Character(s) Stormee's Characters

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Character(s) Stormee's Characters

Merry Midnight

Light in the Darkness
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Today 12:30 AM
Current characters in-play or Works in Progress

Desdemona Astor

Age: 20

Physical Description: Stands at about 5'4", very slim. Her clothing fits loose on her now, having lost weight on her travels. Long, dark brown hair typically worn in a single braid, honey colored eyes, and small, delicate features.

Personality: Des is easy to dismiss at first glance as a typical, though lovely, village girl. It is her intelligence, somberness, and perceptiveness that sets her apart. She is highly educated, especially so for a pig farmer's daughter, and tragedy has sharpened her instincts. Although still naive in many ways, Des has shed a great amount of innocence in order to seek her vengeance. Dangerous to trust, unless you understand that she does very little nowadays that does not further her cause.

What else there might be to her is smothered beneath her drive for revenge.

Current RP: Pirates and Vengeance ((
WIP --

Race: Witch
Status: Premiere of the Coven of the Blood Moon, Seneschal of the Great Dragon Fimbultvetr, COO of R.A.P.S
Known Powers:
Physical Description:

Race: Troll
Status: Senior R.A.P.S Procurement Specialist
Known Powers: Strength and minor Shape-shifting
Physical Description:

Race: Fae, Court of Summer
Status: Senior R.A.P.S Procurement Specialist
Known Powers: Glamerie
Physical Description:
WIP - Shadowrun

Age: 26
Race: Chinese-American Human
Designation: Chimera


Physical Description:


Current job: Tacoma Pier, 11 0'clock. Promises to be quite lucrative.
WIP - LitRPG with @Ruin

Background: Tara was a straight-A student studying for her B.S. in Environmental Science at Yale University. She worked part-time as a florist, and thanks to a significant trust fund from her grandparents, was able to live alone in a small apartment near campus. Although she enjoyed her private time at home, she was very involved in the school's various outdoor clubs, preferring to spent whatever free time she could find when not studying or working on the club's climbing and hiking outings. She also recently joined a club for gamers, after a friend invited her to a meeting. The table-top role-playing games intrigued her, though she was too shy to participate, and she continued to attend the meetings.

Dying was an accident; a slip of fate. The men that came into the shop late one spring evening were doped out of their minds, but had no real intentions to harm her. Especially since she was immediately cooperative and handed over what little cash was in the register. Not paying attention to what he was doing, one of them discharged his weapon, killing her instantly.

Now, she has been offered a second chance at life, in a strange new world with rules she only vaguely understands.

Personality: Introverted and quiet, Tara has always been a fairly unassuming and gentle person. A typical bookworm that could often be found in the corner of coffee shops, hunched over textbooks. She only really asserts herself when in her element - in class discussing subjects she loves, or out in nature.
Level: 1
EXP: 0 / 100

Race: Elf
Class: Druid

Languages: Common, Elven

Str: 6
Dex: 10
Agi: 12
Con: 9
Sta: 9
Mag: 15
Will: 9
Cha: 10


----Herbalism (Level 1)
--S. Exp: 0 / 100

----Magic Skill: Summoning (Level 1)
--S. Exp: 0 / 100

----Magic Skill: Nature (Level 1)
--S. Exp: 0 / 100


----Summon Nature's Ally (Magic Skill: Summoning)

Summons a natural creature to your side to fight on your behalf. If you are able to communicate with the creature, you can give it other orders within the creature's abilities. This spell will never summon a creature into an environment that will not support them.

----Speak with Animal (Magic Skill: Nature)

Temporarily allows the caster to speak to any natural creature and to be understood by that creature. It does not allow any special ability to control the actions of that creature.

----Essence (Magic Skill: Nature)

Taps into the bountiful essence of nature to heal small wounds and repair natural structures.

Str: 18
Dex: 10
Agi: 10
Con: 15
Sta: 15
Mag: 0
Will: 8
Cha: 4
Last edited:
Class and Specialization: Rift Mage
Age: 26
Family: Marcus and Ariah (mother & father), Anastasia & Adelaide (sisters), Nataniel (brother), Esme (grandmother), Brennan and Petal, ... etc (aunts & uncles), Caroline Trevelyan, many other cousins...

Background: Sent to the Ostwick Circle at age 8, soon after her magical ability became evident. As she was the youngest of her siblings, and her chances to become the heir minimal at best, it was not as much of a blow to the family as it might have been. With the Trevelyans having such close ties to the Chantry and Templars as they did, it was still somewhat of an embarrassment. The majority of Elaine's family distanced themselves from her as she grew older, often writing only on her birthday and never visiting. Only her grandmother and cousin Caroline remained in touch through the years.

Personality: Elaine is quiet and thoughtful, and while she may often prefer the company of books to that of other people, she is not afraid to speak her mind when necessary. Her gentle personality is not a lack of confidence or a sign of meekness - rather, she is simply a highly resilient and strong-willed person that has learned to accept the world around her and not waste her time and energy on things she cannot control. She is Andrastian but, like most mages, she chafes at the oversight of the Chantry and Templars in her life.

Her strength of character is what has allowed her to deal with the massive changes in her life and status since the events at the Conclave. Despite the upheaval, she is usually calm, rational, and strategic. Whatever others may believe about the origin of the Mark (and she still has not decided what and where it came from herself), she knows that it has placed her in a position to help the world and she is determined to do her best.

Current RP: Hearts of Valor, Souls of Fire (DA:I)
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