Take Two

Currently reading:
Take Two


Catlike Wanderer
Local time
Today 11:28 AM
Seems like I already registered here, so here I am though I don't remember much!

Vermai or Gossip on Iwaku. A perpetually on and off writer who has recently found the need to write again. I'm 28, female and prefer to write guys, most of my favorites being on the gay or bi spectrum of sexuality/romance. I can write a lot, but my usual minimum is three paragraphs, and I write from super fast to excruciatingly slowly depending on my muse. I can write originals and canon both, and like to use NPCs instead of doubling, as I find focusing on a single full fledged character makes me write better.

So yeah, find me in the 1x1 search, I guess!
Welcome back to Inner Sanctum, friend!
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