MxF ♡ Sugar's search for a Man! ♡

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MxF ♡ Sugar's search for a Man! ♡


Tickler of Brains
Local time
Today 8:01 AM
Milwaukee, WI
Hello! Good morning! Good Day! And Good Evening!

You may call me Sugar. I am a 30+ year old working female looking for a life long friend. I love to write in my free time and would love to find someone that shares in this hobby. I reside in CST in the United States and plan to post daily for you. Maybe more if you're quick at responding back! I'll keep this short and sweet.

Looking For:
♡ Someone comfortable (and wanting) to play a male character. I do not care what gender you are behind your fingertips.
♡ Dominant Males. I like men that are prone to take charge, aggressive, manipulative and possessive to what belongs to them.
♡ Someone who is 18+ (preferably 21+)
♡ Someone that enjoys the story just as much as the smut! I would like to be able to get out of the bedroom and explore our characters!
♡ Someone who enjoys creating a story full of drama, angst, and a rollercoaster of emotions that keep you on the edge of your seat.
♡ Someone that considers themselves a advanced literate/novella writer. I do not expect 10+ paragraphs every post, but I do want someone that is motivated to put in a few good paragraphs to keep the story going. The more you give me, the more I give back! (I average around 500+, if that helps!)
♡ Someone that uses FC that are either of real people or realistic illustration. I'm not much into the anime style at this point in my life.
♡ Romance! I like me some romance. Especially something dark and gritty. Mix up some heart wrenching romance into the story and you'll have me giggling like a schoolgirl.
♡ Someone that can pump out at least 1 post per day. I get life sometimes will stop this. But I would like to be able to respond to your post when I get home from work! (of course, more is great!)
♡ Someone that wants to OOC on discord. I love to chat and talk about our RP and random stuff. I want a friend!

Themes currently craving:
♡ Arranged Marriages
♡ Mafia
♡ Modern Vamps/Werewolves
♡ Rags to Riches
♡ Ancient Eras like Vikings, Roman, or Arabian
♡ SoL with Twists
♡ Bad Boys (Always!)

My Dos:
♡ Romance and Love Stories! (Yes please!)
♡ Non-Con
♡ Older Men (Silver Foxes are hot)
♡ BDSM (You may ask for my consent sheet through DM)
♡ I am very open to discussing your ideas. Just ask!

My Dont's:
x Doubling - I put too much mental effort into one character to take on a second one. I will make "NPCs" to move a story along, but they will not be my focus.
x Children - I have no desire to RP having children. (*Certain themes like breeding and pregnancy scares can be discussed)
x FxF (Sorry ladies!)
x Themes involving affairs or cheating (Please don't ask me to play a wife having an affair, etc. I like to play loyal female characters!)
x Fandoms - Sorry! I like creating my own stories!

Some Ideas but open to more! These can be altered ~

Payment Plan
A new girl in a big city is just trying to live her dream. She opens a flower shop in a bad part of town, hoping to help revive the grimy streets and bring life back to the community. However, she doesn't know this part of town is also run by a ruthless mafia. Runners are sent to her shop to begin her "protection" payments, however, this girl is feisty and stubborn. No matter the threat or how much they trash her shop, she is still refusing to pay! This causes the leader to grow an interest to meet the girl that is causing his men so much trouble. He becomes infatuated and drags her into his deep dark underworld.

The Sultan's Favorite
A young girl fresh out of college is travelling the world hoping to become a famous photographer. Her travels bring her to an Arabian land full of interesting cultures and extortionary riches. During her visit to these lands she catches the eye of an Arabian prince; she is beautiful and exotic to him and he must have her. Without a second thought he has the girl kidnapped off the sheets and put into his personal harem. Not only must she deal with the fact that she no longer has her freedom and the Sultan's advances, but she will also have to deal with a very jealous and hostile harem.

Vampire's Pet
Set in a world were vampires rule. There is no longer enough humans to go around. Most vampire's have had to switch to artificial blood. However, there is an elite group that still have access to the real thing. Humans that are bred and raised like fine wine to the highest bidder.

The CEO and the Princess
A tyrant business man is just trying to buy out his competitors companies. He is ruthless and greedy, driving the man into corner where he emotionally can't handle it and commits suicide. The tyrant thinks he has won his billion dollar deal, until he learns that all the assets are in his daughter's name! Now he is on the hunt for this woman to make her sign over everything and is dumbstruck to find a highschool brat (18) is standing between him and his money.

Savage Desires
A princess is on her way to an arranged marriage in a foreign land when her carriage is raided by Vikings. The leader of these savages takes a liking to her and whisks her off to a world of blood, battles and barbarians.

Wolf Territory
A young girl is sick of the big city, all the chaos and the stress. She has decided to pack up her life and move out west to the country, finding the sleepy town of Red Oak, North Dakota. This quaint town is just what the doctor ordered. However, she can't help but feel something is off. While everyone is friendly, they seem to be on edge by her presence, as if they are trying to keep a secret that everyone knows but her. Little does she know this town is run by a pack of werewolves! The Alpha has taken in interest in this newcomer and is ready to mark his territory.

Feel free to DM me and we can discuss ideas and see if we vibe well!
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