MxF Stories with Spice are Awfully Nice

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MxF Stories with Spice are Awfully Nice

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The Sloth

Local time
Today 3:40 AM
Hello there, pleased to meet you! Well, you know… When and if we get that far. But before all that, let's get down to brass tax.

The Bits About Me

The first and most important thing to know about writing with me is that you're going to need patience and lots of it.
Between a demanding, full-time job and everything to occupy me, my replies can be unbearably slow for most people. It comes and goes in waves, really. You might get a post out of me every other day or so, or you might only get one every other week or hey, sometimes even less than that. It can be rough for those who need to keep the fire going constantly if they hope to keep interest. But on the upside, my sloth-like posting agility means that my own patience is limitless! I will never pressure you for a reply, and no matter how long of a hiatus we might take from our story I am almost always willing to pick back up where we left off. We can just be sloths together, hanging out and talking about those posts we might eventually get to. Some day. Maybe.
All jokes aside, I do try to get to every post eventually, and if you're not afraid of my snail's pace when it comes to delivering them, you'll find that I'm a partner who pours his heart and soul into writing a good story with you. Which is a great way of leading into my second most important point!

I'm only interested in roleplays that revolve around a well developed story!
Smut can be pretty fun to write, and I've no problem including it in droves of copious detail if that's the kind of story that tickles our fancy, but those scenes strike no interest with me unless there's a griping narrative to hold onto. That's right, story is my kink. I'm all about the substance, baby! Give me rousing stories with high stakes that draw out the raw emotion and dynamic of our characters! Whether that be a steamy tale all about a couple who are caught in an insatiable need for one another, or a slow burn thriller focused on two individuals who can barely stand to look at one another, I need to have a good plot to enjoy it! I may post with all the haste of the world's sleepiest turtle, but I'll be damned if I'm not thinking of where to take things next when I'm away from the keyboard!

I have a soft spot for Fantasy, Adventure, and Romance, but you'll also find I have a wide variety of tastes, and I can write pretty much any sort of genre if I like the partner, ideas, and characters enough. My posts tend to be on the lengthier (God damn, that's huge!) side, but I'm not really strict on word counts. I don't care how much you write as long as you write well. All I ask is that you give me enough to reply off of and contribute to the progression of things. Hopefully that doesn't leave you under the impression that I am intimidating or hard to please or anything like that. I also only roleplay in third person, past tense. But other than that you'll find that I am quite adaptable and easy to write with and talk to alike! So don't be afraid to come to me with your ideas or concerns. Just let loose, be creative and have some fun with it! A good sense of humor is always appreciated, both in and out of character! I'd like to think I'm witty as all heck myself, but maybe you can decide for yourself after been suggested to some of my worst jokes. I'll apologize in advance for those if we become partners. But hey, if so, you did it to yourself, man…

Anyway, if you made it this far and still haven't been driven off then I guess you're down to hang with wise cracking sloths and you've earned yourself a look at my samples and ideas. Hopefully you didn't just jump down and look at the next section without reading all this super long boring stuff. But let's face it, you probably did. If not, thanks so much for your time! And if so, hey, I can't blame you! They're good ideas! But if you come to me with "Hey." or "Wanna RP?" Or "Wanna write some mindless smut?" I'll know you cheated! And as a wise hornbill named Zazu once told us, Cheetahs never prosper!
So make sure you bring me that substance. Tell me what you like about my plots and how you can contribute; and keep in mind that everything listed here is negotiable.

(Curious about my writing style before getting to the good bits? Here's a few samples for you to, well, sample!)

The hall was silent; still as death, as though the very air was strangled into quietus. Or, at least, it would have been, if not for the incessant sobs and guttural cries coming from the girl before him. Though her face was wet with tears, she was, unquestionably gorgeous. She had a near perfect bone structure and flawless skin, long auburn curls he could tell were soft as silk, and bright, vivid eyes. All of this he would have admired to greater effect, had she not been putting on such a pathetic display. Still, she was a prospect to rival Aphrodite herself, and the literal center of attention whilst all around, the other vampires watched and waited. One might be forgiven to think they were statues. How perfectly still they lingered. Breathless; soundless, and all of them with fangs on display, and hungry eyes boring into the girl. They dared not move until their host came to a decision.

A very fine catch, the appraiser thought to himself, But good enough? Collected and calculating, he circled the girl who remained on her knees, a blubbering mess in a bright white gown that pooled around her like a dinner plate. And perhaps that's all she would amount to.

"Stand up," he told her. His voice was powerful, and refined with an accent so indiscernible that it was strange to call it an accent at all. His words were like nature itself, and despite her fear, the woman rose. She dared not meet his gaze, though, and kept her eyes between the floor and stealing meek gazed of the other creatures, all of whom watched her with what she could only call mindless hunger.

"Look at me," he commanded next, tired of her watching his boots.

"Please…" she managed to squeak out, pleading and fighting to resist the strength of his liquid voice.

This time, he did not wait for her to obey. Reaching out, he grasped her chin, sternly lifting her face up to meet him. The girl shivered at his touch, unusually frigid against her flush skin. Somehow, looking into his icy blue eyes of his calmed her down. Like his voice, they were powerful and commanding. But something was also off about them. It was as though a certain luster, typical in the eyes of anyone else, wasn't quite there. They were mystifying, light with a dull glow unlike the lucidity she was used to in others. She soon lost herself in the soft blue pools, her tears drying up and her posture straightening.

Scared though she was, this man wasn't nearly as terrifying as the other five; those whom hoarded around her like wolves surrounding a hare. The way his slender, cold finger stroked down her cheek, and how those intense eyes appraised her, ever so gently… It was almost as if she had nothing to fear anymore. Not from him at least. He felt so ancient and powerful… Even thrilling as his finger drifted further down still.

Icy tingles ran across her collarbone when his touch continued its descent and grazed the buxom of her breasts, offered so readily thanks to the tight corset she wore. Her breath caught at once, and she began to see her captor in a new light. He was devilishly handsome, after all, with thick black hair hanging just above his shoulders, framing his light-skinned face and strong jaw. His lips looked soft… Full… Tempting, even. If she could have bared look away from his face, she might have found him dashing in attire as well. He looked a fine specimen in his elegant, double breasted waistcoat, a bold flash of red against his black top. Dark trousers fell loosely to his ankles, ending in his fine, black boots.

His offered prize was even more beautiful now that he could get a good look at her, but unfortunately all he could picture now was the image of her on the ground, dress like a dinner plate and squealing like a pig fit to serve it. If she couldn't even compose herself in this situation, not without his influence. And so that begged the question of how she would behave when the very foundations of her world were redefined. With that, the choice became clear…

"Your prettiest catch yet, Malcolm," he acknowledged one of the other vampires; a youth of 17 in appearance only. "Truly she is fit for a king. But not for me, I'm afraid." The group of predators stirred, growling and grinning at his jest, and the girl's fear returned tenfold. She barely had time to protest before he shoved her away, letting her tumble into the clutches of Malcolm and the two vampires nearest him. Her screams pierced the room, echoing on the stone walls as she was dragged to a nearby couch and found a pairs of fangs sinking into her neck, her wrist, and once her dress had been ripped open, into the meaty thigh near her groin. The other two inferiors moved in to join them, but their host stopped them with nothing more than his icy gaze.

"No, they brought her, not you lot. If you want to eat, you'll have to work for it. And someone has to watch the grounds, besides. The local citizens won't be pleased while their beautiful livestock goes missing at such alarming rates, and I'll not be caught unawares should they put the pieces together." The pair hissed, fangs still drawn and ready to disagree. Yet, these two knew better than to so much as entertain the thought of turning against him. And so, they skulked off, leaving the feast to return to the manor grounds, while their apparent master returned to his seat, simply to watch the others feed. The girl's screams were already dying off as she was drained, weak moans of protest soon to be her only means of resistance, what with three of them partaking of her at once.

He thought of joining them while she was still fresh; she smelled positively divine; but what with his recent string of failed candidates, he found his appetite lacking. And his guests were messy eaters besides, letting the girl's inner delicacy spill all over her pretty white dress to stain it red. Such infants… He contemplated to himself. It was a wonder he'd felt no zest in his eternity with nothing but amateurs to keep him entertained. How long had it been since he'd found one old, or competent enough to truly engage him? Few and less survived to the age he had, their greed and gluttony drawing the ire of humans putting an end to those too incompetent to survive into the true adulthood of immortality. And that was no small number.

And so came the decision to create his own progeny; The perfect mate upon which to pass all of his wisdom and guidance, and more importantly, to share the ages with. He need only find the right woman, but for the first time in a very long time across his exceptionally long life, he was growing impatient. He may have had eternity to live, but if his servants kept bringing him duds he would possibly just kill himself out of the boredom. He may have settled for the beauty dying beside him, but after what happened the last time, that was one thing he could not abide to do. Perhaps he would have to take on a more active role and seek out this candidate himself. This latest one came close, but the fools were never going to find exactly what he was looking for, and it was too much to hope she would just come walking through the door to meet him.
A beautiful day, Kaen thought to himself, drinking in the scene. There was a stunning view of the prefecture from his place atop the central keep's balcony, Chikuzen's colorful plains stretching out endlessly before the castle. But the samurai kept his earthy hue's towards the north, the cool sea breeze teasing at a few loose strands of ebony hair as he gazed upon the ocean. The surface of the water was kissed by the warmth and light of the late-afternoon sun, which rendered it a sapphire expanse glittering with specks of gold. The water was calm; peaceful, even. Kaen might have been able to lose himself in the tranquility of such a view, had the numerous atakebune not been there to shatter the illusion of it.

No matter how beautiful a day, the signs of war were all around them, from the ships in their harbor to the smoldering forges of the castle town upon it. Even if he could ignore the signs, Kaen could not escape the mounting tension; nor the frightened, and often pleading looks of the townsfolk as the samurai passed them by. What he wouldn't give for a chance to answer that call; a chance to slay the embodiment of their fears and desperation with a swing of his katana. Soon, the Daimyō would send his forces south in the hopes of achieving this very goal, but Kaen would not be among them…

But perhaps that is to change, the samurai mused, wrapping his fingers around the smooth wood of the guard rail. Surely Lord Okana wouldn't have summoned him in such a manner if it wasn't a matter of important. Yet, as he continued to gaze upon the atakebune crowding the harbor, Kaen grew doubtful. If this was about the war, then why was he not invited to the meeting with the other samurai? Even now, the Daimyō and his generals kept council, discussing strategies that Kaen was not privy to. Meanwhile, he was left to wait in the his lord and sensei's private chambers.

Like a child, Kaen grumbled inwardly, a frown taking his face. While it was true he wasn't as seasoned as some of the other samurai in the Daimyō's service, Kaen was no mere youth with no taste of war; Lord Okana had taken that boy and forged him in the very heart of it.

So why does he insist on keeping me out of this one?

Kaen pondered the Daimyō's reasoning, his thoughts getting the better of him as he pushed away from the balcony and retreated back inside. The root of this summons likewise plagued his mind. It wasn't like Lord Okana to keep a man waiting, let alone schedule a meeting that conflicted with one of his war councils. It left Kaen all the more curious as to what this was about, though he couldn't stop himself from jumping to conclusions. No doubt, this would be the Daimyō's way of pacifying him; of explaining why the other samurai would be riding out into uncertain battle, while Kaen would be left behind to write haiku and sharpen his sword. As if he hadn't spent enough time on that already… Any sharper and his sword was liable to fell a tree in a single blow. Yet, an even darker cloud than the idea of exclusion blanketed the samurai's mind.

How many will die? He wondered of the upcoming skirmish. And how many more because I am not there to aid them? Their numbers were inferior compared to those garnered by the traitorous Jitō. Those who did not join his ranks willingly often did so out of fear or desperation, as the Jitō continued to raze his bloody path across Kyushu. If they couldn't stop him soon then control of the island would be wrested away from them; and after that, who could say how far their enemy's treacherous ambition might reach?

All of these thoughts were swept away once the door slid open, the Daimyō quickly slipping in and closing it in his wake. Kaen came to attention at once, greeting the lord with a bow once he arrived.

"Lord Okana."

"My apologies for the wait, Kaen," the Daimyō excused himself, though the samurai was more interested in the man's appearance. Like Kaen himself, Lord Okana was donned in a dark gray hitatare and hakama. Just earlier today he'd spied the lord dressed in his usual scarlet kimono and eboshi; garb more befitting a meeting of his samurai. Now a simple headband had taken the place of the stiff, formal hat, revealing his salt and pepper hair which was done up in a top knot. At his hip rested his katana in its sheathe, and unfamiliar sight when the lord was in the safety of his castle.

"There is no need to apologize," Kaen replied, pulling his eyes away from the brightly colored hilt of the Lord Okana's sword and resisting the urge to question him on it. But the look in the samurai's eye was not lost on the Daimyō. After all, no one understood Kaen's curious, and impatient nature better than the man who'd tempered it.

"You wonder at my appearance," the Daimyō said, sizing up his pupil with a calculated look. Yet, there was an even bigger question brewing in his student's dark eyes, one that took precedence. "And at why I've summoned you here, instead of inviting you to join me with the other samurai."

"Yes," Kaen spoke plainly, his body growing stiff as a board in the Daimyō's presence. Lord Okana had always been a perceptive man, able to see right through any façade Kaen might employ to hide his feelings. It could prove frustrating at times, but for the present the samurai was almost grateful for his sensei's insight. He wanted to bring up the issue but hadn't been sure of the proper course in doing so. Now that it was on the table, however, the samurai no longer bothered to hide his frustration.

"Why do you continue to keep me in the dark, Okana-Sensei? Kyushu is my home, I should have the honor of defending it as well. But it seems as though you do not trust me with my own katana, let alone your council."

A look of displeasure crossed his sensei's face, but that was not enough to quell Kaen's own vexation. The resulting silence that followed, however…

The quiet was palpable as his Lord and Sensei crossed the room, moving past Kaen to stand within the open threshold of the balcony instead. He stood motionless, seeming as tall as a mountain to Kaen, he lingered in his shadow. Kaen was caught feeling somewhere between guilty and justified, but the silence won him over in the end.

"Forgive me, Sensei. I--"

"You are rash," Lord Okana interrupted him. "Your passion burns hots, like the fire for which you are named. But you allow your emotions to cloud your judgement. And that is why I am hesitant to throw you into the jaws of this war." Lord Okana sighed, turning away from the ocean-side view to face his pupil once more. "You know our code. A samurai must have self-control at all times. War can bring out the demons even in the best of men. You have been in many fights and you wield your sword with the mastery of a true samurai… But you have not seen war like this. After all these years… You are like a son to me, Kaen, and I would shield you from its horrors for as long as I can."

"Thank you, Sensei…" Kaen stammered, finding himself caught off guard by the unexpected praise and words of affection. But it only brought the fire in the young samurai down to a simmer. "But I am a child to be coddled no longer. I am a samurai, like the rest of them. It is my duty to fight for you, and for my homeland."

"You are right," Lord Okana said, conceding. "The time for waiting is passed; now is the time for action. The truth is, I did not invite you to join us because there is a different meeting I would have you attend."

"A different meeting?" Kaen repeated, his brow knitting with uncertainty.

"Yes. But I'm afraid we must wait until nightfall to attend. Come, let us work on our haiku until then. For this, it would serve well for our minds to be as sharp as our katana."


"Deception is not like you, Sensei," Kaen said, keeping his voice low and quiet, as requested. This mystery meeting had the samurai's curiosity piqued from the first, and it only grew as Lord Okana dodged every inquiry he made about the other party in question. But once the time came, and the Daimyō revealed that they would be using the cover of darkness to bypass the guards and sneak out of his own castle, Kaen's curiosity quickly turned to suspicion.

"It is best if no one realizes this meeting took place," explained his lord and master.

Save the one you conspired with, Kaen thought to himself, not daring to give voice to the thought. A pair of fresh horses would be waiting for them beyond the castle grounds, or so the Daimyō told him. Taking their usual mounts would give the game away. Someone would have prepared them, meaning at least one other was aware of this 'secret meeting' they would be attending.

Who are we to meet, Kaen wondered, That would make Lord Okana risk his honor by acting as a sneak-thief?

He wished to press his sensei on the matter, but he knew better than to do so; least of all now, whilst hiding and the shadows and waiting for a nearby sentry to cross to the other side of the courtyard. Once he did, the two samurai darted across the courtyard, as fast and quiet as a pair of snakes. It felt unsettling to be treating the men who protected them as though they were the enemy, but Kaen buried those feelings, putting his focus on the task at hand as they used similar tactics to navigate the rest of the grounds. None were the wiser by the time the two of them had escaped the fortress, their dark grey clothes helping them to melt into the obscurity. As they reached the horses, both tied and waiting as Lord Okana promised, Kaen passed a dubious look back towards the castle and its flickering torchlight.

"Will you tell me who we're going through all this trouble for, now?" Kaen inquired as he mounted up the chestnut mare which had been chosen for him.

"All will soon be clear," Lord Okana assured him, remaining as cryptic as ever.

Kaen was far from satisfied with that answer, but he fell silent after that, focusing on the road once the two of them took their leave. While he still could not say who awaited them at the end of the journey, he soon came to realize where they would be meeting them. He and Lord Okana had made this ride many times throughout his life, though it usually meant Kaen was in for a hard lesson in the ways of the sword. Never had they traveled to the grove for such conspicuous reasons…

It was no more than an hour before they found themselves in the shadow of the reaching trees, guided by the sound of the stream and the rushing falls some distance up ahead. Kaen had spent many hours locking swords with his sensei in this copse, yet the place had a different feel to it at night. Beneath the cloak of darkness, the colorful foliage was no where to be found. Everything appeared inky in the night, the reaching shadows more ominous than ever as they traveled the narrow path beneath the boughs. Luckily, they knew the way by heart, needing no more than the faint moonlight to travel safely to their age old sparring ring. However, once they finally reached solitary cherry blossom tree, centered in a clearing banked by tree and cliff alike, it appeared empty.

"There's no one here," Kaen complained, reining in his mount.

Lord Okana narrowed his eyes and extended his gaze to the dark faces of stone rising above them.

"I wouldn't be so sure," the Daimyō told him, eyes jumping from one place to the next. "We might not be able to see them, but that doesn't mean they aren't here. Keep your wits about you."

"More riddles," Kaen grumbled, straining his eyes as he peered through the darkness in search of these invisible men.
A giant, painted bear breaking out of the woods was a startle to Hadrian, to say the least. Yet his tolerance for the impossible where Arielle was concerned was quickly building. She could apparently talk to wolves and horses, so sure; why not a fucking grizzly bear as well? At least that's what he told himself in the moment, while he was too worn out and worked up to argue over the peculiarity of it all. And besides, none of it seemed to exist anymore once they'd fallen victim to their passion. His sudden kiss was practically born out of the insanity of it all, yet once they were in the midst of it Hadrian was single minded, a man starved for the warmth and succor that only she could provide him.

It was almost criminal the way Arielle tugged Hadrian away, forcefully breaking their kiss long enough to make her confession. He should have known she hadn't truly ran; that she'd only been hiding from him. Apparently 20 or more years hadn't changed them much at all. She'd tempted him with another game of hide and seek, and he'd neglected to come looking. Perhaps if he had, their reconciliation could have taken place near the flames of a hearth instead of this sheer cold. With Arielle attacking him right back, however, the heat building between them would chase away the frigidness before long.

Hadrian sucked in a breath as Arielle attacked right back, teasing at him with her knee. His own arousal was undeniable, Arielle finding him well at attention even through the thick layers of his clothing. After all the build up between them the thought alone was enough to excite him. He was like solid marble by the time her leg slipped away to hook around him instead, drawing him in and tantalizing him with the promise of what he could have if there weren't so many layers around them; necessary layers. Though the tall reaching trees gave them more shelter than the open tundra, it was still cold enough to freeze a man to death. But how could he think about that right now?

He was already tearing out of his first layers, warm, leather gloves hastily removed and thrown to the ice out of the desire to feel her with his bare hands. Free of their prisons, they roamed her body ravenously, one cupping the meaty globe of her ass to pull her even closer, the heat of her core drawing a sultry note of longing from his lips. Heady eyes drunk on lust watched her with impatience, Hadrian able to do little else with the way she held him. Another stolen kiss was enough to pacify him for now, though, lips parting at her invitation with his tongue eagerly seeking her own. The attention she gave to the pulp of his lower lip was met with a soft moan at first, until the predator in her came out with a painful sting.

Hadrian drew bark with a surprised breath, his own pink tongue coming out to lap at the small wound left in her excitement. His eyes darkened with amusement, bruised lips grinning at her mischief, which was punished by a sharp slap to her ass by the hand resting there. Strong fingers squeezed even tighter once he dove in for another kiss, his free hand coming up to join Arielle's in the attempt of ridding himself of this damnable coat. Just like her, his lust had thrown all thought of self preservation out of the window. Undressing proved to become an awkward, rushed task, however, especially once Arielle began backing him up the snowy incline…

Still, somehow they'd managed to free all the buttons, his coat splitting open to reveal the layers below by the time his back collided with the rough bark of a pine tree. The icy now that showered down on them was a bitter reminder of the cold, but he ignored it, fumbling hands having already moved on to Arielle's clothing even as hers fell to his waist. Hadrian had denied himself this too many times already, and with all of his logical senses depleted by cold, hunger, and desire, there was nothing left to hold him back. No royal guards of pompous lords around to know. For the first time they were truly hidden away from all the distraction and complications. There was only the two of them, now, nothing but the wild energies of nature surrounding them.

Seafoam eyes cracked open as she backed away, meeting the glimmer of her own and wondering at her next move. They drifted right back closed, however, once she dipped into the crook of neck and shoulder to pepper his flush skin with kisses, and the feel of her mischievous tongue, the wet muscle leaving a hot trail across his neck; a trail that ended just as the last true obstacle keeping her from what she wanted came undone in her hands. His own attempts at undressing her were becoming sluggish thanks to the distraction of it all, Hadrian scarcely able to think of his own tasks with the way Arielle kept working him up. It seemed she had no intentions of letting him over-think things this time; she was going to have what she wanted, apparently even if she had to die to get it.

"I'm starting to think you'll have my head if I don't," Hadrian said right back, practically shivering at the way Arielle continued to tease his skin with her mouth. After a statement like the one she made, however, he was practically throbbing with desire. He yanked himself away from those tantalizing lips, regaining his focus in an effort to relieve her of her clothing. The furs of her cloak were done away with, dropped to a pool in the snow behind her, forgotten as Hadrian worked to remove what was beneath next. Hadrian didn't stop until the creamy skin of her torso was revealed in its entirety, her shirt thrown aside to join the cloak on the ground. As soon as her pale flesh was on display it was was worshiped with attention, Hadrian coming in to shower her neck and shoulder with kisses and nips, much the way she had.

Meanwhile his hands explored the smooth planes of her body, splayed fingers tips gliding up her curvaceous form, eventually working their way inwards, between their bodies to take hold of plump breasts. Strong hands brought them together in a playful squeeze, fingers and palms teasing over her pert nipples. Hadrian's kisses drifted south, wet tongue peeking out as he passed her clavicle and arrived at the bounty of her cleavage. Hadrian practically buried his face into her bust, relishing in the warmth and softness while peppering her chest with kisses. His hands however, had fallen away, moving down to work on removing the cotton pants she wore. She had made a dying wish, after all, and what sort of man would Hadrian be if he were to deny it?

The king's urgency seemed to have return, head popping back up to catch her in another fiery kiss. It was hungry and deep, but only last long enough for him to shrug the hem of her trousers down the flare of her hips, along with anything else she might have been wearing. Once they were down and out of the way Hadrian left it to Arielle to decide whether or not she preferred to step out of them. Regardless, she didn't have long to choose. Hadrian would only wait long enough to unfasten his own trousers, tugging them own and letting them drop to his boots to reveal the lengthy girth of his manhood. His fire came to life then, and he grabbed Arielle by the arm, interrupting her from whatever she might be doing in the moment and twisting her around.

Once her back was to him, Hadrian kept Arielle firmly in place, her arm held behind her, still in his unbreakable grip. His other hand took her by the left hip, pulling her back until the hard length of his member was pressing into the bare cushion of her ass. His hand left her then, wrapping around the girth of his cock to guide it while adjusting his body. Down he went, coaxing Arielle to bend until the round head of his manhood was pressing against the slick entrance of her womanhood. A shiver of delight ran across his skin as he moved his cock, gliding up and down her wet slit until it parted in sweet welcome. Once it had he pressed forward, his hand retreating as the tip of his hard cock broke through the gates and steadily entered heaven.

A throaty moan shuddered past Hadrian's lips as he penetrated her, Arielle's slick channel swallowing him up inch by inch. For a moment all he could do was succumb to the wondrous sensation of it, hips giving a lazy roll as he worked himself in deeper. After a moment, however, Hadrian reached out, snaring Arielle's free arm and pulling it back to join its twin in his hold. And that's when Hadrian truly began to fulfill her wish, drawing himself back to the very tip before slamming himself home, plunging to the very depths of her core until hips collided with the round cushion of her ass, only to bounce back and do it all over again. He'd found a steady rhythm before long, the tempo of their joining bodies a lewd symphony even against the howling wind.

Even lost in the moment, Hadrian was aware of how bizarre this was. Here they were, fucking in a blizzard with a pack of wolves tearing into their dinner a short ways away. And even nearer than the wolves was the monstrous bear, black eyes drinking in the scene instead of mauling them. And yet, somehow, it all felt so natural… Connected, even. It was almost as though Ari was the wild personified; as though their first time could never have taken place anywhere but within the bosom of nature and all its splendor. It felt like they were a part of it,, Hadrian another beast among many as he threw back his head and moaned loudly with his pleasure.

After a time Hadrian released Arielle's arms, giving her a little more freedom to move, though Hadrian's roaming hands made it hard to do much besides arch back into him, as one traveled up her flat stomach to take a bouncing breast in hand while the other snaked down between her legs to her wet core, rough fingers seeking out her clit to circle and tease the sensitive nub even as he ravaged her from behind. Perhaps it was a mistake, turning to their passion in the midst of all the anger and xenophobia. Somewhere in the back of his mind he knew all that would remain even after this encounter; pacified, perhaps, but not truly resolved. But for just once in his life, Hadrian managed to put all of the concerns aside, and simply enjoy her to the fullest.
Impatient as he was, Alistair grinned when he saw how hard of a time she was having with things. "You're enjoying yourself too much, Elizabeth," he said, that wicked grin still brandished as he pulled away from the lithe kisses upon her stomach. "Where's that conquering drive I've come to know? Where is that will to prove yourself even on the brink of defeat?" All but gone it seemed, as she led him right to the bag which housed her secrets. He smirked victoriously. It was moments like this which he remembered most from their past. The thrill of conquest; the fight for each other's secrets whence first began their ventures together... They needed to revisit that time; to loose their frustrations, learn truths, and then finally move forward from there. And, hopefully, this time it would be in the right direction.

"You're tired and you can't burn me," he teased, skilled fingers working her clit ever so nicely. He knew just how to bring his old lover to the verge of a slowly rising orgasm. "You want to fuck me but you're too weak to take what you desire now that I've robbed you of your power. That's not the Element I know. Are you dead inside without your flames, love?" He gave her a taunting little frown, retrieving the bag but quickly setting it aside for a moment. Whatever secrets lie within weren't going anywhere just this moment. It was a precious bounty, and he seemed to reward her for it by dipping right back into the fun as anticipated. His lips picked up where they left off, trailing sweetly down her body. His teasing hand pulled away however, coming to tug her undergarments the rest of the way down her silky thighs and free of her legs. Element was not left waiting long however, as his mouth and tongue dove in to replace the absence of his hands. He moaned over the taste of her sweet nectar, unabashed in the way his tongue came to lap at it all. Quick, fluttering movements swept over her clit again and again, whilst his devilish, amber eyes looked eagerly upon her reactions.

But The Dragon was nothing if not a tease, and no sooner did she find her apex of pleasure did he back away, refusing her such heaven while his soft lips kissed their way back up her body instead. Eventually, he met her mouth for a kiss deep with lust. Meanwhile, his hand reached across the bed, finding the bag and fumbling with its drawstring. After some finagling, it fell open, revealing the unmistakably pale-white hue of solid bone. Though he caught it only out of the corner of his eye, the realization brought him to pull away, passing a quick glance to confirm the suspicion. A skull judging by the shape… Things might have become more complicated than he expected. But he did not press this yet, instead coming back down with lips tending to the soft nape of her neck. Slowly, he trailed his way back down to her womanhood, his tongue masterfully finding its mark once again. Strong hands held her legs open nice and wide, giving him unrestricted access in his efforts to build her back up. This time, he did not stop. As soon as she was on the cusp of her pleasure, he sent her tumbling right over with merciless abandon. Even after her waves of ecstasy came to subsided, he continued tending to her with gentler affections. Though having been the first time he touched her in months, he was not about to let things end here.

Even while she remained in the aftermath of her orgasm, he coaxed her up and out of the bed, drawing her off to the side where he stood before her and loosened his pants, letting them fall. He guided her to her knees not a moment after, taking a level of control he knew once excited her. A hand coming to entangle in her hair, he guided her forward towards his erect mast, knowing her lips would part for him as they had oh so many times in the past. "You've spoken your part," he said, the words practically a moan as he found her soft, wet mouth. Looking down, he brushed a strand of hair away from her eyes, giving him an unobstructed view of her work. "Now you can just listen." Though, few words came after that. Quickly losing himself to his own pleasure, Dragon sucked in a sharp breath, elated at the feel of being inside of her again, even if it was just her mouth for now. It was every bit as warm and delightful as he remembered, even lacking her control over the element of flame. It had a way of making him weak in the knees, threatening to sap away all the energy Sia's tonic had just provided. Once she found a nice rhythm and he gathered his thoughts, he continued on.

"I don't care what happened before," he said, passing another quick glass at the bagged skull. "Whatever's in the past, stays in the past. We start fresh from here…" his words were cut off by a deep moan, his fingers clutching into her hair while she continued to swallow him down with all the skill he remembered. "Whatever you're afraid of," he managed to start again, wondering if this wouldn't be better left until after such a wonderful experience, "We face it together from now on." This was more than just a suggestion, it was a decree; as good as law as far as he was concerned. "No more secrets. We work as one, just as we did at the start of all this." It was hard to believe things had ever progressed to the point of driving them apart in the first place. Here in the throes of their passion once more, it felt like the sea itself had labored to bring them together again. What course things would take from here he did not know, but Alistair was content to surrender to the uncertain current if it meant keeping her by his side; or, for now at least, on her knees.

Now, let me offer you a variety of plots to whet your muse. . .


Long ago, the order of the first Dragon Riders was formed. A band of fierce warriors astride mighty beasts, they came together and saved the world from the brink of chaos. From then on they agreed that for generations to come, young boys and girls of potential would be given a chance to learn their ways. After forming a ritual soul bond with a hatchling, the two spend their formative years learning and training, honing their newfound skills to one day serve as wardens of the world. For centuries their order has kept peace; virtually eliminating the prospect of war between the civil countries. But times are changing.
With the numbers of their order on the decline, the riders find themselves overwhelmed in a world on the brim of turmoil. To make matters worse, Riders and their dragons are beginning to disappear with alarming frequency. When their butchered bodies start turning up, it becomes clear foul-play is responsible. The leader of their order takes immediate action, assigning two of their best to get to the heart of the matter. But, having ever been rivals with one another, the two are like oil and water when forced to work together. As the truth behind their sadistic enemy's power comes to light, however, it's clear these two will have to set aside their differences if their world is to survive.
In a world where those with magical abilities are misunderstood and feared, an elite force of knights is specially trained to hunt them down and put them to the sword. With gruesome efficiency, they have slaughtered their way across the continent until magic itself is on the verge of extinction. But when one such knight meets a desperate sorceress who is only trying to survive in a ruthless world, he finds himself in a moral dilemma. She divulges to him a horrible truth; that the secret behind the success of his order is the very magic he's been indoctrinated to despise. Shaken and enraged by the revelation, he spares her life, and the two of them work together to bring to expose the conspiracy and bring justice to the ones behind such despicable genocide.
In this city, criminals guilty of heinous acts are granted two choices: Immediate execution, or a chance to live just a little bit longer, provided one can survive the brutal combat of the bloody arena. Those who make it long enough might come to know a touch of freedom, perhaps even a modicum of fame from cozy royals and fat aristocrats, if they perform well enough. But only ever just enough to keep them fighting.
For most, outright execution would be the easier, less painful choice, but one man has managed to achieve something of a normal life in the ring. He's become a celebrated champion among the rabble and nobles alike, conquering every challenge they've thrown his way, lifting him from ragged criminal to being the talk of the city. He quickly finds himself accustomed to his cozy place at the top of the bracket, but the days of glory soon come crashing down when a fresh batch of criminals are dragged into the pit for a grand melee.
Among them is a mysterious woman; an unexpected, battle-hardened warriors who easily crushes the competition until she and the champion are the only ones remaining. After an intense struggle, she topples him as well, stealing all his hard earned respect right from the first. Worse than his wounds is the blow to his pride, especially once it's announced the two of them will be fighting together in the city's next big tournament, one that promises to be a spectacle for the ages. With no other option, the two begrudgingly join forces and fight their damnedest to survive not only the arena, but each other as well.
Looking to earn some extra money for her ever growing bills, a young woman's life takes an unexpected turn after applying for a part time job at a quaint bookshop downtown. At first it seems a cozy little job, most of her time spent kicked back behind the counter pouring over the books herself. That or quipping with her handsomely charming boss as they hang around, waiting for what few customers might visit the little store front. Sure, he's mysterious and more than a little secretive, what with the strange artifacts he decorates the store with, not to mention the locked doors she's forbidden to enter… It's hard not to be curious, not to mention suspicious, but it's easy money and he's always been fair with her, so she doesn't question it.
But everything changes when a pair of strange and violent men show up and try to rob the place. After things go wrong and her boss is forced to defend them both, she learns that this place is anything but ordinary. Revealing himself to be a master sorcerer sworn to defend the world from the dark forces that covet it, he spins her a tale of magic and horrors the likes she never would have believed had she not witnessed his power with her own eyes. More astounding yet, he claims that she too is capable of wielding this power, should she choose to learn it. But with a malevolent threat on the horizon, becoming his apprentice would mean accepting a far greater responsibility than she might be ready for.
At the young age of five years old, my character was accepted into an order of elite swordsman, famed in the world for serving as protectors of the weak. His entire life he studied and trained; indoctrinated in their ancient ways and beliefs. But to accept such a life meant giving up hope of any other. Men of the Sword were required to take a vow to renounce any and all desires of love or physical companionship, among other such earthly tethers. Having known little else in life, it was an easy enough pledge to make, and so with rare talent and fierce resolve, his training proceeded quickly, seeing him named a master of the blade in time, and granting him freedom to leave the mountains of the only home he'd ever known and serve the realm.
But when a beautiful young woman in fear for her life enlists him as her protector, they find a quickly growing attraction to one another. Their desire soon leads to a passionate encounter, leaving him shaken in his beliefs. To commit such acts is punishable by death, but nothing has ever made him feel more alive than his newfound romance. Swept along on his mission to protect her, his every step leads him closer to abandoning the belief of the men who forged him, and thus forfeiting his claim to life. That is, if they can even survive the trouble that brought them together in the first place.
A goddess who's divinity was stolen by a malicious human finds herself stranded and powerless in the mortal world. All seems lost until she comes across one of her devout followers, a mortal man who vows to help her recover her stolen godhood. Along the way he teaches her all about life in the earthly world, which she quickly grows to love. Will she seek out and restore her divinity, or will she find herself too attached to this new and thrilling life of mortals to ever go back to her old existence?
Imprisoned by a wicked sorcerer who's affection she scorned long ago, a djinn is finally released when a man happens upon her artifact of entrapment. Having been down on his luck for sometime now, he sees his fortunes change for the better after learning the beautiful woman, now bound to him for life, is obligated to grant his every desire. Set to return to her prison upon his death, the djinn's only means of attaining true freedom is to trick her mortal master into falling in love with her and freeing her himself. But as she gets to know him, she comes to see the lack of greed and prideful ambition of the mortals she's grown used to. While she tries desperately to ensnare his love and earn her freedom, she begins to realize he might just be winning her own heart instead.

The experiment was meant to be a first step towards a new kind of warfare; an attempt to alter and augment the human genome, and thus create a new breed of soldier with devastating, preternatural abilities at their disposal. It was for the greater good, or so he told his potential funders. Think of all the lives they could save if one man could replace 100 on the battlefield! But that made it no less cruel for the two infants who would become his first test subjects; one male, one female. From the day they were born they've been trapped, treated like rats in a glass cage, and subjected to torturous study in an effort to draw out the maximum potential of the powers they've been cursed with. Throughout the years, their only comfort has been in each other, encouraging and confiding in one another despite the impenetrable wall that has ever kept them apart physically. But over time, they've come to understand their power in ways even their studiers can't fathom, mastering their control until finally they're strong enough to bring that wall crashing down, and escape the facility they were born and raised in. It's a chance at the freedom they've always craved, but for these two, civilization proves to be a dangerous, alien world; a world that is made all the more lethal once their creator unleashes his latest creation to hunt them down no matter the cost.
The world is a golden age utopia, free of hunger, pollution, war etc. Technology has advanced to the point where most people are free to do as they please, further fueling an age of constant discovery and advancement... Or at least, that's how almost everyone remembers it. No one has ever been able to explain this delusion, because there's no denying the truth: Their world is one of suffering and turmoil, a ravenous beast fed by the totalitarian government that dictates their day to day lives, and shows no mercy to anyone with a rebellious heart; nor anyone who speaks of the false memory of that golden world free of their cruelty.
But for one man, that wondrous paradise is more than just a false memory; it's an obsession. That impossible other world haunts his every waking moment, the only promise of freedom in a world built to break even the strongest of wills. He's no less free of this obsession at night, his dreams consumed with recollections of a world he's never seen, a life he's never lived, and a woman he's never met. Little does he know, this woman from his dreams is not only quite real, but driven by the very same obsession.
When fate sees the two of them cross one another's path, they are forced to accept that this fantastical other world must exist in some form, and that together they are meant to discover the truth behind the phenomenon, even if that means going up against the ruthless authority of their world.
(Astronaut x Astronaut)"]They were chosen to be the first people to step foot on a new world; an expedition team searching for a potential, life-bearing planet to replace a dying Earth. But after landing on the brutal, primitive planet, things quickly take a turn for the worse. With their ship out of commission and their crew of carefully pick, highly skilled individuals reduced to a broken force, their crew of carefully picked, highly skilled individuals is reduced to a broken force, it's going to take everything they've got to survive the strange, alien world and its many horrors.

Since time immemorial, they have walked the Earth: Ancient and mysterious beings with the power to change their form into any creature imaginable. In the old days, when the world was young and still rich with nature these creatures flourished, the apex species among all life's many creations. Then dawned the age of mankind.
Human beings proved to be the most ravenous of beasts; highly intelligent, bloodthirsty fiends that killed not only for sustenance, but for sport. It was only a matter of time before the existence of the shapeshifters was discovered, and the tales of evil woodland spirits that took the shape of your worst fears began to spread. To most humans they were but nightmarish fantasies, but to the most seasoned hunters they were the ultimate game; the white whale of the hunt that proved a man unsurpassed, and promised him eternal glory.
So began the long, bloody campaign of mankind against the shapeshifters.
In the modern age, their kind has been reduced to little more than myth. What few survive have been forced to assimilate into the human world, hiding the truth of what they are at all costs, for there are still enemies who cling to the old ways; humans born into wealth, power, and truth. To their society, shapeshifters are still the ultimate game; a sacred hunt said to bless the man that butchers his prey.
So is the planned fate for our characters, two strangers who find themselves captured by this society of influential men. Rather than be outright slaughtered, the two are forced to take part of a ritualist hunt; a brutal game of survival that they'll have use every bit of their cunning and strength to win.
Born to the Alpha of one of the most notorious and powerful werewolf packs around, two brothers have always found themselves at odds with one another. Rivals from the start, each has ever sought to prove himself superior over the other. So with their father's age catching up and his health deteriorating, it's becoming all the more obvious that one of them must rise up and take his place as alpha. Neither is willing to relinquish the claim, but with enemy packs looking to move in on the prime territory, they've little time to settle the dispute. To make matters worse, an already tense feud grows even more complicated when both heirs find themselves smitten with the same woman. Caught between her feelings for both of them, she must navigate through their dangerous, bitter, rivalry, and choose where her heart truly lies.
All too often it's easy to find ourselves bored or fed up with our humdrum, every day lives. Such is the case for YC, a woman once full of drive and lofty ambitions. Somewhere down the line, however, those grand musings of an adventurous life and rewarding career were shoved aside. Ever mounting bills demanded a well paying job, even if the work is monotonous and unfulfilling. A corporate work schedule meant too little time to seek the adventure she envisioned in youth, and, lately, even her love life, seems to have grown stagnant. In the past she's at least been able to find a bit of excitement in that department, but one lackluster relationship after another has left her feeling as unsatisfied as everything else in her droll, listless existence. New excitement blooms, however, when she begins to have thrilling and peculiar dreams; dreams unlike anything she's ever experienced.
He comes to her every night, a man who is as dangerously handsome as he is charming, even if he comes cloaked in mystery, and takes her on the most wondrous adventures her slumbering mind can imagine. More thrilling still is the spark that ignites between them, an immediate and tantalizing attraction that leads to passionate encounters unlike anything she's experienced in the waking world…
At first, these dreams seem harmless; vivid fantasies gifted by her inner longing for something less mundane. But as time wears on, it becomes clear that something more real, and now sinister is at play here. Despite getting a full night's rest, she often wakes from her dreams feeling more exhausted than ever, bruises and markings from her dream adventures seem to persist even after she wakes. Of course, the idea is so ludicrous and her dreams so wonderful that she convinces herself it can't be true… It's all just in her head. But as she falls further down the rabbit hole of her dreamscape, her reality crumbling all around her, the truth becomes impossible to ignore. The man bringing her such passion and thrill isn't a man at all. He's a ravenous predator, steadily sapping her of life even as he breathes it back into her.
Can she find the strength to resist the wondrous fantasy this demonic being offers? Or will she submit to his power, turning her back on a monotonous life in favor of a dream everlasting?



For years, Dionysus has proven a thorn in the sides of the other Gods of Olympus. While his excessive love of wine and fornication and all around hedonism contributed greatly to the Grecian arts, it also caused no lack of trouble for the rest of the pantheon. His drunken advances and crude suggestions for what he liked to call 'recreational fun' had earned the ire of more than a few of the Goddesses. It wasn't uncommon to earn some retaliation from them, and usually the occasional smack to his senses didn't bother him.
But after his latest attempt to persuade Athena to his bedchamber, the Goddess decided to teach him a painful lesson in humility. Cursed to live as a pig for seven years, Dionysus still finds himself seething once everything is back to normal. Now thirsting for revenge, he gets his chance when he learns of a mortal woman whom Athena covets as an adopted daughter. She is a beautiful, graceful creature, the apple of Athena's eye and the perfect catalyst to hurt her.
Disguising himself as a mere human, Dionysus retreats to the mortal plane and steadily begins to corrupt the girl towards a life of debauchery and sin completely at odds with the respectable upbringing she's known. Can Athena save her before she's converted to the hedonistic beliefs of the God she's come to despise? Or will this god of good times successfully twist her daughter to the point that even Aphrodite would blush?
A struggling playwright of ancient Greece finds success when he meets a beautiful and mysterious woman who inspires him to write the most captivating stories. Enthralled and enamored by this newly discovered flame, he convinces her to star as the lead actress in his next great work. The achievement earns them enough recognition that they're driven to continue. But as their relationship unfolds it becomes clear that not all is at it seems with his newfound love. She's soon revealed to be a Muse, one of the daughters of Zeus, god of thunder. After her last tumultuous affair with a mortal, her father forbade her from ever consorting with humans again. Given her father's own endeavors, she brushes him off for a hypocrite. But with their fame quickly spreading and neither of them willing to call it off, how long can they go before incurring the thunderous wrath of the king of the gods himself?
When love claims the once vicious heart of a fierce Viking warrior, he no longer finds same thrill in war. Instead, he now looks towards a future of raising a family in a life of peace and prosperity. But in order to see that through, there are battles yet to be won. With the promise of new, fertile farm lands across the sea, he temporarily leaves the woman he loves in hopes of claiming the life they dream of. But fate is a cruel mistress. After their raiding party is ambushed, the man succumbs to a fatal injury on the battlefield and finds himself before a Valkyrie. His valiant death earns him a spot at the tables of Valhalla; counted among the most elite fighters of Odin's Einherjar.
But where the other Vikings see Valhalla as a paradise, all he can think of is home, and the woman he left behind. Plotting an escape, he makes a questionable deal with the Valkyrie queen that could see him freed from the tethers of death: In exchange for stealing Thor's mighty hammer, Mjolnir, she will return him to Midgard. By some miracle he manages to deceive and rob the God of Thunder, but after learning of the Queen's darker, more nefarious intentions, decides to keep the weapon for himself.
Using the stolen powers of a god, he makes his own return to the woman he loves and explains everything. But Thor and the Valkyries are in hot pursuit of the mortal who made fools of them all, forcing the couple on the run across an unforgiving land full of danger. How long can they keep it up before deciding their only chance is to make a stand against their immortal foes?
Hidden in the fjords of ancient Norway, a secluded cult believes themselves to be the descendants of the mighty wolf-god, Fenrir. Devout worshippers of the father of wolves, they work in the shadows, ever seeking to correct the injustice wrought upon their patron deity by the Aesir gods. With the ultimate goal of releasing Fenrir from the shackles that bind him and thus initiating Ragnarok, one member has ever found himself at moral odds with their beliefs. Yet, being the only life he's ever known, and having no proof that it is anything more than legends, he continues to aid his brothers in their laborious efforts to bring an end to the world. This changes however, when said efforts bear fruit in the capture of a woman with abilities unlike anything he's ever imagined. Claiming she is a Vanir goddess, their leader reveals that the key to unbinding Fenrir's chains lies in ritualistically spilling her blood.
Reluctant to see her sacrificed for such a malevolent cause, the young cult member finally decides to cast away the life he was born into, freeing the woman and taking flight with her. Whilst the people he once called family mercilessly hunt them down, the two are left to work together to save the world he once vowed to destroy.
The chosen servant of Set himself, the maniacal high priest of Egypt, works from within the shadows. Believing their ruler weak and incompetent, he undermines Pharaoh's every move, causing whatever chaos he can to reflect poorly on him. To make matters worse, the Pharaoh appointed his sickly, even more incompetent son as his chosen heir. Meanwhile, his first born daughter, a powerful, intuitive and brilliant woman, has been shoved aside and disregarded as meaningless. Infuriated by the treatment, the Princess of Egypt develops her own dark tendencies and desires.
When she begins planning to have her father and younger brother assassinated in order to claim her place as the rightful heir, it draws the attention of Set and his High Priest. He seeks her out before she can make good on the attempt, persuading her to wait until the right opportunity. As their relationship blossoms into a romance of sadistic intent, they slowly begin plotting a course that will see the current dynasty brought to an end, allowing the two of them to rule all of Egypt however they please. As long as they continue to obey their chaotic god's every demand…
Two lost souls find themselves bound together in the Duat. Having been strangers in life with no memory of their death, they are startled and confused upon arriving before the scales of judgement together. Even their hearts are weighed as one, and to their horror, found unworthy.. Their chance at paradise is torn away as Ammit comes to devour their hearts, trapping them in the Duat for all eternity. Now lost in a hellscape of dangerous creatures and ravenous beasts, all hope seems lost at first. Yet, their determined spirit seems them vowing to defy the gods; to refuse their fate and find a way to Aaru.
Together, they venture the Duat, fighting against its perils and weathering the twisted reflections of their lives to discover how they came to meet their end. The journey seems impossible at first, but mustering their courage, they press on, refusing to give up until their souls are destroyed, or they reach the Field of Reeds.
Pandemonium breaks when Susanoo, ever jealous of Amaterasu's graceful reign, strikes a bargain with their brother, Tsukuyomi. Together, they devise a plan to capture and bind the goddess of the sun, thus plunging the world into endless night. As Tsukuyomi rules on high in his sister's stead, turmoil spreads like wildfire across the land. Anarchy now rules across the mortal realm, while furious hordes of Oni continue to rise from the darkness. One man has dedicated his life to slaying such devils, but despite his efforts there seems to be no end to the madness.
Yet, a ray of hope strikes through the darkness when a priestess of Amaterasu seeks him out. She claims to know where the jealous gods have hidden their sister, and that only she possesses the means to free the goddess of the sun and return light to the world once again. Taking the woman at her word, the two of them make a perilous journey through a hellscape of darkness and demons, hoping to restore life to their dying world.

A dangerous and fast growing crime syndicate from Ireland decides to expand and break ground in the heart of America. After striking a deal with a treacherously powerful ally, the heir of the Connolly crime family has no choice but to uproot the life of his homeland and relocate to the urban metropolis of the West, where he's expected to flood the streets with his backer's product as soon as humanly possible. Never one to shirk a chance to make a name for himself, he accepted the task with enthusiasm. Everything seemed to be going right on course as he purchased his first piece of property, and began to build the foundations of his new empire.
The only problem is that another equally dangerous gang already has control of these streets. After an initial conflict, the rising crime boss makes a bold plan to kidnap his rival's spirited daughter and lay out his demands. But when things don't go as he planned, he's left to find other ways in which she might be useful.
This would be the same concept as above, only in this scenario he would seek an alliance with the rival faction instead of war. However, after meeting with his rival's beautiful wife, an instant attraction sparks between them. Working with this man could mean the difference between life and death, but when attraction becomes an unbearable need, the torrid affair that ensues threatens to tear everything down. Neither of them is willing to forgo seeing the other, despite every passionate encounter bringing their two families ever closer to demise. How long can they keep things up before it all goes terribly wrong?
Set in the old west, the wife or daughter of a town sheriff finds her life uprooted when a callous gang of outlaws murders her loved one and takes over his town. Set out for blood, she formulates a reckless and suicidal plan to kill them all, only for a wounded gunslinger with a shady past to stop her. Taking pity on the heinous events she's suffered, he vows to help her end the criminals in a far more practical way. But when things don't go as planned, the two are left to track down their remaining enemies across the brutal terrain of the West.
Little does this woman know, her new companion was part of the men responsible for her loss. Having reached a moral dilemma with their leader's ruthless tendencies, he'd only left the gang after a major falling out. Guilt stricken, he remains firm in his conviction to help her. But should she learn the truth of his role in the murder, will she add him to her list as well?
An up and coming painter begins to capture the attention of the world, albeit controversially, when he finds success in works of eroticism. Using live models, he watches as couples share their most ardent and intimate moments with one another, only to capture the height of their passion on canvas. While his work begins to cause a stir in the art world, he's managed to live a relatively quiet life, always able to keep an air of professionalism despite the provocative nature of his inspiration. All of that begins to change however, when a young married couple decide to model for him.
Instantly drawn to the beautiful woman he's come to see in her most carnal form, it doesn't take long before she's haunting his every thought. Unable to shirk his attraction, he invites the married woman to model for him privately, only to find she's been having much the same thoughts. After the two succumb to their desires, the artist laments over the idea of having destroyed a loving marriage, but to his surprise the woman reveals she and her husband have an open relationship. Even more unexpected, she extends the idea of both men sharing her as inspiration for his next great work. Stunned by the offer, he's left to decide how far out of his comfort zone he's willing to go for the woman he's steadily falling for.
For years they looted, robbed and killed with impunity. Driven by greed and a thirst for reckless adventure, it seemed little and less was beneath this ruthless gang of oulaws who carved the worst sort of reputation throughout the Old West. But after drawing heat from their latest, high-stakes robbery, they're left to take refuge in a desolate, yet growing town where they're unlikely to be recognized. Once they arrive however, the gang of outlaws finds that the town is controlled by a tyrannical railway tycoon. With a sadistic nature to challenge the devil himself, this one man's sins could not only vastly outweigh their own, but put them to shame. After an initial altercation, the formidable outlaws declare war on the baron, deciding to rob him for everything he's worth.
But when their attacks on the mogul begin to inspire the common folk, the flames of rebellion are unwittingly lit. Before long, these criminals now find themselves regarded as heroes, leading a fight to see their enemy brought low and his reign of tyranny over the town to an end.


MC is a savage warrior; a ruthless conquerer who's armies have spread across the land, steadily expanding his empire. YC is the queen ruling over the latest country he plans to topple. Beautiful, fierce, and well-loved by her people, she and her armies have proven to be his most challenging obstacle yet. It's been over a year since their bloody conflict began, and in that time MC has come to know and respect this rival queen, even covet her. It wasn't long before his every thought was consumed by her, his dreams turning to salacious reveries haunted by her beauty, and his conquest of expansion evolving into a crusade of obsession. The goal of forcing YC's kingdom to its knees has become nothing next to the idea of dominating the woman herself, and after a long, brutal struggle, he finally gets the chance when his superior numbers inevitably overcome her forces.

Now she and her kingdom are his to do with as he will, yet forcing her into submission isn't nearly as appealing as the idea of ruling his empire with her at his side. And so begins his latest campaign, a conquest of the heart in which he seeks to change his bitter rival of a queen into his loyal and loving empress.
An up and coming pirate crew gets a chance to make their mark upon the high seas after capturing their latest prize; a score that nets them a veritable fortune in wealth and trouble alike. Now doggedly pursued by those seeking retribution, the crew is forced to sail for unfamiliar waters in search of a somewhere they might recuperate and sell off their hard won plunder. Their search pays off when they discover their newest business partner, a well-connected fence who offers them sanctuary as well as a hefty sum for their stolen goods. It seems like smooth sailing at first, but they soon learn that this feisty black marketer comes with her own boatload of trouble. With the payment of their deal hanging in the balance, the pirates find themselves swept up in her mess, now stuck with the spitfire of a woman who is bound to drive them all crazy. That is, assuming she doesn't get them killed first.
A by-the-books scholar stumbles upon historical goldmine when she uncovers a clue towards finding a long lost mythological city. It promises to be the discovery of a lifetime, but no one takes her seriously when she proposes funding an expedition team to follow up on it. Convinced of the city's authenticity, she refuses to give up, emptying her own savings account and delivering it into the hands of a rough and tumble adventurer type in that assures her can see them through the journey. Unfortunately, this newfound guide's no stranger to trouble, and it takes little time for it to catch up to them. No sooner than their adventure begins do they find themselves racing against a group of sadistic thieves who promise to brutalize anyone that stands in their way. But as the truth of this ancient city and its demise comes to light, they'll discover that a vicious band of treasure hunters might just be the least of their worries.
They were only children when it began; the bitter feud that tore apart their families as well as their kingdom. He, the son of a tyrant king, she, the daughter of the Hand that futilely attempted to guide him. It was only a matter of time before one of parents' arguments evolved into something much worse.
With half the population loyal to their true, sovereign lord, and the other half devoted to the man who inspired them to rise against his oppression, there erupted a brutal civil war which fractured the once mighty kingdom. For over two decades the land has been consumed by the flames of this war.
The violence comes to a head when the leaders of each side are simultaneously assassinated, leaving their children to inherit their catastrophic feud. Seeking an end to the bloodshed and a new beginning, the rightful heir takes a bold initiative and proposes to the daughter of his father's most hated enemy. Together he believes they can heal the rift between their people and restore the empire to its former glory. While skeptical at first, she inevitably agrees for the good of her people.
Yet, in the aftermath of a bitter war, not everyone approves of such a union. Even as they struggle to overcome their own differences, they continue to face stout opposition along with the myriad other issues that demand attention. Meanwhile, the assassins responsible for the death of their predecessors are still at large. It all makes for a precarious stage as these born rivals navigate a tricky marriage in order to build a better world. Will they succeed, or will the land slip back into turmoil?
Drawn by rumors of untouched lands on the far side of the globe, a well renowned explorer once again takes leave of the civilized world in the name of discovery. But when a raging tempest catches them at sea, his venture takes a drastic turn, leaving the crew shipwrecked on a vast and mysterious continent. The survivors find themselves in a new world beyond anything they could have imagined. It's a wild and lush frontier, filled with beauty and fraught with peril. Between the dangerous fauna and hazardous terrain, they stand little chance of surviving the week, let alone ever making their way back home.
In a desperate bid, their captain ventures out in hope of finding any resources or help that he can. The land nearly claims his life, but things start to look up when he is saved by a strange, yet fierce woman. After their meeting, he learns of the indigenous people that inhabit this lost world. She herself comes from a strong and powerful tribe; people who learned how to tame this land long ago.
Curious over each other, a bond quickly develops between them. She teaches him how to survive in her world while begging questions of his own. The more he learns about her and the wild frontier she lives in, the more enthralled he becomes. Before long what was once a grim prospect now seems a chance at an all new life of thrill and adventure. Yet, even as he and his men acclimate to their new lifestyle, they quickly come to realize that not everyone is as happy to see them as their savior and her tribe.
For many years, my character has been mastering the fine art of thievery. The value of jewels and priceless relics notwithstanding, what he truly lives for is the thrill of the heist. He's made a habit out of taunting his victims; even going so far as letting a few of them know he was going to strike beforehand. Despite all their best efforts, a few tricks up his sleeve has gotten him out of all manner of situations. Thus far he's maintained a perfect record; making fools out of each and every target. However, he runs out of tricks whilst robbing the latest rich aristocrat, and quickly finds himself on the wrong end of the man's hired guard.
With no better option, he ends up taking the wealthy man's daughter hostage to ensure his escape. Little does he know, his new hostage is absolutely fed up with her well-mannered life. Finding her roguish captor utterly thrilling and devilishly handsome, she ends up going along with the situation far more willingly than expected. Even after his escape, the girl, welcome or not, decides to run away with him on his adventurous life. Mistaking the girl's flight as a kidnapping, her father uses every resource at his disposal to put an end to the thief and bring his daughter back home safe, even if it's to a life she abhors.
Tucked away in the wilds of an unforgiving land, a band of masterful assassins has been working to eliminate powerful figures throughout history. In recent times however, their numbers and influence have dwindled considerably. Where their blades once shaped the direction of the world; they have now become as good as mercenaries. Seeing the death of their order as imminent, their leader neglects any attempt at changing their fortunes. However, his perspective begins to change when a young woman comes begging to them for help. Not only does she seek to end the life of a powerful, twisted individual, but to be trained in the art sufficient enough to do the deed by her own hand.
Stirred by the conviction of her personal justice, he agrees to train her in the fine art of murder. Though, as the layers peel away and he learns the truth behind her desires for vengeance, it begs the question of whether this will truly be a fitting life for her once the sadistic target is slain.
In a bustling city where the rich and powerful live on high, they seem like veritable gods in a golden paradise to the poor and downtrodden left below. The working class has ever been spat upon, living in the shadow of the luxurious manors of the wealthy. Only a lucky few have clawed their way up out of the dregs and into the glory of higher society, while most succumb to a life and death in crime ridden poverty. Many simply accept this cruel jest of fate, but not our characters. Hungry for a taste of the finer things in life, they've taken to stealing that which they cannot afford. After a few years of it, they've gotten pretty good; nabbing one exotic treasure after another until finally, a golden life above doesn't seem quite so impossible.
Despite their several years of success and getting in good with the city's underground, the two of them have never crossed paths. That is, until an exceptionally rare prize that could set them up for life is unwittingly targeted by both of them simultaneously. When things go wrong and they find themselves at odds during the heist, they're left with no choice but to use their combined skills to escape capture and make it out in one piece. After seeing what a good team they make, the two decide to keep going and make their mark together. But even as they cheat and steal their way towards the lives they've always dreamed of, their pursuers decide to crack down on the crimes and try to put an end to the burglaries once and for all.
A longstanding war between kingdoms comes to a gruesome end, seeing all but the youngest daughter of a proud royal family slaughtered, and their throne usurped by their sworn enemy. The last descendant of an equally ancient bloodline sworn to defend them, is devastated over the failure, left to flee the only home he's ever known in a desperate effort to protect its last remaining heir. While he is simply content to escape hostile lands and see her safe, the grief stricken princess is determined to bring justice to her family's murderers and free her subjects from the reign of tyranny that now enslaves them, she rouses her stalwart protector into a plan to fight back and reclaim their home. But, lost in a world with little hope and fewer allies, they've a long way to go before gaining the means to make it happen. Meanwhile, their foes seek to cement the victory by using every resource at their disposal to find the missing royal and end her.

(So, looked through all that and still didn't see something you like? No worries! Bring me your own ideas and we can cook up something fresh and tasty! Just keep in mind that I'm not really into fandoms. I like to keep things as original as I can. But, that said, here's a list of cliché concepts and pairings I'm down for!)

Forbidden Love
Organized Crime
Gypsies and Carnival Folk
Treasure Hunters/Explorers
Pirates! (Of the Seas and the Stars)
Vampires (The Good Kind)
Werewolves (The Creative Kind)
Super Heroes/Villains (Not the cliché kind)
Anything Magical and Fantastical (Swords, Magic and Dragons are the shit idc who you are)
Various Mythologies (If you can find a way to weave in connections to some old school Gods in a fantasy story, extra kudos to you)
Historical Periods such as Ancient Egypt, Greece or Rome, Feudal Era, Victorian Era, Western, Prohibition, etc... All the way back to Paleolithic era.
… and the list could go on and on so, I'll just stop it here because someone is probably waiting for a post, knowing me.
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PM's don't really work for me as a means of conversation

This says what it says - I realize that - but I still have to ask. Does this mean people shouldn't PM you at all, even to ask a question?
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