Challenge Submission Steve's Pokémon Adventure

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Challenge Submission Steve's Pokémon Adventure


Critical Role Enthusiast
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Challenge Champion March Challenge Participant
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Today 11:46 AM
Steve was a middle aged, bald construction worker going through a mid life crisis. Steve hated his day job, he hated his coworkers; he pretty much hate life in general. His day had started like every other with the same old routine; dragging himself out of bed, he started his morning with some raisin bran and a piece of toast. He turned on the TV for some background noise, never paying any mind to what was on; instead trying to drown out the sounds of horns honking and people yelling in the streets below. His neighbor had prostitutes over again, and it seemed they were still going at it, the walls of the apartment he was in were unbearably thin. Grabbing his tools and hat, he made his way down to the pick up crew. They had always carpooled to work to save on gas, but Steve hadn't meshed well with any of them in the 10 years he'd been working there. He sat there with a solemn look on his face, his eyes glazed over, completely resigned to his way of life as his foreman cracked the same joke he did every morning. Making his way to work, he went back to the section of struct he'd been working on for the past week. Each person had been assigned to a certain area, and with no apprentices about, most of the people were working in complete seclusion from one another. It may seem like Steve would've appreciated the quiet nature of working alone, but he hated it too as every half hour his foreman would come by and remind him how to do his job that he'd been doing for the past 10 years. He couldn't tell him to fuck off, he needed the money, and so for the one hundredth time, Steve looked at him with idiot eyes, thanking his foreman for showing him the right way to do things. Lunch came around and he always had taken advantage of the sandwiches his company provided; about the only thing they did give to their employees free of charge. It just so happened that they brought tuna sandwiches that day, and Steve hated tuna so he went hungry because he never packed anything to eat. The rest of the day went by, and after a long and hard 13 hour grind at work, Steve gathered up his tools once again, went to sit in the back of the truck, and waited to be dropped back off at his apartment. He made his way back up to the 3rd floor, and he still heard the incessant screams of the orgy that was happening next door. He locked the door and sprawled out in his stained couch, completely exhausted. He didn't want to do anything after work, he was completely drained, and stared up at the ceiling until he felt his eyes forcing themselves to close. God damn it! I wish my life would change forever. Everything changed when he awoke the next morning.

Steve woke up in a battlefield, with bodies strewn around him and people yelling. At first he thought he was dreaming, but after feeling the rubble against his skin as another massive boulder imbedded itself into the earth beside him, he knew this was real. Massive, armored flying creatures filled the skies, breathing fire over masses of soldiers and other creatures. He caught a closer glimpse as one rushed past him, breathing an intense flame, completely engulfing an armored solider that was beside him. Was that a... Charizard? Steve couldn't believe his eyes; there was a massive Pokémon civil war going on right before his eyes and he was smack dab in the middle of it. Groups of armored soldiers battling to gain ground leaving numerous dead in their wake; not just human soldiers, but armored Pokémon as well. He watched as a massive Onyx came crashing on top of what looked like a helpless Bidoof, completely splitting it in two. "Hey- HEY! You still alive soldier? Get the fuck outta there!" Steve met eyes with one of the armored soldiers who had a Pikachu on his shoulder. It seemed Steve was in some sort of trench, and looking down at his own body revealed he was also spotting some armor of his own. "The siege is still a go! Lets show these dogs what Kanto steel tastes like!" The soldier drew his sword and charged on, his Pikachu friend launched a massive bolt of lightning shooting across the sky towards a catapult, which immediately burst in a fiery explosion sending soldiers flying in all directions. What the hell is this!? Steve watched as a Charizard and a Skarmory were locked in combat right overhead, each trading blows back and forth until the Charizard bit his opponents head clean off, spewing blood all over Steve's armor, face, and body. Being a Pokémon trainer in a Pokémon world had been Steve's childhood dream, but this was nothing close to how he had envisioned things would've been. Standing up, Steve had a few pokéballs at his belt; he'd seen the show only a hundred times when he was a kid, and knowing how to send it out, he grabbed a ball and tossed it next to him. "GRAAAAAAAHHH!!!" It was a behemoth sized Nidoking, Steve completely dwarfing it in comparison and at first, flinched in recoil as the beast bellowed the mighty roar. After a few seconds of nothing happening, he opened his eyes noticing that the Nidoking was staring at him intently, awaiting further orders. Is this mine? Oh shit- Another boulder, this time much bigger than the first, had been flying through the air straight towards him, catching glimpse of it at the last second, diving to the side. It completely took up the space where Steve had just been standing being quite the near miss. Steve looked around for an escape; he had to get the hell out of there. Climbing on the back of his companion, the Nidoking began stomping forward with a fast pace, but as Steve tried to steer the Nidoking away from the battle, it looked up at him with confusion. "Yes! Turn around, turn around!!!" "NIDO?" "Turn around you stupid animal!" The Nidoking stopped and turned around in the opposite direction, but he was quickly halted by what looked like one of the captains. "There will be no deserters today private! Get your ass back in the fight!" Steve couldn't believe what he was hearing. What fight? Where the fuck am I? His mount turned around to face the war once again, and continued forward at a break neck pace, barreling down on one of the biggest creature Steve had ever laid eyes on. It was a 30 foot long, metallic snake, its eyes filled with malicious intent and intimating stare, and it was looking right at him. It was a colossally sized Steelix. "No! Stop, stop, stoop! I want to go home! I want to go home!" Steve closed his eyes as the Steelix reared back with all it's strength, ready to crush him just as the Onyx had to the other Pokémon he'd watched only moments prior.

Steve woke up in a cold sweat on his couch, still in his work gear and looked over at the television. It was still on, and realized he hadn't turned it off that same morning. It was showing Pokémon, a show he hadn't watched in years, and gave an intense sigh of relief as he sank deeper into the cushions of his couch. "God... well, I suppose my life could be worse."
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