Closed Sweet and Dramatic [MxM] | Updated 5/19/2024 | Open

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Closed Sweet and Dramatic [MxM] | Updated 5/19/2024 | Open


The Eternal Pig
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Updated 19 May 2024

Please PM me with any ideas of mine that stood out to you or include your own ideas and request thread link in the PM so I can read them.

Position. I'd like my character to be a switch or a bottom but can double (one top and one bottom). In short, I just don't want to have a single playable character who's topping all the time versus being able to double or switch.

Response time. I fluctuate with response times so won't make promises on when I will reply, but I try to reply once a week (within 7 days of getting a reply). If you're looking for a fast-paced roleplay with daily responses, then I'm not for you.

Writing Style.
Third person, past tense. I tend to write 300-1000 words.

Plot to Smut Ratio. 60% plot with 30-35% smut or up to 40% depending on the plot. When sex is involved, I like there to be sexual tension among the characters or something that leads up to the moment.

Communication and OOC. Please communicate for plotting purposes. It is difficult to work with a partner who is "fine with whatever" when asked about their ideas. I am open to OOC chatter about anything in regard to the roleplay and will send a message when I have ideas for next steps in the roleplay or am confused about something. Beyond that, we do not need to be involved in OOC chatter constantly after getting the roleplay started but if you're the type who likes to talk about our characters or think up new scenarios to throw our characters into I'm always happy to be involved.

NPCs. I believe side characters/minor characters/NPCs - I refer to them as minor characters - besides two main characters, are necessary to move a plot forward. I would like a partner who is able to write for such characters.

Ghost friendly. If you're not feeling the roleplay even if it's at the plotting stage let me know and we can part ways or start up a new idea together. If you'd rather just disappear I'm chill and won't hold a grudge.

Your response time. Overall, I'm lenient with activity from my partner. Try for at least once a month; otherwise, after a month of inactivity I will assume the roleplay has ended.

Your character. I don't have a preference on how you make your character as long as your character isn't childlike. My character will always respond accordingly to your character so if you choose to make your character a defiant submissive or bully don't expect my character to fall in love. Also, please, no putting your character in constant dangerous situations expecting my character to be a hero unless that's discussed.

Short-term and Long-term. I'm perfectly fine with short-term roleplays that come to an end once a goal is reached or long-term roleplays where we keep on adding to the plot. If you roleplay with me, I'll assume it'll be for the long-term unless otherwise mentioned but don't be afraid to decide to make it end soon if you think the roleplay has reached an endpoint.

Things I like (character and plot dependent)
Anal sex (giving and receiving)
Oral sex (giving and receiving)
Power struggles
Clothed sex
Orgasm control
Orgasm denial
Use of toys
Unexpected power dynamics (dominant bottom and submissive top)

Things I avoid
Werewolf and vampires as main characters
Anthro characters
Sci-fi and historical settings
Underage characters (all characters must be 21+)
Bathroom play
Passing out during sex
M-Preg (if it isn't my character being impregnated this can be discussed)
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Updated 19 May 2024

Genre Interests: Comedy, Romance, Adventure, High Fantasy, Low Fantasy, Drama, Angst, Horror, Apocalyptic, Dystopian, Slice of Life

Please note: All of my plots, no matter how fleshed out they appear to be, are open to being reworked and adjusted to create something both my partner and I will enjoy. For plots that may include gore and/or violence, respectfully, I don't want to mingle such scenes with sex unless it's something vague and used as a fear factor. Additionally, I'm pretty much open to work with any idea so if you have one that you'd like to roleplay then let me know.

I refer to the characters (C#) as "they" when I don't have a preference in what role I play; otherwise, it will be MC (My character) and YC (Your character. Plots with one pairing can be adjusted to incorporate doubling.

Ideas without Plots (in no particular order)
Alpha/Beta/Omega - preference for atypical pairing, such as Alpha x Alpha or Beta x Omega, but also willingly to do the typical Alpha x Omega
Coworker x Coworker
Employee x Boss
Famous person x Ordinary person
Introvert x Extrovert
Non-human x Human
Non-human x Non-human (fantasy setting)
Demon x Human bounded by a contract
God x Sacrifice
Animal shapeshifters
Blind date
Secret affair
Regular customer x Small business owner (cafe, restaurant, bakery, etc.)
Owners of competing businesses
One night stand becomes more
Secret admirer
Soulmates/Fated pair
Stranded together
Reality TV show participants
Unrequited love
Love Triangle
Childhood friends who had to part ways then reunite when olde
Royal x Concubine
Prostitute in a brothel x Client
Fugitive x Savior (can be a darker plot where fugitive forces his place into someone's house)
Captured alien/monster x Someone obsessed with the creature or someone trying to save them

Slice of Life - To stay interested in these plots I require drama, angst, fluff, and comedy within reason. Let's brainstorm scenarios that'll send our characters on an emotional rollercoaster. Smut should be 30-35% (can be a higher percentage if discussed).
A Sticky Situation
YC is a powerful, wealthy, and influential person whose parents constantly hound him that he needs to find a spouse or they'll set up an arranged marriage. MC is bypassing an argument YC is having with his parents about the need to be married when YC grabs MC and announces MC is the person he is going to propose to and he has been in a secret relationship for a long time. While YC's parents are shocked by this news, they are also overjoyed and immediately welcome MC into the family. Now, YC and MC must navigate being in a fake relationship to appease YC's parents who are also seeking to put the relationship to the test and find out more information about MC.
The Rich Get Richer
C1 is a professional matchmaker who, while they love their job, feels like they've always been stuck in life, repeating the same routine. Their outlook soon changes when they're hired by C2, a famous person, to find a partner for them. C2 makes this request in hope to reduce the published media speculations about their love life. They are willing to pay the matchmaker any amount to get the job done quickly. Thus, while C1 has a job to do, they view this as an opportunity to make their life a little more exciting; however, in order to do this they must prolong the time it takes to find a match for C2.

High and Low Fantasy - I am really fond of fantasy roleplays where a unique setting is collaborated on and there is no limitations to creative freedom. Also, I love dragons, and I like introducing other mythical creatures, such as talking toads. Any species and creatures are welcome!
For this idea, dragons are the ruling species where dragons coexist with other species, although not always peacefully, in six different territories (or more) where the landscapes differ to suit the different species of dragons: water, fire, earth, ice, and death. Above the five territories is the sixth territory, located in the sky, where selected representatives, one non-dragon and one dragon, from each of the territories live. Now, it is time to elect new representatives. The next non-dragon representative is simply voted in by the citizens of the territory while the dragon representative is chosen by the non-dragon representative. This is done easily if the representative already has close relations with a certain dragon or is done randomly if the non-dragon representative lacks a fondness for dragons. Luckily for C1 and not-so-luckily for C2, who were selected to be the next representative for their territory, they already have their dragons in mind. C1 has formed a special bond with Dragon A, so automatically chooses them, while C2 decides on Dragon B, a dragon from a neighboring territory who he has a love-hate relationship with. For dragons, being chosen to be a representative is an honor because it puts them directly next in line to becoming alpha of their species. The final task to officially become the new representatives is to reach the sixth territory. This territory can only be accessed at the end of the path which crosses all five of the territories. There's a starting point to reach the end point, and obstacles in between will put to the test the relationship of the potential representatives.
More Dragons
Dragons have a strict hierarchical system where purebloods are the highest rank. At young adulthood, male and female dragons are kicked from their hord and are known as "outcasts" until they can find a mate. C1, a pureblood outcast, is in search of a mate when they meet C2. Possible scenarios can be the following:
  • C2 is a pureblood from an enemy clan. Neither C1 or C2 would know this until C1 brings C2 back to their clan.
  • C2 is a half-dragon or non-dragon species. For purebloods, having a non-pureblood mate is forbidden and an insult to the clan.
  • Enemies to lovers or arranged marriage: C1 isn't attracted to C2 but a clan member oversees them meeting each other and reports back to the clan. C2 is son of a very powerful clan so the clans force the relationship to happen to increase their rulings over territories. Could be ruling over kingdoms too.
The Underground
In the underground market, anything and everything is sold. Here, C1 (a half-human or non-human) has been kidnapped and put in an auction. C2 is a known collector of rare and mythical creatures and decides to buy C1 to add to their collection. In their home, C1 trains those they buy as a hobby to be resold or to be a servant of the household. There are a select few who are given a companionship status where they are allowed to do what they want with minimal limitations. After being bought, what will be the fate of C1? And who exactly is C2?
YC is a non-humans species thought to be extinct centuries ago. In the present world (can be high fantasy, low fantasy, or modern), MC (a human) has only heard about YC's species through legends where the said species is depicted as an enemy to mankind. One night, MC finds YC injured and, out of concern, takes him into their home. MC does not find out about the species of YC until the next day where YC swears his species is still in existence and begs for MC to help him in his search.
Mortal Men Among the Immortal
In this world, gods oversee different lands and cannot interfere with other gods' territories. That means if one god is causing despair to his or her land, another god cannot intervene no matter how much the inhabitants of that land beg for help. Intervening on another god's territory would be initiating a war over ownership of the land. Human sacrifices were once popular where, if a human was to the gods' liking, they would take the human to be their eternal partner and bless the land they oversaw until a new god replaced them. However, that practice eventually became outdated where only a few villages still upkeep the ritual when falling to desperate times.

A village that has been suffering from a drought decides to choose MC to be a human sacrifice to appease the god overseeing their land. YC accepts MC as an offering but, for whatever reason, continues to have the village suffer and makes false promises to MC that if they do as he says then the drought will end. However, news of the village's suffering and the human sacrifice has also attracted other characters hoping to either help the village or get to know more about the human sacrifice the god is keeping.
Out of this World Problem Solver
Out of this World Problem Solver
Low fantasy, supernatural, paranormal, comedy, possible romance, action, modern

YC has always believed his house was haunted because of unexplainable events occurring: electrical disturbances, objects being moved from their place, hearing footsteps, etc. Despite complaining about this to his friends and family, no one believed him; however, one day, he's able to catch the culprit causing these disturbances when, out of the blue, he's able to see MC, a ghost. MC has resided in the house for years and refuses to leave until she finds something lost within the house from her past. YC is able to help her out, resulting in her finally leaving. Now, YC breathes a sigh of relief thinking he'll never be haunted again. Unfortunately for him, MC returns, requesting his help for a different matter. Thus begins YC's adventures (with MC to help navigate him) in discovering a hidden world that coexists with his own and assisting a variety of different species and creatures (i.e. ghosts, shapeshifters, vampires, angels, demons, half-humans, etc.) with their problems.

  1. Smut: 30-35%,
  2. Ability to introduce and play multiple side characters
  3. OOC communication: I would appreciate a partner who could help come up with different missions for YC. I imagine this roleplay having serious scenarios with a comedic twist, so I would love a partner who also likes humor in their roleplay while not being overly dramatic about it.
  4. MC/YC: I'm open to switching roles. For the ghost, they should be able to take a physical body and full shapeshift.

Other Genres - Dystopian, Horror, Psychological, Apocalyptic, Mystery
The World is Ending and I'm Trapped
The World is Ending and I'm Trapped (main pairing MxM)
Apocalyptic, modern, comedy, romance, action, adventure, mild and/or extreme violence and gore, multiple characters


Our characters awake to a nationwide alert that the world is coming to an end. It only lasts a minute before the warning stops.. They dismiss the media warning as a joke and start their day as usual just like everyone else. At first, everything does seem normal. People are out and about running errands, doing their daily chores, walking their dogs, etc. There's discussion about what the emergency alert could mean, as everyone received it, but only a few seem to be taking it seriously. Then, again, in the middle of the day, the alert comes on.


Now, there's a countdown timer. When the alert disappears, the timer replaces the time displayed on your phone. You can't get rid of it. There's a creeping fear that this timer actually means something. That the government isn't just playing a joke; however, you still have work to do so you push the thought back in her mind.

12:00:00 - There's a ping that comes from your phone, indicating there are 12 hours left until the end of the world.

1:00:00. Ping. 30:00 Ping. 15:00 Ping. 10:00 Ping. 5:00. Ping

From 5 minutes, the countdown timer displays as though it was an app, taking over your screen. You can't exit the timer. It won't allow you to close the app or open any notifications that appear at the top of your screen. You must wait until the countdown finishes. Some will choose to watch it as every second passes; others will continue to ignore it.

00:00:00 - A blaring alarm comes from your phone, as powerful as an air horn.


The repetitive message flashes against your screen, then your screen goes black and everything stops. Hesitantly, you reach for your phone and touch the screen. It has powered off and you need to turn it back on. Everything appears to be normal.

You either think this is a very sick joke or you're terrified. Perhaps both. Maybe you should've taken the warnings seriously, but it's too late now.

Outside, the world is gradually changing and you won't notice it until you're trapped.

Possible apocalyptic ideas: insect invasion (ex. they've become giant, they attack in swarms, they breed with other insects to create terrifying insect-like monsters), plants are attacking, pod people idea, monsters and/or aliens hatching from eggs, psychological invasion where humans become monsters, government-studied monsters have actually escaped, invisible monsters, or a combination of ideas!
Inspirations: Arachnophobia (1990 film), Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978 film), Apocalypse Live (Webtoon), Sweet Home (Webtoon), Hive (Webtoon), The Mist (Stephen King, novella), The Birds (1963 film), Bird Box and Malorie (Josh Malerman, novels), and more.

  1. Romance: can be serious, platonic, cliché, any. Rom com is highly appreciated for this one, especially if one character is focused on fighting for their life and the other is trying to get laid before the world ends. Also, bring the cliché - enemies to lovers, love triangle, one-sided love.
  2. Smut: There can be sexual scenes, but unless your character is trying to increase their body count with everyone, smut is not the main focus of this story. Smut ratio can be discussed.
  3. Roleplay may involve mild and/or extreme violence and gore, dependent on the comfortability of my writing partner.
  4. Ability to introduce and play multiple side characters.
  5. For this plot, we can focus on two main characters with NPCs or focus on a group with multiple main characters.
  6. Character deaths (doesn't have to be main character deaths, but there will be deaths).
  7. OOC communication: this isn't an actual must here beyond figuring out what is causing the apocalypse. A warning or some communication about certain scenarios that may involve our characters would be appreciated though.
  8. MC/YC: As long as they're not a child (18+ only), they can literally be any age and profession. That being said, please make a character appropriate for the plot. This is not meant, in any way, to be an angsty or overly dramatic plot where your character has a hero complex or expects to be saved. If you want to go this route, we can discuss it, but my characters will act as I want them to.
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