Adventurer Symes Llifox

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Adventurer Symes Llifox


Positivity Goblin
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Inner Sanctum Nobility
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Local time
Today 1:16 AM
At the writing table

Symes Llifox
Sand Kit



Unemployed, sometimes consultant



strategist, investigator
more information +

⸻⠀the Broken Mind⠀⸻

Symes at first glance looks put together. Though his clothes could use a good cleaning and a little tailoring to fix up some scuffs, he seems normal at first. Until he answers a questions that wasn't asked. Or decides to sit upside down in the chair. Or you find him sleeping on the rafter in the common room after paying for a private chamber. These odd quirks of his broken mind have shaped his life so far. They cost him his status in a wealthy family, they cost him the opportunity to advance as a soldier in the military, they even made it difficult to work in a seedy house of ill repute. He struggles daily to interact with a society that rarely understands that these things just happen, they aren't planned or calculated, they are simply products of a broken mind. No terrible ordeal sundered his mind, it just developed in a way that rarely fits in when interacting with others.

ALIGNMENT: Used to both sides of the law, Symes is basically a good person, who respects the principles of law and order though knows that adhering to them blindly is foolish.
LIKES: Meat Pies, books and puzzles, both physical and intellectual.
DISLIKES: Being in the spotlight, High society, Things not where he thinks they should be.

⸻⠀the body⠀⸻

HEIGHT: Information
HAIR COLOR / STYLE: Dark Sienna messy hair with long messy bangs, and a short close beard.
EYES: Dark Brown
SKIN TONE: Light skin just leaning towards tan
PHYSIQUE: Fit and somewhat athletic but not particularly strongly built.
DOM. HAND: Right handed
VOICE: Sooth calm and controlled.


Despite his military training Symes has not acquired any scars or other features yet.

⸻⠀the ability and tools⠀⸻

Symes trained as a soldier for a short time and was singled out for officer training quickly. However his quirks soon soured that and he was forced to learn on the streets survival skills, and what the lower classes do to get by day to day, often on the wrong side of the law.

Symes training as a soldier have granted him basic combat abilities, he knows how to handle a blade and some of the workings of military units. He excels in intellectual pursuits, from tactics and strategy, which he absorbed as much as he could while receiving the training, to more studies and deductive pursuits such as observing people and predicting their behaviors and motivations, and has since put those to work applying his sharp mind to whatever puzzles he encounters.

Symes wears simple clothing, mostly in somber colors, browns and blacks. He usually doesn't have the means to dress for the occasion and he often feels underdressed when dealing with the guard and other parts of society.

Symes has few possessions, Though trained in weaponry he doesn't like to carry them, and he is more likely to improvise a weapon or attempt to disarm an attacker if confronted unless he knows in advance the situation is likely to end in bloodshed.

Common clothing, a piece of parchment and a wrapped charcoal stick. A small satchel with some bread or cheese or whatever he might have on hand that is portable.

⸻⠀the story⠀⸻

Symes was born into a guild family. The Llifox family are minorly prominent in a merchant guild. They had high hopes for Symes, who showed an aptitude for learning and seemed like an intelligent healthy boy. However he was an odd child. He slept under his bed or in his closet, he mumbled to himself, answered his own questions. They had hoped he would outgrow these odd behaviors but no matter the physician or ritualist they saw it seemed to be a flaw in the boys mind, it was a sharp mind, but it appeared that it was also inherently broken. Not wanting to subject themselves to the scrutiny of the other guilds and give them an advantage to exploit, they passed him off to a military school where he was accepted and did well at first. He soaked up knowledge of military tactics and devoured the library there learning the rudimentary elements of many disciplines. However before he could really advance past the basic training given to all soldiers, his quirks caused too many issues and he was expelled from the service.

He found himself without finances, and he was reluctant to go back to the family that had cast him aside. So he lived on the streets for a while. After some time on his own living from stolen meal to hunger filled nights, he found employment in a pleasure house in a bad part of town, acting as a bouncer of sorts to keep patrons in line. This too ended, though he was on good terms with the workers and owners of the pleasure house, customers were unsettled by his weird behavior and he was asked to leave their service. Once again on the streets he had several run ins with the local guard during this time,until he finally befriended a few of them despite the circumstances of their meeting, and found himself living with a mid ranked guard named Artessa. He began helping her occasionally with small bits of advice and tactics here and there letting her deal with some issues that had sometimes stumped them or gone awry. He is now somewhat known as a person who could be useful in odd circumstances that defy the guards normal methods. Artessa occasionally tosses him small jobs for the guard to put a small bit of coin in his hands but he has no official rank or association with them. He has at this point been somewhat aimless living from moment to moment, somewhat interested in pursuing a greater connection with the guard, but hesitant and worried that his uncontrollable oddities might make that effort moot. He's waiting for opportunities to prove himself and find somewhere his quirks don't define him.

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