Both Needed Tabula Rasa

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Both Needed Tabula Rasa

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There's a place, believe it or not, where your past mistakes don't matter. No one looks at you like a freak, treats you like a social pariah for whatever horrid thing you did. A fresh start, a clean slate, a Tabula Rasa. Live free, take pride in those regrets, and rebuild a life in our little underworld.

The price? Just a mere tithe, whatever you've got in your pockets, then everything's (practically) free. Guns, fancy prosthetic implants, all the warm bodies you could ask for to stock your bed... Just don't rack up too high a debt. Tabula Rasa's a more generous place than you'd expect, but it's even more unforgiving than the rest of the world. You try to skip town with all your fancy new toys, or get too big a head and decide you might run the place better, you'll get put down like a dog.


Tabula Rasa is a city that puts the personal freedoms of its citizens above all else, even the law itself. Built beneath the metropolitan giant known as Oasis, in the heart of Nevada's desert, the city's existence itself is an affront to the United States, acting as its own independent nation.

"Life, liberty, and the pursuit of whatever the hell you want."

Despite being widely considered as a lawless cesspool of criminal activity outside of the city, Tabula Rasa does have a system of government set in place. It's mayor, chosen through informal power struggles and turf wars, is responsible for two things. First, defending Tabula Rasa's way of life from the outside world. Secondly, making order out of a place built upon a foundation of chaos. Much like a crime boss, the mayor must keep a loose leash on the many factions and players in the city at any given time, and ensure that they don't get any ideas about taking the city for themselves.
1. Criminal activity must be limited to between citizens. Attacks on Tabula Rasa's government or authority will not be tolerated.

2. Citizens under the age of 18 have immunity to criminal acts until a week after their first adult birthday. The same privilege is extended to the child's legal guardians, as long as they aren't proven to be involved in any criminal acts. Children left without parents will be taken care of by the city government, and will have to repay their debts once they reach adulthood.

3. Debts accrued prevent a citizen from leaving the city, unless given explicit permission from the current mayor.

4. Legitimate business operating within Tabula Rasa must be acknowledged by the mayor.

Violation of these crimes, except in rare cases, is punishable by death.
Second Circle - The biggest and best club in town. Catering to just about any monetizable sin, the strip club/lounge/brothel is also the only club directly backed by Tabula Rasa's government, and owned by the mayor's underboss.

Tabula Rasa Clinic - The only place in town to get an implant or prosthetic installed. Run by the city's resident surgeon general, it directly deals in most of the prosthetics trade in the city, buying and selling for the right prices.

The Underdome - While fighting is legal anywhere in the city, the Underdome is the only place to get a proper audience and bet on fights. Anyone looking to pay off debts that don't feel like working them off, or willing to risk their lives for a cash grab, can come in off the street and participate in either breakmatches or deathmatches.

Entrances - Tabula Rasa being underground, there's only a few places to get in. Each of these are guarded by the mayor's enforcers,

"A better you."

While no legitimate manufacturers are based within Tabula Rasa, the city deals in technological implants and prosthetic limbs more than anywhere else in the world.

CosCorp - Originally a Japanese cosplaying kit manufacturer, dealing in ultra-realistic costumes of characters in media, the company shifted its focus when the practice of undergoing prosthetic surgeries became more about wealth than necessity. Specializing in limbs, and other external prosthetics, their selection focuses on a product's form over it's function. The result is a line of aesthetically pleasing, but only basely functional prosthetics. What they lack in weaponry, or high tech gadgetry, they make up for in style.

Herald - Funded by the United States military, the manufacturer isn't allowed to sell their prosthetics to the public. In spite of this, however, Herald tech is one of the most common brands in Tabula Rasa. Understated design, more resistant to damage than any other manufacturer, Herald prosthetics also boast their patented Hex-Mod design, allowing for neural control over any sidearm plugged into it's unique hexagonal adaptor. Heavier armaments are available, but are scarcely produced and are nigh impossible to get your hands on.

Utilita - Perhaps the most varied manufacturer in terms of function, every prosthetic and implant serves a purpose to the workforce. As such, it's also the most readily available/cheapest brand, keeping in mind the customer base that would need something like an eye to see past drywall and brick, or an arm that doubles as a jackhammer. Many of these prosthetics double as decent (albeit bloody) methods of self defense, but many people in Tabula Rasa don't mind the extra viscera.

Green Cross - A manufacturer focused on the wellness, well-being, and the practice of medicine. Most implants are less obvious, as they usually take the form of replacement organs and basic prosthetic limbs designed to look as close to human as the patient desires. These replacement organs are often several times more efficient than the ones a patient is born with, and have been proven to extend one's lifespan significantly. On the other side of healthcare, prosthetics with built-in medical equipment make mere paramedics into walking emergency rooms.

Luxx - For the wealthiest customers looking for prosthetics, Luxx provides entire teams of bioengineers, jewelers, and concept designers to provide a truly unique product. From simply being flashy to having hidden away just about any gadgets or weapons money can "legally" buy, owning a Luxx prosthetic makes you the center of attention in any room - and makes you just as much of a target.

Homebrew - Any amateur with fully-stocked medical supplies and a knack for neural connection can build their own prosthetics, but the quality tends to vary widely. In Tabula Rasa, homebrew and counterfeit limbs are widespread, but few surpass the functionality of a claw or hook hand. You won't find anything cheaper, though.
Few regard transhumanism as the full-blown philosophy of evolution through technology, but thanks to Tabula Rasa's debt policies and surprisingly competitive economy, a large percentage of citizens opt to undergo extensive augmentation surgeries to make them better workers, or in many cases, fighters.

The Mayor - Taken, by Yours Truly

Mayor's Assistant - Available

Owner of the Second Circle - Available

Maggie Sins (Just a stage name) - Available

SC Employees (Dancers, Bar, Brothel, Bouncers) - Available

Clinic Owner - Available

Clinic Assistant - Available

Entry Guards - Available

Run any other roles by me, schnookums.

To an extent, this idea does sort of fit into the whole slice-of-life genre, by focusing on the day-to-day lives of the characters living in Tabula Rasa, and as such, has something of a loose plot. I plan on having certain characters be assigned to specific storylines, which in turn can meet with and diverge from other storylines at any given time. I'll need some help and cooperation from my partners to keep this thing moving steadily, but other than that, I look forward to playing with you all.

"Bring the lights up for me, boys... Lemme get a better look at y'all."

Maggie Sins, the Second Circle's star attraction, as well as the strip club's most clothed employee, made her debut on the center stage at midnight, every night, like clockwork. And like always, it caught the attention of the staff, as well as the horned-up clientele. Obviously, she was something special if people happily put their lap dances on hold to pay attention to her entrance. And boy, did Maggie know how to make one. A long, fair-skinned leg stepped out from behind the curtain, teasing a red high heel to her fans. But frequent visitors knew she was holding out on them. With a spin, she came out of hiding, wearing her trademark red sequin dress. The main attraction, however, was the leg she kept hidden away. Maggie was the proud owner of the only gold-plated prosthetic in Tabula Rasa, and loved to show it off. The toes melded together, to give the appearance of a shoe, and a heel matching the one on her other leg jutted out from the ball of her foot.

"Mmph~ Beautiful as ever, babies. Now, before I let you all get back to your misbehavin' - looking at you, Jerry - y'all need to put a quarter in the ol' jukebox. So... What'll it be?"

The crowd was split between Maggie's specialty, a jaunty old tune from the 50's, and Molly Trap, a top 40 hit still on everyone's mind. To this indecisiveness, and because her boss didn't like it when she caused a riot, she giggled and made early use of her voice box mod, another outrageously expensive implant.

"Hey, now, no need to squabble over little ol' me... As a cute little girl on a decade-old commercial about taco shells said, porque no los dos? Now, get to grinding, babies, and lemme serenade you all - to completion~"


Contrary to what some of you might think, I'm not against the idea of having a ton of prosthetics on your character. Ten different augments might be a bit excessive for my tastes, but if it makes sense for who your character is, then why not?

On the subject of making sense, I'd advise you to use whatever role/occupation you choose as a set of guidelines concerning prosthetics. A stripper might be partial towards CosCorp's stylish, gimmicky limbs, or maybe she has a Green Cross liver after getting drugged a few too many times. It's highly unlikely for a stripper to choose, say, something from Utilita, or to own something from Luxx. See what I mean? Go with your guts, babes. I'll make whatever corrections I must.

Notice this says "plots," as in plural. At the beginning, we won't be following a specific, unifying path. Whatever roles get filled, I will cooperate with you all to make up some adventures that make sense. SC's owner introducing some new employees to Tabula Rasa, some crime boss and their underlings cutting a piece of the city out for themselves, the doc and their assistants going above ground and robbing a truck full of spare medical supplies, all probable series of events.

Please do not post your character here. PM me your filled-out sheet for my review, and if you wish, take the opportunity to throw any ideas my way for your character.

[Face Claim]
Full Name:
Nickname/Stage Name/Alias:

Reason For Coming to TR: (Can be born.)

(Follow this example when documenting your character's technological augments, and make a spoiler for each.)
Body Part: (Specify which, or both, of a body part.)
- (Like, a weapon, or tool, or ability it grants.)
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