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Today 6:23 AM
Hey, I'm... well "Pacifist Westwoman" is a bit long... I've seen "Pacifist", "Westwoman", and "PWW" all used so just call me whatever so long as I can still tell that you're referring to me lol.

I'm from the US. I saw other people putting their gender/orientation/pronouns. Straight cis male. *awkward finger guns* (I don't have any issues with playing as other things, and consider myself an ally.)

I've been roleplaying for a few years, but it's mostly been in RPGs and LARPs. I'm much newer to the "just go rp on a forum" format.

If you wanna rp with me I'm open for whatever, though I do prefer it be non-sexual. Feel free to pm me with plots you wanna throw at a wall.
Welcome to Inner Sanctum fellow *finger gunner* and LARP-er!! I hope you enjoy it here! :D
Welcome to the Sanctum! Finger guns are our weapons of choice (after words of course). *pew pew*
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
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