World Survival of a Princess, world

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World Survival of a Princess, world


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Inner Sanctum Nobility
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This mineral is extremely volatile. Sometimes it explodes for no apparent reason, creating a fine powder that settles onto the ground and is often inhaled as a result. Physical contact with raw Lyrium ore can cause severe injury and psychological damage. This can also result in small mutations for those who are not magically gifted.

Dwarves tend to have an unknown immunity to Lyrium though the reason for this is not known. Because of this, they are typically used to mine and or refine Lyrium. However, that is not always the case, and slaves are known to be forced to mine it as well until their death.

For magically gifted individuals, the inhalation of Lyrium gives a temporary boost to their magical capabilities. This can last up to an hour or longer. Because of this, it is known to be highly addictive to those who use it.


No country or area is more prominent in slavery and or the trade of slaves than the Eastern Kingdoms. However, almost all countries and territories have slaves and make use of such people.

Slaves do not just work as domestic or agricultural workers. They have done pretty much every kind of minimal job you could imagine. Slaves were known to do everything from cooking and cleaning to mining for silver and other ores. On larger estates slaves might perform Domestic and non-domestic tasks, even working as smiths, bakers, and guards. Occasionally slaves might work as accountants or managers for businesses.

Slaves could also be task for fighting fires, cleaning empty buildings, picking up the streets, or even working as an executioner. Some slaves could live their entire lives working for a master. While others could buy or even be freed by their masters.

The most common slaves were those who won in combat due to wars or other such conquests. While others could and would sell themselves into servitude to help pay off large debts.

Being a slave could be cruel and unbearable at any time. Slave owners had full rights to their slaves which was viewed as property. They could perform horrific acts such as whippings and floggings to outright death or torture. A slave was property, and a man or woman was free to do with their property anything they saw fit.

Some slaves would become gladiators and women were no exception to this. Gladiators did at times receive better treatment in some areas. Food, medical, and proper beds were provided as well as schooling in gladiatorial fighting. Because of how much time and effort was given to gladiators it was uncommon for them to be killed. Even during Gladiator events. However, like all things, there were exceptions to this, and it was dangerous.

One thing that was common is that slaves be them urban or rural lived in their own area's. Typically, away from their Masters quarters and housing. Even if living in the same house their rooms would be kept far from the main living area.

The Eastern Kingdom's

The Eastern Kingdom's are perhaps the most well-known Kingdom's of the land. Their strong-handed tactics and large empire span most if not all the Eastern territories. These Kingdom's are referred to as plural because they are not ruled by a single Kingdom but many. Originally these Kingdom's were tribal in nature, however as time passed, they quickly started to establish themselves on a global scale.

War's spanning decades happened between the Kingdom's until one day they all agreed to a peace treaty and by doing so placed themselves on the top of the power structure, making themselves a serious threat to outsiders.

The Eastern Kingdom's are most well known for their slaves. As no Kingdom in the known world has more slaves than they do. The treatment of said slaves is also known to be some of the harshest and most aggressive treatment.

Additionally, their belief system was vastly confusing compared to the rest of the known world. Kings and Queens were not simply rulers of power but viewed as Gods to the masses. It was believed that these position's King and Queen could communicate with the Gods. A happy King equaled a happy God. A King who was unhappy meant more then death, it could mean a poor harvest, floods, storms, and more. For a King that was unhappy would mean that the Gods he represented were also unhappy.

Each Kingdom has their own methods and their own beliefs, but it was universal that those of the highest status were Gods regardless of the Kingdom they represented. Slave labor was used to build some of the most awe-inspiring buildings in the known world.

Some of these Kingdoms were known for their extreme cruelty. On both slaves and lower-class citizens. Breaking a law wouldn't only lead to prison time but could result in public torture. Stealing for example could result in one's hands being removed and hung around the offender's neck. While rape could result in mass sexual assaults and perhaps even the removal of their genitals. Torture was a public event that often resulted in many citizens coming and viewing said torture like it was a show.

Typical laws could include married or noble women being forced to wear garments that covered them from head to toe and removed any sexual appeal or attraction. In the desert this caused many to overheat and because of that noble women or married women often would not go out or strain themselves.

Unmarried women, however, and slaves of course were required to do the exact opposite. Dressing in minimal garments and as scandalous as possible. Being put on display for any who might be interested in them. This of course has led to countless assaults on the unmarried and slaves alike.

King's and Queen's were believed to be Gods and this meant they followed some rules that set them apart from others. Many referred to their bodies as temples for the masses to worship. Because of that their bodies were kept in the best possible physical conditions they could be.

Cleanliness was also a major factor in their belief system. Filth indicated something worthy of a slave or worse. So, hair was typically removed especially on the body, or kept very short and groomed to prevent sweat and smell. Some nobles would even shave their heads, and instead of being viewed as odd, they were seen as the cleanest.

The Eastern Kingdom's is mostly a desert land. Dotted with large amounts of Lyrium. Marching through said land is dangerous and can lead to the death of many. This is the main reason that full military forces have never pushed into the Eastern Territories to take land and power. The Lyrium poses a significant risk, as much of the land is covered in its dust. While the Eastern Lords have learned to travel through this safely that knowledge is kept secret even from their most trusted allies.

The Hinterlands

These lands are perhaps some of the most rich and prosperous lands in the known world. With strong fertile land, and an overall peaceful kingdom. They have grown strong.

The Hinterlands are also known for their monster populations. Which include beasts, lycanthropes, goblinoids, owlbears, ogres, blights, hags, insectoids, dryads, treants, and even the undead. Because of this many adventures come to this land seeking glory and gold.

In addition to these monsters, there was also once a large kingdom of elves, which was quickly attacked and taken over by humans. Additionally, toward the mountains were dwarves who were also attacked, and their once proud kingdoms fell to the human occupants that now ruled the lands. Other races such as the Halflings and Gnomes were implemented into the society of humans surrendering themselves before being attacked.

More unique races like Aasimars, who carry the spark of the gods as they would have you believe or Dragonborn and even Orcs or Tieflings are too different then humanoids and because of this are often enslaved or killed outright. Orcs in particular are known mostly as savage tribes which are treated similarly to goblins, while Tieflings are viewed as creatures from demonic ancestors which resulted in a coupling of humans and demons. Because of that they are highly untrustworthy and often killed on sight. The few who are enslaved are typically used in the gladiatorial arenas rather than day-to-day life.
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