Tentative hello <3

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Tentative hello <3


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Today 12:25 AM
I've been looking for a new place to settle in for roleplay ever since my last really positive environment crumbled a little over a year ago. I may be very quiet at first and I apologize (particularly to the pair already following me? o.o) I should become much more active and ready when I warm up. I have been roleplaying for around 8 years on and off so far and I hope that I do not disappoint!

Mostly I'm searching for ongoing worlds and narratives that I can inhabit and be part of as a character, with sexual themes (hopefully -.-) included but not necessarily the center of focus and if preferred I can do without. I enjoy post-apocalyptic fiction, modern/urban fantasy, dark fantasy, frontier science fantasy as my favorites although there aren't many settings I couldn't enjoy a good story in. My preference is low-power parties/protagonists, I don't tend to write heroes or gods myself though I have no qualms against playing alongside them as a partner or sidekick, heh.

Speaking of sexual themes I am open to just about anything allowed by the server rules and oftentimes there's no need to ask. I particularly love being surprised with a focus towards control and submission on my part, and I hope that is not too explicit to share in an introduction, if so I will of course edit it away.

Anyway, I may be inactive for the next little while to sleep. Thank you for reading and for taking me in.
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Welcome to sanctum. -hands a goodie basket of snacks music and writing martial- Hope you find what you are looking for here in our slice of the pie
Welcome welcome. Feel free to hit me up if you're looking for a role play buddy. I'm sure most of us would say the same.
Thank you, everyone!

I'm not used to such an outpouring of support just from joining. I hope when I'm given the chance to actually perform I don't disappoint! It is good to get to know the friendly faces though, and I'm grateful to be made to feel welcome. Thank you, and in turn, hello to each of you.

I apologize for my inactivity, by the way, once again. I don't mean to snub anyone who has messaged me, I'm overly cautious sometimes and I really hope it hasn't come across really haughty, as it has done. As of now, I think I will begin in the less formal seeming chat environment before I enter any actual roleplay, I'd rather understand what's what and who's who before I start throwing my craziness around and scaring people off. I -will- enjoy this music and these snacks, however, while I am exploring and if you want me to share-


...well, maybe. But only if you ask nicely.

If you have already private messaged me with a roleplay request and I have not responded, send another message across the same line if you'd like to strike up conversation, I'm always open to talk. As for roleplay, we can and should discuss preferences, ideas and desires during the chat where it comes naturally. Thank you.
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