MxF Something Specific and a Little Different

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MxF Something Specific and a Little Different


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I am hoping to catch the interest of those of you who have nostalgia for the old custom of letter writing. Now in real life my penmanship is terrible so I stick to texting, but I digress. What I am looking for is a partner someone with which we role play different characters (friends, romantics, lovers, rivals, enemies) from the golden age of letter writing, and the role play is the letters the 2 characters mail to each other. Letters from those times were often brilliantly written and contained an air and majesty that endear them to me, and hopefully to you too. This is a very unique way of telling a story, and not for everyone. We may struggle a bit to get it right, but I think the process will be very enjoyable.

His letter to her:

Dearest Josephine,

Long was the voyage across the reckless ocean, made the longer and more bitter with the absence of the light of your presence. Tossed to and fro by the sea was our ship, as my heart tossed to and fro by the turmoil of my parting from you. Know, dear Josephine, that parted are we in body, but in spirit you are ever present in my heart. The fable of the new world is tarnished greatly without you by my side, but it is here that, by acquiring so great an education, I shall be all the better positioned in this life to care for you as so richly deserve. As I am educated in the great tradition of the solicitor I pray that I become more acceptable a suitor in your eyes and the eyes of your honorable father.

Of your father, have you counseled him on my great love for you? For it is with all my passion that I seek his permission to court you, and to sway your heart into giving me your hand. For it is with deep affection that I remember your words to me on our parting, and that I shall always hold you first light in my life, to be yours as I hope for you to be mine.

With loving regards,


Her responding letter:

Kind sir,

It was with deepest sadness I beheld the ship which carried you away from me sinking over the horizon. To what end? That you should be solicitor and a more worthy suitor, and more acceptable a prospect to my father? I had begged you to stay, but you left despite my pleas. I wonder if your true intentions for crossing the great water was really to better yourself so to be more suitable for my love, because you already possessed all the love I could ever give. What more was there from me to offer you, save your pursuit of your own fame, which came at the expense of my steadfast happiness. I can only wonder at your loyal love, whether its direction is at me or at yourself.

My father, ever the impatient man, has petitioned several of high status to court my heart. It is, as always, his will that I should chose, but what shall I chose between? There is the man I love who left me weeping, and the man I do not love who is here with me now, rather than the vague promise of a future kingdom. I can only sit here now and ponder my thoughts, and wonder if the convent is perchance the better choice for my fragile heart.



The example above is just one of a great many possibilities for how this could play out, and the particular style of language used in the letter does not need to be imitated; rather it is simply an illustration as to what could be. Even exotic possibilities are in the mix, as well as multiple characters responding to different situations that arise throughout the story. This will require some plotting to make it work in a cohesive fashion so please be open to much OOC.

  • Looking for a partner willing to write 300+ words per "letter"​
  • Be open to something a little (or a lot) different in how a story can be presented​
  • Must be willing to work with me in advancing the plot​
  • Reasonably good grammar and punctuation​
  • 1-3 responses per week (my likely post rate as well)​
Examples of the types of characters we could try (although certainly more are possible):
  • Lovers separated by vast distances
  • Secret society members on occult and arcane investigations
  • Vampires from the same clan roaming the world, but staying in touch (Crave!)
  • any ideas you have I would love to hear about!
Although I have had this idea for a while I have yet to actually role play it out to see how it works so this is new ground for me. Hope you feel adventurous enough to want to give this a try. If you have done something like this then I hope you enjoyed the experience enough to try it again. Thank you all who made it this far!
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