present, normally am I a 80/20 (realistically: probably 90/10) plot/hot kind of guy, and I'd like to keep it around the 80/20 mark here too with room for 70/30. DO NOTE that​
there won't be any pre-settled dom/sub top/bottom dynamics anywhere in this. You're very welcome to let your character have a preference, but I require you and your character to be versatile nonetheless, as​
well as you being on the green with that NSFW doesn't just mean a) penetration and b) in private.​
. Further to note, the setup won't be built for a traditional romance - it's about two people surviving with their own interests as main priority, faced with the aggravating weight of starting to value someone​
else too. So no on-the-nose love, please.​
. I'll assume you're familiar and well established with the common etiquette's of roleplay: no gm, no pp, no mary sue/gary stue etc. I am however more often than not completely fine with you nudging my oc a little.​
An example would be for your oc to take mine's hand and kiss it. You can't however write that my oc lifted their hand for yours to kiss. If you can't tell the difference then maybe we won't play that well​
. No anime/manga/cartoon fc's please. Real images and art is sublime, and if neither works for you, then I'm as down for a detailed written description (preferably accompanied by a moodboard of sort). No​
AI should be a given.​
. I want a somewhat thriving ooc talk for plotting and such - I find it SO much easier to get into an rp if we can talk. Don't worry though, I'm not asking for multiple replies a day ooc. As for the rp won't I ask for​
multiple replies a day there either, but for this specific one do I want you to know and be comfortable in that you'll be asked to reply at least twice a week. Please please please, if you know that's not​
possible for you right now, try to refrain from reaching out for this one. Normally don't I care but I want to write so badly right now haha.​
. As a final: I'm so stupidly patient. I'll wait months for a reply, as long as you give me a heads up that you can't write for whatever reason. I'll never ask for an explanation. That being said, I also won't hunt you and will​
assume you having lost interest if I haven't heard from you in a month. I will check in maybe once or twice, but I lead a life too and don't want to drag an interest out of my partner.​
. . . with that sorted . . .

SETTING: late 1600s, hint of fantasy elements.​
PAIRING (mc x yc): M x M but can also be open for (amab)NB x M // M x (afab)M // M x (amab)NB.​
if you're unfamiliar with the terms amab and afab, you're very welcome to ask but we will be rolling with the traditional mxm set up: I'm picky with my queer representation and won't be someone's 'test run'. same goes for enby characters.
no matter, lets put less focus on making a "gay" character, and more on a character who so happens to be queer.
YES violence, gore, lack of autonomy, foul language, body horror, bigotry, psychological and mental abuse, nsfw, exploitation, cannibalism (of sort)
MAYBE dub-con (as there'll be a very off-balance power dynamic going on. not sure I label this right but adding it anyway to be sure)
NO rape, racism, harmful and hateful stereotyping towards minorities
. . . IN WIDE STROKES . . .
What led YC to be on one of the ships that night is up to you - maybe he was part of an armada, a trader or fisher calling it a night, someone unimportant stuck due to poor weather conditions
or someone quite important heading for businesses elsewhere. No matter the reason, is YC's mortality evident as he and his crew find themselves under the occupation of The Setting Sun,
her Captain and those following them one bitter evening at the cusp from summer to autumn. YC doesn't recognise the name, some of his crew members does: having heard tales of
ships found at the brink of dawn, lolling like hollowed shells over the drowsy waves, padded in silence and the smell of rot.
Rarely completely emptied off of treasures, always with a trail of brutalised bodies and a stray, damned soul nowhere to be found - brought with as some sick trophy.


That's what they whisper with pressured speech, one swearing on their child and its mother about rumours of bodies missing limbs and pieces not removed by weapons or objects,
but teeth and fingers. And YC can believe those rumours upon seeing the pirates boarding, erratic men with eyes not entirely human and a certain lack of understanding about the
human body's limits to the like he's never seen.
They understand not a word of what's said, laughed or hissed. What they do understand is the swinging of guns and sables and boots kicking teeth out of jaws - then the whole jaw.
All that can be felt is panic, hot and thick and then YC topples over.
He can't recall when he lost consciousness, nor for how long he was out, forced back to it as something is dropped onto his face and he sees the new settlement:
him, and a shy handful of others from his old crew bound and crammed into little cages, hawked over by a man every bit the horror to ogle as the others.

So to (try and) summaries: YC has been captured onto a Pirate ship by the crew under which MC works and lives. The Setting Sun is a ship on the smaller side, infamous for not only its tactic of attacking during the dark of night, but for which condition it also leaves anything once alive and breathing. Talk goes about cannibals onboard and while not a bad guess, is the truth even less pleasant. Those on the Setting Sun are so called vampires, collected through various stages of their existence by the Captain. These are not the pretty kind with extendable fangs who burn under the sun, but people having gone (or going) through a seven year long transformation as the infection replaces the natural regeneration of cells in the body, until you're no longer a trace of human. Sure, they can walk and talk like one (for the most part), but that would be where similarities begin to dwindle; distorted and twisted from lack of sun, harsh environments and forcing a body into something new. (I'll do some art of MC as well as give a lengthier explanation to my partner)
MC hasn't quite yet gone through the seven initial years, leaving him 'fresher' than majority of the crew. As there isn't exactly any clear order or hierarchy (besides the Captain) on board, was it by mere 'luck' MC ends up being the one taking care of YC and his crew - ordered to keep them somewhat alive; enough so to sell to whoever need some workforce or a toy. Or possibly if they themselves experience food shortage. Overall will the environment be straining on YC physically and mentally and I'd love for you to play with that. What's less evident is the lack of autonomy and positive outlook for MC, too. These vampires are not pack animals, and they get nasty fast, placing MC quite far down the ladder due him still holding onto human qualities as well as just having decided that 'that's how it is'.
YC and MC does not speak the same language and evidently will not be on very good terms at all, developing something throughout the weeks sailing although said something will be every bit complicated and unclear.

I had this so very clear in my head and I hope someone will be able to read this tangle of pointers and see my vision lmao. Presenting myself
and my ideas have never been a strong suit of mien and I apologise.
Imagine Pirates of the Caribbean in settings and environments and all that jazz, only that Davey Jones crew has been replaced by light sensitive savages and there won't be a funky little Jack Sparrow to save you.

If you're interested or curious, please send a DM my way!
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